On My Mind | Miniminter X Fem...

Por knittedcardigan7

173 5 0

Jade Edwards is an Australian YouTuber whose dream is to become a singer. Simon Minter is a YouTuber, and a m... Mais

Chapter 1: Germany
Chapter 2: Big Changes
Chapter 3: Titanic
Chapter 4: Game On!
Chapter 5: Distractions
Chapter 6: Rekindle
Chapter 8: Exclusive
Chapter 9: Company

Chapter 7: Burning Desire

11 1 0
Por knittedcardigan7

January 10th, 2017 - Jade's pov

It was Sunday morning, finally. I had texted Simon prior to today about time, outfit- as he did for me the other night.

It was around 5 when I got ready for the night- putting my extensions in and finally getting back my long hair. I also put on a red and white lacy gingham top and some light blue jeans. I tossed on my black leather jacket, since it was going to be cold outside.

I got all my things together and left my apartment, driving around to find a cute location to take pictures. Since I had a cute outfit and had the time- I thought 'why not', and in the end I got heaps of really cute pictures.

I packed up my tripod and got back into my car. I sat in my car, listening to music while editing the photos.

I decided that I'd post the photos tomorrow since I didn't want Simon to see my outfit before our 'date' tonight. I also, in a not intentionally creepy way, sent him the location of where we were having dinner.

After sitting in my car for a while, I decided to drive to the restaurant and get a drink in me before he shows up.

The place I wanted to bring him to was this bakery a couple of blocks away from my place. I usually get lunch from them, until I walked past at night and saw they were open. At night the place had a whole different vibe.

All the tables candlelight's and the lamps in certain corners of the rooms are the only light sources. They serve alcoholic drinks and homemade pizzas. It's really cute, and a perfect example of the way I experience London.

I arrive at 7:55, we planned to meet at 8. I'm greeted by the owners of the restaurant, whom I have gotten to know and are both super sweet and friendly.

I get seated at the table I booked and order a glass of sparkling moscato while I wait for him.

Simon's pov

"I swear, if I'm fucking late...", I say under my breath as I look at my watch.

I had a Sidemen shoot in the city from lunch time to around 5. That was until someone kept talking and messing up every take.

I had to take the train into London and then back to my house later- as no one was free to come pick me up.

I arrive at this mystery location that Jade sent me. Well actually it's not very mysterious, it's the bakery that I went to with Josh and Randy the other week. Well this can't be the right location?

The door suddenly opens and there she is. Her hair is long again, her outfit is casual but still pretty.

"Hi, would you like to come inside?", she asks with a smile.

"Yes, I would, thank you very much", I say in a similar tone to her. She opens the door for me and I follow her to a table.

"I see you've already got a drink", I say as I sit down.

"Uh huh. You're gonna need to catch up", she says as she takes a sip of her sparkling wine. I chuckle at her comment.

"So... where are we?", I ask, a smile lingering on my lips.

"Well I assume you've been here before?", she asks.

"Yeah, for lunch, never at this time", I say, looking around at the room.

"So at night this place does drinks, pizzas... yeah it's pretty nice here", she says.

I ordered a beer and we ordered a margarita pizza as she said their large pizzas were big enough to share. I'm also thinking of going vegetarian, so I was happy getting a vegetarian pizza.

We talked a bit before the food came out. She told me more about Australia when she was growing up, and her interests. I told her about my some of my private school experiences and why I dropped out of uni.

"I wanted to go to uni... but my career was already in front of me. Sorta felt forced not to go", she said, sounding sad about the fact, but also a positive behind it.

Our food comes out, and smells freaking delicious! Holy shit I've never seen taster looking pizza before in my life. We ate it super fast as it tasted so good, and she wasn't completely embarrassed by eating with her hands- like other girls I've met have been. She seems chill, not overly bothered by what others think, but still looks gorgeous every damn second.

Once we finished our dinner, we ordered a second round of drinks, or more like three rounds in one. We did a few shots, and then she wanted a watermelon mojito.

The night was really fun. We did shots and laughed together like friends, but shared glances and flirtatious remarks like lovers.

"Mhh, what's the time?", she asks as she takes a final sip of her drink.

"Uh about 10:35", I say while looking at my watch.

"Oh okay, did you wanna go? I didn't know if you had something on tomorrow?", she says, placing her glass down on the table.

"Yeah, we can leave", I say, knowing I have to film two videos tomorrow.

"Cool, I'm gonna go pay", she says, holding her bag and jacket in her hands.

"I'll be outside", I say, getting up and walking to the entrance.

Jade's pov

I payed for the meal and thanked the ladies who run the bakery before I leave.

I push the heavy door open and mother cold breeze hit me in the face.

"Shitting hell!", I say, dropping my bag on the floor and putting my jacket on. As I pick up my bag, I turn to Simon who is just laughing.

"What?", I say in a low tone.

"You're funny", he says. My whole body heats up.

"Thanks", I say with a sweet smile.

"I-I have to take the train to get back, and the last one runs at... like 11, so...", he mumbles on.

"Oh, I can drive you", I say, excited to have him in my car and possibly see the Sidemen mansion.

"Are you sure? It's a long drive and you'd still have to drive back", he says. Nothing he says is gonna make me not do this.

"It's fine, I'd like to finally see where you live, as you have seen my apartment many times", I say.

"Okay, if you say so", he says as we start walking towards my car. Good thing I only parked a minute away.

We get in the car. Feels weird that we're on opposite sides. He tells me the address and I get my phone to direct me. The drive there was chill, but annoying that I had to drive in the dark.

"Just turn in here", he says calmly.

I turn into the driveway of this beautifully big mansion. I notice that there's about four other cars scattered around the gigantic driveway, including Simon's. I park, we get out of the car and we walk towards the front door.

"Holy shit, how do you live here?", I say, having seen it in his videos before, but never knew how big it was in person.

"I live with four other guys, we manage", he jokes as he gets his keys out to open the door. I step into the large open room, with a spiral staircase that goes up three levels and glossy tiled floors.

He shuts the door behind me as I stand and stare in awe. I notice the door shutting pretty loudly, but I didn't think I was loud enough for his housemates to hear.

"Pretty nice, right?", Simon says as he steps in front of me.

"Yeah it is", I say quietly.

"Simon?", We hear Josh say, still in his room.

"Shut up", Simon whispers to me, interrupting whatever I was saying. He also hastily places a finger over my lips, as he's looking towards Josh's bedroom.

What the fuck? How dare him tell me to shut up. But why did I like it?

I'm so shocked I don't move, I don't want to move, I like the feeling of his touch. But I don't really understand what's happening, and it's making my head spin.

"Are you home?", Josh says, still not leaving his room.

"Yeah, I am, why?", Simon says, his voice sounding slightly different towards his friend.

"Oh, just checking. I'm gonna go to bed, so can you turn all the lights off?", Josh asks.

"Yep, will do!", Simon's says.

We hear Josh's door slam shut, signalling that we are in the clear. Simon sighs and turns around, realising what he's just done.

My expression must be a mix of shocked and turned on as his eyes widen and pupils dilate. He immediately moves his hand to his side. Now we're just stood here, right by the front door, staring into each other's eyes. Our passion builds up as we look each other up and down.

At the same time, we both push into each other, lips colliding, bodies colliding. The kiss starts off desperate and passionate, then turns deeper.

His soft hands hold my face as I slowly wrap my arms around his neck, lightly touching his hair with my fingertips. I feel his tongue press against my lips. I part my lips and feel his tongue enter my mouth. Why the fuck is going on???

In the heat of the moment, he holds my waist and I jump up in to his arms. We continue kissing as he carries me upstairs and into his room. I've never been in this room before, yet I know it inside and out.

He puts me down on the ground again, my body instantly aches from the loss of his touch. As he turns around to lock his bedroom door, I take off my jacket and drop my bag on his sofa.

As he turns back to me, I immediately kiss him again. He holds my waist and my face, kissing deeper and deeper. His tongue explores my mouth as I run my fingers through his bleach blonde hair.

His hands slowly move to my lower back, but just before they get there we hear a noice at the door. It's someone attempting to turn the locked door handle.

"Simon! I need your help!", it's JJ. We both immediately froze as we heard the knock. We look to the door, and then to each other. I immediately go into his bathroom to hide.

Simon walks over to the door, opening it slightly.

Simon's pov

"Hey, JJ", I said, an obvious sarcastic tone in my voice.

"Simon, I need you to help me! My computer won't turn on!", JJ whines.

"Jide, we unplugged it when we were testing the electricity or whatever", I said while rolling my eyes. Of corse JJ need me now, like the only time I was doing something for myself. The last thing I needed was JJ coming in my room with his stupid jokes and issues.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot! Thanks, night Simon!", JJ yells as he skips back to him room.

I shut my door, locking it again. I turn around a see her standing behind me, close to my computer.

"Can I see your setup?", she asks, her fingers grazing the edge of my desk.

"Sure", I say hastily, wanting to immediately move on from any awkwardness. I sit in my chair, she sits in a spare chair I had in my room from when we were filming a Sidemen Vines video.

"Jesus your camera is nice", she says, her eyes focused on the equipment.

I stop clicking things on my computer and turn to look at her.

"I like you", I say, sounding like a kid in school telling their crush. She turns to face me, she looks pleased.

"I like you too", she says, feeding into the cheesiness of the conversation. Wow. I know we were just kissing like a minute ago but... she likes me? How? She's unreal and I'm... like... nothing.

"Simon?", she asks, kicking my stupid thoughts out of my head.

"Yeah", I say, trying to sound unbothered. What the fuck am I doing??

"Can we continue making out?", she asks. Hold up, she likes me.

"Of course", I say in a sly tone before leaning out of my chair and into her face.

She stands from the chair as her fingers make their way into my hair. Just as I move my hands lower down her back, she grabs my wrists in a polite way.

"Uh, Simon, I should probably... go. It's like 12", she announces, killing all of my thoughts of go any further with her.

"Yeah okay", I say, watching her gather her jacket and bag. I walk her down the stairs and out to her car.

"I had a really nice night tonight", she states as she leans back onto her car.

"I did too", I say, staring at her soft lips. She smirks and pulls me in by my hoodie. Her lips smash onto mine as her body is pressed up against mine.

We both pull away from the steamy
kiss and smile at each other.

"Goodnight", she says while getting in her car.

"Night", I say, hands in my pockets, watching her drive away.

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