The Demon King of Time

By Masamune

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"What would you do if you were told if you're going to be a king?" "I would try to avoid it... but in the end... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Christmas special
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Season 1 End)

Chapter 14

1.1K 33 58
By Masamune




Explosion occurred as the riders continue killing the Honkai beast while Woz was buying time fighting against HoV.

"Mei retreat to Hyperion! My lord will shortly be here." Woz commands as he dodges a lance from HoV.

"B-But I can't just leave Kiana-Chan here!" Mei yelled as she saw Woz parrying a lance.

"Go! My lord will handle this! If something happens to you this world could may end up destroyed!"

"Focus on the enemy you fool."

Woz jumps away from HoV lance and kicks her away. Woz landed on the ground before summoning a green spear.


Woz fired an energy slash at HoV knocking her away. Woz flies towards HoV leaving Mei alone to ponder her thoughts that she didn't notice a Honkai beast coming from behind.


Mei looks behind her and saw that Evol came to the rescue and appeared from a black hole before kicking the Honkai beast causing it to explode before he landed on the ground.

"Why are you hesitating? Go! We'll handle this! You may not trust us but trust my lord judgment."

Evol looks away from her before flying up to the sky. Mei clenched her hand before reluctantly leaving.

"Good she's gone. Now then we can go at it at full power!" Decade said before pulling out a card.

"You read my mind." Wizard said before bringing out a ring with a dragon on it.

With Woz

Woz slash his spear at HoV lance before delivering a kick to her chest. Woz grips his spear firmly and kills multiple Honkai beast.

"They just keep coming. My lord please hurry Himeko is coming!"

Woz was busy killing multiple Honkai beast that he didn't know a blast was headed his way until it was too late.

Woz winced before landing on the ground. He saw HoV opening more portals and out come more Honkai beast. Suddenly Woz fears come to fruition.

"Oi! Retainer let me handle her."

Woz felt his heart sank because in front of her was Himeko in her Vermilion Knight battlesuit and Surtr in her hand.

"I cannot allow that Himeko. Per my lord orders I must stop you from entering this fight." Woz said before standing and grips his spear preparing to fight.

"I'm an old woman... my time is nearing its end. Tell Masamune thank you... for the memories." Himeko gave Woz one last smile before rushing to HoV.

"Himeko wait!"

Woz tried to go after her but a Honkai beast ambushed him causing him to lose focus and instead focused dealing with them.

"And goodbye everyone..."

And with that HoV took Himeko and herself elsewhere leaving the riders to deal with the Honkai beast.

With Himeko

Himeko was in another dimension. She was confused until she heard laughter and saw HoV walking down on air towards her.

"Did you think you can escape?"

"I've been waiting for you."

Himeko readied herself and grips Surtr tightly. HoV smirks before bringing her right hand and suddenly Himeko felt her body getting pulled.

"Prepare to meet your maker."

HoV used telekinesis and throws Himeko towards a cube that she brought out. Himeko crashed into the wall and was suddenly crushed by another cube.

HoV then turns her lance into some sort of ribbon and cuts through the cube before sending two of them and penetrating the cube destroying it.


HoV turns around and was about to walk away but suddenly...


She turns around and saw a sword being aimed at her. She used uses her power and teleport it behind her.

She stares at the one who did that and saw Himeko walking out of the wreckage heavily wounded her hair falling down on her back.

"I guess you're done attacking it's my turn now... I hope you don't mind girl." Himeko said causing HoV to cover her eyes and start laughing.

"Hahahaha... die!"

Multiple portals open around Himeko but she didn't gave up and her sword retracted back into her battlesuit.

"Kiana, everything would have changed once you wake up..."

A barraged of lances rushed to Himeko but Surtr grew bigger and she slashed through them all destroying it.

"Life as you know it will be replaced by something else..."

HoV grits her teeth in anger before bringing her left arm up and firing a cube at Himeko but she destroyed it.

"Pathetic human! Die!"

"But don't ever give up!"

With a battle cry she leaps at HoV as she fired her ribbon at her. Himeko cut through them but not without her body bleeding even more. HoV grits her teeth before retracting her ribbon causing Himeko to jump.


Himeko brought Surtr forward preparing for one last attack. HoV fired an energy drill made out of the void towards her causing Himeko to clash with it.

As she continued to burn her life away... she thinks about her live.

"Major." Theresa flashed in her eyes.

"Major." Then Mei...

"Major." Then Fu Hua...

"Major." Then Bronya...

"I'm going to be the bestest Valkyrie ever! Aunt Himeko." And Kiana.

"Wipe that look off your face. You look more beautiful without it." And to the person she knew she can never be with.

"Kiana, be brave. Push on."

Himeko eyes widened before wings of fire came out of her suit. Himeko pushed through HoV attack as Surtr was engulfed in flames.

"You can still end this story the way you want!


"Damn it!"

A huge explosion occurres before it disappears and Himeko was seen with all of her life burn away...

Surtr was broken and her battlesuit was broken. Surtr was in the back of HoV head not damaging her one bit but then... it shattered.

"That's... my final lesson... for you..."

Himeko body falls on HoV... she was holding the serum to bring Kiana back... but she was too late HoV headbutted her and she didn't manage to do it.

"I failed..."



Himeko gasp and suddenly found herself back at the first position she fought HoV. She was confused... her body is back to normal.

"W-What did you do?!"

She stared at HoV it looks like she was confused as well. What happened? How come she was fine all of sudden.

"Himeko... there was no need to sacrifice your life away."


"That voice!"

Himeko turns around and saw one familiar black haired teen. He was wearing his captain outfit and the driver was already on his waist.

"My king..."


Masamune didn't say a word and walks pass Himeko and stopping when he was near HoV. He glared at her coldly while she smiles seeing him.

"What's with that? Don't I look perfect Masamune-senpai~" HoV said as she floats around Masamune who was still silent.

"What's with the cold treatment my king? Am I not your beloved queen?" HoV asked as she puts her arm around on Masamune neck yet he still remained silent.

"I can see it your eyes my king~ you've seen the worst of the world. Join me and we'll purge this corrupted world." HoV whisper seductively in Masamune ears.

"If it was three years ago I would've accepted..." Masamune began finally speaking.

"There's a difference between you and I."


"We both have seen the abyss but when it stared back... you blink."


HoV widened her eyes as she was suddenly blown back by Masamune transformation sending her away.

Saikō! Saizen! Saidai! Saikyō ō! Ohma Zi-O!

Masamune stood there his Ohma Zi-O was now donned. Ohma Zi-O turn his gaze towards HoV before pressing a Ridewatch.


The King Rouzer was in his hand now and pointed it at HoV who was getting back up.

"No matter how much evil there is in the world... the Kamen Rider's will always be there protect it!"

"Why?! Why can't you just understand!"

HoV fired multiple lance at him but all of them disintegrated into dust. HoV grits her teeth before gripping her lance.

HoV rushed to Ohma Zi-O and thrust her lance at him but he blocked it with his sword and countered with a slash to the chest. HoV wince before using her void power and trapped Ohma Zi-O in a void but he breaks it with a slash.

"You think Kiana is inferior to you? She's much more better than you!" Ohma Zi-O yelled before thrusting his sword to HoV but she avoided it.

"You dare compare me to a mere insect! What does she has that I don't?!" HoV yelled back as she strikes the King Rouzer with her lance and clashing with him.

"That girl lost her father and mother! Forced to fend for herself since she was a kid! But through it all she smiled through it! She experienced despair but she turned it into hope!"

"What good is hope when all there is nothing but evil?! You should know what I've been through! Humans don't care!"

"Hope is what makes humanity grow! Without it we would be dead! Not all humans don't want you to suffer! Someone out there will care for you!"

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!!!"

HoV opened multiple portals around them and fired multiple lances towards them. Ohma Zi-O  brought one hand and flick it turning all of the lance into dust.

"Because of that... you will never defeat me!"

Ohma Zi-O knocks HoV away and throws the King Rouzer away. Ohma Zi-O presses both of his drive button unleashing a powerful energy.


"Himeko! The serum!"

"Huh? I see! Captain catch!"

Himeko threw the serum to Ohma Zi-O who caught it. Ohma Zi-O looks at HoV who was slowly getting back up.

"Why can't you see it? ...I only wish to have my revenge against humanity."

"That's why... I'll save you!"


Ohma Zi-O run towards HoV as she throws every attack she has at Ohma Zi-O. The king dodged all of her attacks before his right fist was engulfed in orange energy before punching HoV in the chest.


Just as the impact was about to push HoV away  Ohma Zi-O held on to her tightly shocking her. HoV widened her eyes before her eyes turned solemn.


Ohma Zi-O didn't say a word and undid his transformation surprising both HoV and Himeko.

"Let it go... your anger will bring you no good."

"I can't... they deserve to suffer for what they did to me."

"Revenge will bring you no satisfaction... the best revenge is to live the best."


"Hold in the pain for a moment..."

HoV nods before burying her head in Masamune shoulder. Masamune injected the serum causing HoV to let out a muffled scream and Honkai energy spewing out her back before her consciousness disappeared and was replaced by Kiana.

"Masamune... senpai..."

"Rest Kiana..."

Kiana hums before losing consciousness. Masamune stared at her for awhile before looking at Himeko he was about to say something when they suddenly felt the dimension started rumbling.

"Himeko get away from here now!"


"I'll be fine! Go before this place crumble!"

Himeko reluctantly nodded before running the other way. The floor started to crumble before Masamune and Kiana fall down. Masamune grips Kiana tightly before looking down and seeing the ocean before looking down at Kiana.

"I'm sorry for doing this to you..."

A few weeks later...

"Still no sign of the captain or Kiana?"


"Damn it... the riders seem to know where he is but they refused to tell us because as they said 'We were told not to tell' my ass!"

Himeko could only chuckle nervously as Theresa continues to rant about Masamune. But she couldn't blame her...

It's been a few weeks since Masamune disappeared with Kiana. They've been trying to find them ever since but to no avail. The riders seem to know where they are but refused to tell due to Masamune order.

"How's Mei?"

"She seems fine... on the outside at least."

"She's worried about the both of them but we still can't find Masamune."

"It sucks but what can we do? Back when we first heard about him it took every single faction two years to find him..."

"Maybe we have better luck trying to find Kiana instead. That girl doesn't know how to stay hidden like Masamune."

As they both continued to converse. Theresa noticed something about Himeko she seemed more alive than usual.

"There's something strange about you Himeko..."

"Now that you bring it up I do feel more refreshed than usual... wait my Stigmata feels like it's my own instead an artificial one..."

"What?! How?!"

"Another perfect! Let's goooooooo!!!"

The two turned their head to the left and saw Ex-Aid playing on a portable console. He noticed the two gazes and tilted his head.


"...What's your power?"

"Complete invincibility and complete control of the digital world. Why did you ask?"


"Oh yeah! Also DNA rewriting and can cure any sickness."

The two jaw dropped their jaw when Ex-Aid when the gamer dropped the bombshell. Ex-Aid continued playing his game like nothing ever happened.

"Thank you..."

"It was our lord order but you're welcome."

Himeko and Theresa smiled before leaving Ex-Aid alone to play his videogames. Ex-Aid stared at the two of them disappearing from his view before he undo his transformation.

"A doctor always has to try and save their patients no matter how impossible the odds are."

Emu Hojo smiled before walking away and returned back to Hyper Muteki.


"Are you ready?"

"I am..."

"The road ahead will be tough are you truly recovered yet Kiana?"

"I am Masamune-senpai."

"...Then let's go."

"To Arc City..."



I probably got you with the fake out on Himeko death but I don't regret it.

Anyway we're moving on to the next arc. TDKOT season 1 will end when we finish the Arc City arc.

Anyways that's about it and as always...


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