Skulls and Sins (18+)

By molrcore

84 12 0

It's tough, to juggle the life of the a assassin and his daily life. Sometimes, he does wish he'd died back t... More

Chapter 0 pt.1 meme page
Chapter 0 pt.2 Concept art
Falling for alcohol
A fucked up kind of night
hangover and "hookups"
At night, his eyes shine
A black crow cried
You will
good night little bird
Day and night, all the same
the lost and the leader
A deal between devils
The Archive
A small robin feather
An eye for an eye
Old friends
Day before dawn
A Lamb to the slaughter
A lamb to the slaughter 2
Till the end of the world
A mistake on his part
The show must go on
I love you
A lamb to the slaughter P.1
Massacre of the Lamb pt.2

South Side

2 1 0
By molrcore

The south side of the Eitr was riddled with half broken light boards, abandoned buildings , broken glass and rats riddling the ground. Two shadows passed from one roof to another. Crowley, in his half cat form and Lee, struggling to keep up as Crowley leapt from one roof ledge to the next with ease. He looked behind him and grinned.
"You're so cheating" Lee muttered pouting like a child. Crowley chuckled at that thought.
"Not my fault you're slow" He replied sneakily and smirked, watching her eyes narrow as she focused in and hurdled over the ledge and rolled over besides him. She brushed herself off and winked at him.
"Fucking show off" He muttered jokingly and looked around. From the view, it seemed like they'd reached the transactional destination. A dirty old wall stretched out at the end of the road, disappearing into the roof above. There was a small crowd of workers by the only entrance on this side of town, hovering over a large cargo. The only entrance to the surface. Lee tilted her head like she does when she receives information from the ear piece and nods quietly.
"Plans changed. Eliminate the targets and protect the cargo until the pickup truck arrives" She muttered low. Her voice was stained with concern. The look she gave him made his skin crawl. Part of him wanted to prove he could still tolerate the job, but another wanted to dip. Lean back into alcohol and forget this ever happened.
"I'll take care of the guards ok.." She muttered low. Calm and soft spoken. It was like she knew what he needed to hear. He shuffled back and watched her fish off her hand gloves and lift them up. Pink poisonous liquid exuded from the tips of her fingers, forming silver linings in the air before they leapt straight into the guards necks. The guards grasped at their neck in shock, gargling as they stumbled around. Lee was quick, merciful, as the guards fell to the ground seconds later, peacefully walking the road to the afterlife. The afterlife.. it felt like candy land. He grabbed onto the ledge and let himself down from the roof, landing on the ground gently cushioned by his paws. Lee trailer after.
"Check the information. I'll cover you." She muttered softly. He nodded gently and jogged out from the alleyway, down the road side to the cargo box. Most of the corpses were on the sides but he jumped over two before he reached the cargo box. A stack of papers were folded on top of the box. He swiftly buried it in his backpack and fished out the false documents to replace them. He shuffled through the papers, struck with regret. He wasn't different. He hadn't changed. His stomach felt like a large ice cube hit it as he froze; what was pressed against his back head was round, a barrel of a gun. Every idea of escape flashes within his mind but to no avail. The papers were too heavy. He was forced to be physical. The person must be human, he deterred, or it wouldn't default to be this close to him. Within seconds, the package dropped onto the wooden cargo and his hand enlarged, black fur perturbed his white pale skin as he swung his sharp claws at the enemy. The enemy jumped back just in time. Something sapphire flashed from the broken glass bulbs of a old broken sign above and he froze.
"Crowley?" Her voice stung with hurt and annoyance. Scarlet stood still in shock, half coward under the shadow.
"Scarlet.." was all he could muster out. He knew that look. The look of confusion, hurt and annoyance.
"I guess you're not happy to see me huh?" He tried to make a joke of it but he knew deep down how this would go. How it'd portray him. Scarlet seemed passive, half attentive to his posture even if he wasn't a threat.
"So even after what you did to that family, you cant get it through your thick brain" She tapped her gun against her temple as she spoke. "how fucked up Lucifer is?" She spit out. Crowley instinctively backed off, posed like a cat with its tails between its legs. Fear. It controlled him. Something seemed to change, as her posture shifted to a calmer stature, the girl he trusted.
"I thought you knew better.." She muttered with a almost destained look, brushing her hand on her arm as she looked away. Crowley didn't reply. He had no defense. Lee peered out from the alley way and frowned, eyes shifting between him and the unknown figure.
"Scarlet?" She blurted out, surprised. Scarlet's posture tightened, strained as she half looked at Lee. They shared a short look, something he couldn't tell, then Scarlet turned back around and sighed.
"If you wanna play hero for her, then here's how it'll go.." Scarlet muttered calmly. It felt like this was her area. She was in control. She had that kind of aura around her spite being weaker then most of the residents.
"You hand over the documents. I leave. Si?"
"Take me out for coffee first" Crowley flirtatiously replied as he tried to flirt his way out of the tense moment so thick it could be cut with a knife.
"Crowley we don't have time for this.." Scarlet sighed in defeat though a glimpse of his friend was present within the work persona.
Crowley lowered his gaze to the documents. His heart was beating so hard it was audible in his ears. He was scared. He lifted his gaze to meet Lees, similarly fearful gaze.
"Okay.." He muttered and clasped the bag of fake documents. She didn't need to know it wasn't the right one, all she wanted, was a peaceful transaction. Lees eye widened staring dead at the papers as Crowley approached calmly.
"Here" Crowley offered the package to Scarlet.
"Moy bien" Scarlet said with a hint of defeat or maybe relief? She packed the folder in the backpack, gave Lee a last look he couldn't really deter what was and left. Her figure became a shadow as she leapt into a alleyway to the second street.
"She doesn't know?" Lee asked gently as she approached. He shook his head, lowering his gaze. How would he even tell her?

The bar was crowded tonight, with parties of young girls and guys, drunkingly conversing over drinks. Lee and Crowley was seated by the bar, at the usual spot, though Scarlet wasn't in sight yet. He wondered how Kali would react to the information once she realized. He just hoped she was more merciful then Lucifer was.
"Lucifer really needs to get better workers" Lee chuckled drunkenly. Crow grunted and took a sip of the lemonade vodka he'd ordered. Vodka wasn't so bad.
"She can't waste her precious money on human meat" He replied in his best attempt of a Lucifer voice, sounding uptight and sassy. Then tilted his head back and laughed.
"I swear she can't do anything herself. She had the nerve to tell me I wasn't good enough alone when she literally has a butler to pour drinks for her.." Lee bantered, barely able to form words as she slurred and laughed, tipping content of the drink on her hand. She looked down almost in surprise and waved a bartender down. They approached cautiously. Their gaze flickered between the two of them, unsure and probably scared.
"Could I get some paper please?" Lee asked softly. The bartender nodded and went to fetch some. Lee sighed out loud, content, and looked at Crow. Her smile seemed to fade a bit.
"So you never told her?"
"Who? Scarlet?" Crowley muttered into the drink and took a sip. For a moment, there was a awkward silence. Just the clutter of drinks and banter of other customers which mostly died out in the background like white noise. He gulped.
"She'd freak out if she knew and start a war trying to get me out.." Crowley replied after a moment. He glared down at the reflection in the clean wood board. His purple eyes glared back.
"She wouldn't be so tough on you if she knew.." Lee retorted and he looked up. Tilting his head questionably.
"She's always tough on me.." He muttered. It was how she was. How she loved. Cared. They had their own little thing where they bickered and cursed but it was all out of love. And considering how Scarlet grew up, he didn't blame her for her stone cold personality. Lee sighed and twisted the paper umbrella around in the half full glass.
"And have you two talked?" Crowley asked. Lee visibly stiffened at the mention of the argument and looked away. It must've been messy.
"No, I can't look her in the eyes right now.." Lee replied. She seemed honest. Honestly regretful. Like whatever happened was her fault and she'd owned up to it for herself. But for Scarlet, if you mess up like this, it wasn't easy to get back her trust.
"What happened?" Crowley poked. The question seemed to make her lock up as she shrugged, avoiding eye contact and downed half of the glass's content in one go.
"Wanna find some cute boys or girls to take home?" He half joked. Lee chuckled. She stood up and patted him on the hand.
"There's a reason you don't see me having many guests at my house" She replied softly. Crowley tilted his head in confusion. What? He could not think straight and her point didn't make sense..

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