how to be a rich b*tch | han...

De bipanicking

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being a rich bitch was hard, that sounds spoiled (and it probably is) but it's true --- after moving to korea... Mais

intro | cast, aesthetics, me yapping
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
[bonus chapter 1]
outro | me yapping pt 2, updates

chapter 37

1.1K 39 17
De bipanicking

I'm lost in thought as we round the corner of the hospital, continuing our walk since I didn't think it was right to interrupt Jjoo and Su-ho just yet. I look over at Seo-jun who frowns at something and I follow his line of sight to see him looking at Go-woon and Ju-young standing together in the lobby. Ju-young crouches low and puts his fists in front of his face, facing Seo-jun and I furrow my brows looking between the two. Ju-young seemed to really hate Seo-jun, I wonder what he did to Ju-young. "Oppa!" Go-woon exclaims and faces us, "Unnie, you're here too!"

"You're so sick," Seo-jun looks Ju-young up and down, "You poor thing," Ju-young looks between us and gulps before standing straight, "If it's incurable, you'll die, because I'll kill you," I stifle my laugh at Ju-young's confused expression and he shies away, afraid.

"Squat," Ju-young sighs and crouches down, holding his ears, "Walk," He starts duck walking in circles, occasionally wincing in pain and groaning. "How dare you hit on my baby sister?" Seo-jun sits on a bench and holds his IV drip with his uninjured arm, glaring at the frightened looking Ju-young. "She said she wasn't interested!"

"I'll make her interested!" Ju-young replies, groaning in pain.

"One!" Seo-jun yells menacingly.

"I will!"


"I will!" He stands up and smiles innocently at Seo-jun, "Keep liking Go-woon!" He winks, Seo-jun gets angrier and Go-woon and I glance at each other before giggling into our hands so Seo-jun doesn't notice. "I will keep liking Go-woon!" He giggles and turns around, running away and Seo-jun stands up angrily, glaring at his retreating figure.

"Stop right there!" He calls after him but Ju-young keeps running.

"He's such a freak," Go-woon shakes her head, staring at the boy who continues running. "Ah, here's your underwear," She puts the bag around his neck as he goes red and I hide my laugh.

"Does Ju-kyung know?" He turns to me and scowls. "That her brother likes you?" He turns back to Go-woon.

"What? He's Ju-kyung's brother?" She gasps.

"He's the one I was telling you about last time," I point out and the realization dawns on her, a ringing distracts her before she can speak again and she pulls out her phone and curses.

"I'm gonna be late to my shift, come over to our house again, unnie, I miss you!" She waves before running out of the hospital and I wave back.

"I can't believe this," He sighs and shakes his head.

"Don't go to hard on him, I think he really likes her,"

"I don't want him liking her,"

"If you bully him too much I'm telling my brother you're hitting on me," Seo-jun's eyes widen and he pouts.

"Don't you dare," He growls and tries to grab me but I maneuver away from his arm and start jogging down the hall towards the room and he follows closely behind me, cussing and doing not so nice hand gestures. I burst into the hospital room, panting and all heads turned towards me and Seo-jun who had finally caught up and grabbed my shoulder. I look around and see all of Seo-jun's goons crowding the room and Tae-hoon and Hyun-kyu sitting next to Su-ho's bed. I frown and look around the room to see no Jjoo in sight, that's weird, she probably left, but would she have left without me?

"Seo-jun-ah!" Cho-rong exclaims and the others crowd around Seo-jun and lead him to a concerned looking Cho-rong. "Seo-jun-ah! I was so worried! Are you okay?" Cho-rong hugs him and the others nod in agreement.

"Seo-jun, you look so good in a hospital gown!" One of the others praised and they all nod back. "That injury is like a medal of honor! You're so cool!"

"I was worried sick about you!" Cho-rong cries out. "I had no appetite!"

"Hiya! You had no appetite because you never stop eating," Seo-jun rolls his eyes. "Gosh,"

"Excuse me!" Tae-hoon shouts in English and we all turn to look at him. "Can you guys keep it down? Don't you see that sign?" He signals, "You're not alone!" Have some respect!"

"What's this?" Man-sik reaches into the bag hanging from Seo-jun's neck and pulls out his cheetah print undies, chuckling. Man-sik and Jin-woong put the undies on their heads and Seo-jun glares, blushing. "So fancy!" They both say, laughing.

"Give them back!" Seo-jun scowls and tries reaching past Cho-rong to snatch the underwear from their heads, "Get out! Get out of my way!"

"Let me wipe your feet for you," Tae-hoon offers and whips the blanket at Su-ho's feet back and reveals a pink sock and I frown, looking closer before realizing and suppressing a giggle. "Wah, Su-ho, your feet are so small, I didn't know you like pink," Su-ho glares and puts the blanket back over Jjoo's foot.

"Don't touch my feet!" He yells.

"I was just trying to help, no need to yell," Tae-hoon points and the giggles in my stomach start rising up again but I cover them up with my hand. "You're so mean! You're so mean to me!" Su-ho looks at Seo-jun and I expectantly and Seo-jun closes his eyes in exasperation. The goons start asking about the TV and if they should order pizza as though they were making sleepover plans or something. I poke Seo-jun's shoulder and raise my brows at him, signalling for him to make them leave, he sighs and stands up, facing them.

"Hey, guys, leave, all of you," He points at the door and glares at them.

"Why? I'm sleeping here tonight," Cho-rong looks up at him from the bed.

"Hiya! We have to nurse you through the night! We're your friends!" One of them exclaims.

"Loyalty!" They all shout together and point at him.

"Why would you sleep here?" He looks at Cho-rong, "Think of your size, idiot, get out! Out!" He signals to the door and they all pout and try puppy dog eyes on him but his glare stays.

"You guys should leave too," Su-ho tells Hyun-kyu and Tae-hoon.

"Su-ho! You're hurting my feelings!" Tae-hoon crosses his arms.

"We'll go now," Hyun-kyu clears his throat and pinches Tae-hoon's arm, dragging him up by his sweater and pushing him out the door, "Bye, Su-ho!"

"Yeah, you guys, too, let's go," Seo-jun pats one of their arms.

"Ya! Why're you so desperate to get rid of us?" Cho-rong frowns.

"For god's sake!" He shouts, stomping his foot, "I want to be alone with Su-ho!"

"Alone?" They all furrow their eyebrows in unison.

"Oh! Yeo Ha-jin is shooting a drama in the lobby right now," He makes up, trying to get them to leave. They all jump up in excitement and run out the room, exclaiming eagerly. Seo-jun sighs and follows after his friends and I run over to the door and close it after him. I sigh and lean against the door and look over at the bed where Su-ho pulled the blanket off Jjoo and she slowly poked her head out, they both looked at each other for a bit too long for my comfort.

"Ya! Keep it PG-13, guys!" I shout and Jjoo stumbles out of the bed at my voice and struggles to get her footing again but when she finally does she stands up and clears her throat awkwardly. She grabs her shoes, runs to the door, grabs my arm and we both run out of the room. We run down the hall and slow down, panting, once we hit the lobby. At an intersection we run into Seo-jun and Jjoo stumbles back a few steps.

"Why'd you leave?" He asks her, knitting his eyebrows together. "I got rid of the guys for you,"

"It was getting late,"

"Why did you bother hiding?" He shakes his head, "Just tell everyone you're dating, problem solved,"

"I can't do that, yet," Jjoo looks at her feet.

"Why not? Because of Soo-jin?"

"I told you that was hypothetical!" She glares, pointing at him accusingly. "You're so silly," She laughs fakely and looks away from him.

"Hey, what's that in your hair?" He points and I follow his finger to see a white button stuck in Jjoo's hair, he leans over and tries grabbing it only to hit her in the face with his cast, she exclaims in pain and he leans away apologetically, "Sorry,"

"Ah, it ripped off," She weeds through her hair trying to pull it out.

"What'd you do in his bed that ripped his button off?" Seo-jun backs up a bit.

"You must be imagining that 'cause you're lonely," Jjoo grins and grabs his casted arm which had a bunch of writing on it.

"The kids just did it for fun!" Seo-jun defends himself.

"Then I'm gonna write on it too," She pulls the marker out of his pocket and leans over his cast.

"Don't write anything weird," He glowers and watches her write, I scoff, run my tongue over my top teeth and cross my arms in annoyance. I clear my throat loudly and he looks over at me, his relaxed expression quickly turning worried, he whips his arm away from Jjoo, creating a line where she was writing.

"Ya! I wasn't done!" She quickly finishes and puts his marker away and Seo-jun looks at the im worry and gulps. "I'm gonna go now," She waves and starts walking down the hall. I cross my arms and tap my foot on the floor, raising a brow at him.

"So..." I inquire.

"I told you, I only have eyes for you," He says, biting his lip.

"Yeah, sure..." I trail off.

"Are you jealous?" He smiles and raises his eyebrow.

"No," I scowl and pout.

"You sure?"

"Yes," I nod, "Give me that," I grab the marker and his arm and he complies happily, 'You're a big meanie, Han Seo-jun,' I write and draw a little lion next to it and write, 'Roar,' in a little speech bubble next to the lion. I look up and my breath hitches as my eyes connect with Seo-jun's since he was already staring at me.

"You're cute when you're jealous," He says, his voice gravelly.

I back away and hide my blush, "Stop doing that,"

"Doing what?" He fakes innocence and my scowl deepens.

"Whatever, I'm leaving," I turned away from him and started down the hall Jjoo just walked down.

"I'm sorry, please stay!" He calls after me but I just flip him off and continue down the hall ignoring his cute half scoff half laugh. I walk outside and see my favourite brunette standing outside in the cold, hugging herself and looking around.

"Jjoo?" I ask and she turns around and waves, I smile and run up to her, slinging my arm over her shoulders. "Did you wait for me?" She nods and smiles, "Why didn't you just wait inside? It's freezing out here,"

"I wanted to give you guys your moment," She shrugs and I smile.

"You should've just stayed, then maybe Seo-jun would've been more bearable,"

"Shut up, you're literally head over heels for him,"

"Oh, be quiet, you can't talk, you've completely fallen for Su-ho,"

She sighs and nods and we both look at each other, "We're both fucked, aren't we?" I nod and laugh at her statement.


"Mr. Han, are you okay?" I frown, looking at his shaking hand holding—and spilling—coffee. "Aish, let me get this," I pull out a packet of mini tissues from my bag and crouch down and start wiping the floor with them.

"Oh, Ha-eun-ah, you don't have to do that," He crouches down beside me and starts to help. I pick up the coffee filled tissues and throw them out in the trash behind him.

"Be more careful, Mr. Han, you wasted so much good coffee," He nods and I wave bye and walk into class, sitting beside Jjoo.

At break, Soo-ah, Jjoo, a few girls from our class and I sat on a bench in the courtyard of the school. Soo-ah pulls out a silver reflector from a tiny black case in her bag and shows us proudly. "That thing fits in there?" I ask in awe watching her show everyone around us.

"You carry this around?" Jjoo flips it around in her hands and Soo-ah nods.

"For my followers every selfie should be taken in the best way," She puts her hand over her heart and nods solemnly. Jjoo holds up the light to Soo-ah's face and Soo-ah puts up a peace sign and takes a picture and shows us all.

"You look great,"

"Check out her skin,"

"It actually works," I lean over Jjoo and look at the photo and we all make sounds of approval and awe. "I'm entering this into the Newstargram Queen Contest," Soo-ah smiles and looks over at Jjoo and I, "You guys should join too," I immediately shake my head.

"No way, my friends back in America would bully me, but you should definitely do it Jjoo," I encourage.

"No, I'm good," Jjoo waves her hand and shakes her head, we all shake our heads and urge her to enter.

"I'll pour my heart out for your picture," Soo-ah promises, I fix Jjoo's hair and move out of the way so Soo-ah can take the picture. "Here we go, Ju-kyung! 1... 2... 3..." She clicks the button and we all clap and smile at Jjoo's angelic visuals. 

another chapter done ayay this chap is a bit boring but wtv next chap will be better trust

thanks for reading, see u guys next chapter, mwah

- lise

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