
By branchisawsome

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Wednesday PJ Day
Thursday Twin Day
Friday Molti Colors
Fuck Monday
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9 1 17
By branchisawsome

Monday February 25th 224

I'm sorry dunno what the time was going to guess it was 12:58

Ew monday is tomorrow. Well, at least I get to talk to you guys.

Also how do you like these entries.

I just woke up. And I brushed my hair cause I looked like Anna from frozen XD. Partly emo adding onto he effect.

I'm hungry and dunno what to eat. We're doing laundry after my dad eats. And we're going put later around two. So I might be able to bring my tablet with me.

I did sneak it and steel some bacon bites😋😋I love bacon as much as my dog loves it. We could eat a whole bag of it. Well, I dunno about m but for him. Sure! But he might get sick and throw up.

And then after I brushed my hair I went out to get my cloths. And I stole a bite or two of my dad waffle that tasted like Cinnamon. 

It's to good.

I'm hungry right now but these cloths. It's been over two months and we haven't gotten to it.

If it was me. We'd be done by now. We'll, it would of took me time but hell, no. Not this long. I wanted to help but my dad said we need to do it together. I asked why. He said. I need to know where your cloths are going. And you need to as well. What are going to do. Put my cloths away. That's my job. Like you don't need to know. He'd get so defensive about it. It's so hard to work with em.

He thinks he's easy. Well, not for me. You annoy the hell out of me.

Anyways. My hands are getting way to seat from holding this phone and I keep slipping. Im going to see what I can eat. Cause I don't got a clue🤷‍♀️.

Loe you ~



Going to be noon soon. Lol.


Had waffles. Chocolate. Yeah there's such thing it was good. It smelled good but tasting was a bit off but the butter and syrup covered it but I tasted it a little.


I'm tired.

Lol. Still.

I gave my dad a batch of laundry. We're just waiting for the second one to go through.

And we'll see where we go from here!!!

Love you~



I think we're going to be going out shortly. I dunno. I think he did say around 2. But I gotta ask. He's in the bathroom.

He said 3 but then he said whenever we're done. Now we put it all in the compartments. We got 63 pairs of socks. Yup. Heard that right!

Anyways. We put all the cloths away. He loves doing that part but I found it boring. We put newer handles on he jewaers. There's 3 jawaers. But the bottom one has two extra knobes. I think it has the wide handles. So we didn't have any so we put one extra in place of it. Cause there a whole there and it wouldn't look right I guess. But at the same time it does look werid but, the stuff I do with my objects is as werid as that so....I guess it's okay. We will get questioned by it probably by firends if they come in this way.

Also, living space. I thought it would be interesting to explain this cause I'm special needs and my dad is at like 64 about to be 65 in two months. Ooo! That reminds me. Out trip to Disney not til after school ends. Witch is kind of pissing me off now.

Now I got trust issues with people when they tell me all this. If you keep rescheduling shit like this it'll make me lose trust in you. I guess it was a temporary thing at the time. But this is like the 18th Rescheduled dates!!!

Everything will be the same. And we will be saving money. Now I don't understand money but I guess it's nice to save money. Or to be able to I should say🙄.

I have issues with time and money and money, I don't understand well. I can't help it. It's something that's a part of me. I was born with the lack of skill.

And it pisses me off when people say it's easy.

It's easy for you cause you understand it better bitch!!! I can't count! Ask me 10-13= I can't answer that. It'll take me a minute or two just to figure it out.

Oo! That reminds me. I gotta figure out how old my dad will be in 2030

There's going to be some changes in the world by that time. I heard in 2050 there's going to be world War 4.

There's also going to be the worst earth quack the US has ever experienced in history. Memory transplants.

Our brains will be more controlled by tech.

Millions of people will be homeless. The population of people will increase. Fish will be extinct.

The earth won't be the same. We're going to have to move to Mars.

We might be living longer. Or for Eternity. We will live on for 100 more years.

A lot interesting stuff.

A meteor shower will hit earth. There's going to be more volcanic action.

Bigger tsunami's

Bigger tornados. Worse storms.

A lot will be happening. And we're all going to be alive at the time.

I don't think this is our best time alive 🙁🙁

I feel bad for the kids who are growing up and will have to suffer through this all.

I'm a bit nervous about it all.

I feel like if a grown up said this. They'd say. They said this when we were growing up and it never happened. I try to believe them but anxiety is telling me otherwise.

And plus how would they know? Maybe it's happening and they don't even know it.


I'm tired.

I might watch something.

Me and my dad are taking a break. I was going to go onto the tablet but it was completely dead. I put it on the charger.

I'm going to see if I got enough time to watch anything.

Love you~



We still got shit to do!!!!

Ahhhh!! This is retarded!!!!!😡😡

We'll never finish it😭😭😭😭

I'm going to be on my . Soon. I'm so mad and sad and hungry. Ugggghhh!!!!😫😫😫

*signs* I need happiness. Where is it?😢😢😢


I'm in the car. We put a good portion of cloths away and we STILL got more. What more do we got!?😡😡😡.

He just told me to turn the truck off😫

I wanna eat😡😡I wanna fucking eat🤬🤬😭😭😭😫😫😫😫🥺🥺😣😣👹👹😟😟🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 *whines* mmmm....I want something. Moma!!!!!

Rrrrg!!! I hate everyone!!!!

*laughs and cries*

I'm so mad rare!!!!



I'm going to get thinner if I don't eat!!!

Well, I'm thin already. But I mean if I don't eat my body will start to eat the fat I got in me and it'll make me look thinner.

I guess that's kind of how I stay thin.

I dunno.


Okay we're out on the road. I asked if I could talk to dorinda. He said yes. Now I'm okay with talking to em about my girl stuff. Because we'll, he needs to know if he's going to live with .e and I et pretty angry and can't control it at times. So he has to know I guess. He'll get mad if I keep it from em. He's going to think it's a secret and he hates it.

Were at his shop doing something with a car. Afterwards. I think we might be going. I dunno. But I did end up telling em. I couldn't talk to dorinda cause she was at work. I told her to call me when she was done work. She said okay.

I think we're off to food now.


I guess I'll touch back with you later.

4:13 ooo she'll be done in an hour.


Back home. She called but she was doing it to check on me.

She had to go visit someone at the burning home who isn't doing so well.

She's going to be back around 7 She said. So I'll be talking to her then.

I got my food. And I feel better.

Tomorrow won't be the best. I feel it.

Love you~



I went on a walk cause I was upset.

I was called to xome back and I wasn't ready. When we came home my dog made a hug mess in the kitchen.

But I cleaned it up and told em I loved em and forgave em for the mess.

I'm still very upset and can't control my feelings.

I gotta go now. Going to sleep early. Very upset.

I need to sleep in off.

Love you all night.



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