home (Kiss Of Life x Male Y/N)

By nagisasrevenge

17.4K 742 259

Y/N, on the way over to the airport, he stumbles upon a girl who ends up going on the same flight over to Kor... More

chapter 2 - outside
chapter 3 - teacher
chapter 4 - old flame
chapter 5 - unspoken feelings
chapter 6 - nothing changes
chapter 7 - birthday girl
chapter 8 - a bit mean
chapter 9 - into the earth
chapter 10 - did you miss me?
chapter 11 - did you miss them?
chapter 12 - don't be so unsure
chapter 13 - never let me go. ever.
chapter 14 - elysium
chapter 15 - what you mean to me
chapter 16 - the least to expect
chapter 17 - a long way to go
chapter 18 - better days ahead
chapter 19 - my bloody valentine (pt 1)
chapter 20 - my bloody valentine (pt 2)
chapter 21 - forget the past
chapter 22 - I won't ever let go.
chapter 23 - emberglow
chapter 24 - jack frost
chapter 25 - seasons
chapter 26 - youtopia
chapter 27 - strangers
chapter 28 - I let it in and it took everything
chapter 29 - the unforgiven
chapter 30 - bridge over troubled water
chapter 31 - tier 15
(smut chapter 18+) - i want u

chapter 1 - coincidence

1.7K 57 34
By nagisasrevenge

 I looked at my watch.

I was late.

I had overslept after ignoring my multiple alarms which were supposed to wake me up but I guess I blame all the alcohol I drank last night, celebrating my exit from this country and my entrance into another, and probably perhaps the really long ride from the bar back to the hotel played a part of this.

I went through check in quickly as well, saying goodbye to my one suitcase that I brought with me. I had also checked in my only carry on bag that laid against my back.

Going through the usual procedures, even after the lengthy questions of immigration officers. I had made it to the beginning of the termina,I had 5 minutes left before they would close the gate which was at the end of it, so I did my effort of running

But something caught my eye. Rather a person, she ran beside me. The both of our breaths synced up as we both ran towards our common goal.

She was quite beautiful, alluring even.

Not as common to the naked eye, but she sure damn caught mine.

But with places you'll only be once or a few times, I won't see her again. What a shame.

We avoided people left and right, the both of us equally as fast, though my foot was just a little ahead of her which made us keep the pace together.

With time on our hands, we only had such a small window. But then, she lost her balance.

She wore running shoes, so how was it possible?

But in nature, people can be clumsy so that was to be the least expected but not in a situation like this.

She almost fell to the floor until I caught her, causing our eyes to lock on each other. I helped her back up, the both of us immediately frozen.

She awkwardly bowed to me, she was asian but I couldn't really tell what type.

The air around us was a bit awkward since we both had somewhere to be, her mouth slightly agape. She talked to me using the not the worse broken English I've heard

? - e- excuse me- uh- uhm, do y- you know? Uhm-

She does a little drawing with her fingers resembling a gate, which made me laugh.

She curses to herself after I let out a little laugh, but the way she spoke.

It was Korean.

Y/N - oh, A Korean?

Her eyes lit up immediately, sighing in relief. She held her chest sighing in pure ecstasy that she could have someone to help her

? - oh I'm sorry, you didn't look very Korean

Y/N - it's fine. Looking for your gate?

? - Yes, can you please tell me where gate 3 is?

Y/N - oh, I'm heading there

I show her my boarding pass, her eyes lit up in relief but then the sudden realisation hit me



We both look down to our sides, our hands instinctively grabbing each other's. Our eyes were set on the same goal on arriving there since we only had mere minutes, our legs gave in and ran fast as we could going over.

I never really felt a hand like hers before. It's soft, elegant even.

We ran over to the stewardesses in time and showed our boarding passes to them

Steward - cute couple you both are

She smiles as we look at each other all confused, the touch of our hands makes us let go of each other upon remembering what just happened a minute prior to our run over here.

We get our boarding passes back and with a nod from the steward, my face grimaces in response.

I look at my boarding pass, looking for my seat.

I walked over there and took off my backpack and opened up the overhead.

With a slight tap on my shoulder, I turn my neck.

Looking for who tapped me, before hearing a 'tsk' sound coming from below me.

It was the same girl that ran with me

She awkwardly looked at me with a slight smile, I could tell she was building up courage to talk to me

? - Can I take the window seat?

She points to the window, making me tilt my head

Y/N - wae?

She suddenly shakes a little, her head putting the idea in her to take out her boarding pass making me look at it

We coincidentally had seats next to each other

I smile with a soft look, pushing up my glasses

Y/N - yeah sure of course.

She nods, taking off her backpack trying to put it in the overhead. She struggles a bit, noticing it while I glanced at her feet.

She was on her tiptoes.

I sigh, out of pity for her, let alone her height enabling her to do shit like this.

Quickly putting mine aside, I reached in to help her while she quietly watched me put it in and close the over head

She bows slightly at me, my head turning over to face her

? - Thank you.

Y/N - no problem

I put out a hand, pointing to the window seat. She nodded again, letting herself go over to it while I sat in mine.

We only had two seats so it was just gonna be me and her for the next 12 and a half hours so we were going to have to break the ice a little.

We sat in our seats, putting on the seatbelts while I glanced out the window. She follows me, looking out the window as well, my eyes focusing on the workers down there

? - seems so small from here

I let out a little chuckle, turning her attention to me after doing so

Y/N - yeah. Like oompa loompa's

She lets out a laugh too while I smile ear to ear in succession from making her laugh.

? - yeah, hehehe. So what's the deal with you?

I tilt my head still maintaining a smile but rather in confusion, a bit odd for a question

Y/N - what do you mean?

? - you know Korean, I can see you have that bit of Korean in you too but you mainly look more.

Y/N - white, yeah. I get that a lot

I nod my head, hearing the same words I've gotten used to by my peers regardless of race in different iterations of the sense.

She softly curls her lips, her elbow resting on her thigh supported by the weight of her hand whilst she looked up at me

? - thank you by the way. For helping me

Y/N - it's no problem

I softly nod at her, before my legs start to shake a little. My hands faltering to its side while I blew out some soft air from my lungs out, my eyes looking around

I felt her soft touch again, but rather from my shoulder.

My neck turning, she gives me a reassuring look

? - what's up?

Y/N - sorry. Haven't been on a plane in a while

Her eyebrow curls up, her back straightening in curiosity

? - how long?

Y/N - since I was 12

? - oh.

Her curiosity has piqued to her own interest, her irises expanding indicating her interest.

? - You seem like an interesting guy, are you?

Her hand followed itself towards my face, reaching upon my glasses. Her finger pushed it up for me while I awkwardly laughed in response to the kind gesture, though I wouldn't understand if she was being a bit flirtatious in any sort.

Y/N - not really, I guess? What about you? You seem pretty interesting yourself.

She crosses her arms, but forgot the universal question to ask Koreans when you meet them for the first time which then goes into her mind at that moment.

? - oh right. How old are you?

Y/N - 19.

She smirks, letting out a devious click of the tongue.

? - 29, yahhhhhhh looks like you have to call me noona

I bow to her, respecting her age

Y/N - oh sorry noona. I just thought we were the same age, you look really young.

She flicked my forehead upon coming up from my bow, but to no avail, there wasn't much of a reaction since I was used to my sister doing it all the time to me.

? - eh?

Y/N - so, what are you doing here then?

She looked at me, dazed or even surprised that her flick didn't in the sense affect me, but maintained her composure to answer me.

? - holiday. I overslept.

I laugh too, feeling the common interest of our sudden acquaintanceship via chance.

Y/N - me too. I overslept at my hotel

? - ah same!

We both laugh, I think, which has broken the awkward ice allowing us to let the boundaries meet.

? - So what are you doing here?

I look at her, gaining my air back in my lungs from the laughter.

I pushed up my glasses again, since it was pretty loose from all my years of wearing it. Giving her an answer.

Y/N - I'm moving to Korea

? - oh. I thought- oh.

I scratch my head, smiling at her while she looked at me all confused

Y/N - sorry. It's my accent. I was born in Chicago, raised there I was 12 and ended up here. Well not London, Oxford rather. But I have a more of a Chicago accent and haven't shook it off since I left

She nods her head, understanding what he meant by not being on a plane in a while.

? - oh, so it's been that long since you've been on a plane then?

I nod, smiling at her while we overheard the announcement of the stewardesses.

Y/N - I guess so, but now since I'm an adult, It'll feel a bit weird.

? - don't worry, it's not as bad. It always feels the exact same.

We sat straight up, the stewardesses doing the presentation on plane safety and such, which after so. We took up into the skies.

After some silence between us and the plane being balanced. I took off my seatbelt, standing up to going into the overhead

? - hm?

Y/N - just grabbing something.

She hums to herself, whilst I grab a book from my backpack.

Sitting back down, she turns her interest from her phone to the book I held in my hands

? - what's that?

I show her the cover of the book, pinning my vision back onto it

Y/N - Fahrenheit 451. It's about a person well. Actually a fireman, someone who burns books since they become outlawed in a dystopian future.

I look at her, nodding at the vague synopsis of the book.

? - all of that in English?

Y/N - mmhm. It's one of the reasons I'm moving to the home country in the first place

? - So what's the plan with moving?

Y/N - I'm teaching English at a school, a high school. But it's all I got for opportunities you know.

? - I like that, you look like a smart guy.

I softly laugh, taking off my glasses showing her my true face without my glasses

Y/N - Jinjja?

She blushes a little, smiling to herself.

? - Okay, you looked cute but now you're just a bit more hot?

We both laugh, firing back a question at her

Y/N - what about you? What's your story? I know you're a tourist, but what are you? Back home?

She sighs, tilting her head in confusion

? - okay, no offence and not because of my ego. But you don't recognise me right?

I scratch my head, quite confused on what she meant

"Is she weird?"

? - do you really not know me?

Y/N - I really. Don't.

She smiles, sighing in relief as she held her chest before looking up at me

? - ah, nevermind.

Y/N - huh? Why? I don't get it, are you some sort of weirdo?

She lets out another laugh, while I was genuinely confused

? - no no, but it's fine. Maybe you can figure it out when we get there alright?

Y/N - s- sure?

She yawns, putting up the hood of her hoodie while I watched

? - wake me up when refreshments come around alright?

Y/N - sure.

She puts her hands on the side of her head, falling asleep almost immediately. I shot a soft smile to her sleeping self before focusing my eyes onto my book.

Licking my finger to get on page one.


The many hours passed, woke her up from refreshments. Talked a little between us, before she fell asleep again or I did.

We both went out of the plane, walking towards the same conveyor belt waiting for our suitcases while she stood beside me

? - So why else are you here?

I glance to her for a second before putting my attention back to the conveyor belt

Y/N - to figure out who I am. I've had my entire culture taught to me by word of mouth, I just never lived it.

? - you never came to visit? Even for a holiday?

I shook my head, while I kept on the lookout for my suitcase.

Y/N - nope. Dad was either too busy or mom. Or hell even both. But thanks to my older sister, she practically took care of me most of the time. She's the one who told me about being a Korean, what it meant to be one. I was always so fascinated with our culture because I had resented that part of me growing up where I was but. I guess I'm glad to be here now.

It was silent for a bit, until she spoke

? - well. That sounds like, a good thing that you came here then

I glance at her, the both of us smiling before she points out to her suitcase, with mine beside hers.

Y/N - oh shit, our ones are together.

She attacks my back of barrages of soft punches with her in my ear to grab the both of them

? - don't forget to grab them

Y/N - I got it okay

I reached out my hands when it came around, grabbing both of them by the handles.

I rolled her one over by her side. With us putting up the handles to match our height, she nods looking at the sign

? - I'll go with ya, I'll wait for you on the other side alright?

I smile, with us walking over to immigration

Y/N - thanks.

I got through the painful process again and for my passport before meeting her at the exit of passport control.

? - hey, you made it

Y/N - and it only took 30 minutes

She laughs, us walking side by side before stopping at the exit.

We both stopped, with me noticing it since she made the first move

She looks up at me while I fixed the bag strap on my shoulder

? - hey. So, you know. After we step out, I don't think I will be able to see you again.

I nodded my head, while she reached into the side of her backpack putting on a mask.

? - I never got your name, I didn't get to see it on your boarding pass.

Y/N - me neither.

She took out her hand ready for me to shake

? - Bae Suji, but call me Suzy.

Y/N - L/N Y/N.

I shook her hand, the both of us nodding.

? - I don't do this often but here.

She reached into her pocket, showing me her number

? - take down my number in your notes, when you get a korean number. Call me, or hell. Text me even.

I nodded, taking out my phone and writing it down in my notes app.

We put away our phones, with only us looking at each other

Y/N - I guess. I'll see you around, Suzy.

? - you too, Y/N.

She waves at me goodbye, going out the exit with me waving back before sighing. I looked at the ground.

"I hope it'll be interesting as that from now on"

I nodded my head, keeping a soft abled smile on my face. I grabbed the handle of my luggage and walked out the door.


After gathering my thoughts together, I looked around for a taxi or anything to bring me anywhere.

Getting some info on how to traverse Korea from both mom and my sister, I knew what to do and avoid.

I got into one eventually, sweet talking the driver after he once again. Mistook for me for a foreigner. Eventhough I technically am one.

Prior to this, I had gotten myself sorted for a place since I had to save up for it, able enough to keep me afloat for about a year with some chip in's from my sister.

Y/N - thanks

I nodded to the taxi driver, getting into his car after I took out my luggage while I faced the placeI was going to be living in. well. A part of it, since the ad said there would be people living downstairs.

I walked up to the gate, my luggage in hand. I would introduce myself to the neighbours first but I should get settled in first.

I looked at the door of the downstairs place, before settling on the stairs leading to mine.

I walked up the steps to the top, reaching my front door.

With no key in hand, I tried opening it with the handle. And to no obvious avail. No response.

But then, the good old classic trick.

There was a mat in front of the door. Slapping my forehead in realisation, I looked under the mat and found the key.

Y/N - and they say movies aren't like the real thing

I sigh, putting the key in the key hole. I opened the door to reveal my home.

It was as big as the one downstairs so it was basically having an entire apartment to myself.

Pique of curiosity made me sit my luggage down in the middle of the living room, while taking off my backpack and throwing it on the couch while I walked around.

One bedroom, one bathroom, one laundry room, a kitchen and a living room. Seems pretty legit to me.

After looking around, I look at the coffee table and see a note.

I squat down, grabbing it while I read it

"Annyeong, if you're reading this. You must be the new tennent, I only have a few things to tell you.

Downstairs are your neighbours, they may be a bit brash at first but it's okay. They're as young as you.

None of them are scary, trust me. The girls are really nice when you get to know them"

'What? The girls?'

I shook my head in confusion, continuing to read it on

"They're not like gremlins, you don't have to feed them or care for their needs. Just don't annoy them so basically, no loud sounds, no drunken antics after 2am since they get very moody since they come around that time sometimes from their job, and lastly, they're human.

They know you're coming but they will warm up to you eventually. Take it easy, this note may seem intimidating but trust me. It's not a big deal."

I put down the note, scratching my head in what I just read

The girls? Like, how many are they down there?

It sort of scares me because I'm just a guy, living above them and I don't want to mistake me for like, a pervert or what not, I'm just trying to live.

Y/N - ah man....

I got up and looked through my luggage.

Y/N - I should take a shower first at least before meeting them.

Grabbing my towel and clothes, I found the bathroom and figured out how to use it. Surprisingly, it wasn't all too bad since it was the same type like back home.

After having to dry my hair with a towel since there wasn't a hairdryer, I put on some fresh clothes and made my first pile of clothes in the laundry room

Y/N - I'll deal with that later.

I went into the living room, upon looking at the sheet that I left at the table. I figure it would be a good idea to introduce myself to them.

But before that, I should deal with the rest of my things.

I carried out the activity of organising my personal things to its new place in an alien place that seemed like I would never be here in the first place.

If it wasn't for my sister, who had supported me in the journey and the search of who I was as a person. I wouldn't be here too without her.

After putting away the last of my personal belongings to its own endeavours, I put on a hoodie despite the crisp warm sun that shone down on the building, I let myself out of my new home and headed down to the first floor where the girls had lived.

It was sunset, the horizon was beautiful in balance with the combination of colours that loved the sun in the middle.

My eyes kept focused on it until I was met with their front door. A bit nervous, I took a deep breath while I admired the colour of their door

"Dark oak brown huh"

I shrug my shoulders, finally gaining some confidence to knock on the door

Y/N - oh god please just act normal Y/N.

I looked around the edges of the door, looking up to the corner till the door finally opened which allowed me to keep my composure.

? - Annyeonghaseyo?

A girl no more than 5'6 bows at me, peeking her head out while I bow back with an awkward stance

Y/N - uhm- Annyeong, I'm Y/N. I'm the new neighbour upstairs.

I looked at her with a soft smile with her returning one back to me, before then my eyes turned to the corner of the door since I wasn't well able to talk with girls.

? - I'm Natty.

I look back to her, her hand in front for me to shake to which I do

Y/N - i- it was nice meeting you

I was about to turn around and leave since I didn't really know how to really, forward the conversation between us before she spoke to me

Nat - hey.

I fully turn to face her, her lips curling in a soft smile

Nat - wanna come in? We can have a little chat since you're our new neighbour

I think for a second about it, reluctantly fighting with my thoughts before coming with my conclusion

Y/N - s- sure?

Her soft smile turned into a big one, fully opening the door for me.

I walked in behind her, I closed the door behind me and turned to face her.

She opens her arms, showing me the place

Nat - welcome. The other's aren't home yet so it's just us

I click my tongue, with me sitting on the couch while I looked around the house

It was pretty, well. I don't really know how to explain it honestly.

Y/N - oh, wait. Others?

I turn to her, she put in some water in some glasses and walked over to me

Nat - mmhm, three other girls live here with me.

Y/N - explains it

I look towards the room again, before looking at the front door seeing how many shoes were on the rack confirming her statement.

Nat - so. Y/N, how old are you?

I took a sip from the glass before looking at her while I drank the water.

Y/N - If I remember correctly, I'm 20 in Korean age. But I'm 19 internationally?

She claps to herself softly before talking about her own

Nat - I'm your noona then!

Y/N - how old are you then?

Nat - 21, well Korean wise. 20 internationally. Though my birthday is coming up soon

I nod my head, surprised she brought up her birthday

Y/N - oh that's nice then, noona.

She cringes hearing me say noona, taking another sip from her glass

Nat - ah nevermind, don't call me noona. Still feels weird to hear it

Y/N - sorry.

Nat - it's fine. Just call me Natty.

Y/N - what about Nat? I use nicknames all the time

Nat - Nat is fine, sounds better honestly.

She softly laughs while I follow too, hopefully our conversation is going well.

Nat - so what brings you here Y/N? You don't seem like a Korean, though you speak it pretty well.

Y/N - you don't look Korean either too y'know.

Nat - heh, I'm Thai but I wanna hear your story. We can get to the good parts later

I look to her, rubbing my hands together slightly hunching my back over

Y/N - uhm- I'm Korean-American. Mom's Korean, Dad's American, I got an older sister, she's all Korean since my mom had her when she was younger before she met dad but she's still family to me.

She nods her head, seeming interested in what I have to say.

Y/N - I came here from the UK, wanting to look for who I am as a person. I didn't get much hearing from my mom about who I am as a Korean, she was away all the time but I got stories from my older sister a lot. But, it's a long story.

Nat - no go on. Please.

I nod my head, continuing.

Y/N - I just really wanted to find out who I am, the other side of me that I've never known. I came here not just to do my job but to experience what it's like to be a Korean rather than just never coming to know the people around it.

I glance at her before taking another sip from the glass.

Nat - so what's your job?

Y/N - teaching. At the high school near here. I don't start till next week.

She nods, she was next to tell hers. But whether or not she would be telling me the truth or whatnot.

Nat - My name isn't Natty, by the way.

I nodded, with her being unaffected by it

Y/N - I know. Thai names are long aren't they?

Nat - mhm.

Y/N - so what's your name then?

Nat - Anatchaya Suputhipong.

Y/N - wow. I see where you got Natty from.

She shyly puts her arms together, sighing a little.

Y/N - what's up?

She looks to me, a little frowning

Nat - I feel disconnected with who I am since I've lived here for a long time.

Y/N - well, can I hear about it?

She lets her arms loose, sighing one more time.

Nat - I came here when I was 11. I came to be an idol and worked my ass for years. I don't know how it feels like to be back home sometimes. I visit but maybe it's just because I've known this place as home as much as I do back in Thailand.

I nod my head, understanding her since I don't know whether or not that back home was, home.

I'm a Chicago guy through and through, but then suddenly moving to the UK made me disconnected from who I am, but that's the reason why I'm here. To find some meaning.

Nat - I'm an idol now, yet you don't seem surprised

Y/N - oh. Sorry, was I supposed to be?

She laughs at my comment while I was genuinely confused

Nat - no no, ahaha, it's fine. I'm happy that's all.

Y/N - hm? Really?

Nat - yeah.

She laughs a bit more before our eyes made contact with each other

Nat - I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe me and the girls should work harder then

I wave my hands, making sure she wasn't offended

Y/N - I mean you don't have to? But I mean I'm sorry. I'm not really into the type of music you guys do

Nat - hehe I understand, it's just a saying. But thanks. I haven't laughed in a while.

Y/N - hm? You haven't?

Nat - I do, but not in the way you have made for me.

Y/N - well. I'm glad that I have.

We both softly laugh before continuing on

Y/N - so. Are you girls a group or?

Nat - oh right. We're called 'Kiss of Life' just debuted last year.

Y/N - ohhhh. That's cool, must be exciting

Nat - honestly? It is.

Y/N - I heard that you guys stay in dorms or whatnot? I watched a documentary or something about it

Nat - oh that. Well, our company isn't like rich rich. So we had to live in sort of a place like this. It ain't so bad and the upstairs room is cheap for a reason since it was just an excuse to make it look normal

I awe in understanding, nodding my head

Y/N - oh right. Explains the cheap price but it looks nicer on the inside

Nat - it's just a ruse, there's rules on the table when you came in right?

Y/N - mmhm.

Nat - that was from the last tenant, she was a middle aged woman who left recently since she got married. She took care of us when we moved in before we debuted so, I guess you're up for the role now if you want to

I point to myself, unsure if I could

Y/N - me?

She nods her head, taking another sip

Y/N - I mean. I don't mind popping my head down once in a while but I'll try my best?

Nat - you don't have to go the extra mile, it wouldn't hurt to spend some time with us right? We get lonely too, we only have each other to rely on.

I felt sympathy for her, and for the rest of the girls. I just hope this wouldn't end as a manipulation of my own good.

Y/N - yeah. Okay. but to each their own right?

Nat - right.

We both chuckle before turning our heads to the front door opening

I stand up, watching them enter one by one. I bowed at them, with them a bit surprised at my appearance.

I felt Natty stand beside me, putting her hand on my shoulder

Natty - this is the new neighbour upstairs. Say Hi

They bow back, all three of them inching closer to say hi to me while I tensed up at the sudden appearance of the three girls, each different from the other.

One of them goes up to me. Putting out a hand

? - Julie Han, looks like you're one of us are you?

Y/N - Y/N, looks like it. Lemme guess? Cali?

Julie - errr, wrong. Off the mainland.

Y/N - Hawaii?

Julie - good job, you look like a smart guy. You read or something?

Y/N - I- I do.

Julie - looks like I like you already, where are you from?

Y/N - Oxford, the UK. But I'm half American. Chicago born.

Julie - I can tell with the accent, just got here to Korea?

Y/N - only a few hours ago

Julie - welcome home then.

She pats me on the side, before the next girl walked up to me with Julie standing beside Natty

? - Annyeonghaseyo

She bows at me with myself returning one back

? - Won Haneul-Imnida.

Y/N - L/N Y/N-Imnida

Han - how old are you?

Y/N - 20

? - you're the same age as me

I look to the other girl beside her, catching my attention

Y/N - what's your birthday?

? - March 20th

Y/N - oooo, looks like I'm older. March 12th

She curses to herself before putting my attention back to Haneul

Han - I'm 18, so you're my oppa then

Y/N - I guess so.

Han - nice meeting you then Y/N-oppa.

Y/N - same.

She walks away, joining Natty and Julie before I was met with the last girl

? - Anabelle Shim, or, Korean-wise. Shim Hyewon.

Y/N - interesting name, so let me guess what they call you.

She looks at me, expecting for me to get it wrong.

Y/N - Belle? From Anabelle

The girls laugh from behind me, with her accepting her defeat

Belle - damn. It was too easy for you, you're half American.

Y/N - and you are too easy to spot.

Belle - you look more American you know.

Y/N - and that, I will hear more and more later on. Where you from?

Belle - Seattle.

Y/N - oh nice. Got a Seattle accent?

Belle - A little

I talk to her letting out a hand for her to shake while I spoke in English

Y/N - well, then you won't mind a Chicago one then?

Belle - not at all

We shake hands, with the both of us softly smiling.

Y/N - I can tell you, you girls can trust me wholeheartedly without a doubt

Belle - that. We can look forward to, welcome to Korea.

We let our hands go before she joins the rest of the girls, doing a bow together.

I lift up an eyebrow, unknownst that they were doing their group introduction

"Annyeong, we are Kiss of Life!"

I softly clap, letting out a soft smile.

Y/N - oh wow, so you weren't lying about you girls being a group

Nat - told you.

Julie - gonna give us a chance?

I cross my arms, putting a finger on my chin

Y/N - I will of course.

They all smile, all of them scattered around the couch while I still stood up

Han - oppa come here, sit down with us.

Y/N - I'm feeling kind of tired, so you don't mind me just ending the day here for me?

They nod, not minding me

Nat - awww, the girls probably wanted to hear about you. Want me to tell them about you?

Y/N - go ahead Nat, I'm still a bit jet lagged so I'm gonna head up. It was really nice meeting you girls

"It was nice meeting you too"

I wave at them goodbye, all of them reciprocating the action back with me walking to their front door and leaving their house.

I went up the stairs leading to my part of the house, going inside and immediately making my way to the bedroom.

I let myself collapse on the bed face first, not bothered to take off my clothes

Y/N - I'm too tired for this.

I drag myself onto the bed, putting the blanket over me while I stared at the ceiling

Y/N - Y/N. Do you think, I got this?

I was too tired to even answer myself, letting myself doze off and fall asleep in dreamland.

My own question unanswered but in due time, it will be. Eventually.

In a new place that now I could call home.

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