chapter 10 - did you miss me?

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"I could falter the means of my own body but I wouldn't succumb to the hellish nature that awaits me beyond the planes of what lies beneath the earth

Feeling weak, unworthy of the praise, unannounced approval from the various sources of tongue to tongue, cheek to cheek of peers"

Looking up at my students that laid their eyes on me, complex looks of both confusion, curiosity fueled their eyes and mind of their own teacher spouting words and words of utter chaos towards them.

Y/N - that right there, what I just said can be used to enhance your language. Now, I'm not here to scare you with any of that. But knowing certain words without having to make the obvious out of it can make you sound even more so acknowledged of how to articulate yourself.

One of my students put their hands up after a brief second of silence.

I nod at them, allowing them to ask me their question.

Student - Seonsaengnim, no offence but I couldn't understand any of that

The erupts into laughter while I did too, taking off my glasses in response, also cleaning them as well.

Putting them back on as the laughter dies down, I looked at them, putting my hands on both sides of my desk

Y/N - well, you're not supposed to get it in the first try. I wouldn't expect all of you to, I'm not one to criticise your ability but again, that was just an example of how you can make a sentence or even a paragraph more interesting.

Student - so how do we make it more interesting without that certain articulation?

Y/N - use your creative side to its fullest, not to the point of burn-out but rather if you can put your head down, take your time and examine your work of what's already written, take what you already know, you can piece them bit by bit with not much thought to give it the certain jazz you're looking for

Student - ah right. Thank you

Y/N - no problem, but anyone else more curious?

Mi-sun put up her hand up, her eyes shining to ask me a certain question that's been itching at her

Y/N - yes?

Misun - Seonsaengnim, can you explain to us how you thought of it on the spot?

Y/N - oh right.

I look towards the whiteboard, looking at the what I wrote before looking back at her

Y/N - well, for starters. I read a lot, which also I hope all of you are reading too, catching up to the latest chapter in the book we're covering for those who missed the last few classes

Some of the students held their heads low, embarrassed of themselves for not catching up due to either illness or tardiness on their own part.

Y/N - you take time to analyse words, to look at paragraph and paragraph bit by bit, and it just clicks. You see the rhythm, the wordplay, the rope that ties it all. I don't like repeating myself but you sort of catch on, the more you read, you see how each author takes on their story, their own individual lines of the world and characters behind it. I wrote that on a whim but in my head, taking everything from what I read throughout my years, the inspiration of others just fit into your own little idea, your own world, just suddenly. Out there for everyone to read. So to put it short. inspiration, ideas, concepts. You are the controller of your own mind, so let it out, no matter the absurdity or how little sense it makes because at the end of the day, anyone can interpret it as anything as they want it to be but only you, just you, understands what you made.

Misun - I understand Seonsaengnim, but can you also explain your idea then?

I smile, rubbing my hands together softly.

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