chapter 1 - coincidence

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 I looked at my watch.

I was late.

I had overslept after ignoring my multiple alarms which were supposed to wake me up but I guess I blame all the alcohol I drank last night, celebrating my exit from this country and my entrance into another, and probably perhaps the really long ride from the bar back to the hotel played a part of this.

I went through check in quickly as well, saying goodbye to my one suitcase that I brought with me. I had also checked in my only carry on bag that laid against my back.

Going through the usual procedures, even after the lengthy questions of immigration officers. I had made it to the beginning of the termina,I had 5 minutes left before they would close the gate which was at the end of it, so I did my effort of running

But something caught my eye. Rather a person, she ran beside me. The both of our breaths synced up as we both ran towards our common goal.

She was quite beautiful, alluring even.

Not as common to the naked eye, but she sure damn caught mine.

But with places you'll only be once or a few times, I won't see her again. What a shame.

We avoided people left and right, the both of us equally as fast, though my foot was just a little ahead of her which made us keep the pace together.

With time on our hands, we only had such a small window. But then, she lost her balance.

She wore running shoes, so how was it possible?

But in nature, people can be clumsy so that was to be the least expected but not in a situation like this.

She almost fell to the floor until I caught her, causing our eyes to lock on each other. I helped her back up, the both of us immediately frozen.

She awkwardly bowed to me, she was asian but I couldn't really tell what type.

The air around us was a bit awkward since we both had somewhere to be, her mouth slightly agape. She talked to me using the not the worse broken English I've heard

? - e- excuse me- uh- uhm, do y- you know? Uhm-

She does a little drawing with her fingers resembling a gate, which made me laugh.

She curses to herself after I let out a little laugh, but the way she spoke.

It was Korean.

Y/N - oh, A Korean?

Her eyes lit up immediately, sighing in relief. She held her chest sighing in pure ecstasy that she could have someone to help her

? - oh I'm sorry, you didn't look very Korean

Y/N - it's fine. Looking for your gate?

? - Yes, can you please tell me where gate 3 is?

Y/N - oh, I'm heading there

I show her my boarding pass, her eyes lit up in relief but then the sudden realisation hit me



We both look down to our sides, our hands instinctively grabbing each other's. Our eyes were set on the same goal on arriving there since we only had mere minutes, our legs gave in and ran fast as we could going over.

I never really felt a hand like hers before. It's soft, elegant even.

We ran over to the stewardesses in time and showed our boarding passes to them

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