Por -atIass

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❝ Dreams are the ethereal feathers that carry the weight of our aspirations, and it is in their pursuit that... Más



733 25 3
Por -atIass

AS THE MORNING UNFOLDED, Austin delicately broached the subject of the bonfire and Charis's recent interaction with Cole. Despite her attempts to downplay any underlying tensions, Austin, sensing the subtleties, decided to seek Katherine's counsel. With her innate understanding of interpersonal dynamics, Katherine could offer valuable insights into the situation.

As Austin conversed with Katherine on the phone, Charis couldn't help but overhear their discussion. Despite feeling a twinge of guilt for not confiding in her father directly, she understood his need for outside guidance in navigating their delicate situation. Her respect for his efforts to understand and support her grew, even as she grappled with her own emotions.

Charis found solace in the fact that her first class wasn't until 10 a.m., allowing her to accompany Austin without the pressure of rushing to school. Initially hesitant, she eventually accompanied Austin into town for a milkshake and a visit to the automotive shop. It was a reluctant step outside her comfort zone, particularly in the aftermath of the recent, humiliating events. Nonetheless, she recognized the importance of facing challenges head-on, even when they felt daunting.

During the drive into town, Charis found herself reflecting on recent events, her thoughts inevitably circling back to Cole. Despite his text about the foal, she couldn't shake the disappointment she felt at his lack of concern in person. The promise he made about refraining from drinking, only to break it so easily, stoked a flicker of anger within her. Yet, beneath it all, there lingered a sense of resignation. Their conversations, albeit brief and mediated through text, had addressed these issues, leaving Charis torn between her frustrations and a reluctant understanding of their complicated dynamic.

Upon arriving at the automotive shop, Austin's errand proved more time-consuming than anticipated. Sensing Charis's unease, he suggested she proceed to get some milkshakes while he completed his task. With a resigned nod, Charis braced herself for the social dynamics awaiting her at Lark's, understanding that her friends Skylar and Grace worked there.

Stepping into the shop, Charis prepared herself for any potential encounters, knowing that her presence might stir up various reactions among those she knew. Despite the uncertainty and apprehension, Charis resolved to navigate the situation with grace and composure, ready to face whatever awaited her.

As Charis stepped into the coffee shop, she immediately spotted Kiley behind the register. Anticipating the inevitable encounter, she steeled herself with a sigh, reminding herself of Kiley's inherent kindness.

"Hey," she greeted Kiley with a forced smile.

"Hi," Kiley responded, her surprise evident. Charis couldn't help but sense the tension.

"Can I get two chocolate milkshakes to go?" Charis requested, trying to expedite her departure.

"Sure, just a second," Kiley replied, masking her unease with a smile.

"Charis!" a familiar voice called out, breaking the awkward silence. Charis turned to find Skylar, Jackie, and Grace sitting nearby.

"Hi, guys," Charis greeted them with a strained smile, her apprehensions materializing. She hoped this interaction would be brief, but with Grace present, she doubted it.

"Come, sit," Grace urged, gesturing to an empty seat.

"I actually have to get going," Charis attempted to decline, motioning towards Kiley at the milkshake machine.

"The milkshake machine is taking forever, so it'll be a few minutes," Kiley interjected, voicing her frustration.

"Come on," Grace persisted, compelling Charis to reluctantly take a seat next to Jackie.

"Hey," Jackie greeted her quietly, to which Charis responded with a subtle nod.

"We were just talking. It's just awful that this is all happening to Alex again," Grace remarked. Charis couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. While Alex might be affected, she and Jackie were the ones deeply wounded by the situation. After all, he was just a guy, likely to move on sooner than later.

"He was so messed up by the Paige drama last summer," Grace continued, recalling past events.

"I still don't get it. I mean, how could Cole have stolen Paige from Alex? She isn't property.," Jackie questioned, expressing her confusion.

"Okay, look. We didn't know whether to tell you this before. It all seemed like ancient history. It was before you got here." Skylar chimed in, hinting at hidden details. Charis's interest was piqued.

"Alright, spill it," Jackie urged, her curiosity evident.

"Um, okay, so basically Cole was away for the summer, rehabbing his leg in Colorado Springs, and while he was away, Paige had, like, this totally hot glow-up overnight," Grace narrated with enthusiasm, reveling in the gossip. The mention of Cole's rehabilitation made Charis exchange a subtle glance with Jackie, acknowledging the significance.

"Right? No one even knew who she was before. She threw this huge farewell-to-summer party. And the whole school was there. Even Cole, he was on one or something." Skylar added.

"Then what happened?" Jackie leaned in, eager for the juicy details.

"Anyways, Paige and Alex are attached at the hip until Alex goes to go play pool. And when he comes back, he sees..." Grace trailed off, leaving the conclusion hanging in the air.

"Mmm, do I wanna know?" Jackie raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"The milkshakes are ready," Kiley interrupted, offering a temporary reprieve. Charis quickly paid and thanked her, ready to continue the conversation.

"Paige was totally all over Cole. They were making out. It was a huge thing," Grace divulged, confirming Jackie's suspicions.

"In front of everyone?" Jackie exclaimed in disbelief. Grace nodded, affirming her statement.

"I mean, it was just a one-time thing. But it sure shot Paige up the social ladder," she explained.

"I was in Colorado Springs at the same time," Charis admitted with a sigh, gathering her belongings.

"Oh," Skylar responded, his tone shifting to one of understanding.

"So, this goes way back," Grace observed, piecing together the timeline.

"Apparently it didn't matter much to him," Charis remarked, nodding in acknowledgment.

"Charis, I'm sorry," Skylar apologized genuinely.

"It's alright. Thank you for sharing. I doubt I would've heard this version from him," Charis replied graciously.

"Are you going to be okay?" Jackie inquired with concern.

"I'll manage," Charis reassured her before bidding them farewell and heading back to her father's.

With a heavy heart, Charis exited the coffee shop, mustering a familiar facade of resilience before rejoining her father. Austin, oblivious to the turmoil brewing within his daughter, expressed his readiness to depart as she entered the automotive shop. They shared a quiet journey, punctuated only by the sound of slurping milkshakes, towards the school.

Upon arrival, Charis bid her father farewell and braced herself for the whispers and stares that trailed her every step. Despite her hopes for normalcy, the atmosphere around her seemed suffused with an uneasy silence as she made her way to her locker. Her heart sank as she narrowly avoided a mouse trap set within it, a cruel prank befitting the rumors that now circled her.

As she grappled with the implications of the trap, a small piece of paper caught her eye. With trepidation, she retrieved it, only to be met with the harsh word "Slut" scrawled in plain blue ink. Disheartened, Charis crumpled the note and tossed it into the nearby trash, unaware that it had missed its mark.

Cole noticed this as he walked past and stopped to retrieve it, a frown etched across his face. Danny, noticing his brother's actions, approached with a questioning gaze.

"What are you doing?" Danny inquired, watching as Cole picked up the paper.

Cole sighed heavily, his expression reflecting a mix of frustration and disappointment. "Just cleaning up," he muttered, uncurling the paper for Danny to see. Both of them read the hurtful word scrawled on it, their expressions darkening with concern.

"This is getting out of hand," Danny remarked, his tone tinged with exasperation.

With a shake of his head, Cole crumpled the paper and tossed it into the bin with more force than necessary. "Yeah, it is," he agreed, his jaw clenched with tension.

Meanwhile, Danny observed Cole's reaction as he retrieved the discarded paper, both brothers sharing a silent acknowledgment of its hurtful contents. With a mixture of frustration and resignation, Cole discarded the note, his expression a reflection of the turmoil within.

Unaware of the rumors spreading like wildfire throughout the school, Charis carried on with her day, her mind preoccupied with the recent events and the hurtful note she had found in her locker. Little did she know, whispers and false stories were circulating far beyond the trivial gossip of the bonfire from the night before. These rumors, fueled by speculation and deception, were beginning to tarnish her reputation with lies and deceit.

As Charis made her way through the school corridors, unaware of the burgeoning rumors swirling around her, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that seemed to permeate the air. There was an undercurrent of tension, whispers exchanged behind cupped hands, and sidelong glances that made her skin prickle with discomfort.

Entering her classroom, she found herself greeted by curious looks from her classmates, their eyes lingering on her a fraction too long before hastily looking away when she met their gaze. Ignoring the subtle scrutiny, she took her seat, hoping to blend into the background and avoid any unwanted attention.

However, the uneasy atmosphere persisted, and Charis couldn't help but wonder what was fueling the gossip that seemed to be spreading like wildfire throughout the school. Little did she know, the rumors brewing about her were far from innocent, painting her in a negative light and casting doubt on her character.

As the day wore on, Charis couldn't shake the feeling of being under scrutiny, each whispered conversation and furtive glance adding to her growing sense of unease. Despite her attempts to brush off the rumors, they lingered in the back of her mind, casting a shadow over her day and leaving her feeling isolated and alone.

Charis couldn't shake the lingering sadness that weighed heavily on her heart. The loss of the foal, a silent tragedy that seemed to echo through her thoughts, was a wound that hadn't yet begun to heal. In moments like these, she longed for the comforting presence of Marilyn, someone who had always been there to offer solace and understanding.

Despite the ache of grief that nestled deep within her, Charis found herself grappling with a different kind of emptiness – the absence of genuine concern from those around her. Apart from her father's comforting presence and the brief text from Cole, no one else seemed to acknowledge the weight of her loss. While she didn't expect others to read her mind or offer unsolicited sympathy, the silence that surrounded her struggles left her feeling isolated and alone in her grief.

As Charis sat at her desk, her gaze wandering out the window, she couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment wash over her. This was meant to be her fresh start – a return from rehab, a chance to rebuild her life, to reconnect with her studies, and to pursue her passion for horses. She had envisioned herself excelling academically, dedicating time to train a new horse, and savoring the simple joys of everyday life.

But reality had a cruel way of shattering expectations. Instead of embracing the new beginnings she had envisioned, Charis found herself mired in a tangled web of rumors, misunderstandings, and heartache. The once-promising path ahead seemed clouded with uncertainty, overshadowed by the weight of unmet expectations and dashed hopes.

As she stared out the window, lost in contemplation of what could have been, Charis couldn't shake the feeling of disillusionment that hung heavy in the air. The vibrant dreams of a fresh start had faded into the background, replaced by the harsh reality of her current situation. Yet, somewhere deep within her, a glimmer of determination flickered – a silent vow to persevere despite the obstacles that lay ahead.

Navigating the heavy terrain of teenage years felt to Charis like traversing a maze with no clear path forward. Adolescence presented an array of challenges as she grappled with the daunting task of discovering her identity and carving out her place in the world. Amidst the relentless pressure from peers, the desire for independence clashed with the need for support, leaving her feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

The constant tug-of-war between individuality and conformity added to the complexity of her journey, as she found herself grappling with conflicting expectations and doubts. Striving to stay true to herself amidst the cacophony of external voices dictating who she should be proved to be an arduous defeat.

Yet, in the midst of the chaos, Charis recognized the importance of resilience, courage, and self-awareness. Despite the clamor of opinions and judgments swirling around her, she understood that staying grounded in her own truth was important. It was a journey fraught with challenges and setbacks, but she remained steadfast in her resolve to weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

Her phone buzzed softly on the edge of her desk, indicating a new message. Glancing down, she saw it was from Cole. With a subtle turn of her head, Charis found him already watching her from the back of the classroom. She replied to his message, assuring him they would talk later. As the period drew to a close, only the two of them lingered in the classroom. Danny offered her a supportive smile before exiting, leaving Charis seated, her gaze fixed ahead.

Cole approached, and Charis's breath caught at the sight of the split skin marring his eye socket. She fought the impulse to reach out to him, opting instead to gather her books into her bag.

"I'm sorry about the paper," Cole spoke amidst the rustling of textbooks. Charis paused, realization dawning. If he had seen it, others likely had too.

"What pa- Oh," she began, then fell silent, the weight of understanding settling upon her. She perched on the edge of a desk, and Cole mirrored her.

"Are you sure I'm the one you should be talking to? You could run to any one of your other girlfriends if you want," she rushed, her words tumbling out. Cole's gaze softened as he met her eyes.

As she mulled over their conversation, Charis found herself torn between two conflicting emotions. On one hand, she felt that perhaps Cole needed a harsh reality check to truly understand the gravity of his actions. But on the other hand, she couldn't shake the feeling that he might have already grasped the impact of what he'd done, and perhaps she shouldn't be so unforgiving.

The turmoil within her was palpable, each thought tugging her in a different direction. It was a difficult internal struggle, one that left her feeling unsettled and uncertain of which path to choose.

"Charis," he sighed, his frustration evident.

"I'm getting pretty tired of these talks after you screw up something, and I know I haven't been perfect either but-" she began, crossing her arms defensively. Cole winced inwardly, hating to see her blame herself for his mistakes.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you what happened with Paige," he interjected, reaching for her hands.

"Cole, I accepted the fact that we wouldn't talk when you got out of rehab," she replied, her gaze dropping to their intertwined hands. When she looked up again, her eyes met his.

"But hearing about you doing... things right after getting out, while I still thought we had something," she continued quietly. He tightened his grip on her hands.

"And that's not even the part that angers me," she added, her voice tinged with sadness. Standing up, she released his hands.

"It was the 'running back to you' part. Do you seriously think I'm just going to let you do this every few weeks to test that theory?" she said, her tone on the verge of breaking.

"No," Cole shook his head, standing up as well.

"And you promised you wouldn't drink and would drive us home," she added. Cole closed his eyes, a pained expression crossing his face.

"And now I'll ask you for the last time," she sighed deeply, dropping his hands. Cole's eyes snapped open, a flicker of fear evident.

"Do you like Jackie?" she asked firmly.

"No," he responded, his tone resolute.

Cole grappled with the realization that his actions had consequences far beyond what he had initially understood. Unlike his past experiences where people had often let him off the hook without confronting him, Charis's reaction forced him to confront the repercussions of his behavior. It was a new and uncomfortable reality for him, one that he couldn't ignore or brush aside.

Erin had never challenged him in this way; she had always been more forgiving. But Charis's response made him realize the depth of pain he had caused. Even his mother's scolding that morning echoed in his mind, serving as a reminder that his actions had broader implications.

For Cole, this was a pivotal moment of self-awareness, a recognition that his behavior had real consequences and could inflict genuine harm on others. It was a lesson he knew he couldn't afford to ignore any longer.

Charis weighed Cole's apology carefully, unsure whether to let him off the hook so easily. "Does this mean you forgive me?" he asked, his voice tinged with hope. He knew he shouldn't have asked that.

As Charis contemplated Cole's words, uncertainty clouded her thoughts. Could she trust him again so easily, or was there more to this situation than met the eye? She found herself torn between wanting to believe him and needing to protect herself from potential hurt.

With a resigned nod, Charis acknowledged his apology, though her heart remained guarded. Stepping closer to him, she reached out to touch the cut on his face, her fingers tracing the jagged edge gently. Cole closed his eyes, savoring the warmth of her touch, a silent plea for understanding and forgiveness.

In that fleeting moment, doubts and questions lingered in both their minds, each unsure of what the future held. But for now, they found solace in the simple act of connection, a fragile bond amid the uncertainty that surrounded them.

Meeting his gaze, Charis hesitated before responding. "You're gonna have to earn it," she said firmly, her words carrying a hint of resolve.

Cole felt a pang of disappointment but nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I understand," he replied, his tone tinged with regret. "I'll do whatever it takes."

She met his gaze, her expression guarded. "Don't wait for me at lunch. I'll be helping Danny in the auditorium."

As Charis turned to leave, Cole reached out, a silent plea in his eyes. "But Charis, you should eat," he urged softly, his concern for her well-being evident.

With a small shake of her head, Charis gently extricated herself from his grasp. "I have lunch in my bag," she replied, offering no room for further discussion as she walked away.

Left standing alone in the classroom, Cole wrestled with a whirlwind of emotions, knowing that he had a long road ahead of him if he wanted to regain Charis's trust.

Charis made her way to the auditorium, where she found Danny waiting at the entrance. He quickly pocketed his phone and opened the door for her, but his avoidance of her gaze didn't escape her notice.

"Danny? You know something I don't?" she asked, sensing his unease.

"Ignorance is bliss," he replied cryptically, a feeble attempt to deflect her question.

"Danny!" Charis pressed, feeling a sense of foreboding.

With a heavy sigh, Danny finally relented. "There's a rumor going around," he confessed, his eyes fixed on the ground. Charis braced herself for what was coming next.

"People are saying that you cheated on your previous boyfriend with Cole while the two of you were in rehab," he blurted out, the words hanging heavily in the air. Charis was speechless, disbelief washing over her.

"But I never even had a boyfriend! And I'm not sure I still do!" she exclaimed, frustration and confusion evident in her voice. Danny ushered her inside the auditorium, attempting to shield her from the prying eyes and gossiping whispers outside.

"You don't count Dylan in kindergarten?" Danny quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

Charis rolled her eyes, a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Danny, that was kindergarten!" she retorted, shaking her head.

"Come on, let's focus on rehearsal," Danny said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

With a sigh, Charis retrieved a bag of cookies from her backpack. "I brought cookies," she announced, hoping to shift the conversation to something less distressing. Danny offered her a grateful smile as they made their way inside.

"Another is wise, yet I am well," Danny rehearsed his lines as Charis looked at the script in hand and nibbled on cookies.

"Another virtuous, yet I am well. But till all graces be in one woman..." he continued, his voice trailing off.

Suddenly, the auditorium door creaked open, and Alex strolled in, nonchalantly. Charis felt a surge of annoyance at the sight of him and turned her attention back to the script, avoiding eye contact.

"Banished from the cafeteria?" Danny quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

"People are saying I cried like a little bitch over Paige, and I'm pretty sure it was Cole," Alex remarked casually, taking a bite of his apple. Charis couldn't help but scoff, finding satisfaction in his discomfort.

"Yeah, you're sure. Aren't ya?" she retorted, her tone laced with bitterness. Alex's gaze shifted to her, finally noticing her presence.

"Charis," he began, attempting to address her.

"Save it. You know I thought we were friends," Charis interrupted, her expression hardened as she closed the cookie box, signaling the end of the snack break. Danny, sensing the tension, wisely refrained from taking another cookie.

"We are—" Alex started to protest.

"Not," Charis interjected firmly, cutting him off before he could finish.

"He deserved it!" Alex exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice. But Charis merely shook her head, unwilling to entertain any excuses.

He could be so exasperating, whether he intended to be or not. Always convinced of his own righteousness, always so stubbornly set in his ways. Charis couldn't fathom how Jackie could stand him. Until now, she'd attributed his behavior to living in his brother's shadow, but she was beginning to see that he was simply an unlikable person.

As the door swung open once more, a mop of blonde hair entered, making its way down the stairs with a noticeable limp. Danny threw his hands up in exasperation, signaling the end of the rehearsal as there was no chance of continuing with the disruption. Charis furrowed her eyebrows at Cole's arrival, sensing trouble when she saw his narrowed eyes directed at his younger brother, who sat two seats to her right.

As the theater filled with more people, tension mounted between Cole and Alex. Charis, feeling torn between intervening or staying out of the brothers' conflict, watched as the situation escalated.

"What the hell, Alex?" Cole snapped, advancing toward his brother while Danny tried to intervene.

"Guys, no, no, no, please, not in the auditorium," Danny pleaded, attempting to defuse the situation.

"You told Dad I've been sneaking girls in?" Cole's voice rose with frustration, his steps quickening toward Alex. Charis could feel the tension thickening in the air.

"No," Alex responded, but neither Cole nor Charis believed him.

"He asked. I didn't say anything," Alex explained, only fueling Cole's anger.

"Which is basically a yes," Cole retorted, his tone accusatory.

"Yeah, you're one to talk. Brother of the year right here, telling the whole school that I cried like a bitch," Alex shot back, pointing at Cole as more people entered the auditorium.

"What are you saying?" Cole's expression shifted to confusion as Danny struggled to keep him away from Alex.

"Oh my God, Alex, he didn't do it," Charis interjected, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Stay out of it," Alex snapped at her condescendingly, causing Charis to raise her hands in frustration.

"Don't talk to her like that," Cole intervened, his frustration evident as Danny struggled to restrain him.

"That's how you're gonna play it? Just gonna pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about?" Alex's voice echoed through the auditorium, drawing the attention of everyone present.

"Cool. Good thing I have a great memory of you bawling your eyes out to Mom when your football dreams ended," Alex continued, his words cutting through the tension like a knife.

"Alex, shut up," Charis demanded, hoping to stop the escalating conflict.

"Maybe I should start spreading that around, huh? I think Jordan caught it on camera," Alex threatened further, ignoring Charis's plea.

"Alex!" Charis snapped, reaching out to him, hoping to make him stop. But he didn't even glance back at her; instead, he shoved her away, causing her to trip over his backpack and tumble backward. She winced as pain shot through her leg, but the embarrassment stung even more deeply.

"Alex!" Danny's voice rose in frustration, inadvertently releasing Cole from his grip.

Alex instantly regretted his action, the blood draining from his face when he saw Cole charging toward him. They began to exchange punches and shoves, their anger boiling over as Charis sat back down, nursing her injured leg. Danny rushed in, attempting to separate the two brothers, while the rest of the brothers and Jackie rushed into the auditorium, joining in the effort to pull them apart.

The guys grunted and yelled as they struggled to separate Cole and Alex, while some onlookers cheered them on, eager to see some real action. Amidst the chaos, Mr. Choudry burst into the auditorium and bellowed from the top of the stairs.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! That's enough! All of you, principal's office now! Now!" His authoritative voice cut through the commotion, bringing a sudden halt to the scuffle.

"You too, Charis," he added, causing Charis to gape in disbelief.

"What? But I didn't do anything," she protested, her words stumbling over each other. Cole attempted to argue against it, but Mr. Choudry remained firm.

"To ice that leg," he assured Charis, gesturing toward her injury before ushering everyone out of the auditorium.

As Cole helped her to her feet and guided her up the stairs, Charis let out a sigh of relief. She shot a glare at Alex, who appeared indifferent to the chaos he had caused. It was clear that this was going to be a long day.

━━ 𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙖 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘀 !
vote and comment please <3 don't forget to check out my other books :)

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