
By branchisawsome

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just me. More

Wednesday PJ Day
Thursday Twin Day
Friday Molti Colors
Fuck Monday
Fruday Fun Day


3 1 4
By branchisawsome

Saturday February 24th 224


Nothing much. Made some food and ate. Got my dog ready. Still in my pj's  and just laying in bed. Might go on a walk.

Sorry I just love walks. It takes me away from everything.

Oh!! The weridedst thing happened. I was leaving the kitchen and my dad said here. I was confused but went over. He was doing th sides and I was over there. There was nothing over there that I knew he'd want me to take. So I was like "why is he asking me to come over" he put a glass of water and said here's your water. I was even more confused cause I never asked for water and I was like "I don't want water" he asked " didn't you ask foe some?" I said "no. ....never did🤨" he said "oh thought i heard you say you wanted water. Never mind" and took it away.

Here's the thing....I don't remember even saying anything!

I think I know what it is.

The demons. They use other ls voices to talk to others. And they use mine. This is the second time they did this. The first time they used my voice and cursed and it wad in the hall. I think my dad said something about the hall. So that's how I know where they were. I was in my room absolutely quiet...

They might of said "can I have some water" in my voice. This time dunno where they were but I keep thinking behind me. But then yet again they could of been in front of me.

I couldn't see them though. But still. This is werid. I mean I swear I can't remember saying anything and I normally do. I don't forget what I say that quickly. And if I can't remember probably because I didn't say anything.


I'm going to get dressed and go on a walk.

Love you~



Well, got back. Dunno what I'm doing. My dad did say today were going out shopping tomorrow but he saw he wasn't getting any exercise in. He was going to go to it today but I think he's deciding to just go and get his mail. I wanna do thins as we get out or just watch some YouTube. I dunno.

We'll see.

Love you~



So. I lost my phone and electronics for two hours. I kinda of did some cleaning cause it was a must. My timer did go off. I don't know when. I was taking a trash back full art supplies and putting them into a jawaer making it the art jawaer. And I found my year book from my elementary school. God it was the worst times ever!!

But I found out that a girl I thought I just met in 7th was actually my firend from that time. I guess she knew me but I didn't know her. That's like that in my world. Some will know me but I won't know them.

It's crazy lol.

But I remember you guys....that's interesting...

Anyways. I got caught up with that then continued and cleaned up a bit.

Not the best. But what my dad told me to do. I'm waiting for em to clear sp I can have my Ramen. And see if I can go and watch YouTube.

I'm a little tired. I just wanna watch something and snack on stuff. I guess it's an old habit from when i was living with my mom. I used to watch TV and snack and eat. I did it before when my parents split and I was only with my mom. Never sat at the table. We also never prey. And when we do it's with my dad's firends.

Anyways. I'm going to see what's happening. I think he might be eating. Or he's cleaning. I dunno. But I heard the fridge door I hear dishes. He might be eating.

K touch back with you later

Love you~



I'm on a walk.

I haven't been doing anything due to me watching YouTube and replying to comments and all.

I can't talk.

Love you~



Okay imm give this to you. But uhh. Not much happened. Watched trolls the best goes on. Got mad at creek. Was hom alone today.

My dad walked in without me knowing he was here and made me think and intruder was in the house. I had to keep my fear and anxiety at hush tone. But I was so mad. He didnt let me know he was coming home and didn't care that he scared me or what I thought he was.

He said I'll get over it. Yeah until it happens again. This guy has never had anything happened to em when he lived alone. And he's a chilled guy so nothing really makes em jump.



Love you. Talk to you tomorrow. And might have more stuff to say since I'll be on the road with my dad tomorrow. He let me stay home as an Exception. I didn't ask for it, he gave it to me.

Like he did with my printer. He gave it to me without me asking or wanti- well I did want it, I never thought about asking cause I already had enough. Bu5 he did it.

I was kind of surprised and all. Anyways.

Talk tomorrow.

Love you~



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