God of Desire: RemiXAriella

By mimi_walker04

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REMINGTON ASTOR -Lordship A whirlwind of eccentricity and charm, wrapped in a cloak of eff... More

Chapter 1- ARIELLA
Chapter 2- REMI
Chapter 3- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 4- ARIELLA
Chapter 5- REMI
Chapter 6- ARIELLA
Chapter 7- REMI
Chapter 8- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 9- ARIELLA
Chapter 10- REMI
Chapter 12- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 13- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 14- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 15- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 16- ARIELLA/COLE
Chapter 17- REMI
Chapter 18- REMI
God of war
Chapter 20- ARIELLA
Chapter 21- REMI
Chapter 22- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 23- ARIELLA
Chapter 24- REMI
Chapter 25- ARIELLA
God of war
Hey Hey hey
Chapter 26- REMI
Chapter 27- ARIELLA
Chapter 28- REMI
Chapter 29- ARIELLA
Chapter 30- ARIELLA
Chapter 31- REMI
Chapter 32- ARIELLA
Chapter 33- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 34- ARIELLA
Chapter 35- REMI
Chapter 36- ARIELLA
Chapter 37- REMI
Chapter 38- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 39- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 40- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 41- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 42- ARIELLA
Chapter 43-REMI
Chapter 43- ARIELLA/REMI
Chapter 44- RONAN
Chapter 45- ARIELLA
Chapter 46- REMI
Chapter 47- ARIELLA
Chapter 48- DOLL KEEPER
Chapter 49- REMI/ ARIELLA
Chapter 50- REMI/ARIELLA
should I?

Chapter 11- ARIELLA

1.5K 27 56
By mimi_walker04

"You should leave Jailbait" he looked at the lockers avoiding eye contact with me.
"Alright," I managed to respond. The way I held onto him and the intense emotions he stirred within me were undeniably pleasurable. I planted a kiss on his cheek and playfully nibbled on it.
I couldn't help but smile. As soon as I opened the door, I accidentally bumped into a bitch and Am not even surprised.

"How was it, bitch?" she asked, with an air of curiosity. How typical.

"Why should I tell you?"
"Because I'm your best friend," Annie replied, shrugging her shoulders and holding my hand.

"What a drag you never mentioned that Morozov guy who supposedly dated you, and just recently you told me that you belong to some Mafia family."

"He didn't date me, and I didn't date him either. He simply forced me into that relationship, and I had no idea about my mafia family background. Regardless, I have no interest in finding them... now tell me, did you two fuck?"

I feel terrible for her. She doesn't deserve any of this. She conceals everything behind that smile.

I pulled her along with me, not wanting Rem to overhear our conversation.

Annie handed me my cellphone, and we departed from that place.

"So you already knew about Lia and Rem,?"
I am not upset with her; Annie is someone who never lies. She may not always speak the truth, but she certainly doesn't lie.

"I did," she replied, averting her gaze.

"And when were you planning on informing me?"

"You would have eventually found out, and besides, I don't believe Remington is in love with Lia."

"What do you mean?" I inquired, as we approached the gate.

"Remember Rick the prick?"
"Yeah? What about him?"

"He's my friend now."
"What on earth? What do you mean he's your friend? What the hell is wrong with you? How is he your friend?He slapped you remember!"

"He's not a bad guy, and there's something you need to know."

My phone vibrated, and I glanced at the message.

"Your surprise is ready, doll. I hope you'll love it."

This wanker who ever it is.

"Ofc, I will be delighted" I texted back and Annie said

"What is it with your sarcastic face?"
I handed her my mobile and she saw the messages
"What on earth is wrong with you? Some unknown guy is messaging you and you're actually responding? Is it the same person you were talking about?"


"Obviously, I'm certain it must be a male based on the way he's messaging you."

"Oh, I believe it's just someone from my neighborhood or college."

"You need to inform someone about this," she said with a concerned tone.

"It's probably just a prank, Annie. Sometimes it's creepy with empty surprise threats, but nothing has actually happened, so I'm confident it's just a prank."

Just as I finished speaking, I received another message.
"My surprises aren't empty, Doll. You sometimes fail to notice."

What in the world?
Annie stumbled backwards, and my phone slipped from her hand, falling to the ground.

"Who's there? Who the hell are you?" Annie screamed, while I searched for anyone suspicious nearby, but no one seemed out of the ordinary.

"It's probably just a coincidence, Annie," I received a glare in response.

"Not everything is a coincidence, Ari. Stop disregarding things so lightly."

"I won't."

"If you receive messages from unknown numbers again, this time I will definitely report it to someone."

"Let's just go grab something to eat."
She glared at me again but nodded her head anyway

"But before that let me do something"
She said picking my phone and blocked that number.

"So you were saying about Rick the prick"

She smiled and we began strolling down the street, my intention being to alleviate any concerns she may have. Annie and I both struggle internally with the unspoken things between us. We don't pressure each other to speak, we simply wait.

"Yes, so here's the thing, I believe Lia has developed feelings for Ricky and it will be interesting to see if both Remington and Lia become jealous or not for that you have to be a little closer to Rick"

"Lia might experience jealousy, but I doubt Remington will even react."

"Indeed, the way he responded today when he saw you with Liam, it wasn't jealousy, he was being a potato and making fries."

Sometimes she employs sarcasm excessively. Just way too much.

"Yeah, yeah," I attempted to dismiss it, but she persisted.

"What do you mean 'yeah, yeah'? Have you ever noticed how he looks at you?"

"He doesn't really look at me, except occasionally."

"Seriously? He definitely gazes at you more than just anyone."

"Yeah, rarely a drag. Tell me about your parents."

"My parents passed away in a car accident,"
she said as we both settled down after ordering noodles.

"I'm asking about your biological parents"
What's wrong with her? I mean, I understand that she despises her biological parents, but doesn't she atleast want to know who they are?

"Maa said my parents were killed in a car accident caused by someone colliding with their car. I still remember how excited my mumma was to celebrate Christmas that day."


"I feel like I am a burden on Maa and uncle"

"Dont say that, your aunt and uncle really do love you, infact Lia too. She is being mean right now but she really cares about you"

"I know, but sometimes I just"
She gulped hard and the waiter arrived with noodles.

I called her out but she seemed lost and saw her mobile

"I recieved an invitation for Heathens intiation, and that jerk Vaughn is here"
Her voice is full of frustration. Looks like he has done something

"Lan and Ava explicitly warned me against any involvement with that university, Glyn mentioned that it seems to be funded and reeks of mafia money, despite the fact that Ces, Glyn, Bran, and Brother Creigh are all in relationships with individuals connected to it,
including Lan as well"
I am curious to witness the situation there.I will be visiting, but I first need to secure an invitation for myself.

"Then you shouldn't go."

"Are you planning to go?"
I inquired, even though I am certain she will.

"It depends" she responded while helping herself to some noodles from my bowl.

"Hey, those are mine," I protested, but she continued to eat. In response, I did the same, and she shot me a disapproving look.

"They're mine," she insisted.

"So?" I retorted.

"Get your own, you're wealthy," she remarked.

"Coming from the lost mafia princess," I teased, causing her to wrinkle her nose in disgust.

"Stop calling me that," that expression didnt leave her face and I teased her again

"Fine, lost mafi-"

"Shut it, Ariel. It's just a theory I hope it isn't true."

"What are you going to do if you are actually one?"
She rolled her eyes at me, and I mirrored her gesture.

"Then I will abandon them, just like they did to me,"
She definitely isnt bluffing. If her parents will find her she will give them hard time.

I shook my head, and exclaimed,
"You know, I actually composed an addictive tune on the guitar."

She is a talented singer and plays music exceptionally well, especially Indian and Japanese melodies.
Must say Ava and her musics are different but similar.

"I will listen to it later,"
I responded. She then received a call from someone and promptly ended it.

"Why do you dislike that guy?
Duh! Annie doesn't easily hate anyone, even if they have wronged her.

"It's a long story, but all I can say is, in New York, he forcefully took me to his place, claiming me as 'love of his life' because I broke the mirror of his bike,which was definitely not accidental after what he has done to me in military"

She explained as she ordered another bowl of noodles

She has an obsession with Japanese food. Sometimes, I wonder if she is Japanese herself.

"So, what are you going to do about Remington? And how did you end up getting involved in that missing case?" she inquired.

To be honest, I did tell Annie about scaring that girl, Lana or something. However, I didn't go into detail about how I did it or what exactly happened. In fact, I didn't mention the visions I've been having either. They feel so real that it's hard to consider them as mere hallucinations. She just knows that I still get nightmares about that night.
If I mention about seeing her then she will freak out.

"I don't know. Dad said he will handle it. And I really want to find out how that girl went missing," I replied.

She simply nodded, and I resumed eating. This is really delicious.

"Are you enjoying this Ramen?"
"These noodles?"

She expressed, in a tone of offense.
"It's Ramen Ari!!"

"Okay, it's Ramen and I do enjoy it, it's quite delicious."

"Well, then you should watch Naruto, he also loves Ramen-"
Here we go again, her obsession with Animes.

"I'll consider that another time."
Although I have watched it once for her.

She gave me a side glance and began eating another bowl of noodles, oops Ramen I mean with sushi and egg. She widened her eyes, indicating it's truly delicious. She was so dumb before that she thought all martial arts were originated from Japan and learnt
Teakwando and judo. Tough I think it was just a reason.

As we exited the shop, Annie looked at me with a mischievous grin.

"What's on your mind?"
"You know I have fragrance-free shampoo."
She said with a grin that reached her eyes. It's like she smiles with her eyes.

"Ava will be furious if I play any pranks now."

"Who's going to tell her?"
Oh yes, who indeed will tell Ava.

The moment I agreed, she jumped and hugged me.

"There's a business party or something next week or a month later I dont know, Ava and everyone will be there."

"And the social butterfly is bringing you along."
I nodded and she suggested,
"Take one of your books with you, oh wait, you won't need it since your Lordship will be there."

She's not wrong though.

"Will you accompany me?"

"What's in it for me?"

"I'll take you to my apartment?"
I proposed, though it sounded more like a question.

"Hell yeah, count me in."

"Is someone picking you up? Or should I drop you off?"
Annie inquired, as she has her own car and can drive, while I have to rely on someone else for transportation.

"Bran mentioned he'll pick me up, but can you drop me off at a cafe? I need to congratulate him."

She nodded and we headed back to REU.

"I'll wait here."
I stated, standing near the gate and observed Rem talking to a girl.

Let me approach him.
That girl is looking like american and iff I am not wrong she must be from TKU judging from her appearance, why is she conversing with him. Who is she?
Wait! Did he just grin at her? That girl! Who is she?
Chaos Utter chaos. It's no longer peaceful. My hand formed a fist and all I want to do is kill that girl. Dad used to refer to me as little chaos and Uncle Aiden used to call me little Nash. But after that night, he started calling me little warrior and dad calls me princess. But the chaos never left my mind.
And when ever I see Rem it gets peaceful and chaos became part of me and I find solace in it. He made me love that chaos too but only when he is with me.
That girl kissed his ear and he moved away from her with a smile.
I can't hear their conversation, but I'm certain that girl must be flirting with him, or maybe he is flirting back.
"Get in Ariella."
I heard Annie say, but I doubt I will be going with her. I need to find out who that girl is.
"Annie, I have something important to take care of! You go ahead, I'll call you once I arrive."
She gave me a sarcastic look, but all I want to do right now is strangle that girl for touching him. Even though he didn't claim to be mine. But does it matter? He is mine as long as I love him. Which means REMINGTON ASTOR is mine until I breathe, until I live.
"Fine, if you don't want to come. Just give me a call once you get there."
She said, and I nodded. Annie left, and so did Rem. Ready to go, Ariella.
I saw the girl walking and followed her. She entered an alley that is close to both REU and TKU. Foolish of her to come alone in an alley.
I pushed her face against the wall, and she looked at me in horror.

"Who the hell are you? what are you doing, leave me?"

First that Lana and now her. Okay lets not think about Lana, she has gone missing and god knows where she is. I hope she is okay but she has to stay away from Rem.

"Are you deaf? Leave me"
She struggled against me even though its useless.
All I am doing is pressing her head, instead of pushing me or struggling she should try taking my hands off her head. People are so dumb these days.

"What were you doing with Remi?"
"What do you mean what was I doing with him?, I can do whatever I wan-"

I left her head and she turned around, holding her collar I started pushing her backwards and cut her off in between, I want answer not explanation.

"Answer what I asked for"

"What were you doing with Remington Astor"
I ask trying to stop myself from strangling her neck.

"Once we had a night, and I asked him for an-"

I left her face and grabbed her hair slapping her right across her cheek.

"You tried to seduce my man"

"I did! So what, and how dare you slap me?"

"Hardly a drag"

I left her hair and

"I do dare very well and"
I slapped her again as her face turned to opposite side
"Like this!"

"I am going to call him and say-"

"You sure you want to do that?"
I questioned eyeing her. From the way she appears am sure she has a boyfriend and maybe cheating on him! Because hell she is wearing a couple bracelet.

"And watch me I will"
She took her phone out from her pocket and unlocked it. Oh wait isnt she a TKU student?
"Are you from TKU?"
"Why am I supposed to answer that?"
She said with her American accent. I am sure she isn't from here, she isn't an Elite.
I glare at her and she flinched moving back and nodded her head
Nice opportunity, she must have recieved an invitation for Heathens intiation.

"Firstly you should stay away from Remi, and I want Heathens intiation invitation and in return everything I know will stay between us"

"And what do you know about me?"

A chuckle left my mouth and am trying badly not to punch her or kick her. All thanks to Brother Eli and Cray cray for making me learn this and teaching me boxing and kicking.

"That you are a slut"
She looked at me angrily and glared at me. Nope those, glares dont scare me.

"I am not a mirror"
She said and a laugh left my mouth as I looked at her. That line is old now. Use someother sentence to diss people.

"Quite a drag. And I am not your reflection either"

She opened her mouth to say something but didnt utter a word. Instead she started to do something on her mobile, I saw the contact which read Babe!
So she does have a boyfriend.

"Stay away from Rem and"

I paused and she looked at me again

"No, I wont"

I was expecting the same answer. No worries I know how to make you agree
And either way Remi wouldnt sleep with those girls who are in relationship. He might not know this yet. Or maybe he does?

"I was hoping to leave you normally, but remember you asked for it"

I snatched her phone and jammed through her contacts

"Hey, what are you doing give me my mobile"

I memorised that number with one single glance.

"Here you go, I will just have to call your boyfriend saying how you are whoring around"

"Are you trying to threathen me?"
She said trying to sound angry but that tremble and shake in her voice says she is scared.

"I am not trying! I.AM.THREATHING.YOU"
Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I love my boyfriend"

"Yeah you love him so much that you want to seduce my man"

She wiped her tears and gave me a qr code and a number.

"This is the qr code. You have to scan it-"
I didnt listen to her and left from there

I heard her but I dont give a damn. I need to see Rem first else I will loose my peace.

But wait, need to meet Branny

I arrived at the cafe by taking a taxi, knowing that Bran would be upset, but he is the most patient person among the kings, even more patient than Glyn. Therefore, he won't scold me.

A tired sigh left my mouth
I have so much more to do. Sophi's birthday falls on the same night as Heathen's initiation, and I need to ask Lia if she will join us in getting a gift for Sophi.

Bran is sitting there in his usual attire, but what's unusual is that the guy with tattoos is also sitting there. I believe it's Nikolai, the one who has helped Bran in many situations.

"Ari," he said as he approached me. "What are you doing here? Didn't I say I would come to pick you up?"

He is clearly frustrated, but before he can say anything else, I motioned my hand downwards, signaling him to bend down. He obediently bent down, looking confused... Why is he so tall?

"I am so happy for you, Bran. Your art is considered one of the greatest and has been placed in a museum,"
I exclaimed cheerfully as I embraced him and he twirled me around.

"Lotus flower, who is she?" Nikolai's jealous voice interrupted us, and I received a glare from him.

"Niko!! Stop with those glares. She is little Ari!"
Bran glared back at his boyfriend, and a smile appeared on his face as he playfully pulled my cheeks.

"Ohh...so you are Ariella Aiden Nash! Daughter of Cole King and Aiden Nash."

"Ughh, Bran seriously! Don't tell me you asked him to pull my cheeks when he meets me and say this whole thing,"
I said, pulling my face away from him.

He smiled in return, and Niko ruffled my hair, messing it up a little.

"So you came here to congratulate him?" he asked as he bent down to my height. I am definitely not short, in fact, I am taller than Annie and quite equal to Ava and Ces. These guys are just too tall. He has broad shoulders, and his personality is nothing like Annika described, nor does his body and muscles match the way he acts around Bran.

"Yes! Because I am genuinely happy for him."

"Little Ari-"

"Bran, I am not little anymore. Look at me, I am in university now."

"None of us will accept that you are growing up. To us, you will always be our little one."

"Hufff, I can't win with you guys on this"

Niko inquired about our meal options, and we all remained seated. There was a half-eaten apple pie on the table, which made me uncomfortable. Bran noticed my unease and called the waiter to remove it.

"I was eating that, baby," Niko protested, but Bran silenced him with a glare.

"Ari only eats cakes without fruits or nuts, so should we order chocolate or vanilla pastries?" Bran looked at Niko and then at me. I used to go out with the King brothers as well, but now I realize that I spend less time with the girls. Most of my time is spent with Dad, uncles, or the King brothers.

"The usual?" Bran called out to the waiter, and I nodded in agreement.

"And for you?" he asked Niko.

"I'll have whatever you're having, Lotus flower,"
Niko replied. Bran smiled at him and ordered the pastries for us.

"Are you okay, little one?"

"Of course, Bran. Why wouldn't I be?" I reassured him. He shook his head, and we had a lengthy conversation while enjoying our meal. Nikolai truly adores Bran, and he is also an heir to the mafia.

"So, should I call you Nikolai or Niko?"

"Niko will do," he said, ruffling my hair once again.
"What a drag"
Why do they ruffle my hair? I dont want to feel like a kid, infact I want to grow up so soon that I dont want to be dependent on them always.

"I have to plan for initiation,"
he announced, and we all stood up.

"You guys can leave. I'll call Lan to pick me up since he didn't give me the book or let me meet Mia or I will call Uncle Aiden, dad must be in meeting right now" I said, looking at Bran reaching for my phone to call my uncle.

"Why ask that fucker when I can introduce you to Mia myself?"
Niko exclaimed.

Did he just refer to Lan as a "fucker"? I tried to hold my tongue because I despise it when someone insults my loved ones, especially not my Dad, uncles, or my brothers. I consider the King brothers as my own brothers, and I detest it when people disrespect them.

"Don't call Landon, Eli, or Creighton with names she doesn't appreciate it,"
Bran said, attempting to diffuse the tension.

"Why? Don't tell me she has a good relationship with Landon."

"I do and is Mia your sister?"
I questioned trying to ease the situation. I mean they have their own conflicts and me meddling in it is not good.

"Yes, little kid, if you wish to meet her, I can simply give her a call. No need to plead with that fuc- Landon for it,"
he replied.

We exchanged our contact information, he tousled my hair once more. Bran pinched my cheek, and I reciprocated by kissing his cheek and lightly biting it.

"I thought Uncle would be here, but Ava and Remi are present,"
he remarked, pointing to where Ava was playfully pulling Remi's hair, while Annika, Cesy, and Glyn emerged from the car, laughing.

They all entered and noticed us. Remi was ignoring me. He didn't even spare a glance in my direction. Why does he always ignore me after we've been intimate?

"Am I late?" a voice chimed in, and I turned to see Lia standing there in a dress.

"No, you're right on time,"
Ava said, giving her a side hug. Isn't she upset that Lia is dating Remi?

"Hey Ariel," she greeted me with a wave.
"I prefer Ariella,"
I stated, trying to ignore the pang I felt seeing Remi coordinating his outfit with Lia, while Ava, Cesy, and Glyn are hanging out with her. They didn't even think to include me. Not that I would join but I do of they call me at day time.

"You don't have to be rude to her, she's your childhood friend,"
Glyn interjected, stepping out of Bran's embrace.

I called out to her, and she hummed.
"Annie and I are going to visit Aunt Isa on Sophi's birthday night, we need to buy a gift too. Will you join us?"

She looked surprised but then asked,
"Are you really inviting me?"
I nodded, and she pointed to herself.
"Aren't you upset that I'm dating Remi?" she inquired.
I am, but I still consider you a friend. If you two are dating, why should I be upset?My feelings were always one-sided, whether it was love, friendship, or for Ava. Annie is the exception, though.

"Lia, you have been my friend for a long time. Even before you started dating him, our friendship was there. I don't see any reason to be angry with you"

She nodded in agreement, mentioning that she would try to make it but had to finish her project first. Rem was engrossed in a conversation with Ava. Ces, Glyn, Annika, and Lia were engaged in their own discussion. I wish Annie was present. Ava approached me and began inquiring about my day.

"Ari, Rem is a friend of mine, so I am glad-"

And what about me? I am your sister too,Aren't you my sister, Ava?

I held back my response as I noticed a message from uncle

"I'll be there in a few minutes, Little warrior."

I sent a thumbs up in acknowledgment. Ava took my hand and gently traced her thumb over it.

"Ari, if you're upset-"

She released my hand mid-sentence and went over to Ces, she accidentally hit her leg on the table.

"Ces, are you alright? Did you hurt yourself? Rub it, or it might swell."

Her voice conveyed genuine concern.

Yet, here I stand, completely unnoticed.
Invisible, by the man I love and my only sister who doesn't reciprocate my feelings. I wish she loves for me even a fraction of how much she cares for Ces.

"I'm leaving," I announced, but no one seemed to notice. Not Ava, not Rem, not Ces, not Glyn, not Annika, not even my childhood friend.
I am invisible.

Bran and Niko had long departed, and I exited the cafe as well.

"Ari wher-" Ava didn't complete her sentence again and I heard Glyn speaking
"What do you want to order?"

And I didnt listen to anyone's voice anymore.
Yet again I am invisible to them.
Thats good but...I dont want to be invisible to those people who I consider them as my own.

I saw uncle Aiden coming in his car

"Come to me Ariel, I wont let you be invisible"
I hear Sophi's voice I can see her too. That blue dress and the doll which I gifted her she is holding that

Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me
Come to me Ariel, You said you will stay with me

I held my ears and shut my eyes tightly but I can still listen to Sophi calling me

I cant come to you now, I am not hallucinating. I can still see her. Even with my eyes closed I can see her. I can listen to her.
I really miss you Sophi. But I cant come to you


Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my hands and pulled me into themself.
A strong manly scent held me.

"Little Warrior breathe, breathe common breathe"

"Help me please, she will take me away"

"No Ari no one will take you away"

I stayed quite like that and pulled back to see my saviour, my Uncle.

"Can you take me to meet Sophi?"
"Okay, but this time I will come inside, but I will stand away"

I nodded my head and we got into his car.

"Do you want to say something? You know that you can say anything to me right?"

"I miss Sophi"

"You have to let go of her Little Warrior"

"But I dont want her to hate me"
He stopped his car and looked at me with the eyes which showed pity. The emotion which I despise alot.

"She wont"

"But she always calls me, she takes people away from me. She hates me"
I said as guilt is consuming me and my eyes are trying not to feel them and leave the tears

"Sophia left, but it was never your fault"

"She always calls me Uncle, and when I say I dont want to come she takes everyone away with her. She took Ava, Mom, Dad, you, Aunt Elsa, Brother Eli, Cray, Lan, Bran and even Rem"

"Those are nightmares kid, once you will let her go she wont be there in your dream's"

"Uncle Aiden"
I called him out and he wiped my tears and cupped my cheek

I hate the guilty feeling

"Am I not deservable of love?"

"What made you think that? Who the fuck made you feel that"
I can listen his voice and the anger too, but with uncle Aiden and Dad I am the safest than anyone. I can be myself, say anything and they wont ever leave me.

"Am sorry"
"Why are you sorry kid?"

"Because I always worry you guys, specially you and Dad"

"Well you can worry me my whole life but you have to say you love me more than Cole"

"I cant say who I love the most in you and Dad. Same goes for Mom and Aunt Elsa"

I laughed and he started driving again. He stopped the car and brought some flowers.

We visited Sophi and uncle dropped me to my home. He asked me to stay at his place but I denied it. He said they are going for a buissness trip again and will be back in three days. Good for me then. I can go to Heathens intiation easily. I miss my grand parents. I will just say I stayed at Grandma's. Its been months since I saw them. I miss them both.

Upon entering the house, I spotted Grandma and Grandpa engaged in conversation with my mother. I should have requested something else; I would have received it. I simply longed to meet Grandma and Grandpa. Ava was seated next to Grandma, so I leaped to sit beside Grandpa, startling them all.
Looks like Ava came back early from there

Ava is evidently Grandma's favorite, perhaps due to her resemblance to Mom. As for me, I am undeniably like Dad, although I once overheard Grandma telling Mom that I share many traits with Dad's mother, such as writing and baking. I am not particularly skilled at baking since Mom never allows me to do so. However, whenever I visit King's Mansion, Aunt Elsa and I always bake or make chips.

Which gets burnt

"Here is my youngest,"
Grandpa announced, and Grandma smiled at me. However, it seemed insincere, or perhaps I am just imagining things. Sometimes, I feel as though she despises me.
"I was wanting to meet you you both," I expressed, only to receive a response from Grandpa, while she remained silent, preoccupied with caressing Ava's hair.

"I really missed you guys,"
Ava chimed in.
"I missed you too, my baby," Grandma replied. I should have accompanied Uncle; then Lan, me, and brother Eli would have been playing chess.

"Grandma," I called out, and she turned to me.
"Yes, Ariella?"
"I once heard you mention that I not only resemble but also act like Dad's mother."
Mom widened her eyes in astonishment, and Grandpa's grip around me tightened.
"How did my other grandmother pass away? I have always been curious about it."

"Ari! When did you?" Mom gulped and sweat formed on her forehead

Do not ask questions that will make her uncomfortable.

"I have read some of the books she authored, and they are truly amazing, definitely not a drag"
I remarked.
"You will not read those books again," Mom interjected.
"But, Mom..."
"Please, baby,"
Shoot. I hurt her once more. Fantastic, just kill me.

"Okay, Mom, I won't," I acquiesced.
"Change your clothes first,"
Ava instructed.
"Ces, Glyn, and Annika mentioned they will be coming over. We will all have a great time tonight, its a sleepover and you will join us."
"Of course she will," Grandma interjected on my behalf, and I deeply regret not going with Uncle Aiden.

Her presence is commanding, as if she is the ruler, possessing power and determination.

"I wont"
I said and remembered Dad's words which were similar to what Annie once said

You dont have to do something that you dont want too. Forcing yourself will endup breaking you. And I want my little Chaos to voice out whatever she wants.


"I dont do sleepovers grandma"
I said and mom stayed quite
"But Ava wants you too-"
"Then let her, I am not stopping her but I wont join them"

"Is it because Lia came today?"
She said getting up and her baby pink frock adored her body. Her hair similar to mom's falling on her shoulders.
"I am not a jealous kind of person Ava, its good that you are getting along well with her"
I got up getting to my room. I have to go get a gift too. What a hectic day. Annie will be here soon

I freshen up and wore a black hoodie.

"Ari I am coming in"
I heard Ava but I didnt say anything, she came in and sat on my bed

"Why are you angry?"

"I am not"
I simply say. This is the first time me and Ava are disagreeing and I am afraid it will lead us to fight.

Ava got to my clothes and started searching for something

"What do you want Ava?"
I asked wanting to help her but she stayed quite and I heard bell ringing

"You will spend time with us, I have planned a lot, please dont say no"

She stated and her blue eyes which are crazily similar to mom and me stared at me and got back to searching again

"You can ask me to spend time with you and I will but not at nights, dont ask me why! I just cant"

She found my doll and threw it across and turned to me
What the hell is she doing?

She isnt supposed to see this.

"What is a doll doing here?"
"Thats the only one I have"

"Mom hates them and you still have them"
She said taking it from my hand
"Throw it"

"Ava you are being weird"
I said taking it from her hand but she didnt let it go
"I am just worried about you, mom said you are having bad dreams"
Is she worried about me or mom?

"Mom doesnt like you writing, yet she never stopped you, but she certainly hates dolls or even mentioning them so throw this, or burn this I dont care"

"Ava is right"
I heard grandma's voice again
But this is the only thing left with me as Sophi's memory I cant throw it.

"Why are you guys being like this, mom didnt see this before and I will make sure-"

Ava grabbed it from my hand throwing it to the window and I heard something break.
"I really am concerned about you Ari, you dont say things to me or talk them to me"

Somebeads came near my feet and I picked them up, it broke. I designed it when I was Eight and Aunt Isa helped me. Sophi loved it alot, Annie and Lia too.

I picked up the doll which has all the four of our favorites in it. My design, sophi's favourite white frock. Annie's bracelet and overall Lia's hair.
I designed it because it had qualities of us. The dress is torn and bracelet is broken.
I didnt say anything and picked it up. I know Ava cares about mom,but what about me?


She tried taking it from my hand again and I held it closer to my heart.
"Give it to her"
I heard grandma say again but the chaos in my mind ,in my heart nothing are quite. They are getting worse.
Ava tried to take it but I pushed her causing her to fall.
Oh fuck. I didnt mean it.
She hissed in pain and I saw some blood on her ankle

"What the fuck did you do"
Ces and Glyn came in pushing me and helped her to stand

"Do you even care about Silver?"
Grandma said and I think she hates me because I look like my other Grandma. Is it my fault? I try so hard to make them happy but I end up hurting them

"Come to me, I wont hurt you"
I heard sophi again but before I can respond Ces pushed me out of my own room
"Not only Aunt but you hurt Ava too"
Ces said and Glyn added
"She planned to spend time with you because she felt guilty but-"

"Do you even care about mom?, or you only care about Dad and Uncle Aiden?"
I love mom alot Ava, I wish I-
Ava widened her eyes as she said
"Ari wait, I didnt mean it, I was just wanting to spend some time with you"

dont I deserve to be her daughter? Maybe I dont!

I heard Annie but I am too numb to respond
"Why do you have to hurt all of them cant you see your sister-"
grandma was saying but I turn to Annie and her eyes softened

"Annie drop me off at Kings, I will meet you tomorrow, we can get the gift for her later"
I descended the stairs and Annie followed me quitely and saw mom and Grandpa
"Ari baby?"
"I am leaving mom I will be back after two days"

"Mom made your favourite food atleast stay for that"
Ava said following me but I have no answers for her. She held my wrist in attempt to stop me but I glared at her.
She quickly took her hand off

"What is it in your hand? Is that a doll?"
Something like your daughter mom, who doesn't express or hurt people just by existing.
"Nothing, I need to leave"
I said and didnt even listen to their words I can hear mom comforting Ava and Ava sobbing
I am sorry for being a bad sister Ava. I am so sorry for always hurting your mom, at this point I feel she only deserves Ava as her daughter.

I got inside her car and we silently drove to kings mansion.
"You mean a lot to me Ariel"
She said breaking the silence
"Maybe more than Lia or anyone, because to me you are the only true person there"
"And you are important to me too I dont know if you are important to me more than Ava or not but"
She waited for me to end the sentence which I did

"You are definitely not less important than her"

"I know, no one can hate me, Watashi wa kawaīkara"
"Kawai means cute? And by the way you are saying you just called yourself cute?"

"Bitch how did you guess it"
"Well your body language and the way you said"

"What are you going to do about this doll?"
"I will ask Aunt Elsa to help me"
We reached in no time and called Annie inside to join us but she denied.
"I have to meet a jerk and make sure he stays away from me"
I can say its the same guy.
"You remember about tomorrow right?"
"yeah, then we need to get gift and after that at night we will go to meet aunt Isa"
"Ok then"
She waved at me and I wait until she is gone.

"Jailbait" I heard his voice, but I think am hallucinating again, just like Dad says.

"Ma chèrie?" I heard him and turned around only to see he is actually here.
I touch his muscles and he is real
"Uncle said you wont be coming here and arent you girls having sleepover?"
I throw myself in his arms he stumbled a little but caught me.
My favorite doll is still in my hand but I need him too.
"Whats wrong jailbait"
"Kiss me Rem"
"Kiss me until I am drunk on it! Kiss me until you will love me"
He widened his eyes and moved back shaking his head
"This is soo wrong jailbait"
"We both want wrong things dont we!"
"We both will regret it"
"I wont regret it one bit but if you think you will then you can forget it but kiss me"
Though I dont want you to forget it
"Because I want to know if you are real"
He pulled me to him and attached his lips on mine.
His soft but Chappy lips kissing me like thats the last thing he wants to do.
His warm tounge started touching my whole mouth and I pushed myself towards him as my toes curled.
"You are making me loose my sanity jailbait"
And he pressed his lips on mine again and I kissed him back. I want him more than he will ever know. And I love him more than I can ever show.
His tounge sucked my mine and I clutched onto his shoulders, my eyes leaving tears. He noticed it and tried pulling away but I held him back and kissed him. I bit his lips and pecked it.
We stayed like that for sometime, me in his arms, the most comfortable place. And his hand holding my waist and one cupping my cheek he pulled away and his tumb wiped my lips and he touched his nose with mine.
"Who what?" I asked him confused
"Who made you cry Jailbait"
He said wiping my tears and his touch soft like feathers on my skin
"I have to get in"
"I need a name so that I can make them cry too"
"You wont be able to Rem"
"Leave it!"
"Why do you always ask me to forget?"
"Because I dont want you hate me or ignore me"
He stayed quite and as I was about to leave
"This doll?"
"Isnt it pretty? I made this when I was Eight. But its broken now. I have to mend it back"
He looked skeptical but nodded his head

"Werent you girls having sleepover?"
"I dont like it"
" If you dont like it then you dont have too"
My head jerked to him because he said those words.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
He came closer pulling me to him
"Uncle will kill you and not to mention brother Eli and bro-"
"You just kissed me now you are saying about someone watching us?"
"Well that was because-"
"I dont know"
"Even I don't"

"Get your fucking hands away from Little one"
I heard Lan's voice and Rem rolled his eyes.
He held his hand to hit him but Rem glared at him
"What the fuck is wrong with you psycho"
"No whats wrong with you! You think you can do what ever you want with her and I will stay quite then you are wrong. I wont let you-"

"Ariiii!!!" I heard a scream and I am certain it belongs to Aunt Elsa.
"Ohh mymy I missed you...Silver said you would stay there today"

"No Ellie I didnt, and now help me with this"
I show her my doll and she took it from me.

"How did the bracelet broke and dress is torn too?"
We both got in followed by Remi and Lan.

After sometime I heard some loud voice. And Remi came out chasing Lan.
"You fucking psycho, how dare you eat my chips"
"I told you I didnt Rems, trust me! Infact I think you ate"
He scoffed and laughed and then he glared at Lan
"Trust you? You are a fucking psycho and trusting a psycho means getting manipulated by them. And guess what! I am smart"
Remi said, no he ranted.

"What are they arguing about?"
I go to Brother Creigh and Ask him

"About who ate the chips"
"They are always the drag"
Oh am not surprised since they always fight for it as if they cant buy it.

"And who ate?"


Brother Eli appeared out of nowhere starling Bran because I am habituated with this, and said eating the last chip from the bowl.

Me, Bran and Brother Creigh burst out laughing and brother Eli gave me a high five.

Rem looked at me and so did Lan but I cant control my laugh.
Hahah....look at their faces brother Eli.
We are laughing like crazy and suddenly Rem and Lan jumped on brother Eli making us laugh again.

"Mother fuckers get off"
He said pushing them but two of them are in no mood to let him go.
"Cray Cray you knew it too"
Rem said getting away from Brother Eli and chased him.

Me and Bran looked at all of them laughing. Bran had his hand around my shoulder and the laughter died and all the four of them are quite.
We followed them out and someone pushed me causing me to fall in pool.
A familiar hand held me up as I clung on to him. Our faces are almost touching eachother and his shirt is showing all his muscles and body. And am sure I must be looking like a potato like Annie says. Because I am wearing a hoodie.
"How romantic"
Ellie said as I pulled back and Bran pushed Lan and recieved a glare from him.
"You didnt just push me"

"Then what do you call this? Fucking?"
Rem said and Eli jumped in pool with Creighton and dragged Bran along with them.

Ellie just put her legs in the pool and watched us. She is taking pictures too.
"Little Ari deserves some fun too"
Brother Creigh said and all the four of them came to me and I moved back
"No, you guys are traitors I didnt even do anything why are you targeting me"
"Simply because you are fun to be around and I am you favorite"
Lan said
"What a drag Lan, I am going"

"Shut up fucker, I am her favourite, she loves me more than that punk"
he said pointing at brother Creighton
"Yeah dream on"
Someone pulled me into a hug from back and all the four of them started to tickle me.
Nonono, hahahaa...hahahahaha...

Stop stop hahaha haha
"Brother Eli no"
But they didnt stop infact they tickled me more and Rem joined them water is splashing all around us.
Once they stopped I took a deep breath
"You guys are cruel"
My breathing is still heavy and Ellie is laughing. I threw some water at her.
"Stop laughing"
Everyone got out of the pool after sometime and I am still in pool.
"I dont think I am ignored here Sophi"
I said looking up at sky and a hot breath fanned on my neck raising my heartbeat.
"No one can ignore you ma chèrie, its one hell of an impossible thing"
he said and turned me around him
I placed my hands on his chest and his wet body pressed against mine.
"What are you doing?"
"Can I kiss you?"
I didnt say anything and bit my lower lip because I dont know the answer for that
He pulled it out saying
"Let me help you biting them"
I leaned in and just as we are about to kiss I heard Ellie saying
"Eli no, dont go"
"Mom, he is going to kiss her, she is freaking minor and like a sister, I just said it as a challenge"

Just as those words fell on my ears I pushed Rem
His eyes left the cheerfulness and his smile is gone too
I am just a challenge to him. That is why he came to me. Why else would he even come then. He has Lia and other girls aswell. I got out of the pool and
"That fucker didnt kiss you right?"
"I didnt let him"

"Ari first take a hot shower and change. No cold showers"
Ellie said as I nodded my head
"Yes Motherrrrrr!"
I changed my dress and its already night
Brother Creigh came into my room and said
"Sleep, its already late"
He took my mobile and sat on bed and gave me his hand to hold.
Lan came inside followed by Bran and Brother Eli and Rem too
I smiled looking at all of them. One day I will definitely tell them How much they mean to me.

"Shhh...what are you doing! Be quite"
I said pouring the shampoo in pool and Annie added somemore.
"I am quite bitch"
"Alright quite bitch, dont make noise"

"Never a drag"

We poured the whole shampoo and came out from there and I started saying about yesterday's pool incident to Annie.

She laughed and we decided to bunk the remaining classes and get a gift for Sophi! Or maybe Isa too!

What are you getting for her?
"Should we get a doll house?"

"How come you are this smart?"
Annie asked being dramatic

"Ofcourse Annie someone has to be smart in two of us and I am that one"
"Haha...very funny"

We brought one for Sophi and I put it in my apartment before leaving for Heathens Intiation.
This place must be filled with surveillance cameras, and the last thing I want is to catch these people's attention not because I am afriad. I am confident I wont be caught. But I snuck out of my room and no ones knows it. I just locked the door from inside and got down from window.
Annie must be here am sure about it.
On either side of me stand people wearing similar white masks with black numbers written on their foreheads.I was one of the first to be allowed inside the Chamber of Decadence and my number is twenty-nine I stand in the second row.
I show them my qr and they let me in taking my mobile and other things.
What the hell is Annie doing at such place? After some time of waiting finally it started.
The double doors with demon-like knobs barge open and countless men in bunny masks rush outside in a sea of terror.the members of the Heathens have their own security. They're mafia princes after all, with empires of blood to go back to, and I am sure Niko is one of them, I hope he doesnt find me before I find him or else he will call Bran for sure and Am deadly gone.
All eyes focus on them. Every face, every breath, and every bit of human attention is on the Heathens' main members, who look down on us like we're peasants. Neon purge-style masks cover their features, each a different color.Red, white, green, yellow, and orange. And since it's near dusk and cloudy as usual in England, the colors pop against everything black
"Congratulations for making it to the Heathens' highly competitive initiation. You are the selected elite the leaders of the club think are worthy of joining their world of power and connections. The price to pay for such privileges is higher than money, status, or name. The reason everyone wears a mask is because you are all the same in the eyes of the club's founders. The price of becoming a Heathen is handing over your life. In a literal sense of the word. If you aren't willing to pay that, please exit through the small door to your left. Once you leave, you'll lose any chance to join us again."
I am not interested in joining duh! I was always curious to know how it was, since all of them warned me not to come here, but here I am. I always watched Lan and Remi and all of them wearing those Halloween masks, and I was so damn interested in that.
I wont be going without seeing what happens here, not atleast after travelling for so long to this place.
A door beside the big gate opens,and some people left but I can see Annie didnt.
Is she even here?
"Tonight's game is predator and prey. You'll be hunted down by the club's founding members. That will be five to ninety, so you have the upper hand. If you manage to reach the edge of the property before they hunt you down, you'll be a Heathen. If not, you'll be eliminated and escorted out. The founding members have the right to use any methods available to hunt you down-including violence. If their weapon of choice touches you, you'll be automatically eliminated. Bodily harm can and will happen. You are also allowed to inflict violence on the founding members-if you can. The only rule is not taking a life. Not intentionally, at least. No questions are allowed and no mercy shall be granted. We don't want any weaklings in our ranks."
As much as I know this is the last intiation.

"Red Mask's fingers circle a baseball bat that's resting nonchalantly on his shoulder,Green Mask is holding a bow and has arrows with rubber points in a quiver that's slung over his back. White Mask strokes a huge chain that's draped around his hands like a snake. Orange Mask's gloved hand rests on top of a metal golf club that's propped on the ground. Yellow Mask has no weapon at all, but his fists are balled. When they said violence, they really meant violence
But I should be careful, if I get hurt the whole mansion will be burned and buried without any trace. Lan is so good in it, he just needs a reason and I dont want to give him one. I am honest with all the king brothers and they are honest with me too. They never manipulated me.
"You have a ten-minute head start. I suggest you run. The initiation has officially begun."

Why the hell am I not scared?
That yellow mask? He has same tattos as Niko, I should stay away from him, else I will land up in trouble. Not that I usually dont but this one is going to be a huge one.

I was about to run in the forest side and saw a girl going towards the masked men.
And without any doubt I can say she is Annie.
Does this dumbass wants to get killed.

"Dont touch me"
She said flinching hard and her leg almost came to kick me but then stopped and apologized.
"Dumbass lets go, you have a death wish or what"

The masked men looked at us some even tilted their heads.

We both ran in the forest and I asked Annie to climb on the tree. She tought for a second but then climbed and I followed her. We both sat on the branch
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Ariella! How did you get an invitation?"
"I asked someone to give it to me"

"Asked or threathend?"
"Well according to me it was asking but according to her it was threatening"

"I want to kill that Vaughn Morozov"
She jumped from the branch and screamed in pain
"What the hell! Are you bored with your life that you are calling them to kill you?"

"Shut up" and before I can get down she already ran

"What the hell is wrong with this girl"

"I have played many tricks like this, get down from there"
Red mask said and he glanced at me, his eyes looked like he is murderering everyone with it.

"Give me a min"
I said getting down carefully.

he tried hitting me but my body reacted on its own and I kicked that thing away from his hand

"What do you think you just did"
A robotic voice came to me and he tried punching me and I dodged it too.
Oh well, Brother Creighton thought me well.
"What a drag you are"

"You are dead today"
"Lets see then"

"Are you one of the serpents?"
"Serpents what?"
He tried taking off my mask by getting me into the conversation. Try again next time.

"Hey Niko"
I screamed and he turned to me shocking, I just know he is shocked and even he looks to be shocked.
Wait I take out my little camera pen and show him that.

"What did you just call him?"
"He said I can call him Niko"

"Hii, remember me?"
"Who the fuck are you?"
I removed my mask showing him my face
"What the fu- hell are you doing here kid?"

"Nothing? I came here for my friend"
"What friend?"

I probably travelled her for Annie, I couldn't have let her come here alone in any hell of a way.

"Who the fuck is she?"
He stared at me quitely and I look at the way blood is spilling. I saw the white mask going in the direction Annie went. And Orange mask is literally hitting anyone he sees.

"No one will touch number twenty nine" I heard him saying to someone and this red guy is looking at us and left after sometime
"And number fourty-seven too, thats my friend"

"And number fourty- fucking- seven too"

He pulled me with him and showed me to mansion, but I shook my head saying I want to see what happens here.
"Bran will kill me if he will get to know I am calling him to take you"
"And who is going to say this to him?you wont! Because I took a photo from my camera pen"

"Kid its dangerous here" he patted my head

"I will be completely alright"

"And go, I will wander around here"
I said going to the places which had a little less darkness.

After what seemed like hours the intiation came to an end and I got inside the mansion

What a drag! I am exhausted

Niko was the first one to rush to me

"Dont tell me you are cheating on Bran with a school girl"
I heard a guy speak and by his appearance I am sure he was the Red mask.

"Fuck off"
"And kid are you okay?"


"Leave me you jerky bloody monster"
I saw Annie struggling against a guy who has Hazel eyes and dark hair.

"Not in this life time solnechnyy"
She is scared of physical touch. But she is much more calm with him.

"Dont call me that"
She grudged pushing that guy away and descended the stairs.

"Give me my things and Ariella's too. We will leave soon"

"Why so angry?"
He leaned in but she pushed his forehead with her index finger

"Angry? I am controlling myself from killing you and listen"
she grudged pulling his shirt because she cant reach his collar.

I chuckled and all of them turned to me
"Whats so funny?"
"Not even a drag, you are short"
"Bitch shut up"

"Stop arguing" another guy who looked like Annika, not completely but some features, said glancing at both of us

Wait if I am not wrong they have come to the REU aswell, not the one in here, the one near to my place.
They really came there for their girlfriends and Niko came for Bran.

I really admire them like anything. NIKOBRAN are my favorite relationship in all of them.

"We are not arguing, thats how we usually talk"
"And who the fuck is this girl? Do you want that fucking Kings to-"

"Dont call them that"

"Dont curse at them she doesnt like it"
Niko said ruffling my hair and pulling my cheeks
"Stop being a drag, Ughh Niko dont do that"

"Well, Bran likes to pull your cheeks so I thought to give it a try Kid"

That red guy pulled me from Niko and held on my arm. I am sure its going to leave a mark there.

"You really want to get buried Alive?"
Annie said coming to me but that guy Morozov maybe, didnt let her go. He held her waist and she stayed still

"And you think someone can kill me? Doesnt your girl speak alot Vaughn"
So I am right he is Vaughn and what does he mean by your girl?

"Ohhh, you very well see, she is the youngest of the Elites and The great Kings are so protective towards her, Lan and Eli will definitely kill you if one scratch is seen on her body. Oh did I forget to mention Remington Astor who almost killed a guy because he insulted her and not to forget The four horsemen and The captain, specially Uncle Cole and Uncle Aiden. They will dig your grave if you dont let her go asap"

Remi almost killed a guy? Because of me? No wayy.
She is dragging it for sure.

Everyone looked at both of us in shock and his hold loosen on my arm

"All I want to say is One wrong breathe in her direction and you are gone"
She explained with the warnings in her tone

"Did you not listen to what she said, get your filthy hands away from her"

I turned around to the voice and saw Lan sending daggers to him and he smirked instead of leaving my arm
I am not surprised that they are here. Brother Eli and Lan somehow like somehow always endup coming to where ever I am, I have a theory for this aswell.


"And what if I dont?"
Rem came to us pushing him and his lips curved matching his smirk

"I heard Glyn is angry at you? Do you want me to add some more things?"

"Who the fuck is she?"
"She is Ariella Aiden Nash daughter of Cole King and Aiden Nash"
Annie said and Bran smiled at her words. Not only Bran but the others too

"Ariella Nash it is, such a drag you all are"
Well I dont mind Uncle Aiden's name being as my middle but they way they say is like dad and uncle are married

"Nice to meet you, Glyn speaks about you alot"
So he is Killian Carson

"And what does she speak about me?"
If he thinks I will get him to speak with Glyn by manipulating me then he has to know it is of no use. Brother Eli and Lan scoffed because they know am not easy to manipulate
"That she loves spending time with you, and you guys go to shopping alot and oh she loves having sleepovers with you"

Lan burst out laughing, following by Annie, Bran, Brother Eli, brother Creigh and even Niko.
Vaughn didnt stop looking at her. This is surely not some fake relationship.

"Sorry that I caught your lie, Firstly whatever you said was about Ava, and secondly I dont think Glyn even thinks about me let alone speaking"

"And before you say, same goes with Ces"
I didnt let Jermey say anything. I know he is Jermey as Annika doesnt keep quite and similarities between them.

"And how come you are here ma chèrie?"

"So finally Remington Astor found a girl. But looks like she is not someone who can be used to get him jealous"

"She is not someone for using Fucker"
Rem glared at Jermey

"All the Elites at one place, wanna have some fun"
The another guy said Gareth maybe,and brother Eli held his fist out
"Yes sure, lets start with breaking bones first"

"Should I help you?"
Rem said glaring at Killian
"With all means"

"Remember you guys are in our property"
Jermey said but Lan smiled at him, nope not a sweet smile, a psychotic smile which has a smirk in it.
"Do you want me to burn your property? You know I am good at kidnapping people from their own place, am sure you remember the experience"
He said glancing at them.

"And I am not a school Kid red guy"
"Did you just call me red guy?"
"Yeah, just like how you called me a school kid"

"Cause you look like one"
"And because you are the one"

I said and recieved a glare from him.
"Those glares dont hurt her, scaring is the least thing"
Brother Creighton scrolled through his phone.

"And how did you get in here?"
Lan questioned looking at me
"And after pranking the whole university you pulled another prank again?
Brother Creigh added and I looked at Annie

"We were bored"
She said shrugging her shoulders
"That prank was done by you? The fire one?"
I nodded my head to red guy
"Glyn was present there, what if she might have gotten hurt"
"My Cesy and Annika were there too"

"Looks like Landon and Eli made a little version of them"
Made? We got along well maybe due to how I am, or maybe them accepting me the way I am.

"Yeah little version of them"
Niko said handing some popcorn to me.
This guy! Seriously?

"It was just a prank no one got hurt"
Annie said defending us as I saw that guy ignoring everyone and biting her ear. This is definitely not One sided, who cares as long my friend is not uncomfortable with him. But if he hurt her I will personally break his bones.

"People in swimming pool were covered in lather, you have to check the feed"
I unlocked my phone and showed it to Annie from the same place I am standing and she burst out laughing and so did I.
"They look like bathed chickens"
"I know right"

"Did this fucker Nikolai sent you that invitation"
"Brother Creigh dont curse at him"
Everyone looked at me offended except Bran and Niko

"What the fuck have you done to little Ari"
Brother Eli grudged but I stopped him
"He didnt, infact I met him in cafe yesterday...he is a good guy"

"Looks like you are her favourite in Heathens, and you leave me"
Annie said
This guy Vaughn is legit something.

I looked at Rem and he is already looking at me. He took off his jacket tying it around my waist covering my thighs.

"Principal called your parents"
Lan informed and I looked at Bran making an innocent face

"Bran will you go with me?"
"I will come with you" Lan said and brother Eli added
"Me too"
"Definitely not a drag I will take the patient ones with me"
"We said we will come"

"I heard it Brother Eli but I dont want you to kill the principal when it was me who pulled the prank so taking Bran and brother Creighton is the best Idea"

"You just stabbed me"
Lan said

"And Annie you?"

"What me? Do I have to dig my parents grave and get skeletons like I did in our school"

"You what?"
Everyone screamed at a time
"It was a fake one with little sand covered the teacher was so scared you had to see her face"

She laughed and I did too.

That guy wishpered something in her ear and this time Rem is not looking at anyone apart from me.

Dont do that else I will think you are in love with me.

"I dont care then! Break up! One sided fake relationship is ONE SIDED and I hate lies"
"Do you want me to make that lie a truth then solnechnyy"
Did he just flirt with her

"You are jerk, leave me"

"Try me"
Vaughn said not leaving her.
"Sorry, you are not my type, Baka!"

"She called you an idiot, its Japanese"
"I know Jer, but she said I am not her type"
"We heard it"

"She is lying, because you are the first guy whom she has allowed to touch her"
I said and Annie looked at me with eyes that said "did you just betrayed me you traitor"

"You traitor, are you my friend or his?"
"Well you seem to be comfortable with him"
"See even your friend agrees solnechnyy"
"Bitch watch me"

"Lan, Eli, Creighton even Bran you listen"
They all turned their heads in her direction and she smiled at me
"you asked for it"

"Remington and Ariella fucked" she said smiling at me
"Bitch when did that happen"
In that changing room.

"You guys fucked"
"No we didnt"

"You both stop arguing"
Jermey said and I saw Rem holding his head in his hand and Lan is already infront of him.

"Thats how we usually speak"
Annie said leaning back to Vaughn

"And no, we didnt fuck"
I said and everyone looked at us with widened eyes
"Am ordering mouth filters for you both"
Niko said taking his phone out and Remi added
"Make it three, you need it too, since you speak less and curse more"

"Should I order virginity filters for you Remi, wait I can aswell get a Vip card for you of hospital, when ever they will hit you for touching Little kid, you can go there"

"Yeah, I can get one from my hospital" Red guy looked at Remi, jealous maybe
"I always wanted to punch him but they will do it. Just touch her once"
Jermey said sitting on couch

"You fuckers are jealous that your girls love spending time with me than with you four"

He said and pointing at Red guy, Jermey, Brother Eli and Creigh

"Firstly, who the fuck dared to send them Intiations for this bloody thing"
Lan's angry voice came and he glared at Jermey.

"I have no idea, altough I know Vaughn sent Anya an invitation"

"Its Anna"
"He said its Anya" he pointed out at Vaughn

"You are Anya, Solnechnyy"
"And you are a bloody monster you jerk"
We need to go to Aunt Isa, its already late she must be waiting

"We can talk that later but first let me-"
Ding dong

I know you can hear me

Open up the door

I only want to play a little

Ding dong

You can't keep me waiting

It's already too late

For you to try and run away

I see you through the window

Our eyes are locked together

I can sense your horror

Though I'd like to see it closer

"What the hell, stop that song! Seriously! Ari you and Lia are still obsessed with that song" Annie said leaning towards that guy and she is scared but how the hell is my ringtone changed

"Ari stop that song"
Someone took my mobile from me silencing it.

"Jailbait are you okay?"
"Thats not my ringtone"

"Rem thats not my ringtone"
I said trying to say but he hushed me

"Aunt Isa called me"
"We need to leave its past one"

"You both are going somewhere at this time?"
Bran said and kissed Niko

"Yeah, dont worry Ariel is going to be with me"
"Yeah dont worry, Annie is going to be with me"

We said at a time and smiled at our telepathy

"Those sentences dont fit together"
"Dont worry and Annie, Ariella is definitely not a matching form, when ever you are together all we have to do is worry"
Remi said coming to me as he picked me up and placed me beside him away from Gareth.

"Jealous much? Never knew I would see Remington Astor being jealous for a school Kid"

This Killian Carson, how the hell Glyndon fell for him.

"Shoot Lan, How did Glyn end up with him? Didnt you guys punch him? Should I do it for you guys?"

He is looking at me like he is going to suck out my blood.

"Love is blind little one, and so is Glyn"
Lan said and Annie added
"Its not only Blind, its dumb, deaf and mute too and Glyn is definitely dumb"

"Watch you tone, dont you dare say anything like that about her"
Killian said glaring at both Vaughn and Annie and Vaughn is smelling her hair.

"You think Glyn is not dumb? Oh she is not only dumb but rude too"

"Glyn being rude is the last thing"
He said defending her, Lan and Bran looked at me quitely to say something but I didnt utter a word. I dont want them to hate me. If they will know I hurt Ava, brother Eli and Rem wont even glance at me. Lan and Bran will stop speaking with me too.

"She literally pushed Ariel out of her own room and said she never cared about anyone apart from uncle Aiden and her Dad, oh and your Ces said Ari always hurt aunt Silver and Ava"
She pointed at Jermey

"I cant believe they did that"
Rem shook his head

What the hell is wrong with her! Why is she saying
all this?

"When did this happen?"
Rem said angrily and Lan and Creighton looked at me too

"It was nothing"
They hate me now.
"I am asking when it happened Jailbait"
"Answer little one"

"Yesterday before she came to Kings mansion"
I sighed closing my eyes and heard Eli say

"I have to speak with them"
"I am sorry brother Eli"
"Why are you sorry?"
Is he not angry at me?

"Because I didnt join them for sleepover night yesterday"

"You are not comfortable so they shouldnt force you"
Bran came to me in his usual t shirt and pants. He is like a golden boy. Though Lan and Bran are same, they have different Auras.

"And who broke that doll yesterday?"
Lan questioned me but I stayed quite
"We are getting late, we should leave"
I glanced at Annie but she looked at me with a look that said I am going to say everything to them
"I will ask them not to do that again"
Lan said and Rem held my hand dragging me along with him
"And he said he doesn't care about Ari"
Bran said but he pulled me out

"Is that doll special?"
"It is!"
"And who broke it?"

"If you stay quite then how will I say anything to them?"

"You dont have to, I wont hurt them again"
He sighed and picked me up again placing me on cars front.
Am I not heavy? He picks me up so easily

"Its them who hurt you, not you who hurt them and Ava came searching for you. She cares about you alot, she almost slapped me when I said I got into relationship with Lia"
He held my waist preventing me from falling

"Yes Jailbait"
"Will you?"
"Will you wait for me until I grow up?"
"Why ma chèrie?"
He caressed my cheek and placed a kiss on my forehead and then on my nose followed by my neck.
His breath in my neck causing me to grip on his shirt. Goosebumps erupted and I pulled him more into me.
"Because I want you to date me"
"You deserve someone good Jailbait"
"But I only want you, and I dont deserve someone good I just deserve you in a good way. Dont push me away"

"Why me Jailbait?"
"I dont know"
I said and bit his cheek pecking it there.

"You remember that you lost the game right?"
"Yeah, what do you want me to do?"
I want to say breakup with Lia and date me marry me
"Go out on a date with me"
"After a week, right after your exams and stay with me for twenty four hours that is all I want"

"Are we going to wander for the whole day?"
"We can stay at my place too"
I will take him to my apartment
"No, I will take you to someother place we can stay there"
"Sophi is your friend?"
"She is"
"Where is she?"
I stay quite because I dont want to accept the fact that Sophi is not with us

"I really cant believe he is in love"
I heard someone say and got down from the car standing beside him

"I am not"
"Yeah sure you are not"
Lan said sarcastically

Annie came out followed by Vaughn and all the others

What a scene, the way they are following her is like they are her protectors. Specially Vaughn.

"Lets go Ari, we already wasted lot of our time"
I nodded my head and as we are about to go

"How about we start with what can you do for me?"

Annie turned around to him and boom a punch landed on his face turning his face to the opposite side

"And this is what I can do for you"
Everyones eyes widened. Because she slapped a mafia. No punched him straight on his face.
And before anyone can say anything
That guy held her nape and what the hell! He is kissing her. Annie hit his chest but he pulled her more closer. The way Rem kissed me crossed my mind.
I was about to go pull them but Annie pushed him causing him to move back a little. And slapped him.

"Stay the hell away from me"
She didnt wait for his reply and pulled me with her.

We left from there and she stopped the car near my apartment.

"Be quick"
I nodded my head and got the doll house. We both left to meet Isa and Lia is already here.

"You guys are late"

"Lets cut the cake first"
After cutting the cake we ate it silently and ate pasta and pizza. Cant believe we are eating at midnight.

"You guys have grown up alot"
"Yes Isa and you have grown pretty too"

"I am happy that you guys came here, I thought I will be celebrating Sophi's birthday alone"
I was here all the time but never went to her.
Maybe everyone are right. I never cared about anyone.

"Sophi was blind from one eye wasn't she aunt?"
Why the fuck is she bringing that up. Fuck me when I psushed her once, Lia said she was defective.

"She was, but she was always good and never saw Negative sides Lia"

Annie said with a hint of anger. Sophi and Lia were the friends first then Annie got even more closer with Sophi and then I joined. Shortly after Annie's parents death I joined them.

"Enjoying doll?"
I saw the message
What the fuck? Who is here? Didnt Annie block the number?
I glanced at table thinking someone is here but its only me, Annie and Isa. Annie and Isa are laughing on something. Lia is gone to washroom.

Is it Lia?
She came out smiling at me and I have this urge to ask if its her.

"What is police doing here?"
Annie looked at them and one of them approached us

"A girl went missing here few hours ago"
He showed us a picture. Its her. Its the same girl. What the hell is happening!
Dear did you see her?
She asked again and I shook my head

Its the same girl who gave me the qr code for Heathens intiation.

"She must be out or something"
"No, actually her home is covered with blood prints and she was last seen in her home and before that yesterday near her college"

I tried saying something but nothing came out of my mouth.

This chapter is way too long(2 chapters in one)but I hope you enjoyed it.

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