Fading Away | Taekook

By darkfluffyhair

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Taehyung saves Jungkook from freezing to death in a winter storm. From there they develop a strong bond/frien... More

1 - Shortcut
2 - Grave
3 - Knock
4 - Rescue
5 - Surprise
6 - Clicks
7 - Home
8 - Happynewyear
9 - Recruiting
10 - Reunited
11 - B.E.
12 - Thoughts
13 - Photoshoot
14 - Dancing
15 - Secrets
16 - Asshole
17 - Stargazing
18 - Cuddles
19 - Lilies
20 - Exotic
21 - Hyung
22 - Date
23 - Caught
24 - Tapes
25 - Happiest
26 - Movement
27 - ChubbieNewbie
28 - Denim
29 - Ships
30 - Narnia
31 - Wine
32 - Control
33 - Leather
35 - Fever
36 - Ghost
37 - Owned
38 - Purge
39 - Premiere
40 - Payback
41 - Heat
42 - Talking
43 - Damage
44 - Farewell
45 - Chores
46 - Rerouting
47 - Settling
48 - Together
49 - Sendoff
50 - Faded
51 - Stubborn
52 - Reports
53 - Countdown
54 - Homecoming
55 - Flashbacks
56 - Garden
57 - Rage
58 - Justice
59 - Things are what they are

34 - Balance

155 19 5
By darkfluffyhair

"I can't believe you gave in so easily, Hobi hyung. Fuck, you should have been more firm!"

Jungkook paced restlessly around the room and ended up punching hard the desk in front of him. Hearing and seeing that was the limit for Hoseok, who until then had been worried about not upsetting Jungkook, but you know what? It was all his fault after all.

"If you weren't a dog in heat, none of this would have happened, Jungkook. You and Taehyung are to blame for doing what you did. It's even worse knowing that it's not the first or second time you've been caught in this kind of situation. What's that? An uncontrollable fetish for fucking in public or for being caught?"

Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise at Hoseok's tone and aggressiveness. Namjoon just rested his head in his hands as he stared into nothingness.

"Don't tell me I didn't try, I had no choice. It was either that or you'd be out unemployed by now. So how about lowering your tone and thanking me, brat?"

"Can I still hand in my resignation letter?"

"Jungkook, don't try me. Put your nose down and be humble. Recognize your mistake and move on. Don't give me a hard time, grow the fuck up and deal with the consequences of your actions. It's not like Taehyung died. He just won't work with us anymore. A loss for our team, yes, but honestly? Good for his career. Bogum will make him what I intended to but much faster," Hoseok sits down next to Namjoon and takes a deep breath, the silver haired man patting his back in consolation.

"Jungkook, Hobi is right. You don't like to hear it, but you shouldn't have made that mistake. Again. We need you on our team and Hoseok did the right thing by not giving you up. Taehyung was a beautiful project, but that's okay. Other projects will come. Before you get offended, I mean this in a professional sense. Our relationship with Taehyung doesn't change and we hope his career grows more and more."

"Support your boyfriend, if you can take my advice. Don't let your jealousy or possessiveness get the best of you. Taehyung is wanted for so many companies, I've never seen a career grow so fast. We were right, he was born for it."

"I'm not possessive or jealous, I just don't trust that Bogum and Jackson want the best for Taehyung. Call me self-centered, but to me it's a plan to get to me."

Jungkook calms down a bit and sits down with his friends, crossing his arms over the table and burying his face in the gap. "I'm sorry Hobi hyung, I'm sorry Namjoon hyung. I fucked up again.", his voice came out muffled.

"It's okay, kid. You're young and you'll make shit sometimes. Just try not to repeat the same shit, give us something new to deal with", Namjoon ruffles Jungkook's hair and smiles.

"I guess the hunt for a new model starts again, drum the roll", Hoseok says as he taps on the table.


"Please sit down, this is my private office, it's just the two of us", Bogum pointed the sofa for Taehyung who sat on the edge, Bogum sat on the other end right after.

Taehyung didn't say a single word to him since the incident, the way to the office was silent and strange. The farmer is a person who returns and keeps eye contact every time they talked, but now he also kept his eyes low and distant.

"First, I'm sorry for what happened in the studio. About what happened to your clothes", Taehyung doesn't offer any kind of comment then he continues, "second, I'm sorry for the way you and Wang treat and disrespect each other."

Now Taehyung stares at him, "how did I disrespect him?", his voice is low and grave, imposing seriousness. "Not recognizing him as an authority there. Challenging and being acidic."

"I only addressed him when he touched my ass, should I have said thank you?"

"No, he acted wrong but at the same moment I interfered. From then on you should have ignored him. And your tone is also wrong with me right now, I'm talking and trying to solve the problem in the best way for everyone and I don't need your irony."

"Right. Do you really think it was proportional? Did you hear everything I heard? He took advantage of an accident with my clothes to unload personal insults on me."

"I'll talk to him, Taehyung. But I would like you to also rethink your behavior. If you provoke him, you will get back and the proportion may be unfair. So just be professional and try to forget that you don't like Jackson while you work. After all, I was very clear when I handed you the contracts, Jackson is my right arm and will always have a right to opinion."

Taehyung let out air through his nose, incredulous, but decided to take it less, "well, it's not like we're going to work together anymore, since I was fired."

"You weren't fired and you won't be, at the end of the day I'm still the boss."

Really? It didn't seem like it, Taehyung thought.

Bogum got up from the couch and approached where Taehyung was sitting, "look, I'd like to talk to Wang now and then talk to you both together. Can you wait here a few minutes?", Taehyung agreed and Bogum left through the door towards Jackson's office.

Taehyung's wish is to tell Bogum and Jackson to go fuck themselves, cancel all his model contracts and go back to his farm, go back to being an ignorant bumpkin but at least bump into fewer bastards.

But he can't do that. He needs to stay long enough to at least renew his farm and finish its improvements. His new planter machine is on the way and he still needs to pay half of it. He hired new employees and promoted others to help Jin while he was away. Taehyung can't just give up on everything.

But he makes a promise to himself, there, alone: as soon as his farm is better on track, debt-free and with a higher profit, he quits his modeling career. He doesn't need a lot of money or fame, he rathers have peace.


Almost an hour later Bogum enters his office accompanied by Jackson, who parades towards the meeting table. Bogum signals for Taehyung to join them.

"Okay, you both. I'm talking here as a boss, professional and friend: I need you both. Jackson, you're my ally, my partner. There's no team Park without you. Taehyung, you're the talisman of Team Park, your career is recent but your talent already makes you essential to me. Once again, I ask you guys to forget your disagreements while you're working; I don't care about your lives out there, but here I demand respect and professionalism."

"Taehyung, do you want to say something to Jackson? About how you didn't like the treatment you received or how you demand to be treated?"

Taehyung stared at Jackson, "just address me for instructions and don't touch me inappropriately." Jackson let out air through his nose and smiled.


"And what about you, Jackson?"

"I do. I need you to lose weight."

Taehyung arched an eyebrow at him but said nothing, "you heard me. Did I said it in the wrong way in the studio? Maybe. But you're overweight and you won't fit into the campaign clothes if you don't lose weight. And your contract will have to be terminated for that reason."

"Taehyung, Jackson is right. I talked not only with him, but with the stylist of the campaign. She was not happy with the photos. The clothes were too tight and the image that the company wants to convey is of class, not vulgarity. Her words."

Taehyung lowered his eyes and remained silent, "I need you to face this request as a professional, models are asked to adjust their weight and physical appearance all the time. It's something normal and common, Jackson himself had to lose a lot of weight for multiple campaigns, then he returned to the weight he wanted to keep. For this campaign I need you to fit into a size eight, at most."

Eight. Taehyung barely fit into a ten. He needs to lose two sizes of clothing.

"I will reschedule your photoshoot for a week from now. Until then, I need you to lose at least five kilos so that your body measurements decrease a little."

Taehyung looked at Bogum, "is it possible to lose five kilos in a week? It seems like a lot."

"What you will lose will be basically liquid," Jackson began to speak, "five kilos is easy for an overweight person to eliminate. You weigh well over seventy kilos, it's not an ideal weight for a model. I suggest you lose this weight and keep it that way."

Bogum puts a bottle of medicine on the table and slides it towards Taehyung, "this is a thermogenic, it will help speed up your metabolism. It's harmless. Use this along with a good diet and physical exercise and you reach the goal without problems."

Taehyung picks up the bottle and starts reading the label, he is not a fan of taking medicines especially if they are not prescribed by a doctor. At most, painkillers.

"I would like to weigh you and in six days I weigh you again, if there are no changes we will pass your contract to another model, Jimin probably. His physique is impeccable. Is that okay with you?" Jackson looks at him from top to bottom.


The trio leaves the office and follows the path to a physical evaluation room, where an employee weighs and measures Taehyung. Taehyung is three kilos heavier than what is on his file. Jackson is happy to see the look of shock on the boy's face, "wow, you're almost eighty."

"I also postponed your photoshoot with the jewelry company, we will adjust your weight first and then continue with our projects. You are free to go, Taehyung. Thank you for your cooperation and I see you in six days." Bogum extended his hand to Taehyung and the farmer returned just because he's not rude, not looking in Jackson's direction he followed his way to the elevator with his files in his hands. One containing his current physical evaluation and the other the ideal one. That was a documented proof that his body was wrong, it's not pure Jackson's evilness.

His body fat percentage is very high, which explains his round face and huge ass. The fact that he doesn't have a big belly doesn't mean he's skinny. His body just accumulates fat from the hip down.

These last months he knows he relaxed with his diet. Since his stays in Seoul became more frequent he has been eating poorly. He and Jungkook love to explore new cuisines, bakeries, trailers and restaurants. They love to watch series while eating pizza and they consume instant noodles almost daily. Taehyung ventures into Jungkook's kitchen and makes new recipes and sometimes eats two muffins a day.

When he is isolated on his farm the options are smaller and less tempting. Uber Eats in Eumseong is boring and the delivery fee makes Taehyung almost always opt for homemade food. But when in Seoul he and Jungkook eat as if there is no tomorrow. The difference is that Jungkook works out almost daily, whether at the gym or at home doing push ups (a lot) on the floor of the living room. And Taehyung doesn't spend his calories enough and keeps gaining weight.

Taehyung puts the thermogenic bottle in his backpack and picks up his phone to text Jungkook and meet him, but Jungkook sent a message saying he's starting a shoot soon and would probably take a while, so Taehyung decides to wait for him in his apartment. Putting on his cap, his mask and stuffing his hands in his baggy pants pockets, he leaves the BE building.


When Jungkook gets home he finds Taehyung napping on the couch; his hair still wet from the recent bath, the bangs covering his eyes and breathing softly. So peaceful.

Jungkook walks through the apartment on tiptoe so as not to wake up his boyfriend, going straight to his room to take a bath too and order some food to enjoy the time with Taehyung.

When he finishes his bath and wears comfortable clothes Jungkook goes to the living room where he finds Taehyung already awake, with a small smile on his face extending his arms to him, asking for a hug. Jungkook doesn't waste time and wraps the older in a tight hug.

They stay there for a good time, just bringing their bodies as close as possible, giving small caresses on each other's backs, Taehyung lays his face on Jungkook's shoulder and inhales his boyfriend's smell, "you smell good, Kook".

"Hey, this line is mine", Jungkook reaches Taehyung's face and makes him face him, looking directly into his eyes. He doesn't like what he sees. Taehyung has a smile on his lips but his eyes are sad, too sad. Jungkook's heart feels a pang. "Tae, what happened? Did everything go well in your shoot? Do I need to kill someone?"

"Everything went as expected, babe. How was your day?", Jungkook knows that Taehyung is beating around the bush, but he himself wants to avoid the subject that he also has to tell Taehyung. He just wants a peaceful night enjoying his boyfriend. So he goes along with his boyfriend's wish and decides that they can talk about it later. "All good, Tae. Have you eaten? Do you want to order something or should we cook together?"

"Not hungry, I ate earlier when I got here," Taehyung lied, "but I can make you something really quick if you want," Taehyung buried his face in Jungkook's neck again, gripping him tightly by the shirt as he hugged his body. "I'm good, I had coffee at work. Do you want to watch something?"

"Not now. Can you make love to me?" Taehyung said quietly, his voice muffled. "I want you to take care of me today." Jungkook now is even more worried, Taehyung had always used his position as the eldest to play the role of protector of the couple, sometimes treating Jungkook like a baby (not that he didn't like it). Seeing him fragile in some way, letting his strong shell crack and presenting himself as vulnerable to him scares Jungkook. "Of course, babe. But do you want to talk first? Tell me what happened..." he strokes Taehyung's thick hair.

"Can we talk later? I see that you need to say something too, but if it's not urgent I'd like to wait." Jungkook hummed in agreement and kissed him on the lips. Stroking the older's soft face and diving into his eyes, trying to find the source of his sadness. "Jump," Jungkook held him by the back of his thigh and Taehyung obeyed, carrying them into the bedroom.

He sat the older on the bed and tugged at the hem of his shirt, then suddenly Taehyung held his hand, "Can you turn the lights off first?" Jungkook glanced quickly around the already dark room, the only light on was the lamp by the headboard, which only glowed a dim yellow light. "Sure," Jungkook walked over to the lamp and switched it off, only the city lights coming through the window. "Can you close the curtains too?" Jungkook agreed, the room plunging into darkness.

Groping around the bed, he returned to Taehyung and finally took off his shirt and then his sweatpants, undressing himself after and lying down on top of his boyfriend. Taehyung held him by the hair and kissed him passionately, a long and need kiss. When Jungkook broke contact to breathe, he was quickly brought back to Taehyung's mouth.

Taehyung needs to forget today. He needs his mind to remember that he is loved and wanted, that Jungkook finds him attractive, even though Jungkook is perfectly sculpted and he is... him.

He needs to replace the destructive thoughts in his head with new memories of love, care and wanting.

Jungkook touches him adoringly, it's not a hard, thirsty making out like they usually do, he knows that Taehyung needs a different kind of treatment today. So he treats him as he deserves to be treated: the most important thing in the world. Precious, fragile, perfect. Jungkook touches him like he appreciates the most beautiful and unique piece of art, which is what Taehyung is.

"Take care of me today, Kook," Jungkook understood what he meant. So he lovingly prepared his boyfriend and complied with his wishes.

Jungkook entered Taehyung, while kissing all his face, feeling the salty taste of tears. He felt his mouth with his fingers, noticing a smile. Taehyung's nails dug into his skin harshly, but soon after he was caressing the spot.

In the dark, they enjoyed each other's touches, compliments, promises and sweet nothings. Sometimes some bad joke, inevitable for the couple of idiots they were.

Taehyung was relaxed and comfortable this time, feeling only pleasure and good things while Jungkook loved him. The tears streaming down his face were of happiness, washing away the sadness he was feeling earlier. Jungkook brought him back, Jungkook always guides him in the dark, like a lighthouse on the shore.

As always, they reached their orgasms together. Their bodies already knew each other well, they moved in synchronicity. Jungkook stayed inside Taehyung while hugging him from behind, being the big spoon. Still unable to see his boyfriend's face, he just caressed his curves and covered them with the sheet, kissing the back of his neck.

"I love you so much, Tae. Don't ever forget that."

"I love you more, bunny." Taehyung laughed softly and Jungkook's heart warmed, he wanted to be able to see Taehyung's smile.

Ah, if only he'd known that the last genuine smile he'd see from Taehyung in a while was the one he'd received that morning before work...

And there, cuddled up and Jungkook still inside his boyfriend, they both fell asleep, feeling complete.

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