Seven Devils and a Rose

By AlexiaPraks

984K 35.1K 803

One girl. Transported to a realm full of magic and paranormal creatures. Seven hunky men. A fairy tale with a... More

Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 1
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 2
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 3
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 4
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 5
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 6
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 7
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 8
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 9
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 10
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 11
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 12
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 13
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 14
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 15
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 16
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 17
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 18
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 19
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 20
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 21
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 22
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 23
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 24
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 25
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 26
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 27
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 28
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 29
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 30
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 31
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 32
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 33
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 34
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 35
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 36
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 37
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 38
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 39
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 40
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 41
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 42
Book 1: The Magic of the Aurora Light - Chapter 43
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 44
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 45
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 46
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 47
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 48
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 49
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 50
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 51
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 52
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 53
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 54
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 55
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 56
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 57
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 58
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 59
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 60
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 61
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 62
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 63
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 64
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 65
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 66
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 67
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 68
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 69
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 70
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 71
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 72
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 73
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 74
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 75
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 76
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 77
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 78
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 79
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 80
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 81
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 82
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 83
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 84
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 85
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 86
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 87
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 88
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 89
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 90
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 91
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 92
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 93
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 94
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 95
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 96
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 97
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 98
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 99
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 100
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 101
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 102
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 103
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 104
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 105
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 106
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 107
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 108
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 109
Book 2: Seven Devils and a Rose - Chapter 110
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 111
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 112
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 113
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 114
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 115
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 116
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 117
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 118
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 119
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 120
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 121
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 122
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 123
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 124
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 125
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 126
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 128
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 129
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 130
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 131
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 132
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 133
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 134
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 135
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 136
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 137
Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 138

Book 3: A Kingdom of Roses and Magic - Chapter 127

1.2K 65 2
By AlexiaPraks

The seven demon lords were having a late-night discussion in the main cabin of the airship when the overwhelming sweet scent reached them, knocking the breath out of them.

"Holy fuck!" Felix said loudly, interrupting Noah's passionate speech regarding some research he had completed.

Caleb said, "Alfie!"

Sounds of chairs screeching on the marble floor echoed in the room, followed by footsteps rushing out the door.

Aaron said, "I knew I should have stayed with her."

"A bit late for that now," Ethan said. He turned his attention to Geoffrey. "I thought you'd dealt with Alfie's nectar last week."

Geoffrey said, "I did."

They went into Alfie's room a moment later, switching on the main light. Aaron rushed over when he saw Alfie slumping against the bed. Felix and Caleb weren't far behind and knelt on the floor close to her. Felix was stroking Alfie's hair while Caleb's eyes were searching her face.

"Alfie?" Aaron called as he pulled her into his arms.

Alfie groaned. "Aaron..." she whispered softly. "Aaron... Help me... It's hot..." she begged, her beautiful face searching his. Inches from him, she mindlessly pressed her lips against him, imploring him for a passionate kiss.

Aaron sucked in his breath and tightened his arms around her slender body, which was burning hot and shaking frantically against him. Her lips tasted sweet and intoxicating, especially mixed with her sexual scent, which was strong in the air.

"Alfie..." he said, moving his lips to her cheek. When he saw the dazed look in her eyes, he knew she was about to lose her awareness. "Stay with me, love. Stay with me. Look at me." He cupped her face, working in vain to draw her attention to him.

But Alfie was too deep in her haze of sexual heat. All she instinctively wanted was relief from the intense fervor that was coursing throughout her body.

She moved closer and snuggled her face against the crook of his neck, begging him for more of his touch.

Geoffrey, Noah, Victor, and Ethan didn't miss the fact that the place was bathed in aromatic, sweet scents, which instantly affected them and drove their excited qi to lust.

When Alfie lifted her head and dazedly looked around the room at them all, the lords sucked in their breath at the sight of her.

Her body was flushed and covered in perspiration. With the shirt soaking wet and the buttons undone, revealing her plump, aroused breasts for all to see, she looked enchanting. They didn't miss that qi nectar was secreting from her nipples in successive droplets, with the glowing liquid flowing down her body on her skin.

Her face blushing hot, her eyes bright, and her lips red and moist, she looked ready to be ravished. The lords felt an overwhelmingly powerful urge to take her, taste every inch of her, and suck the tantalizing qi nectar that was tempting them with its scent.

"Holy fuck!" Ethan blurted out, his voice hoarse. He felt his knees weaken and the heat in his body rise.

Aaron said, "Alfie is in heat."

Noah frowned. "She took the pills I prescribed regularly. I don't understand..."

Victor said, "It's either because her body physiology is different—she's a human girl from another realm, after all—or her qi is evolving due to the intense training."

Noah said, "Qi doesn't just evolve without the aid of the golden qi."

Victor waved Noah's logic aside.

Geoffrey said, "Whatever the case, Alfie is in heat. We need to deal with this quickly."

Felix said, "What the hell are we supposed to do? We're in an airship. We can't ease Alfie's heat here."

Geoffrey said, "We're flying over the Forbidden Forest; we have no choice but to make a pit stop. I'll contact Aslan for an emergency landing." He turned to Victor. "Erect a barrier around Alfie's room. We can't let the scent leak."

If it did, it'd be hell for them to take care of, since qi nectar secreted by a demon lord's mate not only affected the demon lords themselves, but any sort of demonic species with dark qi that happened to reside close by. They'd go mad with lust and would attack the ship to claim Alfie for themselves.

As Victor proceeded with the formation of a high-tier barrier, Noah said, "I'll get the easing and suppression potions. Those will help ease Alfie of her heat, at least a little."

Geoffrey nodded, and the two left the room.

Ethan said, "Shit! I can't handle this. I'll go berserk with lust if I stay much longer. I'll erect another set of barriers around the airship itself." With that, he left, his eyes dark, lust rising in his blood.

The room now protected with a magic shield, Aaron lifted Alfie up in his arms and put her on the bed. The girl gave out soft groans again as she clutched on to him, refusing to let him go. She was still begging him for more intimate touches, which was beginning to make Aaron lose control of himself.

"Aaron..." she cried out softly, her body quivering against him. "Help me... Please..."

Standing by the bed, Felix couldn't stop staring at Alfie. Her sexual scent was affecting him, and the sight of her in heat only made it worse. He knew Alfie was in torture, with her heat soaring every second that passed by, and he couldn't stand that, not when the woman he loved was groaning in agony, begging for help.

He said, "We need to ease her heat now."

Caleb, his eyes dark with a mixture of passion and worry, nodded in agreement.

Victor said, "There's only one way. Erase Alfie's nectar. Otherwise, she won't last. She'll go mad for sure. If we don't erase her nectar, the scent will eventually affect not only us, but those demonic species residing in the woods below. Then shit will hit the fan."

Caleb said, "Erasing Alfie's nectar is easier said than done, especially when we're up here. If we do this, there's a high probability we'll lose control and..." He sighed. "Fuck!"

The lords knew they were in a tough dilemma.

Felix said, "Then we'll need to ensure we don't lose control." He looked at his comrades. "That means stopping before we've reached our limits."

Aaron nodded in agreement. "We'll take turns, easing Alfie's heat until we've landed, which hopefully won't be long."

Felix, Caleb, and Victor agreed, and the former two made their moves. Caleb got onto the bed at the base while Felix was on the other side. Meanwhile, Victor proceeded with releasing more of his dark qi, thus strengthening the barrier.

Alfie was still clutching onto Aaron when Felix grabbed for her arm, which made her cry out softly to him. "Felix... It's hot. It's so hot... My body... I... Please do something..."

"It's all right, darling. You'll feel better soon," Felix said, removing her shirt from her body. When her top was bare, he gently touched his hand to her aroused breast, and Alfie's body shook uncontrollably at the intimate contact.

Aaron tightened his hold on her as he watched Felix massage her flesh, with nectar secreting from her nipple. The droplets were damn enticing, and Aaron found himself licking his lips, desiring to taste that juice. Working hard to control himself, he planted his lips on Alfie's forehead at the same time Felix started squeezing her right breast.

Alfie groaned, her body writhing in hot, torturous pleasure as qi nectar squirted out from her nipples, spraying glowing milk into the air.

"Holy fuck!" Felix said in astonishment. "I've never seen a woman produce this much nectar before."

From the other side of the room, Victor said, "Then make quick work of erasing it."

Felix agreed, and he came down and took Alfie's sensitive, aroused nipple.

The moment her flesh was in his mouth, hot pleasure soared through his own body, with the overwhelming sensation hitting straight to the head, bathing him in a pool of heat. He felt Alfie's body writhe beneath him, and instantly, desire overtook him. He sucked at her nipple as he squeezed her breast hard. More warm, delicious nectar squirted in his mouth, driving his taste buds insane with sweetness.

Fuck! He wanted more and did have more, greedily drinking the nectar, swallowing it down his throat with vigor.

Meanwhile, Caleb was pulling Alfie's panties down, his hands shaking and his breathing heavy. He was damn affected by the strong scent. Not to mention his mind was in a haze of a mess. All he could think about was how much he wanted Alfie's qi nectar.

Once her soaked panties were off her slender legs, Caleb moved forward, his face between her welcoming thighs. Here, the lovely scent was even stronger, which only managed to drive Caleb's blood with lust. He touched the lips of her pussy, and instantly, nectar leaked out delicately, like honey, which was fucking enticing.

Caleb couldn't help himself. He stuck his tongue out and licked her pussy, tasting the exquisitely sweet nectar in his mouth. As he swallowed, he licked for more, pressing his hot tongue against the lips of her pussy, causing Alfie to groan in ecstasy as her body shook in ardor.

Aaron watched the beautiful sight of Alfie being lapped up by his comrades before him, mesmerized. Indeed, Alfie was a beautiful girl, but to see her like this, crying out in pleasure while in heat and begging to be ravished—this was altogether another level of exquisiteness.

He held her tightly against him as he leaned down and took her right breast. The moment his mouth touched her, he felt her squirming and crying out his name, begging for more, which pleased him.

Aaron began sucking at her nipple as Felix was doing the same to the other one, and sweet nectar released into his mouth, driving his taste buds quite insane with deliciousness.

Holy fuck! He had never tasted anything like this before in his life. Sure, he was over two thousand years old, but he had never tasted qi nectar before. This would be his first, and Aaron knew it wasn't going to be his last.

Just with one taste, he was addicted. Fuck! Just damn fuck! This was more intoxicating and delicious than pure qi itself. This is heavenly.

He moved his hand to cup Alfie's breast, and then he pressed, squeezing the flesh hard. As expected, more nectar squirted into his mouth, and Aaron drank to his heart's content.

Still releasing his dark qi to feed the barrier, Victor watched in awe at the scene before him. Alfie, the girl he had fallen for since the moment he had set his eyes on her when he had returned to Acaedien, was currently being ravished by his comrades, and he must admit the exquisite sight was a turn-on for sure.

The door creaked open behind him, and Noah said, "Holy fucking hell!"

Victor smiled. Yes, the display was...unexpectedly shocking and enticing, to be sure.

He said, "We have to ease her heat and erase her nectar."

Standing beside him, Noah ran his fingers through his hair. Victor didn't miss that Noah's hands were shaking, and Noah's hands rarely, if ever, shook. Noah, after all, never got nervous. That was until Alfie appeared in their lives, he supposed.

"You've got the potions?" Victor asked.

Noah nodded and then headed over to the bed. Just as he was climbing onto the soft mattress on the other side, Felix lifted his head from Alfie's breast and moved back. Noah took over the position and came to cup Alfie's dazed, flushed face in his hands.

"Alfie?" he called out.

Alfie fluttered her eyes open. When she recognized him, she groaned out softly, "Lord Noah."

"Listen, Alfie, we need to suppress your body from producing more nectar. You need to take these pills." He held out three purples, which were the suppressors, and two yellow, which were the sexual easing pills.

"Open your mouth," he urged.

Alfie didn't respond to him. Instead, she groaned, her body writhing in hot pleasure as both Aaron and Caleb continued to enrapture her. The sight was a fucking turn-on for Noah, and it affected him in an unwelcome way. Not to mention the overpowering sexual scent, which had gotten stronger and permeated the room.

"Shit," he said under his breath. With shaky hands, he pressed Alfie's lips to open and then fed her the pills, all the while doing his damnedest to not be affected by Alfie's beautiful face, which was seducing him with her sexy expressions.

Felix, on the other hand, found himself stumbling mindlessly toward Victor. He said, "I'm at my limits. If I stay longer, I swear I'll go mad with lust. I need some fresh air."

Victor nodded, and Felix left the room.

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