Unbreakable Love

By melissalynn88

10.9K 651 92

Isabelle and Ashton are back and navigating their way through life. The bliss is short lived when the realit... More



2.8K 145 15
By melissalynn88


"Ashton, get you're damn head back up here now." Isabelle snapped at me; her hair spread out on the white pillow behind her as she lay with just a nursing bra on.

I grinned, giving her thigh a squeeze as I moved back towards her while the nurse began to do an internal exam. "I want to watch and learn for the next one."

"Ashton, you spend enough time as it is looking at it, now get your head up here." She hissed loudly and groaned again in pain as she clutched my hand, pushing her head back into pillows. "Next one? Let's get through the first one." She laughed.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "I won't try and see if you're dilating or whatever it is called." I felt useless right now. There was nothing much to do except hold her hand and tell her she was doing an amazing job. I had to keep her calm, mostly distracted from all the blood.

I was putting on a brave face, but I was worried.

She glared, holding both her hands up and joined her thumbs to form an O, "This is what it's going to look like, you can watch when the baby comes out. Look all you want then." 

I had to laugh, grinning. "Fine I'll stop playing doctor. Do you need anything?"

She groaned and grabbed the sheets as another contraction came on. "It hurts so bad. I stopped bleeding though? There's no more blood?" she looked up hopeful.

Glancing down at the nurse and doctor their expression told me otherwise. I had to keep her calm. "You're doing so good baby. He's going to be here soon."

"Alright Isabelle let's try having another push again. I can see his head crowning. 

Weighing seven pounds six and reaching a 54cm in length, he was perfect.

Noah Ashton Williams was born in the world fast and loudly. I've never felt relief like the way I had done once he came out crying. I wasn't much for showing emotions, but right now I was a mess. Tears down my cheeks as I kissed Belle as she held him against her chest, crying in exhaustion.

"Is he ok?" she cried out. "He's so small."

"He's perfect baby, he is perfect." I ran my fingers over his small head and kissed hers again. "He is perfect."

What the hell was I thinking, telling her I didn't want any kids with her. I wanted them all with her.

"He looks like you." She smiled as she tilted her head to check him out. "He is perfect."

The nurse took our family photo, and a few more of us together enjoying this moment together.

"Hold him," she breathed out, and I thought she was telling me to hold him, but she was telling me to grab him. "Quick."

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head just as I grabbed a hold of him, and her arms flopped.

"Fuck what's happened?" I shouted in a panic. "Isabelle?!"

"The placenta had ruptured inside of her, we need to get her moved to surgery and remove it, do you consent to this?" Her doctor asked checking her heart rate and another doing her blood pressure.

I looked at him with a frown as she was being rushed out of the room on her bed. "What do you mean? Of course I do. Do whatever you need to."

Everything happened so fast that it was a blur, I was standing in the room with Belle holding our baby, at what felt like the best time of our life and then I was standing along, holding our son as he cried loudly in my arms and my wife was being rushed off unconscious whilst the doctor spoke but I don't think I heard a word her said as my sight was fixated on her disappearing down the halls.

Noah was swaddled in a blanket as I walked the halls of the nursey ward rocking him back and forth, he had soothed himself to sleep. I had no idea what I was doing. What was going to happen when he woke up screaming and he needed his mum?

What if all that bleeding was coming from her? What if the stress of everything had become to much for her body to handle.

It felt like a lifetime as I stood there holding my son until I saw Isabelle's mum rushing into the hallway and crying out my name.

"I don't know what's happening." I managed to get out. "She just collapsed, and they took her away."

"Let's go sit down, and I'll find a doctor to talk to." She walked quickly to the nurse's desk and I saw her covering her mouth and let out a cry. Making her way back, she placed a hand on the middle of my back and ushered me back into the room where Isabelles bags were.

There was a crib by a bed and two chairs. Liz sat down on one and I stood, swaying back and forth. "What did they say?" I asked.

Wiping her eyes with a tissue, she let out a sigh. "She is coming back to the room shortly. They're just cleaning the placenta out from inside her. It had ruptured and caused a heavy bleed which can be fatal."

Jesus. "So she's ok?" I said. I needed her to be ok.

"They aren't sure, but they may have had to do a hysterectomy." She began to cry.

Making my way around the other side of the bed, I sat down a beside her and reached out pulling her in. "As long as she is ok, that's all that matters."

"She must have been so scared."

"I think she's stronger than we both think she is. She knew she was going to pass out, she told me to grab him."

Her eyes went to Noah, and she gasped. "Oh my gosh, with all that is going on, I didn't even ask about the baby."

I smiled. "He's good, well I think he is. Has a great set of lungs on him. Want a hold?"

We took in turns holding him, walking around the room as he cried and slept. Talking to each other about anything but what had happened here tonight with Belle.

They had brought Belle in not too long ago, and she was still sleeping. The doctor told us all went well, and they had cleaned out the placenta and her uterus is still there. Which was a damn relief. Liz had left, she went back to the house to get a change of clothing for me and some food to eat. I think she needed to keep herself busy.

I called my parents and told them what had happened. Still quite angry at mum for bringing Jenna to our house like she did, I told her I'd let them know when Belle was up for visitors. She hadn't even had much time with Noah and the last thing I knew she would want was to see my mother.

"Ash?" I heard a faint voice.

My eyes darted up, and Belle was awake. "I'm here."

"The baby?" her voice cracked, I noticed the tears down her cheek. "Is he ok?"

"He's good, he's right here." I moved up closer to her side, bringing in closer to my chest so she could see. "He's been waiting for his mummy."

"But he's ok?" she asked again, her hand reaching up to stroke his cheek as he slept.

"He's got a loud cry. He's more than fine, doctors have checked him out and he's good."

I helped her sit up, and handed Noah to her. The smile took away the tears as she leant down and kissed his forehead. "The first time you wanted into the hair salon, I thought I love you at first sight.." she began. "But seeing our baby, that we made together.. I have never felt a love like this before."

She was made for this.

I laid on the bed beside her as she breastfed Noah, the nurse had come in and helped her learn to latch and I took that time to go take a quick shower and change into fresh clothing. Her mum had been helping and by her side. She asked about my parents, and I told her they were going to visit in the morning. She was staying here for a couple more days at least.

"He's asleep again." She whispered, laying him down in his crib and smiling. "I can't believe that I did all the hard work, just for him to come out looking like you."

I laughed softly, grinning. "Yeah he's pretty good looking isn't he."

With an eye roll, she shook her head slowly stepping closer to me. "You are very good looking. I need to take a shower, will you stay here still?" she looked hopeful.

"I'm not going anywhere, do you need any help?" I asked. I wasn't sure how much pain she was feeling, or if she was ok to do things on her own.

"I think I'm ok. I'm just a bit slow." She glanced back at the crib. "I was so scared. I thought I'd never see you both again."

I cupped her chin and turned her face back to mine. "Hey, don't talk that way. You weren't going anywhere. We've got a lot more babies to make."

"More? You still want more after what happened?" she looked horrified. "Aren't you traumatised; you were the one to watch it happen."

"A little, but I can't live in fear over a what if. Yeah, it was fucking scary, but I don't want you to be afraid to live." I said and pulled her closer. "I love you, with or without more kids. Go shower, I'll keep an eye on Noah."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, but I didn't want the fear to stop her from having everything she wanted. I had done just that, and it almost stopped me from having all of this with Belle.

A little cry filled the room, and my dad duties had just begun.

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