Warriors: A New Life ~Series...

By skystxr

3.5K 409 153

It had been six moons since Lightclan discovered their new home beside the sea. They have settled in nicely a... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23: Final Chapter
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 6

126 14 5
By skystxr

Silverpaw's POV:

Silverpaw felt herself being sucked from her dream of chasing a rabbit in the moorland. She felt the familiar coldness itch at her pelt and she knew she was about to see a vision of her past life; her life as the legendary Silverstar.

All of a sudden, a screech sounded from her own parted jaws and she sprinted through an entrance to a camp. She didn't recognise the camp at all. But from what she could tell, she was in Magiclan's camp. A younger version of Stormstar writhed underneath a white she cat, his black fur matted with blood.

Silverpaw launched herself into the camp with two cats following.

Whitetail and Demonpelt. Their names sparked memories of Silverstar's life and Silverpaw felt a rush of emotions.

Silverpaw skidded to a halt just before she reached Younger Stormstar. She saw he already bore many wounds and felt anger rise inside of her. Not just Silverstar's anger, bit also her own. Why would someone try to hurt my leader? She wondered with a silent hiss.

She growled at Rabbitstar, "Stop this madness or you will regret it." Her voice was low and threatening.

Rabbitstar lashed his tail, excitement lighting up his eyes, "There are only four of you. How could you possibly beat my entire clan?"

Silverpaw grinned softly, and she wondered what Silverstar had in store for Rabbitstar. "That is where you are wrong, Rabbitstar." She glanced at Demonpelt and Whitetail before yowling, "Lightclan attack!"

Two patrols waiting on either side of camp burst from their hiding places and sprinted down into Magiclan camp. They were quickly met by Magiclan warriors and the sounds of fighting cats filled the camp.

Silverpaw lunged for Rabbitstar, her claws outstretched and ready to sink into flesh. She summoned a sharp slap of wind that blew straight into Rabbitstar. The leader fell to the ground with a grunt but recovered quickly. His eyes were narrowed to slits and his fangs were bared aggressively at Silverpaw.

Whoa! Silverstar's wind powers are awesome!

Rabbitstar charged at Silverpaw and aimed a blow to her head but she quickly turned her fur to silver and she felt the satisfying sound of a crunch and a yowl of pain.

Silverpaw curled her lip into a snarl and approached Rabbitstar slowly. The Magiclan leader was on the ground, holding his sprained paw to his chest. "Surrender?" Silverpaw hissed, her tail flicking behind her.

Silverpaw felt Silverstar's thoughts echo in her own mind. I don't want anymore of my warriors to be hurt. If only Rabbitstar would just surrender now...

"Never!" Rabbitstar hissed and flung himself at Silverpaw. He landed square on her back and pinned her to the ground. He prepared to deliver the death bite to Silverpaw's neck but she was ready.

No. Silverpaw wasn't ready. Fear coursed through her, making her freeze in panic.Thank Starclan Silverstar is in charge. She thought as Rabbitstar swooped down to bite her neck. She quickly reached up and grabbed a hold of Rabbitstar's neck as well. She bit down and heard a small crack on a bone before letting go of Rabbitstar's limp body.

Silverpaw got up shakily. Rabbitstar had managed to take a bite out of her neck as well but it wasn't a fatal blow. She stepped away from the Magiclan leader and yowled, "This battle is over! Lightclan has won!"

The fighting stopped immediately and the Magiclan cats backed away from the Lightclan cats slowly. Silverpaw yowled for her clan to follow her and led them out of Magiclan camp. She helped Younger Stormstar to his paws and let him lean on her shoulder.

But as they trotted out of their enemy's camp, Stormstar started prodding Silverpaw's shoulder and she glanced at him in confusion. "Stop that Stormstar." She meowed, realising with a jolt that she was able to control the vision and that she wasn't Silverstar anymore.

Stormstar continued to prod her until suddenly, Silverpaw woke up to find Eaglepaw was prodding her on the same place Stormstar had just been prodding.

"Why did you call me Stormstar?" The brown tom asked suspiciously.


Flamefur's POV:

"Very good." Metalclaw praised as Flamefur landed neatly on the ground after demonstrating a tricky battle technique.

Flamefur felt a small smile on her lips. Praises didn't come very often. She dipped her head to her Dark Forest mentor and meowed, "So have you thought about bringing Tigerstripe here and training him as well?"

Metalclaw's ear twitched and he seemed to tense. The burning fire in the tom's eyes told Flamefur that he didn't want to talk about it. She avoided his gaze and took a step back, "Sorry."

"It's... Okay." Metalclaw meowed, his voice strained. "Now, the sun is rising soon and I need to tell you something. I am leaving for a while, probably quite a few moons."

"Where are you going? Why are you going?" Flamefur asked curiously.

"That is not your concern." Metalclaw reply smoothly. "Don't worry about training, I shall leave you in the capable paws of my friend, Monsterclaw."

"Monsterclaw? I think I remember hearing her name somewhere..." Flamefur looked up and blinked in surprise when she realised Metalclaw had gone. The only thing that remained of him was a single trail of dark mist leading off into the dank undergrowth.


Flamefur spun around to see a white furred she cat standing in front of her. Faint grey stripes ran down the she cat's back and a single patch of black lay on her chest. The she cat's acid green eyes made Flamefur uneasy. No matter how narrowed the eyes were, they always seemed to be staring intensely at Flamefur. "Um..."

"You may know me as Monsterclaw from my fellow Dark forest warriors," The white she cat meowed, her voice smooth as silk but filled with venom, "but I prefer my Lightclan name; Greenstare."

"Oh!" Flamefur had heard of Greenstare being the cause of many deaths in Lightclan. She felt honored to be with this legendary Dark Forest warrior. "Um, Hello Greenstare. Nice to meet you." She meowed politely.

Greenstar dipped her head only slightly and went on to say, "It is time to wake up now. Something is happening."

Flamefur was about to asked, "What is happening?" But the words were drowned out by a sudden whoosh of air around her and she started to feel dizzy. Then, she jerked away in her nest to see bright morning sunshine glaring down at her from the warriors den.


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