Denial won't get you very far

By Lunare1234567

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Tecchou and Jouno have to do a mission in the U.S. and there very gay Featuring Teruko and Tachihara with the... More



410 5 9
By Lunare1234567

If there was one thing Jouno didn't want to do today, it would be going to a meeting at 7AM. It was a Monday morning, he was tired as hell, and he was expecting a relaxing start of week (Like that was ever going to happen). Until yesterday, Fukuchi randomly called him in the middle of the night and told him about some meeting they were having the next day. He wasn't exactly looking forward to this meeting, but he had to go since it was mandatory. He got up, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, did his hair, got his uniform on, and headed to the Hunting Dogs military base. The group had a small dorm like area (This was annoying because he basically lived with his coworkers and none of them where normal) but it was a quick walk to the base, which was good since he was often tried before and after work. As he made his way to the meeting room, he said hi to a few random soldiers he didn't know and walked passed Fukuchi who said he was grabbing some papers before the meeting started. Finally, he made it to the meeting room where he overheard his colleagues talking, not like he wanted to, but due to his heightened senses, he could hear just about anything. He was about to pull the door open until he heard his vice commander shout.

"Just ask him out already!!!! It would make this so much easier!!" God, he didn't want to deal with this right now. But he was kind of curious about what she was talking about, so he continued listening. Did one of the Hunting Dogs like someone?

"No, I can't..." He heard Tecchou mumble. Tecchou liked someone?! That was surprising, he was basically incapable of showing any emotion, so hearing him harbor romantic feelings for someone caught him slightly off guard. He felt bad for whoever the brunette liked, considering he was a menace to society. He wouldn't be surprised if he ended up getting his heart broken due to his weirdness.

"Tecchou please!!! You've liked him for like years now!!! Just confess!!"

"Teruko maybe he's not ready."

"Tachihara you can't be talking."


"Whatever back to Tecchou issue, maybe you should flirt with him and see what happens!" He heard Teruko giggle a little.

"I don't know how to flirt."

"Ok, uhh maybe you should Google some pickup lines and use those to flirt with him" Teruko suggested, that was some of the worst advice he's ever heard. No one actually uses pickup lines to flirt with people.

"Or you can compliment him, what do you like about his physical appearance?" Tachihara asked.

"Well, I like his hair, it's very fluffy."

"How do you know it's fluffy?" He heard Teruko ask through a giggle.

"I touched it once."

"Uh that's kinda random and I'm not going to question it." Tachihara muttered awkwardly.

"Should I compliment him next time I see him?"

"Yes!!!" He heard Teruko basically yell.

"That's definitely not going to go wrong." Tachihara seemed to be the only person who had any sense in this situation.

"What if he doesn't like guys?" Tecchou asked.

"Oh please, he's super fruity, he's almost as fruity as you." Teruko replied giggling, Tachihara started laughing too.

"What do you mean by fruity, he's not a fruit?" This caused Tachihara and Teruko to laugh even harder. Jouno decided he couldn't listen to the rest of this conversation and pushed the door open. The second Jouno entered the room, he felt everyone's eyes on him. Plus, Teruko and Tachihara where obviously holding back giggles and Tecchou was standing there confused as always. What the heck was going on???

"Jouno." He looked over in the direction of Tecchou's voice.

"What do you want?"

"I like your hair, I felt it once and it was super fluffy, I also like how you style it, it makes you look cute."


Teruko and Tachihara glanced at each other and they then suddenly bursted out in laughter. Well Teruko did at least, Tachihara attempted to hold back his laughter but was failing miserably. Tecchou simply looked away, he could hear his heartbeat speed up, he was probably embarrassed since the other two were laughing at him. Jouno stood there in shock trying to process what was even happening. His whole mind was in a panic, though he wasn't physically showing it. His feet felt bound too the floor, he couldn't move, well technically he could, but mind was too much in a haze to think properly. The whole conversation before the meeting it had all been about him. Why didn't he notice?? Actually, no better question, what does he do now?? He can't tell the group he heard there conversation prior; he could just thank Tecchou and continue with his life. Would that fix the chaos going on inside his head? No. Would it make it worse? Probably. He refused to believe it; it defiantly wasn't true. Tecchou didn't like him he was probably just confused; he was dumb anyways the dumbest in the group. There's no way he understood his feelings, Tecchou and him were co workers nothing more. Not acquaintances, not friends and definitely not anything close to lovers. It was simple Tecchou was just being his usual dumb self and Jouno doesn't like Tecchou.


Then why did it feel like he was lying to himself...?

"Wow that was funny." Teruko commented, she must have been done laughing her ass off. The white-haired boy slightly jumped at the suddenness of her voice, he completely forgot where he was for a second. He then made out Tachihara quickly walk towards Tecchou and whisper, "Don't listen to Teruko you're fine." Were they really taking Tecchou's "crush" this seriously? He didn't even notice Tecchou's heartbeat was beating slightly faster than usual. Perhaps he was embarrassed about his comment towards him, which served him right since he not only embarrassed himself but Jouno too. Suddenly the door of the meeting room slammed open, making Jouno jump. Why isn't anyone in this group normal? He thought.

"Sorry I'm late guys, let's get the meeting started!" Fukuchi stated in a loud voice. Jouno was at least happy he didn't have to deal with the groups bs anymore.


The Hunting Dogs have been after a group of ability users for quite some time now, they were known for engaging in some illegal business regarding the black market. The meeting was about a few missions the group had to do in order to catch the ability users, unfortunately for Jouno he and Tecchou were chosen to do one of the missions together. Jouno would have much rather done the mission with anyone else (minus Fukuchi) but lately he's been shown to not be so lucky. In order to catch these ability users, the group needed the address too there warehouse where the transactions were being done. Hence where this mission comes in, Tecchou and Jouno where to stay at a hotel in the U.S. and get the address off a group of businessmen who were also staying in the hotel. The businessmen where close acquaintances with the ability users and where trusted with various documents that contained information about the ability users warehouse. They were given a few days to complete this mission and they were allowed to use the time as a "vaction" after they got the documents. The group of businessmen were also hosting some public meetup for other business owners to attend (this meetup was going to be a venue near the hotel). Jouno and Tecchou where going to be disguised as business partners who help create weapons for the military, they were even given fake names to further disguise themselves (Jouno however thought this was completely unnecessary). The two had the option attend the party to get more information that could possibly help the group in the future, however they didn't exactly have to go (But by the way Fukuchi was phrasing it he wanted them to go). Jouno wasn't exactly listening to the rest of the meeting, but apparently Teruko and Tachihara were also given a similar mission, only theres was in Yokohama (Probably because Tachihara was still on his mission as a spy), and of course Fukuchi had some "unknown business" to attend too. Jouno had a feeling that he was gonna slack off that entire week.

"So... I think that's a wrap! Any questions."


"Uh great! I have some business to attend too, make sure you guys work hard and get you paperwork done!" Fukuchi basically yelled, he's always so unnecessarily loud, he then left the room and headed off to his "business". Jouno sighed he was happy this meeting was finally over.

"So, you guys excited?" Teruko asked.

"I guess, I just hope I don't have too much work for the Port Mafia once I come back."

"You'll probably be fine Tachi."

"Yeah, we'll see about that." He heard some doubt in Tachihara's voice.

"What about you two?" Teruko looked at Tecchou and Jouno.

"I'm excited to bring justice too this world, stopping these criminals will-"

"I mean are you excited to travel outside the country?"

"Oh, uh I guess, I've never been to New York."

"What about you Jouno?"

"Eh, I don't really care."

"That's all you have to say?!" Teruko almost shouted.

He felt slightly agitated, he just wanted to do his paperwork and Teruko wouldn't shut the hell up, "Teruko can you do me favor, stop talking."

"Excuse me?!" She yelled. She looked in his direction and shot him what he assumed to be a dirty look.

"Can you bring me Teruko back some souvenirs?"

Jouno turned his head towards Tachihara, "Why would you need souvenirs we travel all the time?"

"Yeah, but like you know."

"I'm confused." He heard Tecchou say.

"Dude you're always confused no offense."

He heard Teruko giggle, "He's kind of right though."

"Can you guys shut up I'm trying to work." Jouno spat.

"Ughh you're such a party pooper Jouno."

He got up, "Whatever I'm gonna work in my room." He walked out the door ignoring the stares from the others.


As the day continued Jouno was able to get his paperwork done and everything he needed packed was packed. He really didn't want to go on this trip, but he didn't really have a choice, and hey if he got this mission done then he would have the rest of the week off from work. Jouno laid in his bed, everything that happened in the morning slowly started to sink back in. He tried to go the whole day ignoring it, but he couldn't help thinking about what Tecchou said to him in the morning. He knew he was supposed to be angry or maybe disgusted at him, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to feel this way. Instead, he felt.... Well honestly, he didn't know, he just felt odd. People had crushes on him in the past and he's dated some people too, but this felt so different, and he didn't know if it was a good or bad different. He was going to reject Tecchou if he ever asked though. He was definitely not Jounos type, and he would never even considering going out with someone like Tecchou. Everything was so wrong about him, his food combinations, his lack of common sense, how he followed justice so blindly, the fact that he loves someone who rarely ever shows him any kindness or consideration.... Tecchou was a nuisance to this world and someone Jouno wouldn't want to deal with for the rest of his life. Besides if Tecchou did build up the courage to ask him out and Jouno ends up rejecting him what would happen after? Everything would be so awkward between them, and he knew it would be a pain in the ass since Fukuchi made them work together so much. He didn't want to show up to work every day and have to deal with the awkward tension the two would probably have.


In all honesty he didn't even know if he wanted to reject Tecchou. Something about him drew Jouno in, maybe it was his hospitality even towards those who never show it back to him or his will to protect others no matter what. Something unknown to him made him want to stay by his side, but at the same time he hated it and he hated Tecchou for making him feel this way. Yet did he really blame Tecchou for this, or did he blame his own thoughts for making him think these things?

As he laid there stuck in his head, he didn't register that someone was knocking on his door. Even with his heightened senses, he just realized someone else was awake. The white-haired boy crawled out of bed and headed over too his door; he already knew who it was he could tell by his heartbeat.

He cracked his door open, "What do you want Tachihara? Also why are you up so late you should be sleeping."

"I uh couldn't sleep, that's beside the point. Why are you up right now."

"I couldn't sleep ether I guess....... Uh you can come in." He pulled his door open and moved out of the way, allowing the ginger too walk in.

"Oh, ok I actually needed to talk to you."

"About what?" He asked.

"You should probably shut the door; I don't want anyone to hear."

"Ok?" He pulled his door shut, "So what do you want?"

"Ok, so, uh you can't tell Teruko I told you this, I'm only telling you cause I think it's best you know."

"What is it?"

"Ok so promise you won't get mad."

"Holy shit Tachihara I swear to god, what happened?"

"Okay so Teruko might have booked you and Tecchou a room with one bed. But I promise I tried to stop her!! She didn't listen!"

"Hold on, WHAT?" Teruko was dead the next time he saw her.

"I'm sorry I tried to stop her!"

He sighed, it was like 11 and he had a flight to catch in the morning he didn't have time for this.

"Whatever, I'll just make him sleep on the floor or something, thanks for telling me I guess."

"Yeah, no problem, but you can't tell Teruko that I told you."

"Oh no I won't tell her now, when I come back from the mission though......"

Tachihara giggled, "Yeah you can yell are her then."

"Does Tecchou know about the whole room thing?"

"Yeah, she told him after she booked the room."

"What did he say?"

"He didn't really say anything, he just kinda stood there."

"Hmm ok, I expected more of a reaction." He muttered.

The ginger seemed confused, "What do you mean?"

Jouno smirked, "I know more than you think."

"....... Um does it have to do with anything that happened this morning?"



"Get out I'm tried."

"Ok jeez."

Tachihara walked off, he was about the leave before he stopped at the doorway, "You don't have to be sure about your feeling right now you know, it's ok to be a little confused."

Jounos face flushed, "What are you even talking about?"

"Never mind." He muttered. The ginger grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door closed. Jouno knew exactly what he was referring to.


It was around 4:43 when Jouno last checked the time, him and Tecchou where sitting in the airport waiting for there flight. The airport was loud, actually no loud was an understatement, Jouno could hear every little noise including everyone's annoyingly loud heartbeats and he already felt a headache starting to form. He just wanted to crawl back to his bed and be done with the day. The white-haired boy was basically curled up in a ball in his seat, knees to his chest and his hands over his ears, did it really help? No. Did he feel like searching through his suitcase to find his noise cancelling headphones? Also no. So instead, he opted towards suffering in silence, which is what he's been doing for the past five minutes. Suddenly a group of kids ran by, and it just so happened that these kids where practically screaming at the top of there lungs, a few people chuckled perhaps at the children's innocence, Jouno didn't exactly care too much, instead he flinched slightly at the noise and tried to muffle the noise by pressing his hands harder against his ears, again this didn't really change much.

"Tecchou." He spat.

He felt Tecchou glance over, "Hm?"

"What time is it?"

"Umm." He glanced down at his watch, "4:45, you asked me for the time two minutes ago."

Jouno sighed another fifteen minutes in this airport, then he would have to suffer through the twelve hour flight to New York, and he was definitely looking forward to sitting on a plane and doing nothing all day, plus they probably wouldn't be at the hotel until maybe 6 or 7 PM, it was such a waste of time. Wouldn't it make more sense for them to leave at night and arrive in the morning? But that wasn't his concern right now, this airport, which was getting on his nerves, was. Where do people get the energy to make this much noise?? It's like 5 in morning, why couldn't people just be tired, it would spare his ears. He could feel Tecchou staring at him, he was already in a bad mood and really didn't want to deal with his bullshit right now, couldn't Tecchou pick a different time to be annoying??

"Why are you staring at me?"


Without a warning Tecchou wrapped his arm around Jounos waist and forced him to sit closer him. He could feel his entire face flush red at the sudden closeness. Did Tecchou have a death wish or something??! Did he just not care that the two were in public right now?! He hoped no one was staring at them, he didn't want people to get the wrong idea! He was going to murder Tecchou later he swore.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"You seemed overwhelmed by the noise."

"Ok well how is this supposed to help me."

"You can listen to me breathe or maybe to my heartbeat since you're closer to me."

"And what you think that'll distract me from the dozens of other heartbeats I hear?"



"Here." Tecchou placed his hand on Jounos head and forced it to lay on his shoulder. One of his ears was covered by Tecchou's shoulder while the other one was covered by Tecchou's hand (which was on top of his own since he was still covering his ears). While the sound was noticeably more muffled, he could still hear it enough to the point where it was bothering him.

"Does this help?"

Jounos cheeks flushed more, "N-no it doesn't get the hell off me."

"Oh, ok I'm sorry." He felt Tecchou move his hand off his ear which allowed him to sit up normally again. But the second Tecchou moved his hand away all the sounds that where bothering him earlier hit him again. He didn't realize that Tecchou was helping until he told him to stop, he felt a little mad at himself, but Tecchou was basically cuddling him in a public and that was embarrassing, he didn't want people to see that. They weren't even dating anyways so Tecchou shouldn't have even thought about cuddling him in the first place, it was his fault not Jounos.


Tecchou picked up his phone and looked at it.



Tecchou: No where still waiting I think where leaving in a few minutes.

Teruko: K me and Tachi heading to our hotel really soon what are you doing?

Tecchou: Oh, ok where just kinda sitting here Jouno doesn't like all the noise.

Teruko: Rip maybe you should help him.

Tecchou: I tried too but I think I made him mad.

Teruko: What did you do??

Tecchou: I tried to muffle the noise by letting him lean on me, but I think I made him uncomfortable I don't think it really helped.

Teruko: Ew I'm not sure why he got mad you were just trying to help.

Tecchou: It's fine like I said where leaving the airport soon so hopefully he'll be ok on the plane.

Teruko: Maybe he'll let you cuddle him then, it's rude not to cuddle your boyfriend.

Tecchou: Huh? But he's not my boyfriend.

Teruko: Well not yet.

Tecchou: ?

Teruko: Tell me if anything gay happens.

Tecchou: Ok?


He heard Tecchou look up from his phone and glance at him, he didn't know why Tecchou kept looking at him, but he didn't really feel like yelling at him at the moment.

"Jouno, are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine or whatever."

Tecchou shot him a concerned look, suddenly they heard the voice on the loudspeaker telling them there flight was ready.

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