The Gamer Uchiha [ Naruto x T...

By Moopo123

683 11 5

your typical Naruto gamer story with a bit of changes. Uchiha OC x Naruto fanfiction Naruto x The Gamer cros... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

90 1 0
By Moopo123

PoV: Hiruzen Sarutobi

After Shisui's death the Uchiha situation has escalated, the clan has grown suspicious of young Itachi, thankfully Fugaku was backing his son.

Rubbing my forehead to rid myself of the migraine this situation has caused me I turn to the clock on the wall, it was getting dark, hopefully I can finish this paperwork and take my surrogate granddaughter to Ichiraku's.


'Yeah, wishful thinking' I thought as I stared at the Anbu kneeling before me.


"Naruko Uzumaki has been spotted walking towards her favorite stand with an Uchiha in toe.

'What? Is Fugaku planning to do something so soon?'

"Who is the Uchiha?"

"Chishiki Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha's smaller brother and Uzumaki's classmate."

"I see, dismissed."

The Anbu stood up and bowed then left leaving Hiruzen in deep contemplation.

'From what I know about Chishiki, he is a withdraw child who doesn't interact with his clansmen let alone his classmates, why did he suddenly approach Naruko? Right after he returned to the academy at that.'

Deciding that there are more important matters at hand than dealing with the paperwork I stood up and left with a destination in mind.

PoV: Chishiki Uchiha

'I am starting to wonder if it is worth the pain' I thought as I stared at the blonde idiot in front of me.

"One more bowl!"

"Naruko, you already ate 8."

"Only 8 is not enough." I am surprised that she doesn't look like an Akimichi.

"Young Chishiki, I didn't expect to see you here." I turn my head at the voice only to mee the third and current Hokage of the village.

"Hokage-sama" I stood up and gave a bow.

"Old man!" Old man?

"Now, now, no need for formalities please sit down."

I returned to and remained silent as I watched Naruko and the Hokage speak with each other so casually.

Suspicious, how come Naruko is close to the Hokage like this? Does it have to do with the Kyuubi?

The Hokage turned to me and spoke "Your brother was a great shinobi; I am deeply sorry for what happened."

"It is alright, I am getting over it... Since you are here, I would like to ask you some questions."

"You can go ahead." Said the hokage with a soft smile.

"There are only 3 months left before the end of the second academy year, I heard from Naruko that she will try the graduation exam again, I would like to also try it."

The Hokage looked surprised.

"Are you sure? You can wait two more years and graduate with your pears."

"Thank you for the offer Hokage-sama but I would like to graduate early and start my shinobi career since my brother is gone and the clan stipend barely covers the living cost."

I don't know if I said something that warranted the Hokage's grim look, it is not like I am the first or last person that will go through this problem.

"Very well, you are allowed."

"I would also like to request another thing, if it is not too presumptuous."


"I would like to join the genin corps. when I graduate."

If the hokage didn't look so surprised at first, now he is shocked.


"While it is true that being in a squad has the benefit if having a jounin sensei training us as well as teammates to rely on, being alone will provide me freedom in the rank and number of missions I choose, of course I am aware that I need to complete at 10 missions of a lower rank before moving to a higher one."

The Hokage sighed. "Very well young Chishiki if that is what you want."

"Thank you." I put the money for the ramen bowl I at and waves goodbye to both Naruko and the hokage before leaving, today I will be checking on how the game system works and how I can benefit from it most.

Chishiki Uchiha
LV 5 - 80%
HP 50/50 , CKR 500/500
VIT - 2
STR - 1
END - 1
INT - 15
WIS - 7
AGL - 2
LUK - ??
[ Sharingan Stage 3 ] Three-Tomoe Sharingan.
Passive Stats:
+1 INT, +1 WIS.
Activation Stats:
50% Increase in Perception, 30% Increase in Genjutsu Resistance.
[ Sharingan Stage 4 ] Mangekyo Sharingan.
Passive Stats:
+ 2 INT, +2 WIS, - 1 STR
Activation Stats:
Allows the usage of [ Kotoamatsukami ].
Allows the Usage of [ Susanoo ].
[ Primary Fire Affinity LV 3 ]
Passive Stats:
20% Fire Jutsu Damage, 10% Chakra Control on Fire Jutsu.
[ Secondary Wind Affinity LV 1 ]
Passive Stats:
10% Wind Jutsu Damage, 5% Chakra Control on Wind Jutsu.
[ Shurikenjutsu LV 2 ]
Passive Stats:
10% Shuriken Throwing Accuracy, 5% Shuriken Speed.
10% Kunai Throwing Accuracy, 5% Kunai Speed.
[ Yin Release LV 1 ]
Passive Stats:
10% Yin Jutsu Damage, 5% Chakra Control on Yin Jutsu.
[ Gamer's Body ]
Passive Stats:
Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.
After sleeping in a bed, it restores HP, MP and cures all status effects.
[ Gamer's Mind ]
Passive Stats:
Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.
Allows peaceful state of mind.
Immunity to mental disorder.
[ Bookworm ]
Passive Stats:
Increased understanding and comprehension of what you read.
Learning a skill from a book or scroll will not destroy it.
Skills [+]
Jutsus [+]

Ok, so aside from the fire affinity being the worst out of all other elements, I mean, I have read up on it and how it was used in battles, I wonder why the clan is so fond of it.

I am totally not saying this because I still can't perform the great fireball... totally not the case...

Anyways, I will be focusing on practicing the [ Shadow Clone ] since I need to be able to use more clones, I will also train my chakra control through the leaf exercise... What did the scroll say about it again?

I look into my small library to find a small scroll about chakra control exercises and grab it.

As soon as I touched the scroll a new screen appeared in front of me.

Would you like to learn the [ Leaf Sticking exercise LV 1 ]? [ Y / N ]



I pressed the Y button and the screen disappeared; I felt a sudden flow of knowledge entering my head.

[ Leaf Sticking LV 1 ]

2% Chakra Control.

Only 2%? Oh well no pain no gain... Or whatever big bro said.

Looking at the rest of the scrolls in front of me I grabbed one.

Would you like to learn C-Rank Ninjutsu [ Fire Release: Great Fireball ]? [ Y / N ]

I pressed N, I don't want to become an adult Uchiha yet.

Searching through the scrolls I found 2 E-Ranks that I didn't learn from the academy yet, deciding that they may be important in the future I decided to learn them.

[ Rope Escape Technique ]

Allows the user to escape from binds be it a normal wire or chains.

Cost: 10 CKR per use.

A/N: Jutsus/Skills that has no LV means that they don't level up.

 [ Cloak of Invisibility Technique ]

The user covers themselves with a cloak that has a color and pattern matching the nearby surroundings, concealing their presence by seamlessly blending in.

Cost: 30 CKR/min.

Thank you, brother those were some nice gifts.

Looking back at the scrolls I find a couple of D-ranks, taking a closer look at them I remember that some of the academy students, mainly the clan members have them.

[ Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique LV 1 ]

subject a target to visions of their greatest fear, regardless of whether or not they're aware that they're afraid of it.

Cost: 50 CKR per use, 10 CKR/min for each target under it.

Neat, I can use this to frighten bandits during missions.

[ Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique LV 1 ]

Go underground and lurk towards a target, grabbing said target and dragging them into the earth, leaving only their head above the surface.

Cost: 50 CKR per use, 120 CKR/min while still underground.

Ok, So I lose 2 chakra points each second while inside still going underground, fair.

[ Manipulated Shuriken Technique LV 1 ]

Attach a translucent ninja wire to your shuriken, making it possible to alter its path after having thrown it.

Requirement: Ninja Wire.

Hmm, it didn't say cost on that one, could it be because I will most likely get back my wire after using it?

I look around but find no more scrolls.

'Come on bro, why only leave me a fire jutsu as a C-rank.' I thought as I stared at the [ Fire Release: Great Fireball ].

Should I learn it after all... No, I better just focus on [ Shadow Clone ] right now, besides if what I think is right, then it is better if I don't wear the Uchiha crest until the clan's situation stabilizes.

Through your clever thinking and good decision making you have gained +1 WIS.

Dismissing the message descend down the basement and start practicing the leaf sticking exercise.


12 Hours Later - 5 AM 

Chishiki Uchiha

LV 5 - 95%

HP 50/50 , CKR 5/500

I was dead on my feet from exhaustion, had risen up 7 levels in [ Leaf Sticking ] exercise and 3 levels in [ Shadow Clone ].

[ Leaf Sticking LV 8 ]

10% Chakra Control.

[ Shadow Clone LV 4 ]

Creates a solid clone that can perform jutsus and transfer back memories to the original user.

Cost: Half the user's chakra, if the chakra is lower than 160 the clone won't appear, and chakra exhaustion status effect will be applied to the user.

I noticed how instead of lowering the chakra cost it just lowers the minimum chakra needed.

speaking of Kage Bunshin I just had a thought in my mind, I looked at the clone that I had with me which stared back.

"I will go to bed and sleep, the moment I fall asleep I want you to wake me up."

The clone nodded as I went to my bed and laid my head, allowing the exhaustion to claim me.


You have slept in your bed. HP & Chakra are fully restored.

I stare at the window to see that it is still nearing the dawn, I turn to my clone who woke me up.

"I woke you up after 5 minutes."

I smirked, now that was cheating.

Standing up I resumed training.


4 Hours Later.

[ Leaf Sticking LV MAX ]

15% Chakra Control.

Happy with my progress I ordered the clone to dispel, as soon as it did, I felt my head hurt a little from the feedback which I should have expected considering that it was there for hours.

[ Shadow Clone ] gained 2 levels.

[ Shadow Clone LV 6 ]

Creates a solid clone that can perform jutsus and transfer back memories to the original user.

Cost: Half the user's chakra, if the chakra is lower than 130 the clone won't appear, and chakra exhaustion status effect will be applied to the user.

Level up! You are now level 6.

Chishiki Uchiha

LV 6 - 5%

HP 70/70 - CKR 800/800

'Neat. I can now create a total of 4 clones with 200 Chakra points each.'

Realizing that it is now almost 9 AM I start wearing my academy outfit while sorting through the memories of my clone.

'Let's see, politics, physiology, cooking... Icha Icha? Where did that book even come from?'

Now remembering what I read in that book I had to sit down and calm a little, my clone sure was happy while reading that...

Ok, now my next step is to find another chakra control exercise while also increase my chakra capacity... which reminds me.

I create 2 clones and ordered the clone with the larger chakra to create a clone of his own.

now with 3 clones present and sharing the same idea I have in mind they sit down and start meditating.

Chakra capacity can be increased through physical exercises which I suck at and spiritual exercises which is meditating so here is that.

I went to cook myself lunch for the academy, apparently my clone had the foresight to learn how to make ramen which would be useful in attracting the blonde I have my eyes on. 

After I was done cooking body flickered all the way to the academy hoping that I won't be late.


1 Hour Later.

This is useless I already read up everything Iruka sensei is explaining.

Feeling bored out of my mind I decided to start meditating while the class is ongoing.

after 5 minutes I saw a screen pop up right in front of me.

A special skill has been created through a special act.

The skill [ Meditation ] has been created.

[ Meditation LV 1 ]

+50 CKR per level. ( 50 )

2x CKR regen while in use.

I just closed the pop up and continued meditating, soon the lunch break begun, and I walked to Iruka sensei who was scolding Naruko for not paying attention.

"Iruka sensei."

"Hm? Oh Chishiki, is there something?"

"Yes actually, I just finished the leaf sticking exercise and would like to move on to the next step of chakra control."

"I will need you to show me that you actually learned the exercise."

I just grabbed a random paper on the desk and stuck it to my forehead with chakra.


"Well would you look at that, someone is actually being hard working unlike some others." Iruka said as he glanced at Naruko.

God damn it Iruka...

Naruko looks at me with an angered expression. "Oi, Chishiki-teme."

"Naruko! want some ramen for lunch?" I said as I showed my bento box which made her expression shift from anger to delight as she snatched my lunch from me.

'Good thing I don't need food anymore.' I thought as I stared at the blonde that was ravaging my food in the most gruesome way before turning to Iruka.

"Sensei, give me the next chakra control exercise please, preferably a scroll."

Iruka nodded with a sigh and body flickered away, while he was away, I summoned a clone and dispelled it immediately to signal for my other clones to dispel.

As soon as that happened, I got a heavy headache that cleared away after a minute.

'Ok the classes were on going for 5 hours, so that means I can't have my clones running for more than a total of 15 hours as of now...'

Just then a message popped up in front of me.

the skill [ Meditation ] gained several levels.

the skill [ Shadow Clone ] gained a level.

[ Meditation LV 7 ]

+50 CKR per level. ( 350 )

2x CKR regen while in use.

[ Shadow Clone LV 7 ]

Creates a solid clone that can perform jutsus and transfer back memories to the original user.

Cost: Half the user's chakra, if the chakra is lower than 125 the clone won't appear, and chakra exhaustion status effect will be applied to the user.

Chishiki Uchiha

LV 6 - 11%

HP 70/70 - CKR 1150/1150 ( 350 )

looking at the difference between my HP and chakra which I don't see in other people makes me wonder if I will die because my body can't handle the power.

I was brought back to reality when I saw Iruka sensei returning with a scroll in his hand.

"Here, this is the tree walking exercise which is the next chakra control."

"Thanks sensei!" I said as I took the scroll from his hand.

Just as I did so a new message appeared.

Would you like to learn the skill [ Tree Walking ]? [ Y / N ]

I mentally said Yes and the skill was learned.

[ Tree Walking LV 1 ]

5% Chakra Control.


I went to my seat and sat down as the class resumed. I continued meditating.


When classes ended, I invited Naruko to train with me in one of the training grounds, upon our arrival I summoned my three usual clones and made them start meditating.

"Woah, those clones are solid." 

"They are, now I will be doing tree climbing."

"Can you tell me how to do it?"

"Did you finish the leaf sticking?"


"As I thought, finish the leaf sticking and I will show you how to tree climb." Ignoring her rants I went to the nearest tree and planted my foot on it and started slowly walking upwards.

It only took 2 steps before I fell back down.

the skill [ Tree Climbing ] gained a level.

I closed the pop up and started climbing again.

I went on like this for a couple of hours until the clones that I kept at home dispelled causing me to fall from the tree from both exhaustion and headache.


Naruko ran to me concern on her face, I just shrugged her off before standing up again.

The skill [ Meditation ] has gained several levels.

The skill [ Shadow Clone ] has gained a level.

[ Meditation LV 12 ]

+50 CKR per level. ( 600 )

2x CKR regen while in use.

[ Shadow Clone LV 8 ]

Creates a solid clone that can perform jutsus and transfer back memories to the original user.

Cost: Half the user's chakra, if the chakra is lower than 120 the clone won't appear, and chakra exhaustion status effect will be applied to the user.

Standing up I close the pop ups and open my skills to see how far I have progressed in tree climbing.

[ Tree Climbing LV 7 ]

17%% Chakra Control.

Looking up I noticed that it was getting darker, I look back to see Naruko managing to barely stick a leaf to her forehead.

"Yatta! I did it!"

"Good job Naruko."

Naruko kept jumping around in joy, as for me...

I am very tired...

"Come on, I will walk you home."

"You don't have to... You look like a corpse."

"That's a rude way of saying you look tired."

"Sorry, I mean that you look like death has loomed over."

"That is not different..."


After walking Naruko to her apartment I went back to my household, as I was opening the door someone put their hand on my shoulder causing me to jump.

Turning around I was met with Itachi.

"Did you really have to spook me like that?"

"Apologize, I have come to ask you why you were late home."

"I was tree walking."


"Yeah, I plan to graduate early."


"Is it necessary?"


"I see."


"Since you are here, want to come inside?"

"No, I have a duty to do right now."

"I see, good luck."

"Thank you."

As Itachi turned to leave, I spoke again.

"I don't blame you for his death, even if the clan members accuse you."

Itachi stood still not saying anything.

"I will be closing the door now."

I got no response aside from a simple nod before body flickering away.

I closed the door and looked at my stats.

Chishiki Uchiha

LV 6 - 30%

HP 70/70 , CKR 1400/1400 ( +600 )

Ok I can now summon 8 in total... I think tomorrow I will start working on the body flicker.

I summoned 8 clones and made them to start meditating with me joining as well.

we remained like that for the next couple of hours before I stood up and started dispelling them one at a time.

It proved to be better to dispel them one by one as the memory backlash is decreased.

The skill [ Meditation ] has gained several levels.

The skill [ Shadow Clone ] has gained a level.

[ Meditation LV 18 ]

+50 CKR per level. ( 900 )

2x CKR regen while in use.

[ Shadow Clone LV 9 ]

Creates a solid clone that can perform jutsus and transfer back memories to the original user.

Cost: Half the user's chakra, if the chakra is lower than 115 the clone won't appear, and chakra exhaustion status effect will be applied to the user.

"6 levels? How long have I been meditating for?" I look at the window to say rays of sun getting through, which clued me in on the answer.

I summoned a clone and did the 5-minute sleep cheat move before making ramen again and going to the academy.








Iruka sensei sighed as he stared at me "I understand that you finished the tree walking exercise, but any more chakra control exercises are advanc-"

"That's not true, according to the history records I read, it was stated that the academy at one time used to teach both tree walking and water walking, right now I am asking for water walking."

Iruka sighed again "Fine, but don't overdo it ok?"

"What do you mean."

"I mean that you aren't getting enough rest, the bags under your eyes are much clearer than before."

Ah right, even if the energy is restored my skin stills sags.

"I swear I am taking enough rest."

Iruka looked at me with a disbelieving look.

"Do you see me yawning?"

Iruka sighed again, he really seems to be sighing a lot, he then left the class, probably to get me my precious scroll.

While that is happening, I sat down and gave my lunch to Naruko which she happily takes, I hope this vixen will be worth all that effort.

Soon Iruka sensei returned with the scroll which I readily took, a message appeared in front of me.

Would you like to learn the skill [ Water Walking ]?

I pressed the Y button expecting to learn the skill but what came was something else.

You can't learn the skill [ Water Walking ], in order to learn the skill, you need to first get the skill [ Tree Walking ] up to LV MAX.

Damn, that was a turn off.

Sighing I pocketed the scroll for later and continued to meditate. Seriously I am starting to become a training freak, aren't I?


This marks day 3 since I got this gamer system thing. Ever since I got it, I started training a lot more than usual, all in hopes of becoming as powerful as Shisui.

I arrived at the training ground with Naruko in toe, I summoned 2 clones, ordered one of them to teach Naruko how to walk up the tree ( in the most simple way possible ) before dispelling while the other clone was made to practice the [ Body Flicker Technique ].

Meanwhile I started to climb up the tree again in the hopes of finishing it in 2 days.

after an hour my clone dispelled and I a message.

the skill [ Body Flicker Technique ] has risen by a level.

No kage bunshin level up? Bummer.

[ Body Flicker Technique LV 8 ]

Allows the user to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed.

Cost: 50 CKR per use.

I just closed the pop up and continued training.

Sometime after training I noticed Itachi standing next to me, I turned to him with a questioning gaze before I noticed that it was already midnight.

"...I didn't notice it became this late."

I turned to see Naruko sleeping next to a tree.

"I will carry her to her home, you go back to yours, there is an academy tomorrow."

"Ok whatever."

I stood up and started checking my progress.

[ Tree Walking LV 14 ]

14% Chakra control.

sighing I walked back home, once I entered, I summoned 8 clones and had 7 of them meditate and the 8th slap me awake after 5 minutes, once done I entered a meditative stance with them since meditation is the only sort of training I can get while at home, jutsu practice is not really something I can do here.

After some hours I dispelled the clones and got a new message.

The skill [ Shadow Clone ] has gained LV MAX.

The skill [ Meditation ] has gained two levels.

The skill [ Meditation ] has evolved into a new skill [ Cultivation ]


I opened the Cultivation to see what it does.

[ Cultivation LV 1 ]

+1000 CKR

+100 CKR per level ( 0 )

3x CKR regen while in use.

I whistled. This game is too overpowered.

I opened my states to take a look.

Chishiki Uchiha

LV 6 - 49%

HP 70/70 - CKR 1800/1800 ( 1000 )

My Chakra is big! Not as big as Naruko but big! Also, my HP sucks but I don't really want to do physical exercises.

I opened the [ Shadow Clone ] to see what did i get from maxing it out.

[ Shadow Clone LV MAX ]

Creates a solid clone that can perform jutsus and transfer back memories to the original user.

Cost: Half the user's chakra, if the chakra is lower than 100 the clone won't appear, and chakra exhaustion status effect will be applied to the user.

Memory backlash reduced to half.


 Oh well time to continue meditating.

I summoned 10 clones, only 10 because I am not stupid enough to get myself killed by summoning more. I had them meditate while I went to read books out of boredom.


The skill [ Cultivation ] has gained one level.

That's it? It took 7 hours of 10 clones to get just one level up?

Oh well, I guess I should have expected this much.

I had a clone slap me awake again after five minutes so that I can go to the academy.


When I arrived Iruka sensei looked at me with concern.

"Chishiki, you look like a corpse!"

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are! What did I tell you about over training."

"You can have an Iryonin run diagnostics on me, and you will only find that my body is 100% alright." I snapped at him, although I hated arguing with Iruka sensei I couldn't help but be aggravated by his babying of me.

Iruka sighed before gesturing for me to sit down, I took a seat next to Naruko ignoring both her and Sasuke's concerned looks, honestly it is not like I am an undead... Right?

Once launch break came, I gave Naruko my ramen and went to continue tree walking hoping to get some progress.


when classes ended, I began walking towards the training grounds with Naruko, we both resumed tree walking, while I had 3 of my clones practice body flicker.

As the sun was starting to set, I stopped to see my progress.

[ Tree Walking LV 17 ]

17% Chakra control.

I turn to Naruko to see that she had finally reached the top of the tree.

"Hey Naruko."


"Try performing the bunshin jutsu."

Naruko gave a frown before attempting to perform the jutsu, and surprise surprise she failed.

"Stupid jutsu."

"Hm. Maybe you would have a better luck with my solid clone jutsu, want to learn it?"

Naruko turned to me with gleaming eyes. 

"You will teach it to me?"

"Of course, I will, after all you are someone very important to me." Or rather something important.

In a blink of an eye Naruko crashed into me with a tight hug. It took me a moment to realize but it felt strange, the softness and warmth, just like when Shisui hugged m-

I snapped out of my stupor and pushed Naruko away.

"Now now, let's not get distracted, shall we?" I said more to myself than to her.


"Alright this is the hand seal." I said as I showed her how the clone is being done.

After that I stayed with her for almost 2 hours just to make sure that nothing would go wrong, when she finally made it the entire training ground was full of Narukos.

"Yatta! With this many clones I can do so many pranks."

I feel like I just heard someone curse me out loud from a tree nearby. I turned to see no one, could have been my imagination or an Anbu.

"Congratulations, you can pass the graduation exam with this."


"Don't do that yet."

"Huh? Why?"

"It is better if you graduate with others."

"But you are graduating early."

"Because I have no choice but to. the stipend I am given is not enough that I need to graduate and work early." I half lied.


"Naruko, do you trust me?"


"Don't graduate early."

She frowned. "Ok..."

I smiled at her. "Want to eat some ramen?"

That seemed to do the trick as her mode shifted to a joyful one before pulling me with her to Ichiraku's.

I had ordered the 3 clones I had to dispel causing me to gain a small headache and a level in body flicker.

[ Body Flicker Technique LV 9 ]

Allows the user to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed.

Cost: 40 CKR per use.

"You are eating more than usual." Commented Ayame.

"Naruko has been training a lot so her appetite must have increased." I answered in her stead.

"Is that so?" Asked Teuchi.

"Yes, though she can't read a book to save her life." I got an elbow to the stomach that dealt 5 damage to me.

I just shrugged and resumed eating.


When I returned to my house, I saw Itachi sitting near the table his gaze landing on me.

"Why the sudden visit?" I asked.

"Each day you look worth than the previous."

"It is just bags under my eyes, there is literally no other change in my physic whatsoever."

"I am also aware of your 5-minute sleep."


"Have you been spying on me?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"This is not a healthy way of living" He ignored my glare.

"Last I remember you are not my parent; I do what I do and that is my business, now please leave I believe you have out stayed your welcome."


Itachi stood up and left through the door.

As he was leaving, I said one more thing. "I know why you are concerned but I also don't want any help or petty, please if you ever see me drowning just leave me to drown."

I closed the door and sighed audibly.

"...Back to training."




A/N: I am surprised you are not skipping the Author Note, almost everyone does that. But I guess you are of an alien type aren't you.

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