How to be a secretary

By NisargaKalal

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Violet is a sweat, small girl. Small not by her age but by heart and height. Lazy, very very lazy, and yet wi... More

1- A good secretary always listens to her boss
2- A good secretary always brings the boss's coffee
3- A good secretary always avoids phone calls
4- A good secretary never messes things up.
5- A good secretary helps out her boss
6- A good secretary enjoys her weekend
7- A good secretary never bitches behind boss's back
8- A good secretary never shares her true feelings
9- A good secretary never messes with the boss.
10- A good secretary never hides things from her boss
11- A good secretary never fools around.
12- A good secretary never forgets.
13- A good secretory never skips work.
14- A good secretary never thinks of making her boss jealous
15- A good secretary never ever makes her boss jealous.
16- A boss never kiss's his secretary
17- A good boss never lies
18- a good boss never gets angry
19- A good boss shouldn't keep secrets
20- a good boss never gets jealous
21 A good boss never shouts or fights.
22- a good secretary never takes leaves
23- A good secretary always apologizes for her mistake
24- A good secretary is never afraid.
25- A good boss should maintain personal space
26- A boss and a secretary should never get too close
28- A good secretary never gets angry
29- a good secretary should remain calm
30- a good secretary shouldn't go on date with boss
31- A good secretary should live happily

27- A good secretary never seduces her boss

721 16 6
By NisargaKalal

 It's been two weeks now and there were things that people around me were not telling me or you could say they were hiding things.

For instance, the kidnappers, who were under investigation had opened up their mouths about the culprit but nobody told me about it.

And then there were still hushed whispers between Alvin and Khloe. And, the fact that Richy and Ricardo had both told my father that I was dating Alvin, and those morons practically inflated Alvin's ego for dating me. Not the other way around. Such brothers I had. And the surprising thing of all, my father and the twins had made a bet about when me and Alvin would start dating.

Also just 5 minutes before I found out that my two-week-old boyfriend was sitting and having lunch with his ex, and had lied to me about it. 

Don't know how but Lilly had found them in a restaurant where she had an appointment with a client. It may be a coincidence or maybe she was stalking them. Anything is possible with her.

I was getting irritated and was about to lose my cool. It was not like I did not trust Alvin but he was lying to me now, which he never did previously.

"V are you still there?"

"Yes, Lil. I am just thinking. Why did he have to lie to me? we never hide anything from each other. We never did before." I answered back confused. A lot of bad things were going in my mind at the moment.

"I am telling you babe, I no longer trust Khloe. She has been hanging out too much with Alvin." Lilly whispered. She was still in the restaurant keeping an eye on them.

"Maybe they will tell me once they are done doing what they are planning or something?" I asked hopefully whilst Lilly just tsked from the other end.

"Let's not put our hopes on anything." She said somberly. "Wait, they are leaving I think... Why does she need to hug him and kiss him every time she sees him?" Lilly whispered irritated.

My heart clenched painfully. I did not like the idea of Alvin with any other girl apart from me, Lilly and his mother.

"Kiss?" the words spilled out before I could stop them.

"No, no it was just a peck on the cheek V, nothing serious," Lilly assured hurriedly.

"Alright, that's not too bad, I guess," I mumbled.

"V, do you know that Khloe is in touch with someone outside of us?" Lilly asked confused, her voice sounding distant.

"No. No, wait! A few days back Alvin had told me that Khloe was meeting someone. Maybe there is someone outside who knows Khloe's situation?" I shrugged not sure.

"It's a woman. She came in as soon as Alvin left as if she was waiting for him to leave." Lilly the part detective whispered conspiratorially, getting me interested.

"Do you see the woman?" I was a lot curious now.

"No, I can only see her back. And even from here, she seems a lot familiar." I heard commotions from Lilly's end.

"Lil? What happened?" she was not talking right now and all I could hear was her breathing.

She talked after a minute. " I just came out. I had to be inconspicuous so they couldn't see me. I am just leaving, maybe I'll be able to see that woman from outside."

"Yes, that's a good idea, maybe-"

"V!" she cut me off urgently.

"Yes? What happened? Are you alright?" my first instinct was that she got hurt.

"Yes, I am good but maybe you will need to sit before I tell you who I am seeing with my eyes," she said with all seriousness.

"What's going on Lilly? you are scaring me now."

"We all should be. Especially you and that boyfriend of yours!"

"Why?" I asked again. "You better not be kidding around-"

"It's that woman! that, that psycho!" her voice was worried and urgent at the same time.

My heart fell to the pit of my stomach.

"Are you going to say, the name I am thinking about? Celest-" I asked a bit worried.

"Celestina Ivonof. " she cut me off in a sad tone confirming my fears. That woman was once crazy about Alvin. And I had encountered a few unfortunate events because of her. Even thinking about it made me shiver.

"Maybe, maybe we should not assume anything bad yet." I was reassuring myself. "Maybe they know each other?"

"Yes let's just hope they are friends of something. My mind is not working anymore V. Let's just not talk about them anymore." My best friend whispered sounding defeated.

Celestina Ivonof was a name that could suck the energy right off from any human body.

"Yeah. Let's," I mumbled feeling a headache coming on.

"Hmm.. Hey!" she suddenly shouted surprising me. "did you and Alvin get some segsy time on?" I could imagine her wiggling her eyebrows in a dirty manner.

I laughed. "No, we did not get any sexy time," I imitated her. She had asked me many times now if I had jumped his bones.

"Girl! What are you waiting for? just get it over with already! I forgot the number of times you dreamt about him and you-"

"Lilly!" I shrieked only slightly offended. I did dream many times about that.

"It wasn't like the dreams were under my control," I mumbled and she laughed at the other end.

"No. But now, you have the actual control here." She said as a matter of fact. She is the devil who always pushes you to do bad stuff for fun or pleasure.

"I know, I know. It's just that-"

"You are sacred," she said without thinking twice.

"A bit," I admitted.

"Well, it's fine to be sacred. But-


"Just do it already!" she screamed and started laughing like a maniac. I had to remove the phone from my ear.

"You are mad! Bye!" I hung up, chuckling myself.

"What are you laughing about baby?" came the voice of my lier boyfriend and I shook my head with a smile.

I will not let him know that I knew about his little meeting.

"I did not hear you coming! and I was talking to Lilly." informed.

"Alright." he said rubbing his hands together and sitting next to me ."Did you miss me then?" he asked with a goofy grin.

"Nope," I said straight and his face fell. I snickered seeing his face. Serves him right for lying.

"Ha ha, you are fucking hilarious!" he cursed with a scowl on his face and he turns his back on me.

"Alvin," I call out slowly but he doesn't turn at all. Instead, he keeps looking towards his table.

Taking this as I sign, I scoot closer so that my chest is now touching his back and he stiffens physically.

"What are you doing?" he asked slowly steadying his deep voice.

"I was thinking," I spoke softly and slowly, like how Lilly had taught me.

Alvin took a deep breath and moved an inch sideways, making some gap between us, and then turned around facing me. His dark eyes stared into mine and forgot what I was planning.

"You were thinking?" he asks his voice turning even lower and husky.

"I was thinking that you should do it," I whisper seductively.

"Do what?" he whispers eyes eyes falling on my lips and then back to my eyes.

"Me," I respond.

His eyes went wide. Confusion clouds his mind and I could see it in his eyes. He opens his mouth closes it again and coughs.

"Lilly taught you that, didn't she?" he accuses with stinky eyes.

"Nope," I say popping that p for extra effect. And then my finger moves onto his right chest, making circles on it. He stares darkly at me.

"Then, my darling you are getting quite the handful now" he groaned and whispered. " What have I done to you!"

"Nothing yet. But I was hoping that you would," I whispered and then shifted closer to him. Almost bumping his chest.

"Lilliput... what-" words fall short on his lips and he closes his eyes tightly.

"Why don't you do it with me?" I insisted again whispering just below his ear and kissed his neck.

He gulped. Scrunching his eyes even more then opened them with a strange spark in his eyes. He seemed to have recited some mantra and regained his control.

"Because," he trails off.

"Because?" I ask again.

Now his once idle hands hold my shoulders in a strong grip.

"Because it's with you. You know how I am about sex. I don't mind that, not at all. You know that. But with you, things will change. I don't want to rush it or even if I want to do you with every, walking, second." he gave me his sexy smirk.

"Hmm," I shrugged off lightly and his grip loosed on me. Any other time I would have flung myself on him but his lying had irritated me and I was PMSing.

"I see. So you don't want to do it with me. Alright then, if that's the case... It will be you or maybe someone else in the future!" I mumbled my mood changing completely and I got up.

"What?" he snapped angry and surprised by my words.

"Don't say things like that Lilliput. I am your boyfriend and I will be the only one you will ever have," he growled, his anger getting the best of him.

"You will be?" I mocked scoffing. Rolling my eyes I turn my back towards him and scrunch my lips in anger. I was also angry. The only difference was he didn't know that!

"Violet-" I didn't let him finish.

"Cool" I sighed closing my eyes and then tried exhaling my anger out. "I need to get back to work," I said and started walking without waiting for his reply.

I was near the door when I heard strong footsteps behind me and I stopped.

His left arm encircles my midsection as he pulled me towards his body. And then I gasped surprised as his right arm enclosed over my shoulder and held me in a choking position.  It was not enough to hurt me but just enough to intimidate me and turn me hot on the spot!

"You better not be doubting my love for you," he whispered tightly in my ear, breathing down my neck. I could even feel his heartbeat. 

" Or ever, even think about leaving me," he warned and my breathing quickened.

"We are still in the office. " I breathed shakily, reminding him.

"Mm, that didn't stop you before, did it?" he whispered slightly accusing, and he tightened his hold on me even more pulling me even closer to his body. Fuck! This was turning me on but I was nervous too.

"Alvin," I pleaded whimpering. I don't know what exactly I was pleading about. Did I want him to leave me? or take me then and there? Whatever it was I was going to die of heart attack.

"Do you know how maddening it is when you talk like that? You drive me up the wall," he growled and tugged on the earlobe making me mad. My knees buckled but he was holding on to me.

He grinded his hips into my back and I gasped my breaths shaking in lust. My face was turning hotter and hotter. I could feel it.

"Do you feel it?" He asked gritting painfully. "Do you?" he asked strongly this time demanding an answer.

"Yes," I answered with a quivering voice. I was feeling hot, all over.

"This is what you do to me." he groaned, planting soft wet kisses on the point between my neck and the shoulder and I shivered involuntarily.

"Alvin," a moan leaving my mouth without my permission.

"Tell me, do you want me to take you against this door? or the table? or the couch?" his heated tone is marked with a small strong thrust. Making me imagine things!

We were almost dry-humping now! I wanted to scream and shout and maybe squeal happily. My chest heaved with sexual tension and in this all my mind was about to go on a strike now.

The one hand that was against my waist, had moved up and stopped just below my breasts. then with his thumb is started stroking the underside of my left breast, almost reaching up to my nipple and would stop.

It was complete torture. We were in the middle of a working day, dry humping in his office, which had glass walls!

That thought had seemed to bring some sense to me and I took in a deep breath and again called out his name.

"Alvin, please stop!" but this came out as a breathy moan. Wow! some control I have over my body.

"Now you want to stop?" he husked. Every time he spoke, it went waves of lust over my body and mind. I should just close his mouth instead.

"Y...Yes," my response wavered and he chuckled, turning me around and pushing me back so that my back was now flush against the door.

His eyes. His eyes were so intense, so dark. It was the first time I had seen such a side to him and to tell you the truth I was jealous of all the girls who had seen him like this.

His eyes were hooded with lust, and his breathing was shallow and hard. The veins in hand popping up showing his restraint. Both of his hands on the wall had caged me yet again. It was not like I was going to run anyway.

He took a step forward and invaded the very little personal space I had left. Instinctively I looked up staring at his beautiful face. I had to distract myself because every inch of his body was touching mine. You know my front to his front. Ok, maybe you guys get the picture.

"You are such a tease sometimes you know," he breathes softly on my lips. Just a hair breath away.

And what did I do? I went on my toes, wound my arms around his neck, and attached my lips to his.

He groaned at the back of his throat and bent down, squeezing my ass with his palms, and picked me up, without breaking the kiss.

Some crazy ghost had possessed me for what I did next was not my intention.

I detached my lips from his and started placing small kisses all over his throat.

"Oh god! Fuck!" a guttural moan leaves his mouth as drops me off on the couch and then falls on top.

Taking that specific spot as my target, I suck on it. Giving it a small bite, I swirl the tip of my tongue on it and then suck again.

"Fuck! Please! baby." he pleaded and I felt a sense of accomplishment like a light filling my whole body.

"Hey, Pikachu, did you see my phone--" and a pin drop silence. I stilled. I turn my head slowly only to see my shocked brother.

Ricardo trails off, seeing me in a compromising position. My breathing stopped.

Standing on the door eyes turning wide as saucers he squeaked loudly closing his eyes and turning his back on us.

"Oh yes! sorry i...I remembered, I broke it into two, turned it into ash, and washed it down the drain!" he stammered running off.

Did I tell you that I had lunch with Ricardo in the office while Alvin was gone and he left his phone here?

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