The Little Things

By Mj_TheDreamer

427 140 193

Words of thoughts. Sweet little old love like romance with flowers and dancing anywhere. More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Two

37 17 9
By Mj_TheDreamer

I laughed, I cried, I sneezed, I smiled. There wasn’t a thing I didn’t say or do that night I had tea with Cole Becker. 

“So…do you like Cole?” Kade questioned. He walked over with my cup of tea and sat down on his couch next to me. 

I took my tea from him. “Why do you ask?” I sipped on the tea.

The door slammed shut, Cole must be back from golf. I quickly changed my posture and fixed my hair. 

Kade just laughed at me and stood up. “I’ll get you some tea, Cole.”

“Oh, I was going to go over to Daisy’s and see if she wanted to have tea,” he replied. I blushed and grinned. 

Kade chuckled. “Cole?”

I heard him set down his golfing gear. “Hm.”

“She’s in the living room.”

Cole poked his head into the living room and smiled at me. “Oh. Hello.”

I looked down at the tea in my lap, feeling his gaze grow on me. “Hello,” I whispered. “How was golf?”

He walked into the living room and took a seat right in front of me. When I say ‘right in front of me’ I mean ‘right in front of me’. 

“Is that a blush I see in your cheeks?” he questioned. 

I felt my face turn pinker as I hid behind my hair. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“But I do,” Cole whispered. He reached his hand out towards my face and then Kade walked in and Cole jerked his arm back. He leaned back in his chair, getting farther away from me. 

Kade handed the cup of tea to Coal and sat down next to me. “So, how’d golf go? It was pretty windy out today.”

I smirked and turned to Cole who was already looking at me, struggling to find his words. 

Cole cleared his throat and began to stutter. “P-Pretty good actually, the wind made it easier.”

“Mm,” Kade said. 

It was quiet for a while before a giggle escaped my lips. They both looked at me in confusion. When the three of us hung out we usually sat in silence and enjoyed each other's presence. 

Kade gave me a look. “What was that?”

“Nothing, I think I’m going to get some fresh air,” I mumbled. I hid my smile as I quickly got up and started to walk out the door. Then I heard Cole.

“I think I should go with her, you know, so she doesn’t get lost,” Cole told Kade. 

“Oh, is that so?”

I hurried out the front door and stood at the edge of the steps. I could feel him get closer to me. He took my arm and twirled me to face him.

“What were you laughing at?” he asked. 

I smirked. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I replied.

He shook his head and sighed. “What happened to the side of you that non-stop talks? That part of you would tell me.”

“She’s taking a break.”

“Tell me,” he whined. 

I tilted my head forward, covering my face with my hair. “Just the way you freaked out when Kade walked in.”

He smiled. “Oh, I guess I kinda did.” He reached towards my face again and moved a curl of my hair back just a small bit so my eye peeked out. “I just wanted to see those cerulean eyes of yours. They’re beautiful yet you’re always hiding them.”

I felt my face turn warm. “I-”

“Shh, don’t talk,” he whispered. We continued to keep eye contact for what felt like an eternity. We just stood, looking into each other's eyes. 

Kade's heavy steps filled the silence. We quickly backed away from each other and stayed on opposite sides of the deck. Kade walked out and looked from me to Cole and then back to me. 

“Hey,” Kade mumbled.

“Hey,” Cole replied.

“Hey,” I whispered.

He smiled curiously. “I had to make sure you both didn’t get lost.” 

Cole looked around. “I guess this isn’t the kitchen, we must’ve taken a wrong turn.”

I laughed. “Yeah, I wondered why I couldn’t find the tea.” I picked my tea cup off the ground and held it up. 

“You two confuse me so much,” Kade chuckled. “Anyway, I have to head out, I have a meeting soon. A carriage is supposed to arrive any minute. Mary will be home to cook dinner soon.”

I loved Mary, she was Kade's wife, and she never seemed to cook anything bad. She was also one of my only women friends, which I was okay with.

“You two be good, don’t get into any trouble. Oh and Cole, I put the surprise in the fridge.”

I looked at Cole with a confused look. “What surprise?”

He looked at me then turned away. “Oh look the carriage is here, you should get going, Kade.”

Kade grabbed his suitcase and shook his head in humor. “You two have a good day, Daisy, if you could just check on the horses that would be great.”

“Of course,” I answered. 

Kade nodded once and put his hat on as he hurried off to the carriage. He waved from the back. “Goodbye Daisy, Goodbye Cole.”

“Bye,” I shouted, running after the carriage. It was a thing we always did. I always ran after his carriage as he left until I could no longer keep up. I soon tripped into the flowy long grass laughing. I could hear the birds mocking me and see the butterfly watching me. Then a shadow rose over me, I saw Cole.

Cole held out his hand. “You’re very clumsy Miss Belle,” he laughed.

I smirked and took his hand. I tried pulling him down with me, he gave in and fell next to me. We stared at the clouds for a while. 

Cole pointed to a weird-shaped cloud. “Look, it’s a dog.”

I squinted at the cloud. “Yeah…totally.”

He shoved me and continued to stare at the clouds. I closed my eyes and admired the warm weather. Soon my mind drifted off to sleep. 


I turned over to look at Daisy but she was sound asleep. I quietly stood up and looked down at her. She looked so peaceful, she was usually tense and anxious. It was kind of cute. I shook my thoughts out of my head and bent down to lift her. I held her and walked back into Kade's house. He was a good friend for letting me stay here for a while. 

I took her up into the spare room that she decorated for Kade. It had dried flowers and pastel pink walls with furniture. I pulled the covers back and set her down, carefully taking off her shoes in the process.

While pulling the covers back over her, her eyes squinted open and looked at me. “Shh, sleep, we can go check on the horses in a little,” I whispered. Kade was always saying how she never got any sleep. 

She closed her eyes again as I shut off the lights and shut the door. I went downstairs and began getting my surprise ready, I hope she’ll like it. Kade said she would but you never know what people are like until you surprise them.

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