Wrapped Around Your Finger [P...

By wwemaddy

2.6K 174 32

What happens when the biggest star in the world makes a drunken mistake with someone who never wanted the att... More



208 17 2
By wwemaddy

Larsa finished up the final touches of Shiloh's hair just as Pedro's manager had walked into the house. "Please tell me she hasn't changed yet?" She rudely questioned.

"No I haven't changed and I'm not going to." Shiloh stood her ground on keeping her outfit. She didn't want to do this interview but knew it would benefit Pedro in the end and that's all that mattered to her but in order for her to be comfortable, she needed to be in control of something. She was wearing a crew neck with a goose on it that said "silly goose" with some ripped jeans. "I was told this would be a casual interview and so I'm keeping it casual."

"Not LA casual either, she's keeping it actual casual." Pedro stood up for her, mainly because he loved the sweater and it made him adore her even more.

"Trust me, I tried getting her out of it too but she only agreed to natural beauty makeup and natural beach waves. I thought having my best friend famous would mean I get to play with a human Barbie but nope! I got me a plain Jane gal." Larsa teased while squeezing Shiloh's cheeks between her fingers.

She shot her a look before standing up to go get a water from the fridge. "I just like simplicity. This interview is suppose to be about me, well then let me be me."

"You're lying to the public."

"Not lying, just telling a story." Pedro continued to defend her and stand by Shiloh like a husband should. But he woke up today with stronger feelings than he's ever imagined. He wasn't sure if it was the full week of falling asleep together on the couch every night, the shared meals and conversations, or the way she looked at him whenever he spoke. There was just something about Shiloh that made Pedro's heart skip a beat, his chest tighten, stomach fill with butterflies, and his cheeks flush a strong pink. He was starting to recognize this feeling, though he pushed it away for so many years, he was beginning to wonder if she was the key to making that feeling worth while.

Shiloh pointed at Pedro. "Great way of putting it, Mando." She gave him a high five which made his hand tingle with goosebumps. "Speaking of, run me through this one more time?" The manager rolled her eyes before showing her the iPad of everything she needed to keep consistent with what Pedro has already said. Shiloh was nervous, she didn't want to fuck this entire thing up for him or even herself. She didn't even care about herself, she wanted to fall off the face of the earth and no one talk about her again. But she didn't want that for Pedro. Someone she was beginning to care for more than she's ever cared for someone before.

The ring of the doorbell sent nervous chills through Shiloh and she grabbed on to Larsa's hand as Pedro went to get the door. "You've got this, I know you do. Pedro and I are here with you the whole time." Shiloh nodded at Larsa as Carson Daly walked into the house.

Apparently Pedro and Carson were acquainted already so there was no introduction needed for the two of them. "Carson, this is my lovely wife Shiloh. Shi, this is Carson Daly."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Daly."

"Oh please call me Carson. I'm not old enough to be Mr. Daly." Shiloh laughed as she led him and the camera crew outside to where they would be having the interview. The cameras were all set, they were sat across from each other, mics attached and on, and Pedro behind the camera in Shiloh's eye line in case something goes terribly wrong. "Gotta say, I love the sweater."

Shiloh mentally fist bumped the air. "Thank you! My stylist who's also my best friend was not happy I put it on but I'm in my home so I figured why not be cozy?"

"I love it!" Carson complimented before doing a quick introduction. "I'm here today with one half of the most talked about couple in the world right now, Shiloh Henderson. Or is it Shiloh Pascal? Guess I should've asked first."

Shiloh looked to Pedro. This was the one thing they hadn't discussed. People assumed it remained Henderson and some assumed it was changed to Pascal. Pedro slightly hoped Pascal but Shiloh wasn't sure which side she was on. "Henderson-Pascal." Best of both worlds right?

"Shiloh Henderson-Pascal." Carson turned fully to Shiloh now, she was drinking her water nervously after having to improvise right off the bat with this interview. "How are you first of all?"

"I'm good how about yourself?"

"No complaints here! How are you navigating this newfound fame? You've always been around the spotlight but never in it yourself, correct?"

Shiloh nodded, trying to keep her composure as the anxiety was building in her stomach. "Correct. My best friends father is a director so I've been around that famous life but remained out of it until very recently. I'm handling it well I think? It's all still very new honestly."

"It takes some getting used to for sure. The internet is a wild place and things get out all the time? I've gotta know the secret to keeping a relationship with such a high profile guy a secret?"

Shiloh just shrugged. "I can't reveal that because then you'd know how we did it. That'll be between us." She looked at Pedro who gave her a thumbs up which relaxed her a ton.

"How long have you guys been together?"

She looked to Pedro, blanking if there was a number in place but he just gave her a nod to make something up. "About a year and a half. We met at my shop when his sister Lux had come in looking for some clothes." She paused knowing Carson was going to want the whole story and decided to just run it quickly before she forgot it. "He came up to the counter and said "not that the women's clothing isn't nice, I just don't think it works for me. Got any men's clothing?" And at the time we didn't sell men's clothing in the store so I looked at him and said "eventually we will but not today. You're welcome to check out our jumpsuits though, those might look cute on you." His sister had bought some clothes and they left. Never thought I'd see him again."

"But he came back?"

"But he came back." She chuckled with Carson. "He came back with Lux who had come to the counter and asked me what a nice dress would be for a first date. I picked out a dress and showed her. She liked it and Pedro had approached the counter as I was checking out the dress, he put his card down and said "so this is what you're wearing on our first date?" And I looked at him with a questionable look before just shrugging and saying "yeah it is." Now here we are." Shiloh spoke giving Pedro a smile as he looked down at her with proud eyes.

"Here you are married. Congratulations by the way, that ring is gorgeous!" Shiloh thanked him as she looked down at it, still mesmerized by the fact it was hers. "Tell me about your first date. What was it about Pedro that really won you over? Was that the night you knew he was the one?"

Shiloh smiled and let out a long breath. "As cheesey as it's going to sound, yes it was the night I knew he was the one." She continued to look at the ring before looking back at Pedro. "We were on this rooftop restaurant with the stars directly above us. We were getting to know each other, talking about careers and things we liked, disliked, all of that first date shit. Oh sorry can I swear?" Carson nodded and Shiloh chuckled seeing Pedro's manager and publicist face palm. "Anyway, it was a great night. They were preparing to close down the restaurant but Pedro knew the manager who gave him a key and let us stay up on the rooftop to watch the stars. Pedro had given me his jacket, which is still in my side of the closet, before we laid down on the table and watched the stars until sunrise."

Pedro was picturing every thing she described like it actually happened. He was seeing it in her eyes. The constellations, the sun peaking over the Hollywood hills, the crimson of their cheeks. Everything in her eyes as he listened to her describe this beautiful evening they hadn't experienced. He was determined to make this fantasy a reality by any means necessary. He needed to. Seeing the hope on her face and the way her eyes never left his as she talked about a fictional night they never shared was all he needed to light a fire under him and do this for her. "Pedro was that also the night you knew?" Pedro's thoughts of what she would wear were interrupted when Carson and the crew turned around to him.

"I actually knew when I saw her for the first time. Super cheesey I know." The two of them said super cheesey like that's what it actually was. In actuality, it was the truth. But they wouldn't let themselves believe it because when this is all over, the heartbreak that would follow after indulging these feelings would be detrimental. Neither of them wanted to feel that pain but they knew there would be life long regret if they didn't try.

"There's a bit of an age gap between you. You're actually half his age. The public is pretty divided on that topic, what do you have to say about it."

Shiloh just shook her head and shrugged. "It is what it is." Her eyes went to Carson as she began to tell the truth. "Love comes in all different sizes and fonts. My parents have eighteen years between them, so I don't see anything wrong with it. As long as we're happy that's all that matters." Pedro admired her as she stood up for their "relationship". Defending it as if it were real. But to the two of them on the inside, it almost was real.

Carson took a sip of his water after fist bumping Shiloh for her answer. "You seem strong headed and like you've been pretty level most of your life. I also enjoy seeing you be yourself instead of putting on a facade for the media. You're a genuine person and I really admire that."

"Thank you, Carson. I must say though, this adjustment has really tested my patience and my ability to remain calm. I truly couldn't have done it without my Mando."

My Mando. Pedro felt his heart melt into his stomach as the world turned pink with his cheeks. My Mando. He would never recover from hearing that fall from her glossed lips so effortlessly.

"Is that your nickname for him?"

"It is. From the second I met him it was Mando. He's got a nickname for me too that fits but I figure I'll let him reveal that when he's ready." She gave him an innocently sweet smile but giggled seeing Pedro's cheeks so pink. She wondered if it was because of what she said or because of the heat. She would tell herself it was the heat but she wished it was what she said.

"Did you guys ever have a plan to share your relationship?"

Shiloh shook her head. "We probably would've kept this a secret for as long as we could. We were just enjoying each other and weren't worried about everything else going on in the world. This was all just for us. Nothings changed since being outted except for people commenting on us. We still have fun, we still like each other, and we still have movie nights."

"Movie nights?"

"Oh yeah!" Shiloh looked at Pedro for permission but he was too enthralled with her to really give her a straight nod. "Ever since the first night we've had movie nights. I fall asleep during pretty much all of them but we still do it every night. I don't see it stopping any time soon."

"It's amazing when you come up with little traditions for the two of you."

"It is amazing! It's something I never want to let go of." She answered that honestly. She never wanted to lose those nights that focused on just the two of them getting more and more comfortable with each other. Learning more from each other based on the movie that was being viewed.

"Shiloh, I've gotta say you've been my favorite interview. You're great to talk to and super fun. It was a pleasure meeting you! If you need any help with this insane new life you give me a call."

"Thank you!" Shiloh said her goodbyes to Carson and the crew before the house was full of the two of them, Larsa, the manager, and his publicist. "What do you think?" She asked looking up at Pedro.

"About what?"

"About my interview? You've done thousands of these."

Pedro nodded in agreement with her. "You did really good, Rando. I'm proud of you." She smiled up at him and gave him a quick hug before turning to the three women who were just watching on. Larsa was giving a loving look like she'd just watched a new romance movie while the manger and publicist stood with satisfied looks on their faces. "So what's movie night tonight?"

"Wait, that's a real thing?" Larsa asked and they both nodded. "Interesting. In a good way. I'll leave so you guys can enjoy movie night. Loh, text me." She hugged Shiloh before leaving.

"And then there were two." Pedro's manager spoke up. "You did great today, Shiloh. I know you don't want this life but you might've been born for it. Enjoy a couple of days to yourselves."


"You guys deserve it. I won't show up unannounced, no texts or calls, nothing. Enjoy your time together." His manager left with his publicist leaving them alone together.

The two of them sighed with relief while looking at the floor. "First person to get pjs on and back to the couch picks the movie?" Shiloh suggested. Pedro didn't answer, he just ran upstairs and Shiloh tried to follow him. "I didn't say go!!!!" She shouted with laughter.

"Doesn't matter! I'm still winning!" Pedro shouted from inside his room while changing quick. Shiloh tried to get her shorts on fast but heard Pedro's door open and his feet thump down the hall. "HAHAHAH!" He shouted from downstairs and Shiloh sighed in defeat with a smile on her face. She knew he was going to gloat, rub it in that he was faster than her which meant he was still in his prime. She was looking forward to that proud smile on his face and the heavy breathing that'll shadow it before he picks the movie and she falls asleep once again.

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