Shameless - lestappen

By istanalonso

406K 15.5K 15.9K

Charles hates Max, it's always been like this and it always will be like this. That's what he thought before... More

0- Trailer
1- Devil Eyes
2- Enemy
3- Therefore I Am
4- Vigilante Shit
5- Afraid
6- The Hills
7- Eyes don't lie
8- Memories
9- Closed Doors
10- False Confidence
11- If the World was Ending
12- Born To Die
13- Apocalypse
14- Look What You Made Me Do
15- Call out my name
16- I love you
17- Je te laisserai des mots
18- Before You Go
19- Everything I wanted
20- That Way
21- Pray for Me
22- Black Friday
23- Be Alright
24- Him & I
25 - They Don't Know About Us
26- Little Lion Man
27- Ribs
28 - Habits
29- Fix you
30- No surprises
31 - Atlantis
32- Love Me Again
33- End Game
34- Power Over Me
35- Ocean

36- Photograph

8.9K 434 516
By istanalonso

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen still

- Ed Sheeran


Charles Leclerc

3 weeks later

It must have been at least an hour since Max is in the bathroom getting ready. I'm in his room - our room - finishing up my hair but I really need the mirror and it's only in the bathroom.

I knock on the door but don't get an answer so I gently open the door.

Max is bare-chested, completely absorbed by his reflection in the mirror. He doesn't notice my presence.

"Hey, are you okay?

His face turns towards me and he gives me an almost invisible smile.

- Come and see." He beckons me to join him.

I hasten to come next to him and look at our reflections in the mirror, not noticing anything particular.

"What's going on? I ask him confusedly.

- Don't you notice anything?

He asks by gesturing with his chin to his own reflection in the mirror.

- You mean aside from the fact that you're handsome and I don't really want to go out tonight all of a sudden?

He laughs  and give me a slight blow on the shoulder. His eyes sparkle and his skin wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. I could kill to see his eyes light up if I had to.

- You're so stupid! Look at my chest!

I don't notice anything except his insulin pump and his abs that just make me want to run my hand over his belly to feel them.

- What do you think I've been doing since I went into the bathroom?"

I watch him roll his eyes but the growing smile on his face betrays his amusement.

His gaze refocuses on what he sees in the mirror. He's getting serious all of a sudden.

"I don't have any bruises on my chest. Can you look at my back, see if there's any left?

I stand behind him to watch his back. I don't need to look long to see a perfectly healthy skin without the slightest worrying mark. I still take the time to run my fingers over his soft skin, triggering a long shiver.

I cross his gaze in the mirror and I feel the emotion in his throat and his anxious expression.


- You got nothing, Max. There are no marks. Your skin is perfect. "

He puts his hands against the sink cabinet. They tremble very suddenly.

I wrap my arms around my boyfriend and put my hands on his chest before placing my head on his shoulder and kissing him tenderly on his neck and cheek.

"It's the first time in so long... I..."

I continue to gently kiss him on every patch of his skin, while holding him against me. Tears flow down his cheeks and I let him cry as much as he needs, continuing to embrace him and hold him against me.

"You're so strong and brave, I love you so much.

- Thank you Charles, it's all thanks to you." He told me before he turned and took me in his arms, burying his face in my neck to hide his sobs.

Seeing him cry does not make me indifferent and I feel the emotion overwhelm me too. I finally accept that I want to cry and I feel a tear rolling down my cheek quickly.

"Max, I'd do anything for you.

- You'll be there for the trial, won't you?

- Of course I'd be there. I'll be wherever you want me to be. The question does not arise. "

He straightens his face and kisses me gently. I ended up breaking our kiss and slipping a hand through his hair and smiling softly.

"Come on Max, we have to finish preparing now, we have a long evening ahead of us. Don't forget it.

- I can't believe we're doing this. He comments by detaching himself from me to put his hair back in place.

- Is that still what you want?

- Of course!" He answers without hesitation.


It took us two more hours to finally get ready and get to the private party organised by Lady Tina.

It all started in his mansion. That's when I realized that I liked Max, that's when we kissed like no one had ever kissed me before.

So it was natural that we wanted to go back there for that particular evening.

In an hour, Ferrari is going to announce that I'm leaving the red team without giving any particular explanation.

We decided, Max and I, to give them 15 minutes of glory and attention before dropping our bomb and stealing their spotlight.

Max gets out of the Mercedes and I suddenly have a feeling of déjà vu as I watch him go around the car before opening my door and reaching out for me to take it.

But this time, my smile is incomparable.

I take his arm and we head for the main entrance. The security men are the same as last time and they greet us before inviting us inside.

We are heading to the beautiful ballroom, I am still as impressed as the first time.

I turn to Max, who keeps checking the time on his watch.

"We still have a little time ahead of us, Max.

- You never know, maybe they'll make the announcement that you're leaving earlier than planned. He retorts as he pulls out his phone.

- Carlos will call me when the announcement is shared on social media. He's watching for me. Don't worry.

I answer by placing my hand on his to dissuade him from unlocking his phone. Max keeps it in the pocket of his suit pants.

We are interrupted by an easily recognizable voice that echoed throughout the room.

"Max! Charles! My dear boys!"

We turn around at the same time and we are delighted to see Lady Tina approach us with a big smile, and a glass of champagne in her hand.

Max immediately approaches her to greet her with an undisguised pleasure.

"Lady Tina, you're still so lovely! And your evenings are still so grandiose, well done."

"Oh my boy stop flattering me! Charles, come on, I'm glad to see you again."

Max puts his hand in the hollow of my back and Lady Tina's gaze follows the movement. Her eyes then fall on me and she smiles at me with malice.

"I can see that my advice from last time was helpful.

- Yes, thank you very much, it was a great help to be able to talk with you.

- What are you talking about? Ask Max confusedly.

I never told him that I went to see Lady Tina to try to understand his relationship with his persecutor when we started seeing each other and that my feelings and concern for the Dutchman started to grow.

- I'll explain later.

He replies with a slight nod.

- Well, boys, it's great to see you, of course, but could you tell me what brings you to this particular evening?
Max smiles softly at the Lady before answering her proudly.

- This is the last time we'll get a chance to come to your private parties.

- Oh, but why? Ask Lady Tina confusedly.

- Simply because your parties are for LGBT people who wish to remain discreet and what Charles and I are about to do is anything but discreet.

Lady Tina's face suddenly lights up as she understands Max's connotations.

- Congratulations my boys, I'm so proud of you! But that does not preclude you from coming to my private evenings and even outside of my evenings! You have your room on the top floor, don't forget that.

- Thank you very much. That's very generous.

- Of course, we'll be happy to come when we have the opportunity.

- I'd put the whole mansion at your disposal for your wedding, this is not a proposal so there's no negotiation.

I remain for a moment puzzled by Lady Tina's words. At the same time deeply touched and grateful but also taken off guard by the mention of marriage.

Max as surprised as I am, answer with some hesitation.

- That's very generous of you, although it's still too early to talk about marriage, but we'll try to remember your offer. "

Lady Tina winks at us.

"I'm waiting for your call, boys. Enjoy the evening, I'll meet my other guests."

We salute her before we find ourselves alone again.

Max turns to me and don't waste a second asking me.

"Any news from Carlos?"

I smile at him before I put my hands on his hips to pull him towards me and kiss him.

"Relax, Max, we're not a minute away, are we?

- You're right, I'm sorry.

- When it's time, we'll lock ourselves up in a quiet room to do it and then we'll party until we're so exhausted that we can't stand up anymore, okay?

- I like that plan very much, a strategy worthy of Redbull.

- It's a good timing then." I answer him before I kiss him again. I can feel my phone vibrating in my pocket but I know it's not Carlos' long-awaited message.

It is Pierre's who tells me that they will arrive in a few moments.

Max and I talk a bit but the tension and stress start to build up as the minutes go by and the news will soon be posted on the networks.

I suddenly feel my phone vibrating and I suddenly squeeze, immobilizing. I'm not part of Ferrari anymore, officially.

Max looks at me worried.

"What's going on, Charles?

- That's it."

Max doesn't react right away, digesting the information. Then he takes my hand and drags me to our room on the top floor. We go up the stairs in complete silence. Only our steps and the music of the evening below resonate in our ears.

When we enter the room, the memory of Max throwing me against the wall of the same room suddenly resurfaces in my memory and I feel my cheeks warm.

We sit on the bed and take out our phones.

I go straight to Instagram and I don't need to search before seeing scuderiaferrari's post

Breaking News - Charles Leclerc is leaving Ferrari F1 Team after inappropriate behavior

I feel anger rising in me as I read this. I suspected this would happen but to see that I behaved inappropriately when I have always given everything for the red team is a betrayal.

The only thing that comforts me a little bit is knowing that in a few moments people will understand the real reason I'm leaving. I hope so. And if not, I would certainly not refrain from commenting on Ferrari's values and conservationist.

I am engrossed by reading comments from fans completely shocked by the news. After learning two weeks earlier that Checo was retiring from Formula One to devote himself to his family and new child, the announcement is a veritable ultimatum.

Max's warm hand gently rests on my thigh to show me he's there.

"Do you feel ready?" He asks me softly.

I click on add a new post and watch him do the same on his phone. I choose the photo taken a week earlier and take the time to write a description. I'm waiting for Max to finish.

He crosses my eyes.

"Last chance to turn around. " He warns, thumb ready to click on share.

I answer with a smile.

"Max, if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's us, we're not going to lose our motivation right now.

- I love you, Charles.

- Me too, Max, with all my heart. "

We click on share at the same time.


When we go downstairs to the party, it's my turn to grab Max's hand.

"I have a surprise." I reveal it to him with a wink.

He follows me curiously to the ballroom where we were.He doesn't immediately notice what am I doing as I direct us towards a group of men before he suddenly recognizes the faces.

"Lando? Carlos? Pierre? Daniel?"

They look at us with big smiles, each wearing party costumes.

"Congratulations!" Exclaims Daniel coming to pat him on the back.

Max frowns and turns to me.

"I don't understand?

- Surprise? I answer with a big smile.

- But how did you get inside of here?

- It's simple, answers Lando, they made us sign confidentiality documents and we had to say who we were coming with.

- I'm with Pierre tonight, I've always wanted to test the French! Daniel exclaims with pleasure, triggering the laughter of the whole group.

- And I'm with Carlos. " Answer Lando a little less loudly.

I can't help but notice his ears getting suddenly red.

"We wanted to be there to celebrate with you, as we were the first to know, we thought it was normal to be with you tonight! And Charles helped us set it all up, of course. "Explains Daniel to Max while my eyes are fixed on Lando and Carlos talking to each other. Is there something going on between them that we're not aware of?

"Shall we drink?"  Pierre offer us glasses of champagne. Max politely declines and drinks a non-alcoholic cocktail instead.

We're all holding out our drinks.

"To love!" exclaimed Daniel.

"To love!" We all respond heartily and I cross Max's gaze at the same time.

I'll take a sip of my champagne before we start the conversation again.

"We have not yet looked at the reaction of people, we want to do it only tomorrow. Did you take a look at your side?

Carlos shakes his head.

- We were already here when you shared your posts, we shared them in our stories and liked them on the spot but we didn't look at the reactions of the fans at all.

- It'll be a surprise for everyone. Add Pierre.

- Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a lot of support. Complete Carlos.

- And fuck Ferrari!! screaming Daniel triggering the laughter of everyone except Carlos who is still part of the team.

He approaches me with embarrassment.

"Charles you know that if I was offered a seat elsewhere in F1 I would probably leave Ferrari but...

I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

- Carlos, I would never resent you for staying at Ferrari. I know I can count on you and you don't share their ideas. "

Max suddenly approaches me, placing his hand on the bottom of my back and bringing his lips closer to my ear.

"I have a surprise for you too.

- Oh, yes?

- Guys, I'm taking Charles into the disco room for a minute. You can come if you're interested.

- Disco? This place is insane!" Lando retorts as he hurries to follow Max.

The whole group ends up heading towards the famous party hall, which is packed to the brim. We were making our way to the center of the dance floor and Max took out his phone to write a text that I can't read.

After a few minutes, the artist who was on stage greets the crowd and announces who will take his place.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to a well-known Dutch DJ... I named... Martin Garrix!"

Everyone applaud. I know, of course, that Martin and Max are very close. I'm just wondering what exactly he's planning.

"Hello everybody, I hope you all have a great evening. For me it's a little special because I have a very close friend who is with his boyfriend in the room tonight and I'd like to dedicate the next piece of music to them, which I think you'll recognize."


* In The Name Of Love - Martin Garrix, Bebe Rexha is playing *

The first notes of the music resonate throughout the room and Max, who is behind me, puts his hands on my hips, and his chin on my shoulder, starting to move our bodies to the beat of the music. 

" If I told you this was only gonna hurt
If I warned you that the fire's gonna burn
Would you walk in? Would you let me do it first?
Do it all in the name of love "

I suddenly forget everything around us, like the first time, and all I can feel is Max against me and the words of the music resounding.

Obviously Max knows the lyrics and sings them in  my ear. The music completely takes on its meaning and I put my hands on his, to put them against my chest.

"In the name of love, name of love"

Max gently kisses my neck before I turn to him. He puts his hands back on my hips and I put my arms around his neck. His gaze is anchored in mine as he sings the lyrics at the same time as the music without letting go of my gaze for a single moment.

" I wanna testify
Scream in the holy light
You bring me back to life
And it's all in the name of love "

His gaze glides over my lips and brings his face closer to mine. I close my eyes until I feel his lips against mine. I feel all his love, more powerful than our first kiss we exchanged much earlier. We didn't trust each other and didn't fully know each other the first time our lips met. Today we know each other by heart.

Max interrupts the kiss and leans over to my ear.

"You really bring me back to life, that's how I feel about you. "

Meanwhile, on my Instagram account, a picture of me in a Redbull T-shirt with the number 1 is circulating.

And on Max's instagram account, a photo of him with another Redbull T-shirt bearing the number 16 makes it way on the internet and ignites all social networks.

With this description under my post: I am very pleased to announce the beginning of my adventure with Redbull, but especially with Max.

AN: I can't believe Shameless is over, I'm very attached to this story! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your super positive feedback on this story, all your comments and messages really made me smile and I laughed a lot!

I wish you all enjoy the start of the 2024 F1 season !!

Sarah :)

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