The hero of 5 teenage boys. |...

By dog_meat

7.6K 201 210

Finney Blake just wanted to die in that basement and he did but decided to go back in time to help the ghost... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

251 10 8
By dog_meat

SUMMARY: Finney ran into the paper boy while walking to school on a cold Monday morning in Denver.


It was a cold Monday Morning of Denver, Finney was sleeping in his room, door locked, until  a loud yell echo'd the house. It was Terrence, he got a call  saying he got fired.  Finney shot up in shock, then he realized it was his dad it slightly calmed him a tiny bit but, still a bit scared on how his father will act because his yell was threatening to him.

Finney jumped out of bed, it was 6:35 AM, quite early... but he cant go back to sleep, so he slowly unlocked his door and went to his sisters room and opened it slightly.

"Gwenny.. wake up, school," he said softly, obviously trying not to scare her or anything...

She didn't wake up, Finney groaned, he hated when his sister would not wake up. But, he felt nice this morning and let her sleep in since school starts at 8:40 and its only 6:35. So, he snook back to his room and went to his wardrobe to sort out what he's gonna wear today.  

He decided to wear a white long sleeved shirt with the collar being his favorite color blue with the rest of it being white, and because it was cold out today, he decided to wear some baggy jeans because they're better than wearing shorts on a cold Monday and obviously he wore his favourite converse, he knows he wore them when he was with the grabber but honestly, he knows he's back in time and it's his favourite shoes so he's gonna wear them. 

A few minutes later he got changed, he looked at the calendar, There's a long time until he should plan to save Billy Showalter- or Paper Boy. Like two months or so, which he has a long time... Which means, he can rest for a bit until he can save another from almost dying from that creepy magician following boys around in his van.


He felt a little hungry, well not like he's going to eat anyway. He lost his appetite after only getting fed the same under-cooked, salt and peppered eggs every single day until he got out of the basement. To be honest, they tasted vile, Finney wanted to throw up the first time he ate it, but he did get used to it eventually... 

A few minutes later, he stumbled, quietly down the creaky wooden stair case of his house, not to wake anyone up, and i mean ANYONE, he knows Gwen usually stays up sometimes, doing whatever with that doll house of hers that her mum got her. Terrence says that she needs to get rid of it completely before he wrecks it with one of his hammers from the garage, but he always forgets too. Anyways, he made it down the stairs and slowly tip-toed to the kitchen. As he did, he looked in all the cupboard and jars  and eventually, he just didn't feel hungry anymore, so he closed the last cupboard he went through and went out the kitchen, walking past his dads chair, making sure to turn the lamp light off, to save the electricity.

He stared at the vodka bottle in his dads hands... '8 dollars' his father always yelled, he seemed so obsessed, like it was a drug to him, you get addicted to it so fast that you just cant stop drinking and drinking. However, that went the bad way which made him abusive, not just by the alcohol though, from his emotions too. It was still obviously clear the death of his wife still was caught up on him, you never know if he blames himself all the time and just drinks vodka like nothing. Finney felt bad to be honest, but that didn't let his hatred for him go away.


Finney was down his street about to cross the road until a boy on his bike accidentally crashed into him, a dog, that looked like a golden retriever started barking loudly too...

"Oh my god!" the boy on his bike exclaimed, "are you okay?! I'm sorry.. i wasn't looking!"

Finney looked up, the boy had blonde hair, which was brushed to the side, looked really nice on him. And his bright clothing choice too? It made finney chuckle a bit knowing that the boy probably has a really bright personality just by his outfit anyway.

"Oww.... i-it's alright..!" Finney grunted as he put his hand on his now cut jeans which had blood seeping through. "I'm fine."

The boys dog instantly went to him, whining, like its begging for forgivness, the boy chuckled at that but his frown stayed put, "are you sure? you're hurt.. i.. i mean, look at your knee!" he gasped out.

Finney looked at it, it was just a graze, well a bad one but a bandage would be alright on it.

"I promise, it's okay!" Finney assured, trying to stand up but falling down straight away, he grunted once again.

The boy instantly got off his bike, putting the newpaper he was recently holding and put it on his basket, "No, here! let me help you!" he said, trying to help a boy out, "I'm Billy Showalter, the paper boy.. sorry about that, i wasn't looking on where i should have been..."

For a second, Finney's eyes were starstruck but it turned natural in a minute. he took his hand, and Billy, the name the boy said, pulled him back up. "Hi Billy... i-im.. i'm Finney Blake, it's a pleasure to meet you..! I seen ya around," he said kindly, trying hard to not stutter but failed miserably. 

A smile crept up Billy's face. "Really?! you're the boy in 7th grade that people bully for being a fa-"

"Yeah," Finney interrupted before he said that word, "I am... but i promise, i'm not gay, they just assume that because they like spreading lies like that, y'know?"

Billy chuckled, "I guess, they call me names every time i deliver their papers, their just freaks who want attention though, so i ignore them." He said, petting his dog named Harper.

"Yeah.. i.. i guess so," Finney paused "Hey uhm, i gotta go get to school now, i wanna make sure im early before they come and try beat me up again," he finished,  a nervous face painted onto him.

The paper boy smiled, "yeah sure! See you later, then Finney!"

Billy got back on his bike, and Harper started wagging her tail back and forth as she started to walk back to where they were on the paper route.

"yeah.. see you later." Finney waved slightly, then going back to his walk to school.



anyways, sorry for taking so long 😨

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