After math

By ellie091294

340 1 4

No one ever speaks about the after math. Nobody talks about the pain the hurt, the tears, everything that com... More

Who she is
Why should I care?
Beggars can be choosers
Weak Woman
Fake it
Broken promises
Pure Bliss
At last
Heart of hearts
Stay Alive
Live, laugh, lose
I think I wanna marry you
Heaven and Earth
In another life

Pillow talk

9 0 0
By ellie091294


The night was a disaster to say the least. Samantha never showed up because they broke up. James came over smelling of vodka and vomit. Andrew wanted to kick him out and let him wander the streets but I let James stay the night. Even drunk he's a bit of an ass.

"You two are so lucky you two have each other." James slurred while he flopped onto Andrews couch. Andrew had me put Korey to bed. Why? I don't know. But when I got back James was passed out on the couch. "I guess I could go home." I mumble but just as I was walking to the door, Andrew stopped me by grabbing my wrist. 

"If he wakes up in the morning and realizes that you're not here it'll mess up your entire lie. You can sleep with me for the night." He said looking me up and down. I feel the heat rush to my face as I avoid his eye contact. He scoffed a bit and said "No sex. I'm just offering you a room since Korey is taking the guest room."

I cleared my throat and looked back up at him. I nod my head. "Then go up there I'll make sure this poor bastard is on his side so he doesn't choke to death on his own vomit. It wouldn't be the worst thing ever but I know you'd hate yourself for it." I nod again and head up to his room.

When I opened the door it his room I was greeted by the smell of his cologne. Something about it was oddly comforting. I brush off the feeling and find my way to his bed as I lay down. I've always hated sleeping alone but ever since James and I broke up, I've gotten used to it. Doesn't mean I like it, it's just easier now. I cover myself up and turn to my side. I bring my knees to my chest and try to drift off to sleep.

A few minutes later I hear the door open and close. I can tell it's him by the way the sound of heavy footsteps go across the floor. I feel his weight plop into the bed and get under the covers. I sit up and see him staring up at the ceiling. I bite my lip before finally taking a deep breath and asking a question I knew would set him off.

"What happened to your sister?" I say softly, hoping my tone would calm down whatever anger I knew he was feeling. He groaned softly as if he knew that question was coming. "Her husband killed her. She ruined her life at eighteen got pregnant at nineteen got killed at twenty two." He said, not making eye contact with me. He wasn't avoiding it but he wasn't initiating it either. 

"I'm sorry for your loss, that must have been difficult." He hums in response. This was the first time he wasn't avoiding any sort of question. "So why are you taking care of Korey?" I ask my fingers trailing down to his hand to mess with his fingers. Thankfully, he didn't seem to mind.

"Her father died and even if we was still alive I wouldn't want him taking care of her. I never trusted him and I don't know why my sister married that son of a bitch." He said, finally closing his eyes. Suddenly I realize why he was like that. I know why he was so rude and so cold towards me. He was hurt. He was hurt more than he realized or wanted to admit. He did have feelings.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that." I mumble, letting my fingers stray away from his and go to his hair. I massage his scalp, something I used to do for my brother. He groaned softly before turning on his side and wrapping his arms around my waist. He must be really wasted if he was doing this. I don't ask questions and continue to massage his scalp.

"Don't leave me." I  hear him whisper. Why was he being like this. I always pictured him to be an ass when he's drunk, like James but this was the complete opposite. He was being vulnerable with me. Did he really trust me that much? No he was just drunk. He had to be. But something inside me makes me say the words "I won't,I promise." I don't know why I said it, I just did.

I feel his eyes on me. He was inches away from my face. He leaned in a bit and kissed me softly. I didn't push him away, nor did I fully kiss back. I was just frozen. I feel him trace his tongue along my lower lip, asking for permission to be let in. I don't know why I let him but I allow him to. His tongue slipped into my mouth and he deepened the kiss. There was one thing that really messed me the fuck up.

There were no traces of alcohol that I could taste.

He was sober.

I pushed him away from me and quickly got out of the bed. "What the hell?!" I shout at him. I see him sit up and say "You're the one who let me do it." I hate the way he reminds me of that. It may be the stupidest thing I've done in my entire life which is saying a lot.

"And I hated it!" I shout back at him. Even though it was dark I could see a flicker of pain in his eyes. He nodded and laid back down. I grabbed the handle of the door before taking one more look in the room. I regretted saying that to him but he needs to know that I'm not going to sleep with him no matter what. I wasn't interested and he needed to know that. I turn the door handle and leave the room.

I went to the guest bedroom to see Korey playing with stuffed animals. It was nearly midnight and she was still awake. I sigh and walk over to her. "I heard shouting." She says softly. I see dried up tears on her cheeks. "I'm sorry if we scared you. We just got into a little disagreement." I say trying to reassure her that everything was fine.

"Uncle Andy hasn't been sleeping lately. He's been to busy trying to take care of work." She says. For a five year old she seemed to be very aware of things. Maybe all five year olds were and I just wasn't aware of it. "He'll be okay." I say, though I don't know if I'm trying to reassure her or myself. "He loves you a lot. He'd do anything for you." I tell her as I sit down next to her.

"He played tea party with me last night after dinner. I got to put a princess tiara on him!" She said happily. I snort at the image of someone like Andrew wearing something as girly and childish as a princess tiara. Korey crawls into my lap and puts her head on my chest before finally drifting off to sleep. I lay down on the floor, holding onto her before falling asleep as well.


This chapter was WILD.

Y'all I was not planning this, I swear to you. I was just writing and this popped into my head and I thought it was really good. 

I meant to post this earlier but I got to busy to do it so here it is! 

I hope you guys enjoyed because I will be posting another chapter soon!

Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️

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