After math

By ellie091294

340 1 4

No one ever speaks about the after math. Nobody talks about the pain the hurt, the tears, everything that com... More

Who she is
Why should I care?
Beggars can be choosers
Weak Woman
Pillow talk
Broken promises
Pure Bliss
At last
Heart of hearts
Stay Alive
Live, laugh, lose
I think I wanna marry you
Heaven and Earth
In another life

Fake it

13 0 0
By ellie091294


Today was the day I was supposed to be faking my one year relationship with Andrew. I hadn't seen him at work for three days. Within those three days of him being away, I was slowly going crazy. I never knew how much he did until he was gone. I have no idea what he's been doing those three days because he's been ignoring me the entire time. I went against what he said and I texted him, I called him, I sent him letters. 

And what did I get in return?


I hated when things were quiet. I don't like being ignored and I hate being alone. As I was leaving work I saw Andrew at the door to my office holding s little girl who was clinging onto him. He looked horrible. He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was messy and his cheeks were hallow.

"Come on, I have to get home and put her to bed." He said, I looked at the clock and it was already seven and James said he and Samantha would be over at nine. They bailed on dinner but they were willing to have some wine with us and hey said they would be bringing crackers with them.

"That's it? You're not going to explain who's kid this is?" He looked at the girl who was slowly falling asleep in his arms. He looked back at me and said "This is my sisters kid, Korey. I'm going to be taking care of her for a while." That confused me. He had a family? He had feelings?  "Why can't your sister take care of her own kid?" I said, putting the remainder of my things into my purse.

He scoffed and said "And you called me inconsiderate and insensitive. If you don't know anything don't ask anything. Hurry the hell up." He said with a bit of bite to his tone. I struck another nerve in the man that I clearly had no idea who he was. I nodded and put my purse on my shoulder before grabbing my phone and leaving the office.

The ride to his house was awkward, to say the least. The little girl, Korey, fell asleep in the car ride home and he was quiet the entire time. Was he really going to be giving me the silent treatment the entire night? I gasp in realization of how stupid I was. "I forgot my clothes for tonight!" I whine. He frowns and says "Dumbass." I hit his shoulder and he moves his arm.

"What is it with people hitting me?" He whispered under his breath, acting like I couldn't hear it. He rolls his eyes and says "I have something that you could wear. But you're gonna look like a homeless person." I bite my lip softly. I hated the outfit I had on but it was a gift from when the office did secret Santa and the girl who got me this said I should wear it.

"I'll wear whatever you have available." I mumble. He chuckles softly and we stay in silence. This time it was more of a comfortable silence. It's content and there's no need for it to change any time soon.

When we pulled up to the apartment building that I knew automatically. This was one of the nicest apartment buildings in the entire city and he could afford it. One of the two things could be happening here. Either A, he was a rich guy from Korea that came here to get even more rich and then leave, B, he's some sort of drug dealer or something bad like that or C, the far less interesting solution, every penny he has is money he's stored up over time and inheritance money.

I got out of the car but it wasn't until I stepped out of the vehicle did I see something I never thought I would see. Andrew being...sweet. To a child. He was holding the little girl in his arms when he closed the door. His eyes met mine and he rolled them. "I'll tell you about it when we get into the house. Let's go." He whispered to me, moving past me and into the building.

I followed behind him, trying to keep up. We stepped into the elevator when the little girl began to snore. It wasn't loud or annoying, it was actually quite the opposite. It was quiet, soft and even. It was almost peaceful. A peaceful sign telling me that whoever she was to Andrew, she was important enough to carry. The more time I spent with Andrew the more I found out that he hated touching people that he didn't have to. 

The elevator door opened to a large penthouse with a staircase in somewhat of a spiral and it was decorated in black and white. It was all very monotone compared to my apartment. Although this seemed more like Andrew. I was too busy looking around to realize that he was putting the small girl onto the couch and putting a blanket over her. "I told her we were dating just in case she ever talked to the dickhead you almost married." He whispered, his eyes meeting mine. He takes my hand and leads me upstairs. He hates touching people if he doesn't have to. 

Why am I an exception?

He leads me to a hall way with three rooms on each side. "Bedroom, guest bathroom, guest bedroom," he says pointing down the doors in the hallway. He turned his finger to the other side and said "Home gym, Home office and a room that Korey has deemed the play room." He opens the door to what I'm assuming is his room. The bed is in the center with a fireplace and chairs onto the side. The room to the side of his bed is the bathroom. His room is huge and monotone much like the rest of his apartment. 

I was to busy looking around the room to notice that he was handing me an old tshirt and sweatpants. I meet his gaze and take the clothes he was handing me. I take the shirt and turn to walk to the bathroom. Since being in the apartment, it had gone back to awkward, uncomfortable silence. 

I was okay with being quiet, but when Andrew was quiet I got a bit worried. My mother used to tell me that quiet people would do the most damage to someone which is why I always tried to be somewhat outgoing. But after James, I stopped doing that. I morphed into the person I swore I would never become. A quiet person, a person who doesn't trust others. I found myself doubting Andrew but there were times where he could be so sweet. How he acted with Korey showed that side of him.

But whenever he was around me, he was a rude, arrogant, self centered man. I had to come to terms with the fact that maybe he didn't like me. Maybe he tolerated me because he wanted to keep his job. Then again if he wanted to keep his job, he wouldn't be sleeping with his boss. Or I think he's still sleeping with her. He wasn't attracted to her as far as I know. Not to mention the fact that he had stopped leaving the office. The only time he actually left the office was to go outside and smoke. Other than that he never left. I stopped caring about his disgusting habit that could kill him by the time he's in his thirties. 

It's his life, not mine. I had no right to care. I wasn't part of his family, I wasn't his girlfriend, I wasn't his wife, I wasn't anything to him. But that little girl is. Whoever she is and wherever the hell she came from, she means something to him. Something that he doesn't want me to find out.


Sorry I didn't publish this earlier, I meant to but I got to busy for it so I'm sorry.

I will hopefully be able to post later tonight or today and if not I'm sorry 

Love you guys!

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