Mr. Vincenzo | 18+

By inkedofstars

82.1K 934 117

When my dad told me his best friend was finally returning back to his hometown, I expected him to be someone... More

Good as Fiction


3.7K 53 13
By inkedofstars

v i n c e n z o

Faint beats of the music playing in Eloise's room echoed in the living room and I knew why the music on speaker, knew exactly what she was covering up with that music. I chugged down half my drink. Sitting with Wade, I should not be thinking about how sweet his daughter's moans sound.

Maybe I was fucked up. Or I was fucked up. Why else would I kiss her tonight? She was with an age-appropriate boy. On a date that was morally correct. I was definitely fucked up to not like it.

I liked it when she moaned my name. I liked the taste of her lips, how she withered and blossomed underneath my touch. I liked her skin, her eyes. I liked her want for me, her rosy tits, her perfect, tight pussy—gods, I needed to get a grip.

Maybe once we fuck to the end of this untamable lust and attraction, we both could go back to being who we should be.

"It looks like Eloise really liked the boy she went out with today." Wade said as he filled himself a glass. "She seems happy, playing music loud and all. That's a rarity for her, I tell you, and you, without intention, ended up cutting short her date."

Rarity? It appears as though my little Vixen wasn't so bothered before.

Thoughts of what she must be doing came to my mind and I had to gulp down the remaining half of my glass.

"I don't think she likes that boy," I said. It was the only way I could, at least partially, be honest with Wade. "I saw her initially and was going to let her be with her friends but that boy held her hand and she looked far more uncomfortable than any woman should, especially for a boy she likes. And she didn't oppose once the idea of me dropping her home."

It might not be the whole truth but it wasn't a lie. Even when we were strangers, she wasn't uncomfortable with me as she was with that boy, not when I touched her, not when I kissed her. If she was, that first touch would have been the last.

A worried look crossed his features. The years had changed him so much as it did me. His age was evident and so were his responsibilities in the frowns on his forehead. So much of him was the same as well but it was hard now to see him as someone whose only worry was asking the girl he liked for prom. That girl was his woman now, the one who shared his life and bore his children.

It clicked me before that Eloise looked like someone but I discarded it as one would a déjà vu but now I saw it clear. She had taken so much from Wade but her eyes were different, neither Wade nor Ava.

"I'll ask Ava to talk to her once. She needs to move on," he murmured the last line. Move on? It came to me with surprise and questions but... it was better. If she was using me to forget her ex and move on, it was better. I was no different, using her to quench my attraction for her.

"Don't force her to date if she doesn't want to. Anna didn't date anyone until like two weeks back. Eloise too will come around when she feels so."

"Right. Leave the kids and now you tell me who are you seeing? It's kind of hard to miss the hickey poking out from your collar."

I immediately fixed my collar to hide it. "It's no one. Just casual."

It was why I'd chosen to wear a shirt over the more comfortable option of a T-shirt. I liked Eloise's mark on me. I liked all the nail imprints she had left on me that night. It showed just what pleasures I'd taken her to and how she wasn't uncomfortable to her marks behind if she wanted. I liked her soft kisses as equally as I did her wild hickeys.

"Do you want it to be just casual?"

I was afraid that the more I got from Eloise, the more I'd want. But that had to end someday, right?

"I don't wish to probe but if what Aryanna said the other day was true, just how long do you plan on going casual, Vinny? There's going to be a day when you'd want someone for more than just sex."

I mock chuckled, filled myself another glass, and gulped it down.

"It's every day."

Wade didn't look like he was ready to hear that. He drank as if he wanted to wash down my words. I bet he'd have rare days when the woman he loved wasn't sleeping in his arms. Ava was everything wonderful for Wade and I'd be a liar if I claimed to not be jealous of a love like that.

"Did you eventually fall in love with Eveline?"

Cold rage flowed through my veins. I stopped stirring my glass.

"Is that why no one else could ever replace her even after so many years?" He said.

"Eveline Wilson is the one person I can never love, Wade. Not then and certainly not after."

I didn't know why I admitted that. I'd never spoken a word on Eveline, except all the lies I told Aryanna why her mother couldn't come to see her. Even that stopped when Anna just began to understand on her own.

Maybe it was the whiskey that was already getting to my head or perhaps, it was the presence of that one friend for whom I wasn't a ladder to climb on.

"What happened, Vincenzo?" Wade spoke carefully. "Even if you never loved her, I know the man you are. You'd have stayed with her, if not for anything else then for your daughter. Hell, when Ava gave birth to Eloise, I then thought that would have been the moment when you fall for Eveline, if you hadn't already before. I mean, just how can you not—" he stopped himself as if afraid to rip open a wound.

"You mean, how can a man not fall in love with the woman who brought his child to life?"

He nodded.

"Eveline wanted to abort Aryanna and she didn't tell me anything about it."

A look of shock and disgust crossed his features.

"She planned a one-day trip for her parents and I was a fool to think that was lovely. I was going to take an off from my part-time but she assured me she would be okay staying alone. I never would have known until it was too late but my coworker visited the same hospital and told me he saw my wife there."

The memory began playing before my eyes. "I panicked, thinking of all the worst-case scenarios. I rushed over however I could, asking the receptionist to hurry up and tell me what happened to my wife or my child. She read out that Eveline had an appointment for an abortion. She was six months along, Wade. I used to touch her stomach, feel my baby moving. A life, alive. If I was even ten minutes late that day, the only place I'd have seen my Anna would be in medical waste. In pieces."

Wade stayed quiet. Maybe he said something. I wouldn't know.

"The reason I got? It was her body Anna was going to ruin, not mine. So I had no say in it."

I needed alcohol to stay sane. It were the memories I had never spoken about. Speaking and hearing it back was amplifying the pain of everything.

"When she gave birth, nothing was magical, nothing was special. I could only feel for her the disgust she felt upon knowing the number of stitches she had,  the scar she was going to have."

The first feeding Anna had was packaged milk. Eveline refused to look at Anna and could only cry how me and my child had ruined her life. She was nineteen for god's sake, she said, someone who had dreams of her own. As if I wasn't nineteen with dreams of my own.

Maybe she was right. Our lives were changed. Nothing could ever be the same. But if we could take the freedom to sleep with each other, we also had to take the responsibility of the life we brought because of it. We couldn't kill it off and pretend it never was a life.

"Why didn't you ever tell me, Vincenzo? You didn't have to go through it alone. Ava could have talked to her. You could have talked to me."

"You had your first sonography the day that abortion shit happened. I didn't want to ruin your happiness. I got so frustrated, I broke my phone and Eveline's was taken away by her parents. I know you tried to contact me but I was in a very fucked up state. My life was too. I thought maybe I shouldn't bother you with my problems when you already had yours and as months passed, I was ashamed to tell you what my life was. I compared and I thought you would too. I thought you'd laugh behind my back too, everyone did, and I wasn't ready for that."

"I wouldn't have."

"I know that now, not then. And I want to apologize for that, Wade. I really am sorry. I discarded you and Ava as I wanted, yet you both welcomed me again without any reservations."

I should not betray him and touch Eloise still. Even if understands this, he'd never like to understand and I'd never be able to explain my attraction to Eloise. Lust was the word and every father would want someone to love their daughter, not the one who lusts after her.

I was the older one between us. I was the one who had to make the right choice for her. For Wade's sake.

"I'd punch you for that someday but we are family now. I've always considered Aryanna as my daughter."

In that moment, I hated that I'd never be able to consider Eloise the same.

"She always referred to you as Ellie's Dad. If only I knew." I said. "It makes me really happy to see the wonderful family you and Ava have. Whenever Anna would mention it, I'd feel guilty that I was not able to give her something so simple. I tried dating, you know, but whenever I told the girl, or if she found out, that I had a daughter, I'd never see her again. And I couldn't blame her for that."

I was told again and again that Anna had ruined my life, that I should just give her up for adoption, foster care, or something. But when I returned home everyday, Anna would smile at me, call me 'Dad', and I'd know just how wrong they were.

Instead, I'd be ruining her life if I blamed her for my mistake. Eveline was the mistake, not Anna. Ava wasn't a mistake for Wade, so the question if Eloise was a mistake never arose.

"But that is not the case anymore. If you really don't want it casual anymore, give dating a chance." Wade said and emptied his glass. "It is very likely that the woman you will date now will have a child of her own or would at least very much consider the possibility of you having one."

All I could see was Eloise and the alcohol seemed to have got to my head enough to not be able to, or to not want to, shake away her image.

Wasn't it two minutes back that I told myself to not do what I was doing now?

"Maybe I'll do that soon..." after I manage to get your daughter out of my head.

I wondered what it felt like to hold close the one you love, not for the intention of sex but something much more intimate.

"We have grown so much, not just by age but into a completely different person now." Wade said. "Back then, you wouldn't want to stay at home at all and today, you told me that you were sick of bars, clubs, and restaurants and preferred home instead."

I chuckled. "I've attended so many clients in bars and restaurants that it all feels like a second office now. Home feels good."

Wade truly had a house that looked every bit of home. There were things kept here and there: a Rubik's cube beside the TV, its remote in the showcase, his sons' books under the table, plants that look natural but are plastic, a sofa that was actually used, a home that had colors as opposed to the no-risk palatte of builders. I hadn't been home since Anna left for her university education.

Despite my attempt to lighten up the conversation with a laugh, the weight of our earlier topic remained. Wade had questions. I could see it in the way his stare remained on the center table, on nothing in particular. He filled his glass and drank. That was what I did too, probably twice as frequent as him. I had good tolerance but things were becoming blurry now. If I drank anymore, the next thing I would be telling Wade was how beautiful his daughter was as a woman, or how addictive her moans were, or how my heart raced everytime I touched her and how alive I felt everytime I did.

I'd given up kissing my one night stands voluntarily. If they did, I'd just let them without bothering to respond. I'd rather avoid whenever I could. Those women were simply there to please my cock, not my mind.

With Eloise, gods with Eloise, I couldn't stop. I wanted to kiss her and I did. I wanted to stop but it was so difficult to stop.

"She's not my casual type of casual, Wade." I found myself saying. "She's fucking special since the moment I saw her. I've never felt this before and I don't know how I'm going to get over her."

"Then don't. Let her know she's special to you."

"I can't. There's nothing that can ever happen between us." I said. The whiskey felt like water now and I was thirsty.


"We both know it's temporary. We want it to be temporary."

"It doesn't look like you do."

Have Eloise all to myself? It was tempting, so tempting. Her in my bed, moaning my name, telling me her kinkiest fantasies, fulfilling those with her, her sleeping in my arms, waking up to her beautiful face—it was all so tempting when I did not think of who we were to each other. Wade would tell me to pursue her as long as he didn't know who she was.

"She's young," and your daughter.

"How young?"



"Young enough to not have any kids."

"Thirty-five-year-olds don't have kids today. It doesn't make them any younger."

"I wouldn't call a thirty-five-year-old young."


Early-twenties. Twenty-one. Twenty years apart.

"No." I said. Why did I drink enough to bring up Eloise? Beautiful Eloise. So beautiful Eloise.

Wade took a pause, a sip. "Sure, the age-gap between you will be significant but any woman in her early-thirties can make that decision for herself. If you think she's special, tell her she is."

I sadly chuckled to myself. Wade was the sane one among us to not even consider the possibility of mid-twenties, let alone early-twenties.

I filled and emptied my nth glass of tonight.

"I'm curious about this woman, you know?" He said. "I'd like see just who was able to stir your emotions after so many years, enough to make you say you've never felt this before."

Think of something. Divert the topic away from Eloise.

"Why don't you seriously ask her out on a date, Vinny?"

"Not possible." I said, then Eloise's face was before my eyes. "She's so beautiful, Wade. And so wonderful. I'm so fucked up."

He patted my back and laughed. "Looks like you've finally found someone. I don't remember you saying that ever before."

I was glad he didn't take Eveline's name.

Eveline. The change of topic.

"Did you ever tell Ava that I never loved Eveline?" I spurred the first thing that came to my mind, one that didn't involve Anna, divorce, alimony, my parents, allegations, threats.

"It was between us. It is between us."

"Ava is going to kill you if she ever finds it out."

"Nah, it's going to be worse. I'll have to sleep in the guest room for god knows how long."

"You're an artist, Wade."

He laughed. "And why would that be?"

Because only an artist could create the masterpiece that your daughter is.

I shook my head, trying to get back to my senses. "I don't know. I'm just drunk. I think I need to go to sleep or I'll keep saying stuff I can't explain."

Like how did I know his daughter got the most perfect fucking tits?

"I guess so. I'll show you to the guestroom."

My head spun as I got to my feet. I drank more than I should have. My plan on getting wasted was just to say, not do. What I wanted to do was kiss Eloise, feel her sweet and warm lips against my own. I wanted to feel her tits in my mouth and my cock in hers. I wanted to hold her to me and bury myself deep in her, feel her clench and cum over my cock. I wanted to feel how she shivers when I leave butterfly kisses on her skin. I wanted to feel her heart beating against mine and I wanted to see her smile. I wanted to hear her giggle. I wanted to gaze into her eyes and I wanted to tell her how absolutely gorgeous she was.

We passed Eloise's room. The music had stopped now. I bet she didn't cum.

While Wade went in to turn on the lights, I just stood in the doorway and pulled out my phone. I searched up her contact: E. Maybe I was too much of a coward to write down her name fully. There was no reason for me to have Eloise's number. There was no reason for her to be so beautiful and seem tangible to a man like me, someone who was twice her age, who had a daughter older than her.


I hummed along but my attention was on my phone. "It's just my PA. He's quite irritating, always telling me what I have to do."

To E: You, 12:57 AM
Couldn't cum without me, baby?

"You're far too drunk. Just go to sleep already." Wade chuckled. "Or you'll again start telling me just how beautiful the woman you like is or how Ava is an artist too."

"That's right." Ava was an equal contributor. "But I cannot like her."

He walked over to me. I pocketed my phone. If he saw the message, he'd figure out right away, wouldn't he?

"We'll talk tomorrow." He patted my shoulder. For a moment, it seemed as if it was the father in him who was ensuring that I was well-settled for the night before he could go to sleep himself. I had never seen that side of him but I identified with him. I still called Anna daily and assured myself that she was safe and okay before I slept.

"Good night," I said. He replied the same, then went off to his room.

The guestroom followed the theme of Wade's home. It was small but homey. It had a bed for two, an attached restroom, a bay window that overlooked the road, and a closet that, in Wade's words, I should only open at my own risk.

My phone pinged.

E, 1:04 AM
Fuck you.

That was the plan.

Instead of going inside the room, I closed the door and made my way over to Eloise's room, knocking softly. I received no reply but I could hear her heavy breathing. I knocked again. I thought she again won't respond but then rustling sounds came, the faint opening and closing of the closet, then her footsteps echoed.

"Who's there?" She conditioned her voice to sound heavy with sleep. She opened the door but was too busy rubbing her eyes and faking droopy eyelids to notice me.

Little Vixen.

"Who's—" she looked up and her acting went straight out of the window, her eyes widening. She opened her mouth to speak but I clamped my hand down before she could. I pushed her in, closed the door, and locked it.

I removed my hand and replaced it with my lips, tasting and feeling her sweet, soft lips. She made a sexy noise in the back of her throat as she gripped my biceps and kissed me back. My hands slipped inside the waistband of her shorts and I squeezed her plump ass, pulling her closer to me. She still did not wear a panty and probably a bra as well because her nipples pressed against my chest through her T-shirt.

I resisted the urge to rip it off her and have her tit in my mouth.

I lowered down to her neck, sucking hard and biting her skin. She kept a hand on her mouth to stop herself from moaning.

My name on her lips had to be some type of addiction. I wanted to listen to it again and again, louder than the earlier, more desperate each time with her increasing need for me.

I cupped her boobs over her T-shirt, their size just perfect. I felt her firm against my palm, firmer than it should be had she not been wearing a bra. I groped her harder and the feel of the imprints of a lace pattern became all too evident. Only her nipples were out, open, without anything but for her T-shirt.

"Fuck, baby," I whispered, "I want to see what you've worn under."

She nodded. Her mouth parted breathlessly but all she did was grip my wrists and press my hands harder against her breasts.

"Make me cum, Daddy, please. I need it, you, Daddy."

Hearing Daddy from her mouth had a fucking effect on me. I'd always been unaffected when women in their thirties called me that. I ain't your fucking 'Daddy' hoe. I was hers, my sweet, gorgeous Eloise.

I lifted her up and dropped her on her bed. I slid her night shorts down her smooth legs and spread them wide. Her pussy, clean and hairless, pink and sore, glistened with her wetness. She tried to close her legs for the want of friction but I put my hands on her thighs and held her in place. Her pussy clenched and unclenched. It demanded to be fucked, to be pounded into until was red and raw.

I looked up at her face. Her eyes were stormy with lust yet sliver with innocence. Her flawless cheeks were flushed red, her plump lips open, and her head rolled back. She had such kissable lips and such a slender neck, so exquisitely covered in my marks. Her dark hairs were sprawled all over the pillow, some stuck to her forehead because of sweat. Her breaths were heavy, slipping past her wet lips.

She was an epitome of beauty, a wet dream of every man.

I kissed her again passionately until she broke us apart.

"How drunk are you, Vincenzo?"

"Enough to think you're an avatar of Goddess Venus herself." I said and kissed down the valley between her breasts over the fabric of her T-shirt and down to her exposed stomach. "And enough to do this to you in your own home."

I kissed her pussy and she gasped, a bit too loudly. So sensitive. So unable to cum without me.

"Hold it back, baby," I mumbled after a reluctant pullback. "You don't want to wake the whole house."

The smell of her arousal was slipping my control faster than whiskey ever could. I latched my mouth on her nether lips and flicked my tongue against her clit. Her slick folds welcomed me as I sucked, her juices replacing the taste of whiskey. Her moans were muffled by large extent this time, so I took the liberty to graze my teeth. Her back arched as she pushed herself more in my mouth.

I gripped her thighs harder and lapped my tongue against her needy core as if I wanted to remember everything she felt like.

Licking her up once, I looked at her and waited until her gaze met mine.

"Please," she whispered.

"I don't kiss. I don't do cunnilingus. I only fuck. I don't fuck twice. You're breaking all my rules, Eloise."

"Since day one. Now I want your tongue inside me, Daddy."

And I gave her just that. Her walls clenched even around my tongue. She weaved her fingers in my hair and pushed my mouth more into herself. As I tongue-fucked her, her moans were getting louder. I let go of her thigh and pushed my two fingers into her mouth. She immediately wrapped her lips around them in order to hold back her moans.

I fucked her harder, tongue and teeth. She tasted like fucking heaven.

I pushed two fingers into her pussy as well. Her walls tightened and her teeth bit down. I couldn't care. I fingered her and relentlessly flicked my tongue against her very sensitive clitoris.

Her legs began shaking. She was close, very close. She couldn't even suck my fingers anymore.

"Suck, or I won't let you cum."

Eloise made a sound in the back of her throat and grabbed my wrist, sucking my fingers into her warm mouth as if they were my dick.

"Everything about you is so erotic, baby," I smiled and kissed her nub, then stimulated her faster. A flick of tongue and a curve of my fingers was all she needed to cum. Her orgasm flooded my mouth and fingers. I removed my fingers and pushed these into her mouth instead. She bit down on them hard and I couldn't care. She continued to cum in my mouth and I sucked her clean of that. I lapped every last drop of her, even tongue-fucking her again to lick clean her walls.

She popped my fingers out, breathing very harshly. "Kiss me," she said still.

I left a long, lingering kiss on her pussy.

"My lips, Vincenzo."

I kissed her pussy lips.

Eloise grabbed my collar and pushed me back on the bed. She climbed over me and kissed me. I smiled into it and let her have her way. I only caressed her soft, round ass. Maybe tried not to think of the crazy hard-on eating her out had given me.

"You are such an ass, Vincenzo."

"You have such an ass, darling."

She laughed. I didn't ever think before that a laugh could so amazing and addicting.

"Is that why you came to my room?"

"No, but you have to have the most perfect fucking ass." I gave it a squeeze. What I wanted to do was spank, but that would be too loud.

Eloise rolled her eyes.

"Did you come to my room to see if I had orgasmed? Or to make me orgasm?"

"Neither," I said. I tucked a strand of her hairs behind her ear and stared into her starry eyes. "I came here to tell you that you're absolutely breathtaking, Eloise."

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