Godzilla King of the Monsters...

By Multi-Relationship12

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In All of Godzilla's Life of being a Titan,He has never liked the Human Race,In Fact,He has always considered... More

Part 1: Godzilla and Matthew's First Face to Face Encounter
Part 2: Monarch!
Part 3: The Visitors at Castle Bravo
Part 4: Deep Trouble
Part 5: Bonding and Battle in Tokyo
Part 6: The Big Titan Reveal
Part 7: The New Alpha

Part 8: Ditched

56 3 0
By Multi-Relationship12

At the Same Time.

In the VTOL Aircraft.

Mark,Madison,Rick and Ilene,All,Still Sat There,In Their Seats,Waiting for the Aircraft to Arrive,In the City,So,They could pick Up Matthew.

"I can't believe,That,Godzilla lost against That New Titan,So Easily,It doesn't seem Real," Madison mentioned, Disappointedly.

"Well,Considering,How Many Fights,That,Godzilla has Won,In a Row,As of Late,I'd Say,It was Pretty Inevitable," Rick added.

"Stop It,Rick,You're not Helping," Ilene commanded,Angrily,Shoving Rick to the Side,In Frustration.

"Hey,I'm just stating My Opinion,Chen,No Need to get Crabby," Rick retorted,Firmly.

"Yeah,Well,Your Opinion isn't Helping," Ilene shot Back.

"What's the Matter,Doc? Mad,That,Our Lizard lost to Something Else?" Rick wondered.

"For Once,Can't You take Something,Seriously?" Ilene snapped.

"I've taken A Lot of Stuff,Seriously,Chen," Rick pointed Out.

"Ha! As of Recently,I think Not," Ilene stated,Snarkily.

"Would You Two cut It Out," Mark requested.

"Blame Mr. Jerk," Ilene commented,Furiously,as She stood Up,Back on Her Feet,And,Walked Off,Deeper,Into the Plane,So,She could be Alone,For Awhile.

"What has gotten into Her,All of a Sudden?" Rick responded,In an Annoyed Tone,Not liking,How Ilene was Speaking to Him,as He watched Her walk Off,Feeling,Slightly,Content about It,Considering,How He thought,She was treating Him.

"Dad,Maybe,You should talk to Her," Madison suggested.

"Maybe,I should," Mark voiced,Quietly,as He,Then,Stood Up,And,Walked Off,After Chen,To Go talk to Her and See,What was going On.

Back in Tokyo.

"S-So,King of the Monsters,Huh? What did It take to get That Title?" Matthew brought Up.

Godzilla looked Up at Matthew,With his Eyes,While,He just Continued to lay There on the Ground.

"Yeah,You don't want to talk about It,I get It,I get It,I was just Curious," Matthew responded,Casually.

Godzilla closed his Eyes,To get Some Extra Shuteye,While,He waited for the Human to finish getting All of the Debris Off of Him.

"Wow,You've got a Lot of Scales!!" Matthew announced,Ecstatically.

Godzilla rolled his Eyes,In Annoyance,Starting to get Annoyed,From All of Matthew's Talking.

Godzilla had Already been Confused and Conflicted,With This Whole working with a Human Thing,Considering,He had never Done It Before,And,His Talking was Not Helping.

Just Then.

Godzilla thought about Something,That,He hadn't thought About,Before Hand.

He remembered his Rival,Kong,What He was doing,When He had run,Into Him.

Kong was Working with a Small Human,As Well,And,Currently,Godzilla was doing the Exact Same Thing.

The Minute,Godzilla thought about This,He began to Dislike It.

He did not like the Idea of being just like his Rival,And,He definitely was not going to make Peace with It.

He was the King of the Monsters,The Alpha to All Titans,He could not Afford to work with Some Insignificant Human,His Reputation would be Ruined,Not to Mention,How It would Look to the Other Titans,His Pride,It would not Go Well,None of Them would listen to Him Anymore; He needed to do This Alone,He thought to Himself,He didn't need Anyone. 

Godzilla,Then,Set Each of his Hands Down on the Ground,In Front of Him,as He began to push Himself Back Up,Onto his Feet,Not Even Waiting for Matthew,Anymore.

Matthew watched Him put his Hands Down on the Ground,In his Positions,as He looked at It,With Confusion.

Once Godzilla started to Push Himself Back Up,Matthew fell Off of Godzilla's Back,And,Back onto the Ground,On his Face,as Godzilla continued to Rise Up,Back to his Feet.

Godzilla stood Back Up,Onto his Feet,And,Rose Up to his Upright Position,Before,Roaring Out,Into the Sky,Ferociously,Letting All the Titans know,From a Distance,That,He was Not Dead,as Godzilla started to Walk Back towards the Ocean,To catch Up to the New Titan.

Matthew watched Godzilla rise Back Up to his Feet,Roar,And,Begin to Walk Away,as He threw his Hands Up in Confusion,Not getting,What was going On,At the Moment.

The Lizard had Accepted his Offer on Him,Helping Him get his Title and Position Back.

So,His Question was, Why did It seem like He was Ditching Him?

Was Godzilla playing Him the Entire Time? 

Could a Creature like Him Really be That Devious? 

Was the King of the Monsters,Truly,That Mindless Beast,That,Matthew was Blaming Hours Ago?

And his Biggest Question,That,He was Asking Himself was, Was He Right to Blame Him?

"Hey! Wait for Me!!" Matthew shouted as He ran,After Godzilla,Trying to Catch Up to Him,Before,He reached the Ocean.

Godzilla Stomped,Continuously,Towards the Water,Putting One Large Foot,In Front of the Other,Ignoring the Small Human,That,He had Just Left,as He stomped,Right,Into the Shallow Part of the Ocean,Before,Continuing Over to the Deep Part.

Matthew Panted and Panted as He ran for his Life,Attempting to Run the Fastest,That,He had Ever Run,So,He could catch Him,Before,Godzilla had Left to the Deepest Part of the Ocean.


By the Time,Matthew had Ran,Over to the End of the Shoreline,Where He was Hoping to find Him,Godzilla's Large Spikes were Already Disappearing,Into the Ocean.

Matthew feeling Devastated,Fell to his Knees,as His Look of Confusion and Sadness stayed on his Face,While,Panting,And,Watching Godzilla Disappear into the Ocean.

"Why? Why?" Matthew asked,Softly,as He lowered his Head,In Disappointment.


Back on the Aircraft.

Ilene stared at a Large Window,Where She could See,Into the Night Sky,as She,Just stood There,With a Sad Look on Her Face.

Mark,Finally,Finding Her,Walked Over to the Window,Joining Her,At Her Side,as He stood There,Waiting for Her to Talk.

"What are You doing Here?" Ilene wondered,Curiously.

"Oh,Just Checking Up on Ya,You are Usually never This Angry," Mark stated.

"I Know,I Know,I,Probably,Overreacted Over There,But,I,Just couldn't-" Ilene responded,Solemnly.

"Couldn't?" Mark urged.

"Serizawa believed,That,Godzilla was the Key to Our Coexistence with Titans,He Said This,He believed in Him,More than the Rest of Us Did,And,I was starting to believe,That,This Kid was the Key to It,As Well,This Kid could Communicate,Understand, Engage with Titans,More than We could,I thought,But,Now,He- Godzilla's Gone,This New Titan has beaten Him,Because,He was Distracted by a Mere Child,Maybe,Mankind and Nature are,Just not meant to Mix Anymore," Ilene explained.

"Maybe,We're just not There,Yet,Ilene," Mark pointed Out.

"No! No,We're just never going to get There,I was Foolish,I believed in a Fantasy,This is never going to Happen,Again,We need to pull That Kid,Before,He gets too mixed Up in This,And,We can't get Him Out of There. We don't need a Child chasing after a Giant Dangerous Lizard,We don't need Children thinking,That,They can bond with Giant Monsters,Especially,Matthew thinking,That,He's Bonding with Godzilla,I Mean,What the Heck were We Thinking? Ilene elucidated.

"Ilene,Maybe-" Mark was about to Say,Before,He was Interrupted by the PA System,Installed in the Aircraft.

"Dad! We're Here! We're Here,We're in Tokyo!!" Madison declared.

"Doc and Mark,You might wanna Come Back Up Front,We're Close to Matthew's Location," Rick informed.

Mark Sighed,In Disappointment,Realizing,That,He wasn't going to be able to tell Her Anything,as Both Him and Her took Off Running,Back Over to the Cockpit of the Aircraft.


Down on the Beach.

Matthew was Laying There,On the Ground,In the Dark of Night,All by Himself,Waiting for Them to find Him.

The Second,Matthew heard the Aircraft's Noises,He jumped Up,Back,Onto his Feet,as He looked Up to the Sky,Where a Light,Now,Shined Down,Onto Him,Showing Him,That,They knew,He was There.

"Guys! Guys! It's Me! I'm Here I'm Right Here!" Matthew called Out to Them,Waving His Arms,Back and Forth,So,They could see Him,as the Aircraft started to Lower Down,Towards Him.

Matthew jumped Up and Down,In Excitement and Relief,Feeling So Glad,To See Any Humans,In the Current Moment.

He was going to Worry about Godzilla,Later,Currently,He,Just wanted to get Back with the Rest of his Team,Which was Exactly,What He was going to do.

The Aircraft,Then,Lowered Down,Onto the Beach,To Pick Him Up,as They opened the Large Cockpit Door,For Matthew to Enter,Which Matthew was So Glad to Do.

Matthew ran,Right,Into the Aircraft,No Questions Asked,as He was,Immediately,Reunited with Madison.

"Wait,But,Where's-" Madison was About to Ask.

"Godzilla's Gone. He ditched Me," Matthew confessed,Firmly,Knowing,Exactly,What She was Asking,as He,Just gave Her the Answer,While,Having an Angry Face On.

"What?" Mark,Madison,Ilene and Rick responded,At the Same Time,In Surprise.

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