Tough Ice

By cocoloversss

3.6K 97 51

The basis idea for this story is from @.3.talo on tik tok, I give full credit to them. This book is about a f... More

Tough Ice - Introduction
Tough Ice: Chapter 1 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 2 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 3 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 4 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 5 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 6 - Theodore
Tough Ice: Chapter 7 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 8 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 9 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 10 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 11 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 12 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 13 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 14 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 15 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 16 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 17 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 18 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 19 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 20 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 21 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 22 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 23 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chaper 24 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 25 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 26 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 27 - Katerina/Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 28 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 29 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 30 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 31 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 32 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 33 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 34 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 35 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 36 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 37 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 38 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 39 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 40 - Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 41 - Katerina/Valery
Tough Ice: Chapter 42 - Valery *🌶️
Tough Ice: Chapter 43 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 44 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 45 - Valery/Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 46 - Katerina
Tough Ice: Chapter 48 - Katerina

Tough Ice: Chapter 47 - Valery

10 1 0
By cocoloversss

I close the passenger seat door and walk around to my side with my jaw clenched, then I get in and start the car.

Katerina says something, but I can't hear her. She waves her hand infront of my face, and I look at her.

Her mouth moves, but no sound comes out.

"Valery!" I finally hear her shout.
"Yes?" She frowns at me.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm fine."
"I was shouting at you- you couldn't hear me."
"Sorry my love." She frowns again and gets her phone out, and says something in Greek I don't know, so I start the car.

We get to the mall and she gets out of the car angrily.
"Katerina?" I say stepping out of the car.
"What?" I walk over to her and grab her hands.
"I am sorry, I don't know what happened, I just couldn't hear you." She sighs and says another thing in Greek. "What are you saying?"
"Nothing, let's just go in." She walks ahead of me, so I jog behind her and put my arm around her shoulder, and she turns her head away and starts looking at the stores around, and I slowly drop my arm, and grab her hand awkwardly.

She leads me towards sephora and I sigh, but go in with her.

She reaches up for something, and her shirt lifts, that's when I see the bruises.

"Love?" She turns around confused. "You're bruised- so bruised." She looks away and nods. "You weren't that bruised when I picked you up."
"They're bruises Valery, they darken." I sigh and tug her shirt down at the back softly, then grab the thing she was trying to reach.
"This?" She nods softly and takes it from my hand. "Are you mad at me?" She looks into my eyes and sighs.

"You've been acting a little weird all morning- you're distant."
"I am?" She nods, and I run a hand through my hair. "Fuck- I promise I didn't mean to be." I lay a kiss on her forehead. "Sorry sweetheart." She smiles softly.
"It's okay, just don't act like that again." I chuckle softly and rub her back softly. "You know you don't have to be in here."
"I'm not leaving your side. Ever again."
"What about our jobs? Or going to the bathroom here?"
"Well, I'll stay by your side whenever it's physically possible." She laughs softly and walks over to another stand, and starts looking at stuff, then grabs my hand and swipes some sort of makeup across it.

"What are you doing?"
"I'm using your hand as a product tester." I raise an eyebrow. "Please?"
"Okay." She smiles and keeps wiping products on it while I follow her around aimlessly.

She gets to the counter and the worker rings us up, and I see her eyes slightly widen when she sees the price, but goes to pay, so I swipe my card along the pay phone before she can tap her phone, and she looks up at me confused. I watch the lady smirk at me and hands Katerina the bag, then she grins at Katerina. I walk off with her and she stops me. "Why'd you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Cause it's makeup and other shit you don't care about."
"My love I saw you panic when you saw the price, and I would've payed for you regardless."
"I don't want you to." I raise an eyebrow again.
"You're kidding me right?"
"You shouldn't pay for stuff that's not for you."
"Shouldn't, but can." She sighs heavily and I smirk. "Where to next gorgeous?"
"Ralph Lauren?" I nod and she smiles happily and takes me out.

After what I swear is like 5 hours of her shopping and me carrying her bags around, she takes us to the food court.
"Thank god." She turns around to me. "What? I'm hungry." She laughs and sits down at a table, and goes to stand up. "No, you stay here I can still see you from everyone, if I stay, I can't see you, don't move baby." She laughs softly and sits back down. "What do you want? Chipotle? Mcdonald's? Chick-fil-a? Taco Bell?"
"Taco Bell." I nod and kiss her head.
"I'll get your usual love." I walk away, looking back every few seconds and I walk up to Taco Bell and order our food, my eyes not leaving her.

I sit back down and lay her food infront of her, and she smiles, and starts eating, so do I, my eyes darting around, then I look back at her.
"Let's get married." She chokes on her food.
"You heard me. Let's get married."
"We are. We're engaged."
"I mean now, tomorrow, let's get married."
"What? Why?"
"I want to call you my wife."
"Valery- baby- not yet."
"Why?" She sighs softly and grabs my hand.
"Look honey- I love you... but I want a big wedding, I want my family and friends there, that stuff needs planning."
"How soon can you make it?"
"Maybe four months?"
"Let's do it then." She laughs softly.
"How about we wait until after I compete, I'll be too stressed and won't have any time on my plate." I groan.
"Okay love, anything for you."

I just want to marry her.

I'm sick of people not taking her being my fiancée seriously, I just want to call her my wife and be done with it.

I want to wake up every morning knowing I'm married to her, I want to see her face every morning and think about how beautiful she is, and then remember that she's my wife. I want to be able to tell people that this goddess of a woman is my wife.

We get home later and she crashes onto the couch.
"You okay darling?" She perks her head up and grins.
"Yes! My legs are just dead." I chuckle and kneel down infront of her. "It looks like you're proposing again." She giggles softly, and I stare into her beautiful eyes, and kiss her softly. She kisses me back for a few seconds, then pulls away, but I kiss her again. "Valery!" I look down at her annoyed that she cut me off.
"Yes, love?"
"What was that for?" I smirk at her.
"I'm so in love with you." Her eyes flash with surprise, but then she smiles.
"I love you too."
"Glad we've established that but can I go back to kissing that pretty little mouth of yours?" She laughs softly and sits up, and I kiss her again.

Katerina moves her head around on my chest and she slowly moves her hand up to my face, and slowly caresses it.
"If we weren't already engaged, I'd propose to you right now."
"You're only saying that cause you just got laid."
"No I'm not my love." She scoffs.
"Well you're smiling like an idiot." I frown and grab her hand.
"That's because you're so goddamn beautiful."
"Funny you said the same thing while destroying me not 10 minutes ago." I groan and run a hand through my hair and she giggles.
"Just let me express how pretty I think you are please."
"Fine. Only because you asked nicely." I smile and kiss her head.
"Not yet. It's raining outside, I just wanna lie here with you a little longer." I smile at her lovingly.
"Okay sweetheart." I stroke her hair softly and listen to the rain, and she yawns softly and fully presses her face to my chest.

I love her so fucking much.

I get back home after grabbing some food to cook with, and I see her screaming to Taylor Swift in the lounge room, and I smirk and walk over and lean against the wall with my arms crossed.
"Don't call me kid! Don't call me baby! Look at this godforsaken mess- Valery." I grin at her and walk over.
"Hi love. Nice singing." She frowns and whacks me with a pillow.
"Fuck you it's Taylor Swift." I grin wider and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.
"You sang beautifully my darling." She smiles softly. "Like an angel." She groans and walks away.
"You're mean- hey!" I wrap my arms around her waist from the back and spin her around. She laughs softly until I put her down, and she stumbles, dizzy, and I grab her arms. She smiles up at me, and I brush my thumb over her cheek and stare at her face, and I swear I fall in love with her all over again. "What?"
"Nothing." I say softly, and I pick her up by her thighs and let her hook her legs around my torso. I kiss her shoulder. "I love you." I kiss her jawline. "I love you." I kiss her chest. "I love you." I kiss every inch of her face between 'I love you's, and she doesn't ask me to stop. I kiss every inch of her neck and her chest and the parts of her arms I can reach, each with an I love you, in between.


Im so sorry guys wattpad logged me out then I got writers block and I've just been super busy with figure skating and work, but I'll try to upload more cause my ideas are flowing out

Love you all very much have a good day/night

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