Melodies\ a salvis fanfic [𝘿...

By d3ad_b0n3s

633 34 53

"Melodies" follows the journey of Travis, a closeted gay teenager struggling with his own internalized homoph... More

The melodies of the piano
Vivid dreams
when melodies collide
lost in thoughts
Arcade games
Burn Marks
Pancakes and Razor blades
Can men have feelings?
The Party
Encounter of the wolves
It was just a dream
A mark was made
A Hospital Visit
Welcome Home

The melodies of the electric guitar

48 3 2
By d3ad_b0n3s

(hey this is sals pov so i just wanted to say that also im not trying to make sal like a horny fem boy ok so pls dont think he is like that in this fanfic)

Tw: violence/ blood

Tw:alcohol and cigarettes

Tw: assault 

Tw: slurs

 The melodies and tunes of the red electric guitar echoed throughout the room. Sal always got weird looks for liking rock or metal. But something about the sound waves that came from the instrument just gave him a wonderful feeling. It felt like no one could hurt him. He was lost in his own thoughts as he strummed his fingers down the strings making even more sounds. Finally he got tired and slammed his body onto the bed.

He didn't know why he said that question to Travis. Like why would he answer why he was doing the things he did and plus why was it any of Sal's business. Stupid Sal thought to himself. Maybe if he didn't ask such a stupid question Larry and Travis wouldn't have had that fight. Either way they both got into fights and there was no chance Larry would actually get into collage maybe he might get into it for art but Sal didn't want to think too much about that. Sal knew that Lisa was making Larry clean his room and the house. Sal smiled a bit then stopped at the fact that his own mom was absent. When Sal came to Nockfell Travis was just a mysterious guy but Travis still bullied him.

Sal didn't hate Travis. He believed people like Travis could change but his friends disagreed saying he has no heart and how Sal is to forgiveful. Sal always thought he was too soft and felt like he needed to be more muscular or grow more facial hair. The last one was impossible. The only facial hair he had was one eyebrow, the other one was completely gone. To become more masculine he needed to get muscles, that was possible but he had no motivation. He hated how his body was, his stomach was chubby but his legs were skinny. His dad said that he would grow into his body but that never happened like he was 17 now but his dad still uses that excuse. At school kids would tell him he needed to add more of the chubbiness down to his legs. Surprisingly Travis never said anything about it but gave the kids who did it a weird look instead. Those are the only times where Sal feels that Travis is on his side.

He unclipped the prosthetic and threw it on the nightstand. He took out a cigarette to what was left of his lips. He blew out the smoke. Soon the room became foggy with smoke. Sal found the motivation to get up and opened up a window to let the smoke out. He burnt down the cigarette on the window sill until it left a black dot and the cigarette was out.

He sat on the bed. Gizmo jumped onto Sal's lap. "Hey Giz," Sal said in a babyish tone. The orange cat pawed at the blue haired boy's chest and purred as the cat started sleeping on Sal's lap. Sal grabbed Gizmo and placed him at the end of the bed. Sal grabbed one of his sleeping pills and got a cup of water then finally swallowed it. He still stayed up though since the medication never worked so he just stayed up the whole time. Sal saw the sun rise. His eye felt like it was going to burn from the sunlight. Sal looked at the time 6:30. He wished he could go to sleep but his insomnia wouldn't let him. He looked at his closet. He got out a skirt that reached his ankles. He put on a green Sanity's Fall shirt that he got from Larry. It smelt like weed but he did not really care. He slipped on a green denim coat he put on his converse and grabbed his backpack and was out the door.

He entered the bus and sat alone and looked outside. He watched the rain drops race down the window. The bus ride was finally over. He exited the bus and walked into the halls. The halls were silent; only a few people were out by the lockers. He tried looking for his friends but he couldn't find them. He kept searching but didn't find anything, he sighed. He was getting something from his locker when he heard a voice behind him. "Ew you're a boy wearing a skirt isn't that gay" the boy said in a disgusted tone. Sal turned around and rolled his eyes. He didn't care. "Ya but i'm not giving you head plus your dick is probably the size of a needle" Sal replied in an irritated voice. The boy suddenly took his hand and wrapped it around Sal's neck and pinned him to the lockers with a loud bang. "w-woah that's pretty gay" Sal said, coughing on the words. "Nobody likes a fag do you hear me" the boy said in a strong tone. "To be honest I'm pretty sure I do love myself," Sal said. Sal only said that so the guy would get more mad. The boy started to adjust his grip around Sal's neck and made it tighter. Now Sal actually had to do something. He kicked the boy's stomach. The boy immediately dropped him and landed into one of the lockers making a loud sound. Sal ran up to the boy and threw his fist onto the boy's face hard and kept punching. "STOP ARE YOU CRAZY IM BLEEDING" the boy screamed as blood and tears ran down his face. Sal stopped and looked at him clueless. He stared down at the boy, his face had blood all over and his eye was starting to turn purple.

Sal just sat there staring at the boy in pain until he heard a teacher gasp in the background. He felt the women yank his shoulder with exaggerated force. He felt  his head collide with the floor. A wave of pain shook the skull as he flinched. He heard the woman speaking to the other boy but couldn't make out what she was saying. Finally the woman stopped talking to the boy and grabbed Sal's arm tightly until they made it to the principal's office. Both of the boys were in the office. Of course the woman was bandaging the other boy's face but didn't care for the huge bruise forming on Sal's neck. The principal walked in. immediately the woman was crying and it turned out the boy was her nephew. Sal knew he was going to be in deep shit. "What's your side of the of the story Mr. fisher" the principle asked "he called me a faggot and choked me" Sal said and showed the black and blue forming on his neck. The principal nodded "well that's not Mr. Graves' side of the story" said in a stern voice. "So I need you to tell the actual story," the principal said. "Don't you see the bruise forming on my fucking neck" Sal said. "Language Fisher" the principle said in a soulless voice. Sal went silent.

"He probably used make-up" the boy hissed, the woman gave a weird look at Sal. Sal just sat looking down at the ground. His blue hair fell over his shoulders. The room was just silent until the women begged the principal to clean the so-called make-up off Sal's neck. The principal nodded and told Sal to clean it off. He rolled his only eye and got up from the chair and walked to the boys bathroom. He got his neck wet to show that he tried to get it off and walked out of the bathroom but stopped when he saw the woman standing in the door. Sal's eyes widened and tried getting out of her way. The woman stopped him by grabbing the collar of his shirt. She pulled it hard, making Sal choke. "W-what are you doing?" Sal stuttered. The woman bent him over and dunked his head into the sink. She turned the sink on. Sal cringed when the cold water met his neck. "Lets get that make-up off you" the woman said with a orotund voice. "STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING LET GO OF ME" Sal shrieked. But there was nothing he could do. The woman's grip was tight. "Why is it not getting off" the woman said "because it isn't make-up" Sal said practically crying now. "Shut up FAGGOT" she said emphasizing the cruel word at the end. "What's going on in here?" the principal yelled. "Miss. Harper what are you doing" the principal asked."It's not looks like sir" 'Miss. Harper said in a worried voice. Sal crawled up in a ball in the corner and cried. "He wanted me to help wash off sir" the woman said,her voice still shaky. The principal looked at the woman and back at Sal. he raised one eyebrow. "Miss. Harper you're fired, get out" he said calmly "b-but sir" she said "GET OUT" the principal interrupted.

"Sal, come with me," he said. Sal got up and followed the man into his office. The principal sat down on his chair. Sal sat across from him, "so you will be suspended for 2 days" the man said. The grave's boy gave a sickly smirk. Sal didn't care at all as long as he got to go home he did not give a shit. "But sir what will I get?" grave's said in a soft, annoying voice. You can eat shit Sal muttered and the boy gave an offended look."What was that Fisher?" the principal asked "nothing sir" Sal said in a silent voice. "I'm going to call your dad ok Fisher" he said "ok" sal said. He heard the man talk to his father on the phone. Finally he hangs up "your dad is coming here" the principal said in a dead tone. Sal just nodded in response. He scratched at the black nail polish on his nails as he waited, making the paint chipped. Someone knocks on the office door "oh must be him" the principal said with a faint smile. The principal opened the door letting the father in. The putrid smell of alcohol filled up the room, Henry's hair was greasy while his clothes were stained with mysterious liquids. The principal gave an uneasy look. Cmon Sal he said in a drunk voice. Sal got up and went with his father as they walked down the hall.

"Dad, should you be driving?" Sal asks. Henry just mumbles something. Luckily the ride home was safe. They got out of the car and walked into the apartment. Sal entered his room and sat on the bed.

words: 1777

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