Wallace, Y/n and Gromit

By soulfox1305

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One adult, one teen and one dog head for exciting adventures in their path. More

A Grand Day Out
The Wrong Trousers
A Close Shave
Cracking Contraptions
A Matter Of Loaf And Death
Curse of the Were-Rabbit
Breakfast, Invention
Tottington hall, BunVac6000
Mind Manipulation-omatic, Vegetables Eaten
Aftermath, The Were-Rabbit
Hutch, Transformation
A Golden Bullet, Shocking Truth
The Harvest Festival
Saving Wallace, Rabbit Sanctuary

Return of the Robot

224 7 6
By soulfox1305

G/n = Grandson name

S/n = Son name

M/f = Museum friend

W/n = Wife name

S/n = Street name

R/n = Road name

M/n = Mansion name

Two doors open revealing a dark room then a light turns on revealing the BunVac6000 passing it for a light to turn on revealing the Mind Manipulation-omatic with a chair under it and objects around going to the right near the wall the light turns on revealing the Bread-O-Gunner aiming at targets with holes in the centre.

Near the targets a pair of doors open going inside turning right lights turn on revealing the Soccamatic aiming at a goal with tubes in area's and a few soccer balls are on the floor passing it for a light to turn on revealing the 525 Crackervac with a table filled with crackers next to it going to the left near the middle of the room a light turns on revealing a dummy wearing the Bully Proof Vest the boxing glove comes out.

Right behind it in the centre of the room a light turns on revealing a table with the Turbo Dinner hovering over it near the wall the light turns on revealing the Snoozeatron the hatch opens in front of the bed and the Snoozeatron against the wall moving along the wall the light turns on revealing Shopper 13 at the front with the other 12 different Shopper behind it.

Behind them the doors open going inside going forward lights turn on revealing the Snowmanotron in a glass cube for snow falling showing a snowman next to it passing it to the left lights turn on revealing shields around the AutoChef with fresh plates on the floor near the shields.

Moving to the right the lights turn on revealing the Christmas Cardomatic facing a window, moving to the left a pair of doors open going to a wall the lights turn on revealing the Tellyscope with a few couches and chairs facing it the TV turn on showing the Cheese Files passing it lights turn on revealing the Knit-O-matic.

Passing it to the left the lights turn on revealing the Techno Trousers with a mark in front of it passing it to the right the lights turn on revealing the Bed Waker tilted up to a hatch that's open slowly moving away from them to a pair of doors open going inside in the dark room slowly moving forward to see a round platform then two large hatches open revealing the moon and the moonlight shines on something big on the platform the lights turn on revealing the Moon Rocket.

Inside a home in the living room lying on the floor is a boy with h/c watching TV watching a show walking into the room is S/n who ask "G/n still watching TV" Nodding keeping his eye on it G/n said "Year my favourite show is on" Suddenly the channel change "Hey" It showed the news the Reporter said "We interrupt this program for a special report".

S/n sits on a chair behind G/n who said "Turn it back" Smiling the Reporter said "The great Inventor Y/n L/n has decide to make an announcement" Leaning forward S/n ask "Dad's making an announcement" Leaning up on his elbow's G/n ask "What is he going to say" The Reporter said "We go live on the museum".

The screen shows the Museum to see reporters and civilians standing at the stairs looking at a lectern talking to one another until the doors open and using a cane to walk out is Y/n L/n with grey hair wearing a jacket that's open revealing a tie and white button shirt and long black pants with black shoes standing at the top the civilians cheer and photographers snap photos.

Joining Y/n is a Golden Retriever name Gromit the 5th who looks to Y/n who pat him before walking down the stairs and Gromit joins him until they the lectern as S/n and G/n stare at the TV watching Y/n put the cane on the side holding it making everyone go quiet.

Y/n stares at them for a moment with a frown before giving a smile he said "Hello everyone" He turn his head "I welcome you all to this announcement that I am about to give you all will shock you" Everyone murmuring to one another while G/n ask "What will he say that would shock everyone dad"?

G/n look to S/n who shrugs at him before leaning back in his chair he said "I don't son but whatever he says would be surprising" He takes a sip of water as G/n looks back to the screen Y/n who said "I have decided to do something that I haven't done since my uncle and his dog Gromit for something that we didn't have".

A reporter raises her hand noticing Y/n ask "Yes" Gromit looks to the Female Reporter who ask "What was it that you did" Slowly smiling Y/n said "Something we did together" He looks down to Gromit who looks up to him "I have decided to go somewhere with my dog Gromit and a few others" Another Reporter raise his hand he said "Will your museum be close".

Shaking his head Y/n said "No the museum will still be open for everyone to see the inventions I did with my uncle" He raise his hand "Now will everyone will please be quiet" No one speaks making Y/n smile "I have decided to go to the moon" Shocking everyone one including Gromit, S/n and G/n hearing that "I will be taking Gromit, my son and grandson with me thank you".

Reporters try to ask questions as Y/n grab his cane "Come on, Gromit" Gromit turn and follows Y/n up the stairs entering the museum closing the door while G/s and S/n both look to one another shocked suddenly the phone rings surprising them S/n grabs the phone he said "Hello, dad" G/n gets up and sits on the couch "Yeah, we watch it".

S/n nods his head "Okay" He leans back listening "When will it come" G/n tries to listen but was push back "Okay we'll be there thanks love you too" He ends the call G/n ask "What did he say" Looking to him S/n said "We're going to see Y/n and he's sending a limo" Shocked G/n ask "A limo" Nodding S/n said "We better pack".

Now S/n and G/n in a limo heading on a road passing buildings until they reach a mansion the gate opens for the limo to go through heading for the door to see Y/n and Gromit standing there watching them arrive the limo stops the driver gets out and walk over to the door opening it for G/n and S/n to climb out.

Y/n smiles to see them waving his hand S/n said "Hi dad" Smiling G/n said "Hi grampa" He looks to Gromit "Hello, Gromit" Gromit wave to them and Y/n said "Come here you two" S/n and G/n walk to Y/n who hugs them, and they hug back before breaking "Hope the ride was smooth when you came here".

Laughing S/n said "You didn't have to do that" Looking at him in shocked G/n ask "Are you crazy" He motions the limo "Riding in a limo was a dream for me" Chuckling Y/n said "Let's go inside and have some breakfast" He turns entering the house with S/n following him while G/n looks to Gromit who looks to him he said "Better catch up" He pat his head gently before entering with Gromit next to him.

The couple of servants took the luggage and take them to their allocated room as Y/n, Gromit, S/n and G/n all sit down eating their f/l talking to one another "Grampa Y/n" Looking up Y/n ask "Yes, G/n" Lowering his fork G/n ask "What made you decide to go to the moon" Moving his gaze Y/n said "I felt that I like to go back to it again".

He looks at the glass roof showing the sky "To see the moon one last time before I retire" That caught their attention especially Gromit looking to Y/n confuse S/n ask "Retire" Smiling looking to his son Y/n said "I decided to retire and spend my time here" Getting up G/n ask "What about the museum" Not losing his smile Y/n said "I'll visit there time for time".

A butler walk over and he leans down to Y/n who tilt his head for the butler to mutter in his ear Y/n nods motioning him to leave Gromit watch the butler leave the room then to Y/n who stands up "I have some things to do" He grab his cane and walks over to Gromit "Show my son and grandson around, Gromit" Y/n pat his head before leaving the room.

A few hours later nighttime arrived G/n, Gromit and S/n are sitting at the couches watching tv then Y/n enters the room S/n said "Come to join us, dad" Shaking his head Y/n said "It's time for us to go" Confusing them G/n ask "Go where" Smiling Y/n said "To the moon" He turns waving his arm "Follow me you three".

Y/n leaves the room Gromit, S/n and G/n follow him out of the living room walking down the hallway making a few turns before reaching an elevator Y/n press a few buttons for the door to open "This way" He enters S/n, Gromit and G/n enter in front of him "Press the button, Gromit" Gromit press the only button for the elevator to go down.

Looking to his grampa G/n ask "Where are we going, Grandad" Smiling at him Y/n said "You'll see" The elevator dings G/n, Gromit and S/n look forward to watch the door open revealing a silver rocket that looks like the one in the museum S/n, Gromit and G/n stare in awe while Y/n smiles "What do you think" Walking forward S/n said "It's amazing" Joining him G/n said "It looks like the one in the museum".

Gromit walks forward looking at it with Y/n said "Yes because I kept the blueprints that Uncle Wallace made to create his rocket and updated it" He walks forward to it "Come along you three" Gromit, S/n and G/n follow Y/n across the platform before entering the rocket they look around it S/n ask "How long did take you to build this"?

Smiling walking up the steps Y/n said "A couple years" He turns to them "Finding parts for this are hard these days" Y/n turns back and walks up the steps with S/n, Gromit and G/n following him until they reach the cockpit "Please sit in your allocated seats" G/n and S/n sit behind Y/n and Gromit who notice it's the pilot seat.

Gromit looks to Y/n who notice "Gromit the 1st flew the rocket" He points at him "Now it is your turn to fly it" Y/n sits in his seat putting his goggles on and seatbelts on, G/n and S/n put their seatbelts on while Gromit slowly sits on his getting the controls ready G/n said "Should we open the hatch" Gromit press a button.

Meanwhile the ground on the field begins to open showing the rocket as Y/n's servants are eating with the chefs but they notice this and decided to go back to eating their dinner talking to one another while S/n said "10 seconds to launch" Gromit press a few buttons and pull a lever for the screen to show 10 before counting down.

Gromit looks forward, G/n moves a bit, S/n holds his armrest and Y/n begins to smile when the timer went 1 the rocket begins to shake but not leaving G/n ask "Is this supposed to happen" Y/n looks to Gromit who notice and begins to think then spots a blue lever he snap his fingers then pulls it for the rocket to leave the basement into the sky.

Y/n close his eyes listening, Gromit leans back into his chair, G/n cheers "THIS IS AWESOME, GRAMPA" Holding onto the chair tightly S/n yells "DAAAAAAAD" The rocket leaves Earth heading for the moon, but the rocket was spiralling and Gromit notice and press a green but for the rocket to stabilise flying forward.

Smiling Y/n said "S/n head down the stairs and the first door to the right of them" Hearing that S/n quickly unstrap himself and leaves the cockpit "G/n if you go downstairs there is another door to a gaming room" Hearing that G/n ask "Gaming room" Y/n smiles looking to G/n who unstrap himself and runs out of the room leaving Y/n and Gromit in the cockpit.

They look to one another Y/n ask "Photo" He pulls out a camera and Gromit nods walking over sitting next to Y/n who aims the camera at them and snaps a photo of them together, snaps a photo of G/n playing an arcade game, snaps a photo of G/n celebrating at a high score, snaps a photo of S/n opening the door wiping his mouth.

Snaps a photo of S/n smile not noticing G/n sneaking up behind him, snap a photo of S/n chasing G/n trying to pull his pants up showing paw prints, snaps a photo of Gromit eating, snaps a photo of Y/n reading a book, snaps a photo of G/n face smashed into a cake by S/n who smirks, snaps a photo of Y/n laughing, Gromit chuckling, and G/n throwing cake at S/n, snaps a final photo of G/n, Y/n, Gromit and S/n all smiling.

Now they are sitting in the cockpit seeing the moon S/n said "There it is" Jumping up and down in his seat G/n said "I can't wait" Gromit press a few buttons and holds the controls Y/n said "Steady, Gromit" He furrow his brow turning the control then push for the rocket to go up Gromit press a purple button for the rocket to land.

The ramp lowers hitting the surface for Gromit, Y/n, S/n and G/n to see this they walk down the ramp stepping on the ground "It's been a long time" Looking around S/n ask "So why are we here" Gromit looks at the ground while Y/n pulls out a remote and press a button for a jeep to roll down "When was this in here" Getting in Y/n said "Before you two arrived".

He sits in the driver seat "Come on you three" G/n sits in the passenger seat as Gromit and S/n sit behind them "Let's take a little ride" Y/n drives the jeep away from the rocket passing hills and craters looking around S/n said "Dad, stop the jeep" Y/n does so looking to him he ask "What is it" Pointing S/n said "Over there".

Y/n looks to see a burnt mark on the ground in the distance he smiles turning the jeep in the direction passing small craters and stops G/n ask "What made this" Smiling Y/n said "The moon rocket that Gromit, Uncle Wallace and I went in and land here" Gromit taps Y/n pointing for him to see a piece of metal "Good job, Gromit" He press a button for a mechanical arm to come out.

It reaches over and grabs the piece of metal before coming back strapping it to the back G/n ask "What's this, Grampa" Pressing the pedal for the jeep to drive forward Y/n said "An old piece of the moon rocket" He moves a few turns then G/n spots something in the distance he said "Grandad, there" Y/n looks, and he begins to smile brightly.

He turns the jeep surprising them noticing the jeep going faster going over a few bumps' S/n said "You're going a bit fast, dad" Holding tightly G/n ask "Was it something I said" Gromit gulps holding on looking to Y/n who turns the wheel making the jeep turn to a stop.

G/n, S/n and Gromit all groan but seeing Y/n looking forward they follow his gaze to see a white machine with an antenna on top, two arms holding sticks, a coin slot with a time next to it, four dials, a large compartment, three wheels under it with two pieces of metal bent over two side wheels and looking like skies it in front of them is the Robot.

Y/n gets out grabbing his cane and walks over to the Robot placing his hand on its head getting out S/n ask "What is this, dad" Staring at it Y/n said "This is what Wallace, Gromit and I met for a brief moment here on the moon" Walking over Gromit looks at the Robot while G/n gets out walking over to it he ask "Does it work"?

Nodding Y/n said "Yes" He points at the coin slot "You put some money in the slot and it the timer activates given the amount of money" Gromit pat Y/n who looks to him "Yes, Gromit" He points at the metal S/n said "What's up with the metal and sticks this Robot has" Looking at it before bending down G/n said "It looks like it made it into skies".

Gromit, S/n and G/n look to Y/n who sighs turning around looking to earth he said "Apparently the Robot found out about our rocket and wanted to come with us" Y/n turns to them "So he tried to hitch a ride with the moon rocket by cutting the metal that we picked up not long ago" Listening G/n ask "What happen next"?

Smiling Y/n said "I forgot to light the fuse for the rocket to leave" Looking to him S/n ask "Did you manage to get away" Walking to the jeep Y/n said "When we got back apparently the Robot accidently lit the fuel sending us up into the air and itself a further distance from the rocket" He press a couple of buttons.

Two metal arms come out and stretch over grabbing the Robot and lift it to bring it over to the jeep Gromit walks over with G/n who ask "Why does the robot have the metal that looked like skies" The arms place the Robot on the back of the jeep strapping it down Y/n said "After we took off Gromit, Wallace and I look to see it use the metal begin skiing across the hills".

He climbs into the driver seat "It waved to us, and we waved back watching it continue skiing until we went out of sight" G/n, S/n and Gromit climb into the jeep strapping in and Y/n drives the jeep away from the area "But I decided to one day that I can come back and bring the Robot to earth so it can continue skiing".

They reach the rocket driving it up the ramp G/n ask "So are we going home" Shaking his head Y/n said "Not yet" He looks to Gromit "Can you pull that lever please, Gromit" Gromit nods walking over to a lever and pulls it for three doors to open Gromit, G/n, and S/n looked shocked but Y/n smiles to see three robots.

Two that look like Y/n and Wallace the 3rd robot looks like Gromit they took a few steps forward staring in awe S/n ask "What are they, dad" Walking forward Y/n said "Say hello to Y/n, Wallace and Gromit the 1st" He press a button on Gromit's head for it to open revealing circuit board and a USB port Y/n inserts it in then Gromit's eyes turn green then went to white and black looking around.

Y/n pulls the USB out and close the head Gromit looks to Y/n who pats him then he notices Gromit the 5th who blinks they stare at one another "Gromit the 1st meet Gromit the 5th" Both Gromit and Gromit the 5th wave to one another slowly "This is my son and grandson" Waving G/n said "Hello, Gromit" Smiling S/n said "Nice to meet you".

Gromit wave to them before seeing Y/n walk behind Wallace and press a button for a hatch on the back of the neck opens revealing the circuit board and a USB port he inserts it then Wallace's eyes turn green then went to white and black he looks around Wallace ask "Where are we" He notice S/n and G/n "Who are you two" Suddenly he felt the hatch close.

Wallace turns around to see Y/n "Y/n is that you" Smiling Y/n said "Hello, Uncle Wallace" Looking at him Wallace said "You grown up" Laughing a bit Y/n said "Yes I have" Pointing behind Wallace ask "Who are they" Placing a hand Y/n said "Uncle Wallace meet my son S/n and my grandson G/n" Holding both hands out Wallace said "It's good to meet you two".

Grabbing one hand S/n said "Nice to meet you too" Shaking his other hand G/n said "It's great to meet you" Looking around noticing Gromit and Gromit the 5th shaking his head Wallace said "Gromit" They look to him Y/n said "Uncle meet Gromit the 5th" Staring in shocked Wallace said "Oh eck".

Wallace turns around to Y/n "What's going on here" Raising a hand Y/n said "G/n, S/n why don't you two show Wallace and Gromit" Nodding G/n said "Follow us" Smiling S/n said "I think you're going to be shocked" Wallace and Gromit follow them while Gromit the 5th looks to Y/n who turns to robot Y/n.

Meanwhile G/n and S/n stop at the ramp for Wallace and Gromit to see the moon Wallace said "Oh, Gromit" They stare at it in shocked Wallace walks forward with Gromit joining him "It's been a while since we come here" G/n and S/n stare at them Y/n said "And you will be staying here" Wallace and Gromit turn to G/n and S/n who both turn to see Y/n walking with Gromit the 5th by his side.

Confuse Wallace ask "What do you mean, nephew" Walking down the ramp Y/n said "I remember you told me that the moon is made of cheese" He stops in front of them "So I created you and Gromit for you to try what type of cheese that the moon has" Wallace still shocked "Say, knife and plate" Staring Wallace said "Knife, plate".

Suddenly his right hand goes inside his arm for a knife to come out "Oh eck" Then his chest opens for a plate to come out Y/n said "Now you don't have to worry about dishes" Slowly smiling Wallace said "We can try any cheese" Smiling Y/n said "But you and Gromit won't be alone" Suddenly a Voice said "We're on the moon again".

Wallace and Gromit look at the rocket as Y/n turns looking pass G/n and S/n who both turn to see robotic Y/n standing on top of the ramp before walking down "This is great" He notice S/n and G/n "Son, grandson" Y/n place his hands on their shoulder before noticing Y/n and walk up to him they stare at one another robotic Y/n stare at Y/n "Your robotic memory plan worked".

Smiling Y/n said "Yes it did" Confuse S/n ask "Memory plan, what is he talking about" Wallace, Gromit, Gromit the 5th, G/n and S/n look to robotic Y/n and Y/n who said "Before, Gromit and Wallace pass on I had them use my invention a Memory Storer" He takes a deep breath "I use it to store their memories so that I can put them inside them".

Y/n motions Wallace, Gromit and himself "So that they can enjoy their time here" He motions the moon "Tasting new cheeses or Wensleydale" That made Wallace lick his lips he said "I think we better get going, lads" Gromit nods and smiling Y/n said "There's a lot of cheese to try" With that Wallace, Y/n and Gromit all turn and begin to walk not without waving to G/n, S/n, Gromit the 5th and Y/n who all wave back.

Turning around Y/n said "Time to go home" He enters the rocket with G/n, Gromit and S/n following him they walk up the ramp that closes behind them as they sit at their seats G/n ask "So where to" Smiling Y/n said "Gromit set coordinates to Mansion M/n, St/n, R/n" Nodding Gromit press a button for the rocket to leave while Wallace, Gromit and Y/n watch them go eating cheeses.

The rocket lands in the basement and the hatches closes the ramp lowers for G/n and S/n to walk down G/n said "That was the most awesome adventure ever" Smiling S/n said "You got that right, son" Watching them Y/n said "Gromit take them to their rooms" Gromit nods walking over to them and motion them to follow S/n ask "What are you doing, dad"?

Smiling Y/n said "I have things to do, son" S/n follows Gromit and G/s to the elevator that opens they enter before the door closes behind them as Y/n gets in the jeep driving it off the ramp pressing a button for the hands to take the Robot off the jeep and gently placing it on the ground while Y/n get out and place his cane on the table before grabbing his toolbox "Let's get to work".

A few weeks later Y/n and Gromit are standing in front of a door with reporters and customers "Ladies and gentlemen I apricate you coming to welcome to a new exhibit" Y/n looks to Gromit who nods opening the door for everyone to stare in awe to see a tall mountain that has snow on it with trees "I present you the Ski Mountain 10,000".

Y/n motion them to come "It is built for a special person that wanted to ski but never gets a chance" He raise his hand "Before anyone ask" Y/n points to the right for everyone to see an adult and kid's version "That's for the adult and kids if they want to try" He walks over to the Robot "The Ski Mountain 10,000 if for this Robot".

He pulls a card out and swipe it into the Robot and press a button for the timer to went 100p for the arms to move and stretch looking around then notice Y/n who bends down "Do you remember me" The Robot recognise him and grab his shoulder with one arm and point up with the other "There's no need for that".

Y/n turns the Robot who notice the Ski Mountain 10,000 "This is what you wanted, right" The Robot stares moving over the reporter's flash cameras at them "Over here, Robot" Robot turns to Y/n who waves over to a pair of skies the Robot rolls over and Y/n help connect it then the conveyor went up taking the Robot who stares forward.

Everyone watch the Robot reach the top holding two ski sticks and moves facing down looking at everyone "Give it a try, Robot" Slowly the Robot push the stick and begins to go down mountain then Y/n press a button for the hill to go up and the Robot begins to do tricks making everyone cheer "This is for it to try and have a great time" Gromit sits next to Y/n who pat his head watching the Robot skiing his dream.

As time goes by the museum rating has increase with the Robot joining thanks to Y/n who is living in his mansion with Gromit by his side S/n, W/n, and G/n do come by and visit them to celebrate the holidays.

Later the night Y/n is in his bed the maid puts the blanket over then Gromit walks over for Y/n to pat his head "Good night, Gromit" Gromit stares at him before walking over to Y/n radio turning the dial for f/s/m leaving while Y/n rest his head on the pillow "Sleep well" The maid leaves and Gromit turns back to watch Y/n sleep before closing the door.

The next morning the alarm clock rings for Gromit to wake up he sits up stretching before getting out of his bed leaving the room Gromit walks through the hallway the maids and butlers greeted him when he passes them Gromit waves before walking down the stairs entering the dining table, he stops to see it empty.

Gromit confused not seeing Y/n there he turns and walks to the stairs looking up expecting him to come down a Bulter walks over to him he ask "Something wrong, Master Gromit" He looks to him and back before walking up the stairs with the Butler following him, they make a few turns and stops outside Y/n's room.

The Butler walks up to the door and knocks "Master Y/n" He didn't get a respond Butler looks to Gromit who walks to the door and slowly opens it hearing the music he and the Butler look to see Y/n lying on his bed concern Gromit walks over to him and gently shake Y/n who didn't respond he shakes again.

Walking over to the bed "Let me see, Master Gromit" Gromit moves to the side for the Butler to lean over "Master Y/n" He didn't get a respond the Butler place two fingers on his neck before his eyes widen a bit then let's go and turns to Gromit "Master Gromit, Master Y/n's still sleeping" Gromit looks to him "Would you kindly keep him company" Gromit nods staying by Y/n's side.

Meanwhile S/n, W/n and G/n are having breakfast G/n said "It was amazing next time you're coming with us mum" Chuckling W/n said "Tempting as it is but I can't since my boss has me do a double shift" Looking at her S/n ask "Again" Nodding W/n said "I'm afraid so" Sighing leaning back G/n said "That sucks, mum".

Still eating W/n said "That's life son when you graduate from school" Suddenly the phone rings catching their attention S/n ask "I wonder who that could be" He gets up and walks over to the phone and picks it up "Hello L/n residence".

On the other line is the Butler who said "Hello Master S/n this is your father's butler" Walking over to the door Gromit leans out a bit "I'm afraid I have some sorrow news" Gromit stares as S/n listens before his eyes widen, he ask "You're joking right" W/n and G/n look to Son while Gromit's eyes widen at the Butler who said "I'm afraid not".

Slowly Gromit move away from the door walking over to the bed looking at Y/n's peaceful look Gromit begins to sniff as tears swell up in his eyes, he put his head on Y/n's chest and begins to cry holding the blanket while the Butler ends the call and walks over to the door, he stops to see Gromit crying over Y/n's chest making him realise Gromit heard him.

Meanwhile S/n puts the phone down W/n ask "Is something wrong honey" Taking a deep breath S/n walk over to the table and sits down he said "I have some bad news" He reach over taking W/n and G/n hands making them look at him "Father's dead" Shocking them G/n ask "This is a joke, right dad" But S/n frowns and tears begins to swell in his eyes.

Gripping his hand W/n ask "Have they learned when he" Shaking his head S/n said "I was told that they would let me know in a few weeks" Tears falling from his eye's G/n said "He can't be" S/n and W/n get up and walk over to him hugging G/n who cries about the news of his grandfather.

A few weeks later S/n, W/n and G/n learned that Y/n passed away in his sleep at midnight now they are sitting in a room with friends and family attending along with Y/n's business partners, Gromit sits next G/n who is still crying, and the M/f attended standing up an Executor clears his throat.

Everyone goes quiet looking at the Executor who said "Thank you for coming as most of you know that Y/n L/n has passed away in his sleep" Everyone frowns "But he has decided to have his will spoke by himself" He picks up the remote "Please be quiet while he speaks" The Executor press the remote for the TV to turn on.

Its statics for a moment before showing Y/n sitting on his chair holding his cane smiling he said "Hello to all that have attended to my will reading" Everyone stares at the screen "Let's begin shall we my friends" Y/n leans in his chair "First I like to give one of my items to a friend..." Slowly items have been given to people that were happy.

A woman looks at the statue she smiles as two men took it with her following "...may it help you and your family honour" Y/n smiles "Now for the museum" That got the M/f "I will give it to my friend who has been working with me since he gave me the idea to show my inventions M/f" He smiles "Just try not to destroy it".

That made everyone chuckling as M/f chuckles nervously rubbing his head "And now time for my family" S/n, W/n, Gromit, and G/n holds their hands "For my son I give you and your wife my mansion and the half of the fortunes in the vault while a ¼ of it goes to charity and the other ¼ to my grandson when he comes of age".

S/n, W/n and G/n smile "For Gromit the 5th" Gromit looks to him "I leave you these books" The Butler push a trolley with hundred books on top of it a book said 'Electronic for dogs volume 1' Gromit stares at it "An entire collection that Gromit has read and I bought when he is still alive are now yours and you will be staying with my family".

Gromit sniffs a bit G/n put his arm around him "And finally to my grandson..." G/n looks to Y/n who smiles more "...I leave you something far more precious than anything I ever had..." A man walks over to him with a rectangular box "...I have kept these in my possession, and you have seen me wear them..." The man opens it revealing Y/n's goggles "...my goggles that I've been wearing them to make inventions".

G/n takes them "We're them and if possible to make an invention with Gromit" Gromit looks at them "If you want to" Y/n hold his cane with both hands "Thank you for listening to my will and hope you all enjoy the gifts I have given you" He smiles before the screen statics the Executor stands about to talk until the screen came back on revealing Y/n "One more thing".

Everyone stares at the screen "Gromit" Gromit looks at him "Take good care of my family will you and keep an eye on G/n he gets a little mischief" He winks before the screen turns static as Gromit looks to G/n who looks to him.

Later that night Gromit walks to the stairs before noticing G/n walking down the hallway curious Gromit follows him until he reaches the elevator pressing the code for the doors to open quickly Gromit runs while G/n turns only to get tackled by Gromit onto the floor just as the door closes sitting up G/n ask "What are you doing, Gromit"?

Sitting up Gromit points at G/n "You're curious about what I'm doing" Gromit nods and G/n stands up and the elevator doors open he walks out with Gromit following him down some steps to a bench with tools, blank paper and computers G/n and Gromit look to one another "You ready to make our first invention, Gromit"?

Gromit nods and gets everything ready as G/n pulls out the chairs they sit down "So let's get working" G/n put his grandfather's goggles on and begins to draw plans on the paper and Gromit turns the computer on looking through it while a ghost of Wallace and Gromit stare at them with a smile then Y/n appears between them he smiles before all three disappear into the afterlife.

A picture of Wallace with brown hair and a moustache holding a cake to Gromit who is a puppy.

A picture of a six-year-old Y/n holding Gromit who licks his face and Wallace place his hand on his shoulder smiling.

A picture of Wallace, Y/n and Gromit all smiling.

A picture of Y/n, Fluffles and Gromit all smiling.

A picture of Y/n and N/n at their wedding smiling with a poodle name Gromit the 2nd.

A picture of Y/n standing by N/n who is lying on her bed holding S/n with Gromit the 2nd all smiling.

A picture of Y/n working on an invention with a Basenji name Gromit the 3rd.

A picture of Y/n and Gromit the 3rd standing in front of the museum.

A picture of 18-year-old S/n standing in front of his school with Y/n, N/n, and a German Shepard Gromit the 4th smiling with him.

A picture of S/n, and W/n at their wedding with Gromit the 4th all smiling.

A picture of Y/n, S/n, W/n, and Gromit the 4th standing in front of the mansion M/n all smiling.

A picture of Golden Retriever name Gromit the 5th with Y/n, N/n, S/n, and W/n who holds baby G/n in her arms all smile.

A picture of G/n wearing his goggles and Gromit the 5th holding Volume 58 smiling together.

G/n and Gromit are on the soccer field behind the mansion on G/n feet is a pair of boots he said "Okay, ready, Gromit" Gromit nods standing by the controls "Okay, first invention the Jet Boots" G/n nods to Gromit who press a button for the boots to activate surprising G/n "Whoa" He wave his arms going up about a feet into the air "So far so good".

He spins in the air a bit "Going to try go forward" G/n tilt the boots back to go forward for a few metres "Okay, coming back" He tilt the boots forward going backwards to the spot before stopping "How are the levels, Gromit" Gromit looks to see the levels are in the green making him give a thumbs up to G/n who nods.

G/n turns facing the mansion to see parents watching "What do you think, mum, dad" Raising her hands W/n yells "Be careful" Giving a thumbs up S/n yells "You're living up to your grandpa's legacy" Smiling G/n yells "Oh, we are" He turns to Gromit making a cut the power and Gromit does so making G/n land on the grass "I say that was a success for our first attempt" Gromit nods.

He went over to G/n and help him take the Jet Boots off holding them in their hands "We should make some adjustments for them" Gromit nods looking at the boot he's holding "Once that's done, we can start working on making some jet boots for you" Shaking his head Gromit looks to G/n who smiles "I don't want you to be left out".

Gromit blinks a bit then nods "How about we get some food to eat before we go back to work" That made Gromit nod and they turn heading for the mansion taking the boots and the controls "Gromit my old pal this is going to a fun adventure" Gromit nods while they enter the mansion but suddenly something bounce on top the mansion before bouncing on the field then bounces towards the goal revealing to be a polka dotted soccer ball rolling forward entering the goal.

That's it for my Wallace and Gromit stories hope you all enjoy them.

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