The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

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After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
He's Back
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under

A Day At The Beach

92 7 6
By IStoleTime

Chapter 26!

A Day At The Beach 

14th of October 2022- The Ministry, Los Angeles 

The third final part of Papa Emeritus IV's Imperatour passed by quickly, he soon returned to the Los Angeles Ministry. His worldwide tour was now complete, his success alone had brought much wealth and popularity to the satanic band. The Clergy were now on the right path for their world domination plan.

Sister Imperator welcomed her little Cardi home with open arms, she was pleased with his progress. His duties as her frontman were paying off, but his Papa duties were far from over even though he wasn't touring until next year. He had many meetings and training to complete, the next few months weren't going to be easy for Papa Emeritus IV. Mr Saltarian's presence was felt more at the Ministry, he was always creeping around the unholy church. He was going to help Copia with some unknown future event, he had made it clear more than once that the newest Papa Emeritus had to be ready for whatever comes next. This is why he had arranged a weekend away with Copia, Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil. They had things to discuss, it would be a working weekend at his Malibu beach house.

Albany was in her dorm room, she was busy packing an overnights bag. She was planning to join her Clergy family at Mr Saltarian's beach house this evening. She had stayed behind while Copia drove his superiors to Malibu, she had a couple of last minute errands to run for Sister Imperator before she drove to the beach house. Folding her nightwear Albany's attention was caught by mobile phone, it was vibrating and ringing away on her dressing table. She immediately went to answer it and held it against her ear, her voice soon pierced the silence of her dorm room.

" Hello." She said.

" Hi, hello!" 

" Hello, Copia." She smiled while she walked back towards her bed. " I'll be leaving the Ministry shortly. Do you need me to bring something to the beach house?"

" No."

" Then why are you calling me?" She asked.

" The old guy sharted in my car!"

" He did what?!" She asked.

" Pops took a big shimmy shit on the backseat of  my car, the leather interior is ruined!"

" How is that even possible?! He's a ghost..." She said.

"  Well it's happened, he followed through!"

" Oh God, this is a peculiar situation!" She said before she sat down on the edge of her bed. " And what's Sister had to say about this? It's not the first time something odd has happened like this to Papa, he can move stuff sometimes when he gets frustrated."

" Sister hasn't said anything about it, but she wasn't pleased about the shitty situation if you don't mind the pun."

" Oh, Copia. That's an  awful pun..." She sighed.

 " Salty wasn't much help neither, he made me clean it up!" 

" Mr Saltarian made you clean it up how exactly?" She asked.

" I lost a game of rock, paper, scissors to him and Sister." 

" Oh no, that's not good." She said. 

" It was humiliating!"

" Well in that case I'll buy you some leather cleaner and maybe several of those little scented trees for your car." She said while she slipped on her shoes. " I'll even buy you something nice to cheer you up from the gas station." 

" Oh?!" 

" It will be a surprise." She said.

" Do I get any hints?"

" I'm unsure what the surprise will be yet, but it will make you feel better." She replied.

"Right, right..."

" Hang in there, Copia." She said with a smile. " I'll be there very soon. Also tell Sister that I'll be bringing the food parcel she ordered, it arrived not long after you picked them up." 

" Okay, cool."

" I'll see you very soon." She said.

" Bye, bye!"

" Goodbye." She smiled.

The call soon ended and the line went dead, she couldn't help but be amused over the predicament Copia and her superiors had found themselves in on their journey to Malibu. Placing her mobile phone on the cabinet side Albany zipped up her overnight, but what Copia had told her was puzzling. Papa Nihil's accident on the backseat of his car was concerning, his phantasm form was changing into something more physical and unusual. It was blathering, but the Clergy members may investigate if the former Papa's ghostly form continued to take on more human tendencies.


Later That Day

The Beach House, Malibu 

A vehicle pulled up outside of Mr Saltarian's beach house house, the area hadn't changed much since Albany had last visited this vacation hot-spot with Copia a few years ago. The street and buildings remained the same, the street lamps lit the sidewalk. It felt welcoming for some strange reason, she had good and bad memories of this place. Turning the car keys in the ignition the Fiat Dino Coupè became silent, the headlights lighting the street ahead had now allowed the darkness to settle around her Father's old car.

Albany put the car keys in her handbag, she took a plastic bag from the passenger seat and exited the car. She had brought Copia some cleaning products for his car, the little surprised she had promised him was hidden behind a few scented car trees. Opening the trunk she took her overnight bag from it before she closed it shut, she then opened the door to the back of her vehicle. Hanging her overnight bag over her shoulder she managed to take the food parcel from the backseat, she held the plastic bag containing items she had picked up from the gas station with her fingers. She struggled for moment, but she managed to close the car door with her foot before she ventured down the pathway towards the beach house. 

The pathway was lit with solar lights, they were a new feature to Mr Saltarian's beach house. Albany was happy to see that the front door had been left ajar, she pushed it open with her shoulder and entered the building. The hallway was dimly lit and still, the sound of a ticking clock could be heard. Her gaze wandered along the hallway, she could see a light coming from the lounge. Stepping forward she soon spoke, she was beginning to wonder where everybody had gotten to this evening.

" Hello, is anybody here?!" She asked.

There was no reply to her question. Albany closed the door behind her with her foot, she then ventured forward down the hallway with the food parcel in her arms. The main lounge of the house was tidy and clean, there were some lit candles on the dining table. She called out once again, but this time she heard a familiar voice from outside. Copia soon appeared through the balcony's doorway, she could now see the rest of her superiors standing outside on the balcony.

" There you are, Albany!" He said, he approached his lover with open arms. " Let me help you with that food parcel."

" Thank you." She said.

" You should have told us that you had arrived, I would have come and helped you unload your car." He said.

" I'm use to struggling, my Father use to leave me to carry his bags all the time when he was alive." She said while she allowed her lover to take the box from his arms. " But I'm here now and I've brought you a little surprise."

" A little somethin' somethin', huh?" He asked.

Albany gave him a nodded before she opened the plastic bag, she rummaged around until she found what she was searching for inside the shopping bag. Taking the surprise gift from the bag it squeaked when she squeezed it, it's eyes were painted red. Albany had brought him a rubber rat from the gas station's Halloween section, it was the only suitable thing she could find for him at short notice. She soon heard a sound of affection escaping her lover's lips, he seemed thrilled with what she had brought him.

" Aaawwww, look at it!" He said.

" Do you like it?" She asked, her gaze met with his own. " It's not much, but when I saw it I knew it was for you."

" I love it." He replied.

" I've also brought the leather cleaner and some scented trees for your car." She said, her gazed wandered towards the balcony's doorway. " Hopefully it will help with the mess my Father made on the backseat of your car. I'm mortified about what he's done..."

" It's fine, it's not your fault." He said.

" I know, but it's not fair that you had to clean it up." She said, her gaze met with his own. " If it happens again I'll clean it up, but for now I suggest that you take that food parcel to the kitchen. There's raw chicken in the box, it's a fajita food parcel."

" Ooooh, it's going to be a fajita night!" He said.

" Indeed." She smiled.

Placing the rubber rat on top of the food parcel she hooked the bag of cleaning products over his fingers, he thanked his lover again for the random Halloween rat. Copia left Albany standing in the lounge, she placed her overnight bag on the couch before she walked through the balcony's doorway. The conversation her superiors were having soon creased when she approached them, their gaze was upon her. Papa Nihil was the first to speak, his features and mood were cheerful.

" There you are, little one!" Papa said, he motioned his hand towards his only living child. " What took you so long?!"

" I had to get some gas for my car." Albany replied.

" You could have done that tomorrow, we've been waiting for you for hours!" Papa said.

" I'm sorry, I didn't know..." Albany said.

" It's fine, she's here now." Sister said, her features were sincere. " Did my food parcel arrived on time?"

" Yes, Sister." Albany said.

" And where is it?" Sister asked.

" Copia took it to the kitchen." Albany replied.

" He's not cooking, right?" Saltarian asked.

" I hope not." Sister said.

" Thank Satan I'm dead if that's the case." Papa said.

" Now Papa, be nice." Sister sighed.

Albany tried to hide her amusement at the direction the conversation was going with her superiors, she had first hand experience of Copia's kitchen mishaps in the past. The conversation soon died down, they stood silently together on the balcony. The sounds of the ocean and seagulls could be heard, there was a cool breeze drifting from the coast. Sister Imperator excused herself, she was eager to get started on the fajita food parcel she had ordered. Albany's gaze wandered around the balcony while she played with her fingers, the atmosphere felt awkward. Mr Saltarian wasn't much of a talker, her Father was being quiet for once. Clearing her throat she disturbed the silence between them, she planned to escape their company while she had the chance.

" I think I'm going to help Sister, she may need some assistance." Albany said.

" Good idea." Saltarian said, his gaze was intimidating. " I need to speak with Mr Nihil in private."

" You do?" Papa asked.

" Yes." Saltarian said.

" In that case I'll leave you to it." Albany said.

Albany immediately left her Father and Mr Saltarian on the balcony, she then  headed towards the open kitchen area. She stood next to the breakfast counter and watched her superiors, the scent of the meal they were preparing smelt delicious. Copia was slicing some cucumber and tomatoes, his tongue was poking from the corner of his mouth while he constantrated on his given task. Sister Imperator was busy cooking the chicken and vegetables, she had already unboxed the many side dishes to company their meal from the food parcel. Helping herself to a bowl of tortilla chip Albany soon caught Sister's attention, she smiled at her superior before she spoke. 

" Do you need any help?" Albany asked.

" We're almost done, but you could set table." Sister said, she glanced at the woman. " You know where the tableware is kept, it's not the first time you have visited the beach house."

" Of course, Sister." Albany said.

Popping the tortilla chip into her mouth Albany walked to the other side of the kitchen, the plates and cutlery were already prepared on a wooden tray. She carried the tray towards the dining table, but she soon noticed her Father sitting near the head of the table. His features were grouchy, he didn't look cheerful anymore. Albany placed the tray down, she began to set the table. Her ghostly Father's voice caught her attention, his speaking tone was harsh.

" Why are you buying the boy presents?!" He asked.

" Leather cleaner and scented trees are not really desirable gifts, Papa." She replied while she sorted out the cutlery. " It's for his car, he told me what you did on the backseat."

" He told you about that?!" He asked.

" He rang me personally, it's the least I can do after your accident." She said.

" You're right, it was an accident." He said, his features were stern. " If we hadn't been playing that damn band game none of it would have happened!"

" The band game?" She asked.

" Haven't you played that game before?" Papa asked.

" No, but I remember playing eye spy on long car journeys with you when I was a little girl." She replied before she began setting out the cutlery. " I'm still unsure what anal beads had to do with naming parts of a vehicle..."

" I meant aerial!" He grumbled, his gaze was filled disapproval. " And never say those words again! I don't want you saying words like that, it doesn't suit you. You're a lady, I didn't raise you like that!"

" I know, but try and be civil tonight." She said, her gaze focused on her Father. " Sister is preparing a delicious meal, she just wants a pleasant evening."

" How can a meal be plesent when the boy is around?" He asked, he motioned his hands towards the kitchen. " He was tooting in the car before he picked us up. Mr Saltarian was nearly gassed by his ass!"

" Don't be over dramatic, Papa..." She sighed.

" I'm not being over dramatic!" He grumbled.

Albany rolled her eyes at her Father before she returned the kitchen area, she hoped that he would try and behave himself this evening. Sister Imperator was busy putting the final touches to the side dishes, she just needed them to be taken to the dining table. The fajita chicken was now cooked, the tortilla wraps were heated through. Albany began taking the dishes of food to the dining table, she was surprised to see that Mr Saltarian and Copia were already seated at the table. She returned to the kitchen and took a plate of dips from the counterside, but her attention was soon caught by her superior's voice.

" Why don't you take a seat, I'll bring the last of dishes out." Sister said, her gaze was fixed on the woman. " You've done enough this evening, it's time for you to relax and enjoy the meal I've prepared for us tonight."

" Are you sure?" Albany asked.

" Yes. Run along now." Sister replied.

Taking the bowl of avocado salad Albany left the kitchen once again, she placed them on the table and sat down next to her Father. Papa Nihil had made sure he had gotten a seat next to the head of the table, he wanted to sit near his former lover. Copia was sitting cross from the ghostly Papa, the odd hateful glanced between them was noticed by Albany and Mr Saltarian. Sister Imperator soon joined them with the rest of the food, she placed them on the table. She sat down at the head of the table, she got comfortable in her seat before she poured herself some water. There wouldn't be much business discussed at the dinner table tonight, the evening was meant to be relaxing family meal. 

" Dig in, we don't want it to get cold." Sister said.

They began to help themselves to the food, the scent of the meal alone was mouthwatering. Tortilla chips, potato wedges, avocado salad and Spanish rice were side dishes to accompany their fajitas. Copia rolled his fajitas and topped his potato wedges with sour cream and sala, he got the odd disapproving look from Papa Nihil for this peculiar food habits. Mr Saltarian only had a little amount of food on his plate, he wasn't much of an eater. Papa Nihil's plate was empty due to his nil by mouth diet, his ghostly form couldn't eat the food of the living. Sister's voice soon disturbed the silence of the room, her gaze fell upon Albany.

" Albany, I've made the bed up for you in the guest room." Sister said, her gaze then wandered over to her little Cardi. " That means Copia will be sleeping on the couch tonight."

" I'm fine with that, it's cool." Copia said.

" That's good to know." Sister said before she took a sip of her water. " I'll bring you some extra pillow down, it's going to be a busy day tomorrow."

" What's happening tomorrow?" Albany asked.

" Mr Saltarian is going to be training Copia in the art of Tai Chi." Sister said.

" Is that the paper art where you make the paper tigers?" Papa asked.

" No, you're thinking of Origami." Sister said, she gave her former lover a thoughtful look. " It's not going to be all fun and games. Something is coming, we need to make sure our prodigy is prepared to fight."

" Fight?" Papa asked, his features were harsh. " The boy couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag!"

" Says the guy who got trapped inside a vacuum cleaner." Copia said while he motioned his hand towards the phantasm. " How many days were you missing? Two days, maybe three days."

" How dare you bring that up!" Papa yelled.

" How about the time you got blow away by that fan in Sister office?" Copia asked, his features were playful. " It definitely blew away your NOBwebs."

" Now, now..." Sister said, she tried to hide her amusement. " Play nice, it's meant to be a family meal."

" True that, but the ghost cheese keeps repeating on me." Copia said.

" Ghost cheese?!" Papa asked.

" Now boys..." Sister said.

" He started it!" Papa grumbled.

" More like the old guy sharted it." Copia said.

" Oh, Copia!" Sister laughed.

Albany listened to Papa Nihil and Copia's constant bickering at the table, she heard the odd chuckle coming from Mr Saltarain's direction. Sister's family meal had been ruined, but the insults being thrown between Copia and the deceased Papa were highly amusing. Taking a bite of her fajita Albany's thoughts began to wander, she had many questions about her lover's training. Sister's words about something is coming and preparing for a fight were puzzling, she had concerns for Copia's future.

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