Just give me a chance [Vmin f...

By soulmateduo

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"What if i say I love you?" "I don't trust you" Park Jimin a renowned psychiatrist and son of famous business... More

Chapter one: First meet
Chapter two: You are annoying
Chapter three: Next time
Chapter four: A messed up situation
Chapter five: let's date
Chapter six: An unrequited love
Chapter seven: worthy of you
Chapter eight: an ice cream date
Chapter nine: heartbroken
Chapter ten: Night walk
Chapter eleven: a kdrama scene
Chapter twelve: glimpse of past
Chapter thirteen: a much needed assurance
Chapter fourteen: Carnations and Sunflowers
Chapter fifteen: warmth and happiness weren't meant for me
Chapter sixteen: Love and Comfort
Chapter seventeen: Locked love
Chapter eighteen: I care for you
Chapter nineteen: Congratulations
Chapter twenty: Guilty or not?
Chapter twenty one: Jimin is mine
Chapter twenty three: I Like Him
Chapter Twenty Four: Confession?
Chapter Twenty Five: A Better Person
Chapter Twenty Six: Hide and Seek
update soon!
Chapter twenty seven: Ignorance
Chapter Twenty eight: One wrong step
Chapter Twenty nine: Confession
Chapter Thirty: Healing words
Chapter Thirty one: Melody for love
Chapter Thirty two: Living with love
Chapter Thirty three: Stuck with you
Chapter Thirty Four: Simple yet Complicated

Chapter twenty two: Angels aren't meant to fall

200 28 19
By soulmateduo

"Tomorrow would definitely be fun" a devilish grin formed on that person's face, with silent footsteps the person escaped the place before getting acknowledged by anyone.

Taehyung was damn happy he just wanted to tell jimin the news, on arriving at jimin's house he hopped off the car in excitement dashing straight to Jimin's room. Due to his rush he failed to notice the people who were confused upon seeing him this cheerful but soon Jungkook and Eunwoo came inside. Thus the confused peoples bombarded them with questions.

Meanwhile the excited bear reached jimin's room opening it quickly only to find him walking out of the washroom. Jimin was confused by the sudden beaming personality. In the meantime Taehyung approached the dazed boy holding his waist firmly while swirling him in the air. Jimin was stunned by this but still clutched his shoulders being scared of a fall whereas taehyung just showed a cute boxy smile to him which had a kind of warmth and fondness radiating from it. Jimin's heart swelled with the fact that he was one of them who could admire this person.

"Taehyung-ahh, stop spinning me I am feeling dizzy" jimin voiced with a small giggle, obeying his words Taehyung put him down but still holding him close.

"I am so happy jimin-ahh" taehyung exclaimed in a joyous tone. Jimin was confused but assuming something good he also returned a smile.

"We got evidence and even a witness, the nurse agreed to speak against that scumbag" taehyung narrated the whole incident giving back the glow to Jimin's face which was snatched by the present circumstances, his eyes brightened a little making the raven head a little more whipped than he already was. Before taehyung could speak he was pulled in a hug by the smaller boy who iterated a bunch of thank you in latter's ears. Both of them unknowingly tightened their grip on each other precisely giving the hint of comfort and peace the embrace provided them.

"now we just have to get that bastard behind the bars" taehyung uttered while still hugging jimin. They can be assured that everything would fall into the right place, although a last obstacle was yet to be tackled and it was none other than the person who overheard them at the hospital.


It was evening time when a knock on the door interrupted Hye joon's celebration party. He was rejoicing over his fixed victory with music playing in the background while he was enjoying it with a few drinks. It was unexpected to have a guest at this hour, making himself a bit sober he strided towards the door only to find a lady standing there, By the looks of her she seemed to be of a well-off background.

"Can I have a word with you Mr Hye joon" she spoke with elegance as if completely addressing a superiority over him. Hye joon although had no idea of who she was but he couldn't refuse her as she wouldn't be here without a purpose and precisely it could be beneficial for him too.

"Sure" Hye joon answered while inviting her in.

"Well I can see you were enjoying here" she examined the place with a hint of annoyance in her expression.

"You are really dumb to be celebrating something which you haven't achieved" she added with an annoyed expression. This attitude made Hye joon a little furious he hasn't invited her to belittle him.

"Who are you? And i don't think my matters concern you in any way" Hye joon gritted his teeth while giving her an angry stare.

"I am Lee Yu-ra and yes it's true that any of your shits doesn't concern me but the person involved in your shit definitely has my interest" Yu-ra started off with a bored expression but ended with a smug look after mentioning her interest.

"Park Jimin?"

"Right, you think that all your strategies would be enough for destroying him, I hate to break it to you but he has a lot of influence behind him, his own family business and his so-called boyfriend." She shook her head in a mocking manner before continuing her words.
"even he himself has the credibility to get through your sly tricks and here you are drinking like a pig while celebrating your non-existent victory." she gave him a disgusting look before taking a seat on the sofa beside her.

"What are you implying? I have taken care of every possible thing that could disclose my secret" Hye joon asked being oblivious to the mistake he made today.

"You are a lot more stupid than i thought you would be anyway they have found out about your blackmailing thing and even have some kind of recording against you and the nurse, grabbing a safer side she even agreed to speak against you tomorrow" Yu-ra rolled her eyes at epitome of stupidity in front of her eyes if it wasn't for her accidently overhearing the conversation at the hospital this loser would have lost everything he planned.

"That can't happen, how can i be so stupid to go there without double checking...Ugh" Hye joon madly spoke while pulling his hair in irritation.

"Exactly, but I think I still have a way to handle things if you follow what i say"
Hye joon at once looked at her with pleading eyes as now it wasn't just the matter of revenge if this turned nasty tomorrow he would be the one to lose his job and in an even worse case he would be jailed with probably no one to get him out. Taehyung's previous words struck his mind
"3 days are more than enough to expose a person like you and once it happens I'll make sure you rot in hell."
Being hell scared of his life he literally was on his knees begging to be saved.

"I am ready to do anything but help me out with this" Hye joon pleaded to her. A satisfied smirk appeared on Yu-ra's face.

"Gladly so first of all if you have made any transaction or something to the nurse erase all those because that would be physical proof to the nurse statement and secondly about the nurse being a witness i can guarantee you that she won't show up to the meeting by any means. Once they won't have a witness their recording could be easily declared forged" Yu-ra laid her whole plan and indeed it has everything to deceive Jimin.

"I will do that now" Hye joon hastily spoke while picking his phone to make a call, Yu-ra got up to leave but before she could, she was stopped by Hye joon's question.

"Wait, I still can't get one thing, why are you helping me with this?" Hye joon was convinced that she was on his side but the suspicious part of this was why? Why would she do this?

"Just like you I also have a grudge against that guy, he thinks too highly of himself. He laid hands on something which was mine from the start and I am not a person who shares." With her last statement she moved out of the house leaving the confused guy to his own misery.


According to a famous saying "you can run with a lie but you can't hide from the truth."

But what if the truth has been manipulated to an extent where even after denuding every coat of lie, the truth that comes out is still wrapped within a packaging called deceit. The same analogy was faced by jimin who was currently seated in front of medical professionals and the judges. He thought the truth he had would put an end to all lies woven around him but now he felt defenseless by the denial he got from the real culprit.

"They are putting baseless accusations on me as they didn't have anything to defend themselves. I already mentioned before that i visited Min Seo yun to give her moral support and strength during her hard time and they manipulated the clip making me the bad guy. I have been friends with Dr Jimin since my college days and had good relations with him, why would I do something to such an extent where my own career will be at stake?" Hye joon confidently ended his statement while doing a great job of wrapping everything deceitfully. To fulfill the left spaces of the falsehood the lawyer helping Hye joon also stood to state his point.

"Also if Mr Park is claiming that Mr Kang is the culprit he must have the nurse as the witness or even any physical proof of money transactions or even a confession of his crimes but the stated video has none of it, so how can we believe his words." This statement left everyone speechless while jimin was in a dilemma he clearly was at a loss, the witness was supposed to be here but she wasn't. Jungkook and Eunwoo who were also witnessing it all alongside the other audience were equally tense by the turn the case took and they were literally at the edge of losing the argument.

"Where is taehyung? Did he pick up the call?" Jungkook impatiently asked Eunwoo who was trying to reach the raven head but failing every time as he wasn't answering the calls or messages.

"No he isn't picking up"

"Hye joon beforehand prepared all of this, maybe he is the reason that the nurse isn't here." Jungkook spat angrily.

"Calm down just wait for taehyung hyung I am sure he is up to something or he would have been here" although Eunwoo tried assuring jungkook but he himself was losing his calm.

Jimin's hands were sweaty with the nervousness surging in him, his inner self was shivering with the thought of the worst outcomes of this meeting. Namjoon was struggling with the lack of defence in jimin's side. He was trying his level best but surprisingly Hye joon always had a way out of every allegation as if he had an overview of the words he would face here.

The two judges looked at jimin's side for any other proof or objections finding none they decided to take the matters in their hands. It was when they were about to reach a conclusion a sudden entry of person made them stop midway. The silent room was once again erupted with whispers on seeing the new entry which was none other than Kim Taehyung.

Jimin's eyes shifted towards the one he silently prayed to appear, his anxiety was somewhat diluted by the taller's presence.

"Before all of you make up your mind on something there is something which still needs to be highlighted here" taehyung announced while flashing a small pendrive in his hands. The pendrive was then taken from him to be played in front of everyone. The screen lit up grabbing every person's attention while Hye joon's face paled on seeing the contents. It was the footage of the exact same day he had a conversation with Kim Taehyung where he boldly confessed his crimes and threw up a challenge.

"Yes I did that to jimin by changing the medicine name.....I just wrote a strong dose the girl herself didn't have a wish to live as she ate approx ten pills from that bottle moreover nothing can be done now, just after 3 days the medical council would cancel jimin's licence, let's see how would you save him from that"

Every sentence of Hye joon resonated through the hall making everyone gasp at the treacherous creature who not only accused an innocent but also didn't care about a girl's life. There is no doubt that this guy was insane to do such a thing just for a revenge proving himself as a threat to everyone around him.

"No it's all false! This isn't true! This is a trick to defame me." Hye joon continuously shouted but the thing witnessed by the audience couldn't be manipulated. To add fuel to the fire taehyung called another person over there.

"This is the head of the security department of this hospital and you can testify to him that this clip isn't altered and I got it just half an hour ago.

"Yes sir this guy came an hour ago and forced me to show the recordings and this is exactly the same thing which was recorded in the CCTV" the person agreed to taehyung's words.

This proof was enough to validate the accusations pointed at Hye joon. Judging the whole situation and evidence the judges decided to cancel Hye joon's practitioner license making him unworthy to handle any medical case or even work as a doctor. The patient family who were waiting for the justice to be delivered when they got to know about the real miscreant, they at once demanded Hye joon to be behind the bars for his intentional crime.

Jimin was finally free from all allegations and lies, also the one who tainted his image is going to face the wrath of everyone. His eyes sparkled with happy tears, gazing at the person who made all this happen only to find him returning his gaze with a more happy and cheerful smile. Taehyung walked to stand beside him while slowly lowering his hand and linking his pinky finger with jimin's shaking ones.
"Angels aren't meant to fall and especially this one" taehyung conveyed his point while pointing at jimin with his last three words. Jimin's smile was replaced on his face with a drop of tear falling on his cheeks.
Everyone exited the hall while Hye joon was arrested by police officers he stood with head hung low while being cursed by everyone, he could see by his peripheral vision that he was approached by someone lifting his head he found jimin facing him, his piercing stare was enough to send shivers to every cell of Hye Joon's body.

A hard punch landed on his jaw making his lips bleed, a small chuckle escaped taehyung's lips on glancing at the scene.
"This punch would never equate to what you did but it was completely needed to make you realise that playing with someone's life isn't a joke, you deserve more worse which would definitely be provided to you in the prison" jimin backed off from him while letting the guy be dragged by the officers.

Yu-ra who was also present at site was shocked with proof taehyung brought.
"He literally confessed everything and was that oblivious, no wonder he is an idiot, jimin would have been cancelled by now but this opportunity slipped off just because of him" Yu-ra muttered while furiously staring at jimin who happily stood beside his taehyung.
"Well taehyung isn't the guy to settle with one person just wait till he gets bored of you Park Jimin, his only choice can be me and no one else" sighing for the last time she ordered her driver to leave.

After the mess was cleared jimin glanced at Aera's parents who moved towards the room their daughter was being treated. Jimin followed them and saw them shedding tears on seeing their daughter still in coma. Jimin approached the couple facing them.

"I am sorry for what happened to your daughter, i should have been more careful if it wasn't for my carelessness Aera wouldn't be in that state. Please forgive me" jimin joined his hands pleading for forgiveness although he wasn't the one responsible for this but partially he was a reason that the girl had to be the victim of Hye joon's hatred. The couple could not help but notice the veracity of the boy, they could now view things with a clear perspective and even though the boy wasn't at fault he was begging for their forgiveness this pure act of jimin touched their hearts.

"We forgive you, we don't hold any grudge against you son, also we should be the ones to ask forgiveness as we blamed you without knowing anything" girl's dad spoke while holding jimin's hands indicating not to feel guilty.

"We are sorry, our daughter is very precious to us we lost every rationality when we saw her lifelessly lying on the bed. We didn't know she was suffering so much that she would try to kill herself" the mother cried, jimin hugged her while consoling her.

"There is no need to apologise i understand that parents are protective towards their children. She will recover soon as she has such loving parents" Jimin tried boosting their courage. The couple was going to visit their daughter when jimin stopped them.

"Can I see her once?" He asked the couple's permission which they immediately granted.
Jimin walked in the room followed by the couple, he reached near the unconscious girl.

"Aera you were scared that your parents won't understand you, look how much they love you. Please wake up soon, don't make them suffer like this" Jimin's guilt doubled on seeing her unresponsive behaviour wiping his tears he turned toward the couple.

"I will make sure she gets the best treatment here." Completing his sentence jimin stormed off the room with a weight on his chest. His mind conspired against him by blaming him as the reason for the girl's suffering. Before Jimin could move any further his wrist was caught by someone, turning his gaze he saw taehyung near him.

"Come with me" taehyung mumbled while dragging him somewhere, jimin just followed his lead not caring about the destination.


Taehyung drove off from the hospital reaching a place he wanted jimin to be right now. Jimin looked at the surroundings only to recognise the place. They were standing on the Dongo bridge which was one of the most peaceful places to be it was situated over the Han river offering the best sunset views. Taehyung held his hands dragging him near the railing, from the time they walked out of the hospital till now no words were exchanged between them and taehyung wasn't planning on breaking the silence anytime soon he just quietly guided jimin. Both stood side by side watching the beautiful Han river. Jimin was also not interested in a chat he wanted some peace which he was getting here. He let his head rest on taller's shoulders while keeping his gaze at the scenery in front of him. A good fifteen minutes passed when jimin felt like he was better than before, he shifted his head towards the raven head who was also looking in his direction. Taehyung had a peaceful smile plastered on his face.

"Why are you smiling like that" jimin broke the silence with the first thing that came in his mind.

"Because I want to" it was a very simple answer to Jimin's questions which stated that sometimes a smile could be without a reason, even if we aren't truly happy at least we tend to be happy.

"Are you happy jimin?"

"I think i wasn't before but I am now, thanks to you" jimin also returned the smile while again keeping his head back on taehyung's shoulder.

"You know this is my escape, when things get too overwhelming for me to handle I come here. My mom was very fond of this place I guess I got it from her"

"Why did you bring me here. It is your escape spot."

"Because I don't want to escape from you, even if I run away you can find me here"

Jimin was stunned by the importance he got from taehyung and this was the moment he got a sense of realisation that whether he accepts it or not but his heart has already approved taehyung and he is surely falling for this person. Taking a control over his throbbing heart jimin shifted his gaze at river, taehyung was no better than jimin, flirting wasn't something new for him but with this person it felt a lot more meaningful as if his heart chose to beat for this person and no one else.

"It was all stressful today but thank you for handling it" jimin suddenly felt a need to thank him so he did.

"I promised you so either by hook or crook i had to fulfill it" taehyung uttered.

"Ohh by the way how did this idea come to your mind?" Jimin was equally surprised by the sudden confession clip of Hye joon.

"Remember i called you last night?"

Back to the last night

Although having a proof taehyung still didn't feel satisfied with it so he dialed Soobin's number.

"Soobin I asked you to Check Hye joon's account you got anything?"

"I did taehyung but he had no transaction history although his account definitely shows that he withdrew a huge sum."

"That means he must have deleted it, in that case this would jeopardize our defence because he can easily turn up the evidence against us" taehyung took a wild guess that maybe Hye joon has an idea of the witness thing that means he needs something stronger to strengthen their part.

"Right, this can actually make the situation worse"

"Wait a second I think I may have something, I'll call you later" taehyung quickly made a call to jimin which was picked up after a few rings.

"Hello" jimin answered.

"Jimin i need your help, Does your hospital have cameras even inside the doctor's cabin?" Taehyung patiently waited for his response.

"Well it wasn't like that before but a controversy with a patient led the management to install it even in the doctor's cabin"

"That's absolutely great" a new hope surged in taehyung knowing that he still has evidence but the question was what if Hye joon had deleted it too.

"Why are you asking it?"

"It's just for something i want to see, don't worry about it." Taehyung avoided the topic as he knew that jimin would be tensed after listening to it and it's better that this thing stay with him.

Flashback ends

"Luckily Hye joon forgot about that clip so i collected it this morning but it took me some time to bring it over" taehyung explained the whole incident clearly.

'the extent this guy went for me, why are you this good taehyung? No matter how hard I try to avoid you I still get more and more attracted to you.'

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