Ill Met By Moonlight - [South...

By TheNamelessHero

1.1K 65 15

When tensions brew amongst the town of South Park, and when a Beast stalks men like prey, ripping them asunde... More

Prologue - A and Ω
0.5 - Character and Roster Sheet
01 - Sheriff, Arriving On Scene
02 - Craig's Grey January
03 - Every Dog Has It's Day
05 - Elysium
06 - 99 Problems

04 - Pack Mentality

104 10 2
By TheNamelessHero

Friday, January 15th, 2007 - 04:32am

The hunting party, who came into the woods with an ideal plan to kill the Beast that stalked South Park, had changed their attitude entirely. Finding the police badge that belonged to the Deputy Sheriff had put a somber mood amongst the members. Following the scarce trail for a while, they found other belongings of [M/N], such as his ripped clothing, gun belt, that still had the pistol tucked inside, handcuffs, and even his wallet.

The boys picked up what they could, intent on returning them to [M/N]'s home, as they belonged with his family. "You'd think there would be blood or somethin'..." Kenny mentions quietly, inspecting the Deputy's wallet. Opening it, the Netherborn saw some cash, only a few dollars, an I.D card and a picture, that was tucked away securely. He briefly looked to the side, seeing if anyone was looking, before pulling out the photo. It was a picture of a younger [M/N], along with some of his friends, Kenny included. This seemed to be taken at some water park, during summer, some years ago. The blonde sighed, placing it back in the wallet, before placing it in his coat's pocket. "Better days..."

Bumping into Stan, who had stopped in his tracks, caused the blonde to huff in annoyance, his rare angered personality coming out due to the recent situation development. "Fuck, Stan, keep movin'..." Kenny grunts, moving around the smaller raven haired male, but soon remained stationary too, as he saw what the other had been looking.

"There someone over there..." Stan whispered, gaining the attention of the rest. They all slowly regrouped where Stan and Kenny were standing, gazing over towards the mysterious figure, who was a good length away from them, though they could see, just barely. "... Is that dude fuckin' naked?" Clyde questioned, quickly getting hushed by Tolkien.

The figure didn't seem to notice the group, and as it came out the brush more, they could clearly see it was indeed a naked male, with shaggy black hair and weird body proportions. Kyle squinted, seeing the facial features of the creature, they were different but so familiar. Gasping in realisation, the redhead looking towards the rest. "That's Kevin Stoley...!" He whisper shouted, watching as the animalistic looking Kevin was slowly traversing across the ground, getting closer to something.

"Didn't he, like, go missing... just last week?" Stan asked, furrowing his brows at the scene before them.

Kevin looked around, glowing grey eyes peered around the horizon, but luckily not spotting the boys, who had turned their lights off and crouched by some bushes. He licked his narled lips, tongue wiping over his fangs as he spots what he smelled a few miles back. A half eaten Stag. Wasn't his kill though, not being nearly as big or strong enough to take it down himself. But in his wolfish greed, he wanted the second pickings. He snarled, seeing all the good parts had been eaten, and the scent of a larger male had been sprayed all over the fresh corpse. Taking one more wary look around himself, he dug into the carcass, jagged teeth and sharp claws tearing pieces of muscle, fat and flesh to devour. Blood quickly stained around his hands, face and mouth, dripping down his slightly hairy chest and arms. He hadn't eaten anything as good as this before, despite the best pickings not being his, but he barely savoured any taste, greedily shoving the raw meat into his mouth, trying to get his fill.

"What the fuck..." The group thinks in unison, weirded out by the pale, naked teen eating a dead deer. "What should we do...?" Clyde mutters, now unsure of the plan. They couldn't just shoot Kevin, they'd known the guy since childhood, even as quirky and weird as he was before, they couldn't leave him here, like this. The group whispered amongst themselves, slightly bickering at what approach they should take.

"He looks... sick? Maybe we should get him to the hospital?" Tolkien muttered, getting a stingy look from Craig. "Sick?! He's eating a deer carcass like an animal...!" The tall raven haired male chides quietly, looking back over towards Kevin. Something bubbled inside Craig, his gut telling him that this didn't feel right, alongside with a creeping sensation that something bad was going to happen soon. He kept his rifle close, finger near the trigger just in case.

"Do you think... he's responsible? I mean, look at 'im! He's acting like a wild savage!" Kenny whispers, looking through his gun's scope to take a better look. He could see that Kevin looked all wrong, his arms and legs looked slightly elongated, with feet like a dog. He was barely recognisable as a human anymore. "He can't be, the killings have been goin' on since before he went missing." Stan mutters, his stomach slightly queasy with fear and nervousness. Butters' eyes scanned the trees above them, swearing he had seen something. "Erm, fellas...?" He whispered, but no one was paying attention to him as they bickered amongst themselves.

"Fuck it... I'll go down." Kenny declares, getting up from his hiding spot. He knew that there was a good chance something bad could happen, but he was a Netherborn, and could resurrect the day after if he died. It was better this way, better he go down and die, than rather risk the chance of someone else potentially getting hurt. "Are you fuckin' crazy?!" Craig harshly whispers, to which the blonde just shrugs, before walking off.

"Well, Kenny's fucked..." Cartman muttered, watching the blonde slide down the muddy hill and slowly creep towards Kevin. Stan raised his gun, intent on covering the Netherborn, and the rest followed, determined to do the same.

Part of Kenny, the small, but constant dark part of him, told him he was a fuck up, and that he should die permanently because he let his friend and crush die alone, In this shithole forest. The blonde partially wished it was true, so that he could see the Deputy Sheriff again, just one last time. It was bad enough that last they spoke, [M/N] had left angrily because of the shit he and his other friends had gave him at lunch. Kenny hoped that [M/N] knew that he cared for him, and that he just wanted the handsome male to be safe. He guessed it was too late though, and he had to finish what [M/N] started...

Crouching, Kenny slowly moved towards Kevin, who was still burying himself in the deer carcass. The sound of wet flesh and sinew being torn apart and chewed loudly, made Kenny cringe internally. Clutching his shotgun, Kenny made a short whistle noise, whilst just a few feet away from Kevin. Pointed ears twitching, the animalistic Kevin quickly turned around, showing Kenny his bloody mouth, and stained teeth. His bloodshot grey eyes, wild and shining, pierced through Kenny, as he stared the monster before him, down. "Hey, Kev... you don't look so good, buddy." The blonde calmly says, standing his ground whilst the other boy stood up on his legs. Kenny tried his best not to look at the rest of naked body, covered in dirt, fur and blood.

"Was Kevin always that tall...?" The blonde thought to himself, seeing the wild looking boy-beast snarl and growl at him like a dog. His body was leaner, yet more muscly, like his form had shaped to adapt to the woods around him.

"I'm just goin' to put these on ya', Kev." Kenny kept a calm tone, pulling out the pair of handcuffs he found on [M/N]'s trail. The flash of metal in the moonlight seemed to agitate the already feral Kevin, growling at Kenny whilst brandishing his claws. Kenny couldn't afford to be unsure, and the Netherborn wanted to try and handle this how [M/N] would. "Just play nice, and I don't have to shoot ya'..." The blonde muttered, keeping the shotgun under one arm as he took a few steps closer.

Bushes rustling could be heard, as Kenny looked behind him suddenly, seeing Eric had slipped on an uneven bit of loose ground and started tumbling down the hill. Close growling made Kenny gasp, as he flicked his head back towards Kevin, who had taken the moment of distraction to rush Kenny. Before he could even raise his shotgun, the blonde was backhanded with a surprising amount of strength, getting knocked flying into some nearby trees. Falling roughly onto the ground, Kenny groaned as he could see his friends through distorted vision, slide down the hill, rushing towards him. "Fuckin' shoot him!" He yelled, as he saw that Kevin was running at him, on all fours extremely fast. Craig and Clyde managed to even themselves after the fall, quickly raising their guns to shoot at Kevin. Letting off some shots, Kevin managed to dodge a few stray rounds, but still got nicked in the shoulder by a slug from Clyde's shotgun.

This didn't seem to do much though, as he almost seemed to shrug off the pain, seeming extremely unusually durable, for someone whose naked, as the bullets only barely burrowed themselves through the skin. The sudden impact feeling caused the feral Kevin to look towards the direction of the shooters, now seeing multiple others with their guns raised against him. He let out a guttural growl, before the boys cocked their weapons. "Light the fucker up..." Stan muttered, before everyone, except Kenny, started letting loose hot lead towards Kevin. The combined different calibre of ammunition seemed to be working, as the feral creature couldn't seem to react fast enough, with all the different rounds going through his body.

After a few seconds, everyone had their gun's empty, and Kevin slowly slumped onto the ground, blood pooling out of his multiple bullet wounds, before finally face planting the muddy ground, succumbing to his wounds. Everyone took a quick breather, Kenny getting up from his position and going back over towards the group. "Holy shit... that took a lot..." Tolkien muttered, not liking the fact it took that many rounds to go through something that clearly wasn't human anymore. "Yeah, but we fuckin' did it!" Clyde cheered, punching Tolkien on the shoulder in a brotherly way.

Craig felt nothing, as though there was no satisfaction of what he had just done. He was unjustly mean to Kevin, and some others, back in middle school. And for the boy to die, unceremoniously like this, made him feel numb. He wanted to kill the one that was responsible for Tricia's death. Maybe it was Kevin, maybe not...

Stan, Kyle, Eric, Kenny and Butters were shocked more than anything. "What if there's more...?" Kyle muttered, hinting at the fact that this clearly wasn't the same Beast on the night of the party. The group went quiet again, the thought that there was multiple of these things terrified them. "You... You don't think that all the missin' people, that ain't been found yet, are like this, do ya'?" Kenny questioned, suddenly pulling out [M/N]'s police badge and staring at It solemnly.

Groaning and weird sounds came from real close, as the group look on in horror and shock. Kevin's once thought corpse, had begun moving again, slowly pulling himself of the ground whilst the bloody open wounds on his body had begun mending themselves quickly, the bullet casings popping out from the holes they originally made, before dropping onto the wet, muddy ground. "Oh fuck..." Eric muttered, raising his gun to shoot, only too hear-

*Click* *Click* *Click*

In their certainty that this creature, which once was someone they knew, was dead, they had forgot to reload their weaponry. And from seeing how strong Kevin seemingly was, when he had thrown Kenny about ten feet up in the air, into some trees, they knew their chances of trying to take him down physically was very low. Even with all them combined.

Kevin seemed to bask in the small remnants of the moonlight for a moment, before snarling at the group, bloodstained and viscous, he was going to maul them all to death. Getting on all fours, Kevin leaped at an incredible speed towards Butters, but fortunately for the light blonde, Kenny had pushed him out the way in time, getting tackled instead. The other boys got thrown to the ground from the impact of Kenny being spear tackled by Kevin, each landing to the floor with a 'thud'. The Netherborn opened his teal eyes, seeing that Kevin sat upon his chest, keeping him pinned to the floor. The feral creature raised its large clawed hand, whilst bearing its gangly, yellow, blood stained teeth. He could see it in Kevin's animalistic eyes, that he was a dead man, once again. Closing his eyes, Kenny did the usual and muttered a quick prayer to himself.

"I'm sorry, forgive me, [M/N]..."

But he didn't feel the sharp claws descend upon him, and instead opened his eyes widely, hearing a loud blood curdling roar a few feet from behind them, and feeling Kevin's weight being removed forcibly. Kenny scurried back from shock, sitting up as the boys all watched how a new beast had just jumped in, saving Kenny from another painful death.

It tackled Kevin off from his next potential victim, both of them landing just a few near the Stag's carcass. This one seemed bigger, having a more refined muscly frame, taller and had [hair colour] fur covering parts of his body. In any other scenario, it would've made Kenny cream his pants, seeing such a perfect body.

The two Beasts roared at each other, though Kevin's seemed more cowardly and weaker pitched. In the fight or flight state of his animalistic brain, he would've ran the other way, seeing the one who scented the half eaten deer corpse. But remembering the humans that were weakened, and had no more defences, he didn't want to risk the chance of not getting to savour their tastes, when he tears into them. Circling each other, then letting out another set of growls, the two clashed against each other in a bloody fight.

The boys couldn't tell if they relieved or petrified, from the presence of the new Beast. They watched as Kevin slashed at the larger one a few times, cutting his chest open slightly, before the tables inevitably turned. The larger male easily caught Kevin's arm the next time he tried to connect his claws against the others body, viciously twisting it before his forearm snapped off, like a weak twig from a branch. Kevin howled in pain, blood spurting from the arm being broken, just barley being hold on by a few strings of tendon, as he fell to the floor in pain.

Craig squinted his eyes, getting a good look at the other Beast's face, instantly recognising it despite all the changes. "[M/N]...?" He muttered, gaining the attention of the others, who quickly pieced together the puzzle. All of [M/N]'s things they had found on the floor wasn't because he was killed by one of them, it was because he was one them! "Holy shit! What do we do...?" Kyle asked, as the others just sat in shock, not even being able to fully comprehend what was going on.

Kevin whimpered on the ground in pain, as the feral, beast version of the Deputy Sheriff stood over him In a show of dominance. He looked blankly, his thoughts jumbled. He quickly took in his surroundings, seeing the group of boys he vaguely recognised through his toned, yellow eyes, squinting a bit as he bared his teeth. He remembers their smells though, all of them brought comfort and sense of belonging, to the bestial [M/N]. They were his, they belonged to him, as his mates! The Beast within him wanted them all to himself!

"this... runt tried to kill mates...!"

"Tried to... murder..-grr-... what's mine to breed...!"

Fuelled with bloodlust, [M/N] snarled, growling as he leant down to the inferior animal below him. Hooking his index and pointer finger's claws through Kevin's nose, the Bestial Deputy easily pulled the head clean off of Kevin's shoulder's, roaring triumphally. Looking into the now, lifeless grey eyes, [M/N] snarled before throwing the corpse against the tree like it weighed nothing. The minimal wounds faded instantly on his muscular body, but still covered in the old, stained blood of the Stag from earlier, and now Kevin's. He grinned wolfishly, a primal satisfaction of removing a threat that posed a danger to his grounds, and his mates.

The group of boys didn't know what to do. On one hand, they were glad, that [M/N] was still alive, but on the other, they were completely frozen still in terror. The Beast seemed to notice their presence, but didn't seemed threatened, or wanted to harm them in any sought of way. Kyle sighed to himself, seeing as no one else will do it, before silently walking in the direction that [M/N] was in. Clyde tried to stop the smaller redhead, but Tolkien held him back, trusting in Kyle's judgment. Dawn was almost here, but the sun hasn't raised just yet. Kyle slowly walked over towards [M/N]'s crouching form, blushing madly because the other male was completely naked, but he chose to ignore it. Until he was alone later...

The Bestial version of [M/N] heard the soft steps, his slightly pointed ears twitching, before turning around and standing up, towering over Kyle. If he wanted, he could've easily cleaved his head off like he did with Kevin's, but Kyle's scent was familiar to him, and he craved the smell constantly. He craved all of his mate's scents. Kyle studied [M/N] face intently, seeing the yellow eyes made him shiver, more out of fear than arousal for the moment. The rough features on the Deputy's face made him look different, but you couldn't mistake that scar for anyone else. "[M/N]... can you understand me...?" Kyle quietly, but confidently asked, making the other male tilt his head slightly.

He didn't seem to understand, but he could read the body language of the redhead well, making him get closer. Kyle froze up, feeling the bloodstained hands slowly wrap around his arms, as the wolfish male intently stared at Kyle's freckled face.

The other males looked on in amazement, that Kyle had the bravery to go do that, and at the same time was cursing him, wanting to be in his place instead.

The group went back to being shocked, seeing [M/N] dart his face in the smaller male's neck area. Kyle could feel the hot breath of [M/N] panting against exposed neck, and feeling him sniff roughly. It was actually a very intimate moment for the redhead, and if the other's weren't here, he'd probably let the Werewolf do as he pleased with him. But he was still in the closet, so nobody could tell what the ginger really wanted romance wise.

Kyle didn't want to move, so slowly brushed his hands through [M/N] hair, and even though the animalistic Deputy smelled like gore, the woods, and raw flesh; their was an undertone of attractive musk, that kind of made his head feel fuzzy, In a good way. The others got closer, seeing as how [M/N] clearly wasn't posing a threat.

"What the Hell do we do with 'im?" Craig monotonous voice rings out, looking around for answers. "Do you think he'll turn back...? This can't be permanent, right?" Stan throws another question, making the group more confused.

Dawn was here, and through the trees, sunlight could seep through, shining down onto the group. At the feeling of contact with light, the feral male suddenly lets go of Kyle, groaning as he fell to the floor. The others were shocked, and tried to intervene, but when [M/N] started thrashing around, they didn't want to risk getting caught by those claws. Though their fears quickly receded, as the monstrous appearance that the Deputy had been adopting seemed to fade, reverting back to his normal body in an unexplainable way.

Kenny, quick thinking, wrapped his orange parker coat around [M/N]'s body, more around his waist for cover, before trying to lift him of the ground. "We've gotta get the fuck outta' here! People would've heard the shots and come lookin'!" The blonde shouts, making the others look amongst themselves, before agreeing unanimously. It wouldn't be a good look for the Deputy if he was found naked, covered in blood, and the corpse of a naked Kevin Stoley near him. "Yeah, grab all the guns! We can't leave fuckin' evidence!" Eric shouts, as he and Kenny wrap one of [M/N]'s arms each, around their shoulders.

The group of young men quickly rushed towards the edge of the woods, taking around twenty minutes or so. "Where do we fuckin' take him? We've gotta' make sure he's fine, but not bring him to a hospital..." Stan asks, opening his truck's passenger door, helping place the unconscious Deputy in.

"My parents are out of the house today, they're at church with Father Maxi, talking abou-" Craig suddenly speaks, but cuts himself off. "Doesn't matter, we're taking him to mine." He says determinedly, before getting in Tolkien's car, followed by said male and Clyde. Stan and his group quickly got in his pickup truck, Cartman, Kenny, Butters and Kyle having to sit in the back. Closing the door, Stan looked towards the Deputy Sheriff, whose mouth and various other parts of his body, was surrounded with dried blood.

"Don't worry, buddy, everything is gonna be fine, 'till we figure what's going on with you..."

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