𝐈 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 �...

بواسطة brownskinbadgyall

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In which a certain inarizaki schoolboy falls in love with the twin sister of his volleyball teammate. Suna R... المزيد



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بواسطة brownskinbadgyall


"Hey~" Y/n shyly waved as she entered the gym, immediately getting greeted by Hinata who ran right over, Kageyama trailing behind.

"You're early." Kageyama stated, wiping away the sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand.

"Better early than late, right?" Y/n awkwardly chuckled, the nerves of meeting new people finally starting to really kick in.

Kageyama shrugged his shoulders, his gaze averting to Hinata, who spoke up again.

"Wow, you're taller than I imagined..." He gawked as he looked up at Y/n.

Y/n's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

She supposed she was quite tall, but never had she ever heard a guy say that to her. She had to admit that most of the men in her life were above average height though...

Y/n slightly opened her mouth, about to say something when Kageyama beat her to it.



Y/n's eyes widened in shock, her hand flying up to cover her mouth. "Oh my gosh..."

She faintly heard tsukishima's snickering from behind her, but her attention was too focused on the sight in front of her.

Kageyama was yelling whilst hitting Hinata at the back of his head?

"Apologize to her right now!"

"I'm sorry-" Hinata breathed out.

"It's fine..." Y/n chuckled awkwardly, rubbing her upper arm in unease.

"I meant it in a good way!"

"I didn't take it the wrong way though, don't worry!" Y/n waved her hands in the air to dismiss the tension. "But thank you..." She forced a smile.

"You're-" Y/n squinted her eyes as she looked down on Hinata. "A different height than I thought you'd be as well..." She spoke, rubbing her chin.

Maybe he just thought she was so tall because he was so short...

"I thought you said you were a middle blocker..." Y/n hummed.

"I AM!" Hinata exclaimed, Kageyama and Tsukishima bursting into laughter.

Hinata's face turned red out of embarrassment as he folded his arms over each other, mumbling something inaudible.

"Oh, my bad..." Y/n couldn't help but let a soft chuckle escape, her smile immediately dropping when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself." Tsukishima spoke tauntingly, bowing down to her level. "You may be a lot of things, but tall isn't one of them..." He smirked.


Y/n's upper lip curled up in disgust, prying his hand away.

"On the contrary, even." He continued, his gaze darkening. "I think you're pretty short..." He trailed off.

"If this is your way of flirting with me I'm gonna have to disappoint you." The corner of Y/n's mouth curled up, pausing before she finished her sentence.

"You're not really my type, so..." She sucked in a breath, amused by Tsukishma's facial expression.

"Tss." Tsukishima scoffed. "You need to be humbled."

"Maybe, on some other day." Y/n shrugged in response, checking the wrist on her watch to check the time. "That day is not today..."

Tsukishima ran the flat of his tongue along his teeth, shoving his hands deep down into the pockets of his pants. "Don't you have some tutoring to do." He sighed, averting his attention to Hinata and Kageyama.

Y/n sighed as well, tightly gripping the straps of her schoolbag. "You're right..." She moped.

Tsukishima exhaled amusedly before raising his voice. "Are you guys gonna continue to stand there or are you going to cleaning up the court and stop wasting Y/n's precious time to tutor? You know she charges a lot..." He spoke tauntingly.

Kageyama and Hinata quickly apologized before they ran off, leaving Y/n and Tsukishima standing by the door.

"So..." Tsukishima started. "Did I really just help you out of free will?"

Y/n poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue before she opened her mouth to speak. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"What?" Tsukishima grinned, pushing up his glasses with two fingers as he answered. "I can't talk to Miss supercilious anymore?"

"I told you to stop calling me that..." Y/n mumbled, her brows furrowing together in irritation.

"Call you what? Supercilious?" Tsukishima spoke tauntingly.

"Whatever." Y/n rolled her eyes, turning on her heels before looking back over her shoulder to speak up again.

"Hey, Hinata?"


"Mind if I use the bathroom?" Y/n asked, dusting off her skirt.

"No! Of course not~" Hinata waved his hands in the air. "Want me to show you where it is?" He asked kindly.

"Yes please." She answered.

Hinata shot a glance at Kageyama, who nodded his head in understanding, before he made his way to Y/n.

"I don't wanna be too much trouble, it's just that I don't know the way here-"

"Y/n?! you could never be too much trouble!" Hinata laughed before he passed her. "Follow me~"

"Thank you, Hinata." Y/n smiled, giving Tsukishima one last dirty glare before following Hinata.

"Tss." Tsukishima tsked, shaking his head in amusement before finding his next victim to bother.


"Did I fill it in correctly?"

"You're close. You mixed up 'to' and 'too'. The difference between them is how they're used." Y/n spoke calmly, pointing her pen at Hinata's answer sheet.

"To is a preposition with several meanings, including 'toward' and 'until'." She explained further. "Too is an adverb that can mean 'excessively' or 'also'..."

"Ahhh." Hinata nodded his head in understanding.

"You got it?" Y/n asked him.

"Yea, I think so?"

"Alright then." Y/n folded her arms over each other. "Can you give me an example each, in two different sentences?" She leaned back in her seat.

"Hmm..." Hinata hummed in thought, stroking his chin whilst staring at the ceiling.

"You got this." Y/n encouraged him.

"I don't have that much to say." Hinata spoke cautiously, taking a second before he continued. "But... Y/n is too good at tutoring~"

"OH MY GOSH!" Y/n's face lit up in delight. "YOU DID IT!"

Hinata could feel his face heat up at the sound of Y/n's squealing.

"You're gonna ace that test tomorrow~" She laughed heartily, finding herself dancing together with Hinata out of joy.

Y/n stopped in her tracks when she heard someone snicker from behind her.

She didn't need to turn around to know who it was...


"What?" Y/n grumbled.

"You're a tutor. It's your job to make people learn something."

"Your point?" Y/n sighed, rubbing her eye.

"It just doesn't make sense for you to get that happy over a student getting a correct answer. Unless you're so bad that it's your first time experiencing something like this, ofcourse..."

Y/n was about to speak up when Hinata beat her to it.

"Don't listen to him Y/n, he's just jealous he's not good at tutoring-"

"-Jealous?" Tsukishima lifted his glasses, wiping away a tear that was forming in the corner of his eyes. "Please~"

Y/n rolled her eyes, sighing deeply.

"If anything, I'm grateful." Tsukishima spoke, taking a pause before continuing. "Grateful that you got someone else to help you out so you can go to training camp tomorrow..."

"Grateful because you know the team stands no chance without us?" Kageyama smirked after slightly turning around, loosening his grip on his pencil.

Tsukishima tsked, pushing his glasses back up whilst rolling his eyes.

So he actually shuts up sometimes...

"So, the two of you are really that good at volleyball?" Y/n chuckled slightly, eyeing Hinata and Kageyama, who simply shrugged.

"They're like this weird, creepy, almost undefeatable duo..." Tsukishima answered after a long silence, genuinely embarrassed and disgusted that he said that.

"How so?"

Hinata had incredible jumping power to compensate for his lack of physical height. He's seen as a great threat due to his unpredictability, his ability to attract the opponents' attention to himself and allowing the other spikers on his team to score much easier.

As for Kageyama, him being able to accurately determine a ball's trajectory and toss it to the exact point. Combined with the fact that he could set from any angle at incredible speed.

Not that Tsukishima say that out loud of course...

So instead he mumbled something almost inaudible, just loud enough for Y/n to hear.

"They have these 'Freak-Quick' sets..." He sighed.

Y/n's brows furrowed in confusion as her lips puckered in the process.

"I'm sure Hinata's dying to show you after you guys are done." Tsukishima reassured her, bending down to pick up his bag.

"Where are you going?" Y/n asked as she watched him.

"Tsukishima has a job as a deliverer!" Hinata answered, Kageyama staying quiet and unbothered as ever.

"Really?" Y/n asked sarcastically. "Good for him..."

"Not all of us have rich parents, Y/n..." Tsukihima inhaled, glancing at Y/n from the corner of his eyes, a condescending smirk forming on his face.

Y/n tsked, waving her hand in the air to dismiss him. "I'm just glad you're finally leaving-"

"-HAHAHAHAHA" Hinata laughed, falling to the ground, unaware of the glare Tsukishima was giving him.

"Yea yea, whatever." He mumbled as he rolled his eyes, his face turning slightly red in embarrassment.

Y/n giggled lightly, watching he turned to walk away. "Bye, Kei..."

"Y/n..." He dragged out as he stared down at her before turning around, putting his hand up in the air as a goodbye.

"YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME WHEN YOU NEED TUTORING~" Y/n yelled as he was nearing the exit of the faculty room.

"I THINK IT'D BE THE OTHER WAY AROUND!" He yelled back, not turning around to hide the amused grin gracing his lips.

Cause Ojiro Y/n was most definitely amusing...

Y/n chuckled at his response before she averted her attention back to Hinata and Kageyama.

"So..." She trailed off. "Are you almost done with the practice sheet?" She asked, her question directed to Kageyama.

He shook his head. "Almost." He answered, his eyes glued to the paper in front of him.

"No rush." Y/n spoke kindly, taking a seat at the table again. "After you're done you can take a break." She slowly nodded her head before letting her eyes wander the room.

"We can show you our secret weapon if you want~" Hinata said teasingly.

"It's obviously not a secret weapon if we show her, boke..." Kageyama mumbled, scribbling away on his paper.

Y/n chuckled slightly, shaking her head in amusement.

"I'd love to see it..."


"THAT WAS AMAZINGGG~" Y/n squealed like a fangirl as Hinata, Kageyama and her exited the gymnasium. "I'VE NEVER SEEN SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" She gasped giddily.

"Thank you." Kageyama nodded his head, a small grin gracing his lips as he looked down at the girl walking beside him.

"How would your opponent even block an attack like that?" Y/n hummed to herself, thinking about how stressful it'd be if her brother's team was up against this duo.

"It's a great weapon, but we should definitely work on the accuracy-"

"-Kageyama~" Hinata whined. "You're always talking about that..." He moped, folding his arms over each other.

Kageyama's eyebrows furrowed in irritation, about to speak his mind when he heard Y/n's soft chuckle from beside him.

He decided that it'd be better to let go, for now...

"So..." Y/n started, trailing off as the three of them made their way to the station. "Are you guys prepared for tomorrow?" She asked teasingly.

"HECK YEA!" Hinata pumped his fist in the air, Y/n shaking her head in amusement.

Kageyama nodded his head in agreement, hesitating before speaking up again. "Thank you. For helping us on such short notice, I mean." He clarified.

"Of course!" Y/n smiled brightly.

"Yea." Hinata joined in. "Thanks to you we get to go to training camp!"

"Stop..." Y/n mumbled, getting a bit flustered from the sudden praise.

"It's true though." Hinata continued, averting his gaze to meet Kageyama's eyes.

Kageyama nodded his head knowingly before reaching into his bag, taking out a small envelope.

"Y/n?" He softly tapped Y/n's shoulder, gaining her attention.

"Hmm?" She hummed, her eyes averting to the envelope Kageyama held in front of her. "Oh, is this-"

"The money for tutoring, yes." Kageyama answered the question Y/n was about to ask.

"Oh, thank you!"

"We know it's not a lot, but-"

"-Please." Y/n cut Hinata off, dismissing him by waving her hand in the air. "It's not a big deal." She shrugged her shoulders.

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"Really..." She reassured them, kindly smiling at them. "I'm just glad I got to prep you for tomorrow."

"I just can't believe I'm gonna have to resit a test on a Saturday morning." Kageyama laughed stiffly, putting his hands in the pockets of his sports jacked.

Hinata groaned in agreement. "Me neither..." He moped.

"Weren't you plotting on waking up early to get to the camp facility by bike?" Y/n laughed heartily, playfully pushing Hinata to the side.

"We will if we don't pass that test-"

"-HEY! DON'T SAY THAT!" Y/n yelled. "You WILL pass that test." She spoke sternly, Hinata and Kageyama nodding their heads in understanding.

She was crystal clear...

"I'm serious." She continued. "Text me as soon as you get the news." Y/n spoke before a yawn came up.

It was getting late...

"Hey Y/n." Hinata stopped in his tracks, Kageyama and Y/n turning around to face him. "Why don't you come eat something with us, to celebrate."

"We pay, of course." Kageyama quickly added.

"I'd love to..." Y/n chuckled lightly before checking the time on her watch. "But It's getting late and I still have to take the train back home..."

"Ahww~" Hinata pouted.

"We understand." Kageyama glared at Hinata before continuing. "Maybe next time."

"Maybe next time." Y/n nodded in conformation as they had neared the train station.

There was a silence before she spoke up again.

"Thank you for walking me to the station by the way..." She nodded her head whilst tightening her grip around the straps of her backpack.

"Of course." Kageyama spoke, a small smile gracing his lips.

"You don't think we'd let you walk to the station by yourself after saving our lives, right?" Hinata teased, Y/n rolling her eyes in amusement.

There was a pause before Hinata continued again.

"Maybe we'll see you for some occasion, other than tutoring." Hinata grinned mischievously.

"Oh?" Y/n smirked. "Like what?"

"I don't know..." Hinata trailed off, pretending to be deep in thought. 

"Nationals?" He smirked at Y/n, who scoffed.

"-If Inarizaki goes to nationals, of course..."

"Oh please~" Y/n laughed heartily. "Trust we will... And I better see Karasuno there as well." She clicked her tongue, Kageyama and Hinata nodding their heads.

There was a comfortable silence before Kageyama spoke up.

"Text us when you get home?" He asked Y/n, burying his hands deeper down in his pockets.

"I will!" Y/n grinned. "If I don't forget..."

"If you forget we'll show up at your doorstep!" Hinata answered, his voice loud and stern.

Y/n chuckled softly at the sight of Kageyama rolling his eyes at his teammate.

"Alright, will do." She firmly nodded her head.


Kageyama and Hinata exchanged glances.

Why was this getting awkward...



"I should uh- get on my train soon-" Y/n chuckled awkwardly.


"-No of course."

The three exchanged finally said their goodbye's before Y/n waved her hand in the arm at them, turning around as she made her way to the right platform.

She couldn't wait to finally go home and have a carefree, relaxing, night...

༘♡ ·˚Authors note꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄

Hey guyssss~

I know, it's been quite a while 😞

After the winter break I got bombarded with exams and assignments.😓

Pls tell me why I failed almost all of them...🥲

If you want me to update more you should pray for me that I'll ace those resits and get more free time 🙏

You have no idea what it took for me to finish this chapter. It was such a bland and boring filler, but it had to be done 😭

And I know I've said this many times already but I'm really grateful for the people who comment under my chapters, motivating me not to give up 🥹❤️

No one likes a long ass author's note so I'll leave it at this and finish with the usual 😉

Don't forget to vote and ttyl Bae's 🫶🏾

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