DNA| Sec 80. high power

By bloomup10

15.6K 441 24

Rhaella Targaryen was born in Pentos in 117AC. She is the youngest daughter of Daemon Targaryen and Lady Laen... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11

chapter 4

1.4K 45 0
By bloomup10

Sitting directly in front of Aegon was a decision Rhaella was quick to regret.

She had chosen to sit by Baela and Jace specifically to avoid Rhaena, whose eyes questioned her when Aemond came into the dinner hall conveniently after her.

But now she had to be subjected to this fool.

Rhaella figured that she must've been glaring at him rather harshly, because she felt the hand of Baela rub her arm.

Attempting to relax, Rhaella reached for her wine cup, taking a sip. The atmosphere had been relatively calm after the entrance of the old king Viserys, who sat between Alicent and Rhaenyra.

The two women had shared what they thought were sneaky glances at each other. Rhaella thought they were being childish, it was obvious to her that the women still held a deep affection for each other.

"He's staring at you." Baela hissed to Rhaella. She didn't even need to turn her head to know that Aemond's gaze was on her, as it had been for most of the day.

Rhaella did not spare him a glance. He had slighted her earlier after all; He should be begging for her attention.

Suddenly, Princess Rhaenyra stood, cup raised in a toast.

"I raise my cup to her grace the queen," Rhaenyra said. Everyone at the table reached for their cup. Rhaella grabbed her cup as well, however, she did not raise it, opting to hold it instead.

"I love my father, but I must admit that no one has stood more loyally by his side than his good wife, and for that, I am deeply grateful." Rhaenyra finished.

Rhaella watched the queen's eyes flicker with conflicting emotions. She wondered what Alicent was contemplating. Fascinating, she found it. What goes through the mind of a woman who sliced another?

The Queen Alicent stood hesitantly. Her hands her folded in front of her anxiously.

" Your graciousness...moves me deeply princess." Alicent settled on. Rhaenyra accepts the response, with a small smile on her face.

The table settled back into calm chatter, each person into their conversation. Rhaella was bored. She had no interest in infiltrating the flirtations going on between Baela and Jace. Rhaella twiddled her fork between her two fingers, eyes darting around the room.

Deciding that she'd punished Aemond for long enough, she allowed herself to gawk at him.

He looked so handsome. Her eyes fell to his long, pale fingers wrapped around his cup. Rhaella could feel her face heating up with less-than-savory thoughts.

She desperately needed to compose herself.

Aegon rose from his seat, reaching for the wine pitcher that was between Baela and Rhaella.

In her distraction of ogling Aemond, Rhaella had missed the aggravated expression on Jace's face.

"I regret the disappointment you are soon to face," Aegon whispered to Baela.

Baela looked as though she was holding back dragonfire from Aegon. He tilted his head a little, pouring wine into his cup.

"If you wish to be well satisfied all you have to do is ask," Aegon said.

Uncharacteristically, Baela did not send a fury of curses Aegon's way. So naturally Rhaella took it upon herself.

Besides, she had since been looking for an excuse to give him a piece of her mind.

"And what could you know about satisfaction, dear cousin." Rhaella ventured innocently. Her violet eyes practically bore into Aegon's being.

Aegon smirked, welcoming the comment. " More than you, although I take no issue in showing you."

Rhaella took a sip of her wine, imagining that it was Aegon's blood. " Is that why all the maids in the Red Keep avoid you?" Rhaella questioned. She was smiling now, victory was clear in her sights.

"Your cock is the epitome of unsatisfactory, cousin I am most sure," Rhaella said, her tone carrying a sick sweetness to it.

At this, Aegon's smirk drops completely. Rhaella, however, sported a more than pleased smirk on her lips. Baela tried her best to suppress her own laughter.

Aegon leaned forward, hatred burning bright in his eyes.

" You know nothing, dragonless cunt, you would do well to join your mother."

Rhaella felt herself turn cold. Her mind drifted to the dagger she kept underneath her dress. Yes. She would lunge over the table and slash him in the eye.

He could match with his brother.

The thought of this made Rhaella relax a little, a small smile still present. Jace, however, carried no such relaxation. He stood up from the table, banging it in the process.

This action startled the rest of the table, catching the attention of Rhaenyra and Daemon. Jace's hostile glare shot Aegon down, daring him to continue.

" Jace, please." Baela urged him to sit down. Rhaella glanced around to see that everyone was staring at them in concern. Aemond however, was standing, seemingly matching Jace.

" It's quite alright cousin, I can defend myself well enough," Rhaella assured Jace. Reluctantly, he took his seat.

" Rhaella?" The Queen Alicent called out. " Is there something the matter?"

All eyes were on Rhaella now. She might as well have some well deserved fun.

Rhaella stood up, straightening out her dress. " Not at all your grace," Rhaella said. She raised her cup in a toast.

" Aegon was urging me to make a toast, and who am I to deny my prince," Rhaella said. Aemond was carefully eyeing her down. He knew whatever she was going to say next would cause conflict.

" I regret that I was not present for Helaena and Aegon's wedding." She said.

" It should be known that I love Helaena like a sister, Aegon, you would do good to treat her well." Rhaella finsihed.

Sitting back down, Rhaella took a moment to gauge everyone's reactions. Her father looked pleased at her well spoke slight towards Aegon. Alicent seemed to have not caught on, she wore a genuine smile.

Helaena, her sweet cousin was beaming. Otto Hightower wore a look of analyzation.

These days, Rhaella noted that he always seemed to be looking at her like that.

Aegon must've heard the message loud and clear because he offered no rebuttal.

"You're just awful, Rhaella," Baela whispered. Rhaella shrugged nonchalantly. It was high time someone matched Aegon. And who better than her?

The roasted pig was brought out for serving. By some cruel humor, it had been set directly in front of Aemond.

Rhaella could see Luke smirking. She rolled her eyes, filling up her cup with more wine. Knowing Aemond's temperament, she was sure to need it.

She hardly found the reference to the pig funny. Perhaps it was a sore spot for her as well. In their younger years, Aemond was jeered for not having a dragon, much like herself. Unlike Aemond, the boys knew better than to point it out, lest they be subjected to Rhaella's harsh words.

As expected, Aemond wasn't too fond of the memory. He hit the table with his fist. Rhaella looks at him, her eyes glinting a little at the sure coming entertainment.

Aemond raised his own cup in a toast. " My nephews possess many great qualities." He begun. Luke looked uneasy. Jace was practically itching to fight.

" They're smart.... strong." Aemond said.

"Aemond." Alicent hissed out to her son. It was as if she hadn't put those ideas in his head.

"Seven hells." Rhaella cursed, gulping more of her wine.

Jace jumped out of his seat. " I dare you to say that again."

"Why?" Aemond questioned. " Come, let us drain our cups to these strong boys."

With that, mayhem ensued. Jace swung at Aemond ,hitting him in the face. It seemed to have almost no effect on him though, Aemond laughing it off.

Rhaella glanced at Princess Rhaenyra, who was now standing, attempting to get a handle on the situation.

Luke tried to stand to help his brother, but Aegon had gotten to him first, slamming his head onto the table.

Pure chaos; Rhaella found herself enjoying it all. She remained seated, watching as Aemond shoved Jace to the floor.

"Baela, please stop this!" Rhaella heard Rhaena plead.

Aegon had been pushing Baela, jeering foul things at her. The pleasure she found in the chaos had quickly faded for her. Aegon putting his hands on her sisters had made her blood run hot.

Swiftly, Rhaella avoided the knight who tried to hold her back from it all. She stood in front of Rhaena and Baela, dagger pulled from under her dress in hand.

"Do not presume to touch my sister," Rhaella said, voice deadly calm. Aegon eyed the dagger in hand. Despite his amused smirk, he took a few steps back.

"Am I to take a whore's words seriously?" Aegon sneered. " I'm not my brother."

"Perhaps when I bleed you like the pig you are, you'll think differently," Rhaella said.

A guard managed to grab ahold of Rhaella before the situation could progress. Rhaella allowed the knife to fall to the floor. She didn't struggle against the hold, Aegon wouldn't dare to try her again.

Jace goes for Aemond again but is stopped by Daemon. Jace has the good sense to back up immediately. Daemon shoots Rhaella a look, communicating that she should remain where she is.

Rhaella ignored her father, instead glancing at Aemond. His hair was slightly wild-looking from the scuffle.

Maybe it was the adrenaline from nearly slitting Aegon's throat, but Rhaella thought he had never looked better.

Daemon and Aemond engage in an intense stare-down. Aemond reluctantly backed off.

"All of you, to your quarters..now." Rhaeynra ordered sternly. Rhaena drags Baela into the hall followed by Jace and Luke. Rhaella, however, lingered, arms crossed in contemplation.

Aemond decided to take his leave as well but not before bumping Rhaella's shoulder. Rhaella fought the small smile creeping onto her face.

"Go to your room this instant, Rhaella," Rhaenyra said. Spinning on her heel, Rhaella promptly left the dinner hall.


Rhaella did not go to her room that night. Instead, she found herself in the Red Keep's library. She weaved between the cases of books, a particular one catching her eye.

Histories about the Faith of the Seven.

Making her way to one of the tables, she is stopped by the sight of Aemond. Rhaella wasn't sure if he knew she'd be here or if she was hoping he'd follow her.

It suited her all the same.

Taking her seat across from him, Rhaella nonchalantly opened up the book, landing on a page about The Stranger.

A being with no face, the unknown and unknowable who leads the dead to the other world.

Rhaella was not religious by any means. She took no part in her sister Rhaena's prayers, asking in earnest for the hatching of a dragon egg. If the gods were real, they must've hated her. When she was a child, people often referred to her as the strange one, uncanny, and dark she was.

" Quite an interesting display you did, pulling a knife on my brother," Aemond spoke finally. Rhaella hummed in response, flipping another page in the book.

"And what about you? Causing such senseless chaos." Rhaella said.

" I only spoke what we all know to be the truth."

Rhaella pushed her book off to the side. She folded her hands, leaning forward.

"It's treason." Rhaella pushed further. She didn't believe her own words coming from her mouth, but she was fixed on winning this round.

Aemond looked at her, carefully forming his thoughts. A learned trait from their time together. Rhaella would use anything against him just to gain the upper hand. She reminded him of a cat that plays with its prey, quickly losing interest afterward.

" I've never known you to care about such things," Aemond said.

A small smirk found its way to Rhaella's face. " Perhaps you don't know me at all, cousin."

Aemond scoffed at her. " You might fool everyone else, but I very well know what you are."

Rhaella's eye's sparkled in amusement. Aemond had taken the bait she'd dangled in front of him.

" And what am I , Aemond?" She asked, voice lofty.

Aemond leaned forward, taking in her entire anatomy it seemed. She infuriated him deeply and she was ever so cocky.

" You act as though you are without faults," Aemond said. " You're as vicious as they come."

"Gaomas bona vēdros ao?" Rhaella said, voice like honey. 'Does that anger you?'

"Daor, ziry mazverdagon nyke pendagon." Aemond responded. ' No, it makes me think.'

So close. Aemond was about to lose all composure, but that would mean a loss.

And there's nothing that irritated him more than a loss.

" Think about what?" Rhaella was practically cooing at him now.

Many things. Aemond thought about how Rhaella retained this hold on him since they were children. Whatever she said, Aemond was quick to follow. That had been the set dynamic.

No more. He wanted her rendered defenseless. That all-knowing smirk to be fully wiped from her face. It was he who rode the largest dragon in the world, studied the hardest, and trained with the sword.

So why in the seven hells does he feel as though Rhaella has complete control over him?

He hated it.

Was that it? In this short time of reunion, had he grown to hate her?

Rhaella hummed in satisfaction. Maybe he hadn't changed after all. Aemond was still the same boy all those years ago, gripping her hand in fear, bleeding from his eye.

"Nyke sagon jāre sir." Rhaella said, standing up from her seat. 'I'll be going now.'

In a flash, Aemond briskly took hold of her arm, pushing her up against the table.

Rhaella let out a gasp of surprise. She saw the look in Aemond's eye.


Perhaps she was starving too, more than she knew. Just this once would she allow her self-restraint to snap.

Aemond grabbed the sides of Rhaella's face, kissing her deeply. Rhaella met him with equal fervor, hands trailing up his arms and resting around his shoulders.

Love was absent in the kiss for them both, only the need for dominance.

Aemond's right hand found its way to her waist, giving it a harsh squeeze. Rhaella moaned in satisfaction.

Rhaella's brain was hazy, her curls were in disarray and she could feel Aemond's lips reach her neck. Her dress had since ridden up, exposing her thigh.

Part of Rhaella wanted him to continue, to take her completely. But that was only a tiny part of her. Above all else, she wanted to retain her control.

So she did.

Rhaella gave a soft but firm push on his chest away from her. Aemond's cheeks were tinted red, expressing confusion. She ate it up entirely.

Smug as ever, Rhaella adjusted her dress. She didn't bother with her hair, it was already gone to madness.

Aemond struggled to catch his breath. She had won yet again.

" You-." Aemond began. His blood was boiling.

" Goodnight to you, sleep well," Rhaella said. With that, she left the library leaving Aemond flustered.

Rhaella softly padded into the hallway. There was a dull ache inside of her she tried to ignore. She would be a fool to deny the obvious attraction that boiled inside of her.

Lost in thought, she bumped into the chest of someone. Looking up,she recognized the queen Alicent's handmaid, Talya.

"Oh, my apologies," Rhaella said.

Talya offered Rhaella a smile, eyes scanning her state.

" Are you alright, my lady? You seem...bothered."

A gracious way of putting it. The fabrics of her dress were unnaturally wrinkled. There was a blotchy mark forming under her collarbone, unbeknownst to her.

"Yes." Rhaella breathed out. " Goodnight."

Rhaella finally entered the room she shared with her two sisters. The hour was incredibly late, she closed the door softly to not disturb her sisters.

" And where are you coming from this late, Rhaella?"

Rhaella spun around to face the sound of Baela's voice, who looked more than annoyed. Rhaena was turned onto her side, fast asleep.

"The library, go back to sleep," Rhaella whispered. Walking to her side, she began changing into her nightclothes.

"You were in the library... alone?" Baela hissed. Rhaella sighed, grabbing her hair wrap, and attempting to wrestle with her mass of curls.

There was no use lying, it seemed Baela knew all. Ever the younger sister that she was, still tried to get by anyway.

" Yes sister, I was alone," Rhaella said.

At this, Baela exploded, no longer bothering to whisper.

"There is a bruise on your neck, your hair is a mess and the corset of your dress is loose!" Baela's voice raised.

Rhaena stirred, sitting up from her bed. "What is the matter?" Her voice was groggy.

"Our sister decided to take the company of that cunt!" Baela said.

Rhaella couldn't help but roll her eyes. " Yes I was with Aemond, what of it?"

" He called Jace and Luke bastards and yet you've bedded him." Baela accused.

Rhaella admitingly had thought about taking Aemond to bed, just to see what it would be like. But that would leave way for vulnerability, and that would not do.

" I've done nothing of the sort, you sound mad." Rhaella said.

"But, you do care for him." Rhaena pointed out.

" I do not." Rhaella was swift to deny it. She enjoyed her control. Their game. As it had always been. Nothing more.

" Oh please, you'd betray us all if he asked you to." Baela hissed out.

"Baela.." Rhaena whispered. Her eyes flickered to Rhaella. She knew her sister would never admit it, but she was always able to tell. Rhaella would blink twice, her face would fall into a blank slate.

Baela had cut her deeply.

Rhaella's mind ran a mile a minute. She thought of all the vile insults she could throw Baela's way.

Instead, she silently removed the covers from her bed, rolling onto her side, eyes closed.

Despite what Baela thought, Rhaella would always resign control of her sisters. Even if it hurt her to do so.

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