Grey's Anatomy Short Stories

By SophOnASofa

1.2K 23 8

Hey! This is a series of Grey's Anatomy one shots, along with a few Station Nineteen and Private Practice, mo... More

RPF - A red carpet reveals all
New Chief of Neuro
RPF - What if she hates me?
Amelia, Look at me.
Station 19 - Seattle Fire Queers
Oh kiddo
Private Practice
Lucas, I swear to God

Just breathe

305 3 0
By SophOnASofa

"We've been paged lockdown." Arizona breathed out slowly.

Amelia felt her heart stop, she knew that this had happened before, but had never experienced it. Arizona had been through it, and managed to survive.

Lockdown meant that they shut themselves in the department. And that meant that Amelia and Arizona were stuck together in the Paediatric ward, with Meredith and Addison.

"OK guys. Dr Grey and I have been through this before, we need to stay on this ward, and keep calm. There are four doctors here and six nurses. Ten of us. Luckily it's a slow day, there are only twelve kids on this floor, so we're going to move them so that there are four kids in a room, it makes them easier to control, got it?"

Everyone set to work, and Amelia started delegating. "OK, Maddison, Jamie, Jodie, room one. Arianne, Tony and Layla room two. Robbins, Grey, Montgomery, you're with me room four."

Addison, Meredith and Arizona headed straight to room four and Amelia followed after she'd grabbed everyone's phones.


The first gunshot echoed through the hospital as the children started crying. The four doctors each took a child, hugging them close and calming them.

"Hey Nat." Amelia held the three year old girl in her arms, being careful not to squash the IV. And Arizona couldn't keep her eyes off the younger, beautiful Shepherd.

The kids all fell asleep in due course and were placed back in their beds. Arizona placed earbuds in all their ears to block out any more shots.

Meredith and Addison were a couple, and everyone around the hospital knew it. The two of them were holding each other in the corner next to the cupboard. Meredith was holding the red-head's head on her shoulder.


The second shot sent Amelia into Arizona's arms, cowering in fear. The blonde held her and rubbed soothing circles over Amelia's hands.

"Th-thank you." Amelia said, hearing a third shot and hiding her face in Arizona's neck.

Arizona's heart was racing. The girl she had fallen in love with was hugging her, seeing her as a protector. Arizona had been in love with the brunette for around a year, but never gotten the courage to tell Amelia. Sweet, beautiful Amelia, who could do no wrong in the eyes of the paediatric surgeon.

"Mer, I'm scared." Addison said.

"I know baby, it's scary, but we're gonna be ok."

The taller woman replied. "I love you. And you can't die on me, cause I love you. So I don't want any of this 'shoot me instead' shit, cause I need you alive, alright?"

"Got it."

Amelia was breathing shakily in Arizona's neck, detecting the fast pulse.

"Arizona, your pulse is racing." Amelia placed her hands on the carotid, feeling a very fast heartbeat.

"Yeah, uh, I, um, just nervous."

Amelia nodded her head, whilst Meredith and Addison shared a knowing look. Meredith said. "Nervous about the shooting? Or nervous over someone?"

Arizona stuttered, opening her mouth and then closing it again. Amelia finally caught on.

Whilst Amelia fully knew that during a lockdown due to a shooting was the wrong time to make a move of any kind, she was also very very bored.

"Got a crush on someone, Robbins?" Amelia grinned, shuffling closer to the blonde.

"Uh, I, I don't." Arizona took a deep breath. "Maybe."

Amelia smirked. "Is she beautiful? Brown haired, brown eyes, bright smile? Genius, with a genius brother?"

"Something- uh something like that yeah."

Meredith, Addison and Amelia shared a look when Arizona dipped her head. "Well I think this woman feels the same way about you."

Arizona finally got her brain working and managed to form a word. "Yay." Amelia chuckled and placed a hand on Arizona's cheek to turn her to face her. Their lips met softly.


The third shot was closer, probably only one floor away, so Meredith sent a message round to everyone else on the floor to put their patients under, so they don't get loud and alert the gunman.

Amelia pulled her mouth away from Arizona's, instead sliding onto the floor next to her, joining their hands together as they watched Meredith and Addison doing the same.


The forth shot was on their floor, and Amelia was terrified now, hiding her face in Arizona's neck as she heard the door to the Paediatric department swing open.

She was trying her best not to cry, hoping to keep quiet as they all heard the footsteps getting closer and closer.

They all held their breath, wishing for the shooter to just pass them by.

They heard the shooter down the hallway, saying something. "Where can I find Meredith Grey?"

That was a memorable gravelly voice.

Within a few steps, their door was opened, and Derek Shepherd walked in.

"When I found out that my ex-wives were sleeping with each other. I was disgusted, and horrified. Partly with myself for falling for two dykes, but mostly with the people who think that lifestyle is alright. The people who think that it isn't sinful or wrong, and are happy to expose patients to this lifestyle."

Amelia was holding Arizona's right hand with her right, her left arm wrapping around the blonde.

"So I was thinking, how to protect our society and get my revenge, on the dykes that left me? And then I saw my scar from my surgery after Gary Clark and thought about the effect that it had on me when it wasn't fatal. So I was thinking, all these shots that I've made are not fatal, and none are going to be, they're all just going to really impact you. Unfortunately I've only got one bullet left."

Amelia stood up, drawing Derek's attention to the fact that she was in the room.

"No Amelia, don't." Arizona kept their hands linked, and Amelia bent down, kissing Arizona's forehead.

"I'm in love with a woman. Derek you're not going to shoot your own sister now are you?"

Derek looked at her. "You sure about that?"

Amelia gulped. "OK then, shoot me, shoot me instead of them. Shoot me. Go on. Those two, need each other, nobody needs me. If you get me out of the way, you're free to come back as head of neuro."

Derek was considering it, looking at Arizona, who was begging Derek not to do it. But he had a mind of his own and cocked his gun, aiming it at his sister's arm, however he was slightly drunk and his hands shook, missing her arm and hitting her left leg instead, sending her straight to the floor.

Arizona caught her - girlfriend? Best friend? We'll go with girlfriend - girlfriend before she hit the ground. Everyone jumped into action, Meredith assessed, seeing that it was a through and through. Addison grabbed the phone, calling the police and informing them of the identity of the shooter, and telling them that they'd heard four shots and seen one.

Meredith started to try and control the bleeding, and the swat team quickly arrived, arresting Derek.

The lockdown was called off and Callie was paged to their room, where they got Amelia on a gurney and taken to OR 2. Arizona held the younger Shepherd's hand all the way there, never letting go.

"We're going to have to amputate. The bone's shattered, there are no viable nerves. and she's losing far too much blood. Amputation's the only way forward. I'll fit her with a prosthetic, don't worry."

Amelia was now unconscious, under anaesthesia, and Arizona still couldn't bring herself to tear herself away from the brunette lying on the operating table.

Callie was forced to amputate just below the knee, and quickly got her stitched up and sent to her room.

Arizona, Meredith and Addison sat with the Shepherdess all night, and all of the next day. The shooting was all over the news, and the fact that Derek had been arrested, and Amelia was still under, as her brain had been shaken up a lot during the shooting.

It was around six pm the next day when the first sign of movement was seen. Amelia's finger twitched, in Arizona's hand. Amelia looked at Arizona, as soon as she opened her eyes.

The three women in the room smiled, quickly checking all of Amelia's vitals.

"Doctor Grey, present." Amelia smiled, and looked seriously at the blonde general surgeon.

She smiled, barely looking at the chart to tell the patient what was going on. "Doctor Amelia Shepherd, 32. GSW through the right tibia. Through and through shot. Vitals stable, no morphine, or pain meds given to patient as instructed by her chart." Meredith finished.

"Thank you." Amelia replied. "What did you do?"

"Um, uh." Meredith stuttered.

Arizona took over. "Amelia, I'm sorry." She apologised, before lifting the blanket to show Amelia her leg, or what was left of it.


"They had to amputate. There was too much bleeding, the bones were unsalvageable and there were no viable nerves."

Amelia was speechless. "I'M A SURGEON! HOW AM I MEANT TO GET AROUND?!"

Callie had obviously heard that Amelia was awake and arrived just in time to hear her questions. "Amelia, chill. Whilst you were under, I took a mould of your stump, and I have already got a Prosthetic being made for you. It's slightly adjustable so that we can change it if your stump swells or decreases in size. The prosthetic should make it so that you can walk normally. Obviously there may be complications, but we're hoping for no problems."

Amelia was obviously calmed by that and squeezed Arizona's hand. Addison, Meredith and Callie left.

The brunette moved her hand to the blonde's scrub top, tugging her to herself. The two's lips met sweetly as Amelia tried to deepen the kiss. Arizona wouldn't let her, and pulled away, pushing the brunettes shoulder lightly to keep her lying down in the bed.

The blonde and brunette sat together all day, and the next, and the day after that. About four days after the shooting, Callie came by with the sleeve for the stump. They got it on and attached it to the prosthetic.

"OK, can you move your leg at the knee?"

Amelia nodded and tried to move the knee, up and down a little bit. "Ow! That hurts!"

"I know baby, but you can do this!" Arizona encouraged. At this, Amelia knew that she would be able to do this with the woman she loved by her side.

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