DHMIS oneshots (probs mostly...

By Apologetic_Artist

2.3K 42 102

{REQUESTS : OPEN ✅️} Okay, I caved.. here you go. You know the deal, collection of random dhmis oneshots blah... More

>You know the drill (Rules & Ships)<
>Request page!!<
*♡ Oneshots ♡*
>I Am Become Christmas< (DigitalTime)
>Flustered< (DigitalTime)
>Kisses< (DigitalTime)
>Panicked party< (DigitalTime)
>Art Block [Creativespark]<
[- Artwork -]
>Random Drawings<
>Mmmm.. Larry (some scary stuff and slight eye strain) <
>Shrignold drawing :]<
>Colin drawing thingy im proud of<
>Sketch & Tony designs<
> Colin & Tony sketches :3 <
> Idk what to call this but Colin drawing thingy <
> Silly little drawing of my fav characters atm (Colin & Kinito) <
> KATAMARI [Tony drawing] <
> DigitalTime cuddles X3 <
> Art dump :] <
> Tony ref sheet plus extra sketches :D <
>Dumping more art apon ye<
> Colin ref sheet X3 <
> Grrrr dhmis oc grrrr (also artfight card) <
= Ideas =
>Random idea I'll probs will regret but.. idk.. it's fun?<
>FANFIC IDEA!!! (pt.1? idk)<
> FANFIC IDEA (another one!!) <
^ Headcannons ^
>Headcannons that have nothing to do with anything (pt. 1)<
>DigitalTime HC's :3!! (pt.1?)<
> Random headcannons again :3 <
☆ Q & A ☆
&$ Silly Rants/Misc. $&
>COLIN MERCH RANT (grrrr >:/)<
× Author's Notes ×
> A/N <
>Random Question about TTTD [A/N Thingy]<
>Valentines Announcement Thingy [A/N]<
Shameless plug for my Tumblr, not important [A/N]
[ A/N About fanfic updates ]
[ IRL image of my DHMIS get up, not a face reveal (A/N)]
[ Brain go splat, empty, no ideas, XP Blehhh(A/N) ]
> Uhmm.. so.. Colin.. [A/N] <
> Workin on somethin :3 < [A/N]

>Valentine's Day (late) special [DigitalTime]<

69 2 5
By Apologetic_Artist

I'm sorry this took a bit to get out but I hope y'all enjoy!!

Requested by - cattykit_666

Valentines date

“Tony..? W- Where are you..?” Colin mumbles, waking up from his sleep as he yawns. “You know I don't like it when you pull this type of stuff..” Colin removes the soft, warm blankets from himself, sitting up and feeling the cold air hit his body. “Should really put a shirt on… *sigh* it was hot last night anyway…”

After a while of getting ready for the day and putting on his glasses, Colin finally acknowledges the rose petals on the ground. He groans tiredly.

“Anthony.. I'm too tired for this right now.. I love you and I appreciate this.. a lot.. I'm just gonna fall down the stairs…” He was not a morning person at all, loving to stay in bed in the morning as he scrolls on his phone for hours at a time, he just doesn’t want to upset Tony by staying in bed. He did love him overall. He knew that Tony would go above and beyond for him. For all Colin knows, he could be on the roof about to do a backflip for the hell of it.

Colin stops waiting, full of anticipation as he follows the roses, almost falling down the stairs in the process due to how tired he was. After a bit of walking, he comes into the dining room. It was set up all nice and fancy as Tony stood there with a basket full of trinkets.

“Uhhhh.. Tony-?”


“Okay!! Okay, slow down. Where are we going?”

“Aquarium.. I signed us up for the “sleep with the sharks'' thing where you sleep in that one walkway with the sharks. I know how much you love that type of stuff.”

Colin smiles at Tony, his tail swaying from side to side. “Of course, thank you, baby. I totally forgot it was Valentines Day for a minute, sorry, bubus..” He then walks up to Tony, giving him a soft, short kiss on the lips. Tony giggles stupidly after.

“It's okay! I sometimes forget my own birthday.” Tony gives Colin another small kiss. “Anyway, I ordered breakfast from your favorite breakfast place! I got you those big chocolate chip pancakes you love.” Colin softly giggles.

“Thank you, love. Sorry, I'm really tired so I'm a bit crabby.” He says, starting to sit down at the table.

“Don't sit there! Let's go eat in the living room! I already set us up there.” Tony takes hold of Colin's hand, leading him to the living room and sitting him down where he set up his breakfast. “Now we can watch stuff and eat! Now, what do you wanna watch? Hazbin? Percy Jackson? Random blockbuster movie?”

“How about The Outsiders, haven't seen that one in a hot bit.”

“Hmmm.. never heard of it.”

“Anthony.. tomorrow.. I'm not letting you do anything until you read The Outsiders and That Was Then, This is Now.”

“You always do this when I haven't heard of something.”

“But everyone knows The Outsiders!! We're still watching the movie though.”

“Okay, I love you.”

“Love ya too!”

Tony puts The Outsiders on and sits down in his spot. The both of them eat their food while Tony sobs during the movie.

“JOHNNY WHYYY?!?!?” Colin glances at his sobbing lover, chuckling slightly.

“I'm still surprised you've never heard of The Outsiders.”

***Time Skip to when they get to the aquarium***

As Colin steps foot in the Aquarium, his tail starts to wag quickly while giggling. Tony smiles softly at his happy lover, watching as his hands start to flap up and down. Tony lets out a soft chuckle.

“Someone's excited.” He says, taking hold of Colin's hand and standing on his tippy toes to give Colin a kiss on the cheek. Colin continues to giggle.

“Sorry, I just love the aquarium!!”

“I know, let's go look at all the fish, go out to eat, then come back so we can do the sleep with the sharks thing.” Colin nods quickly after Tony told him this, starting to drag him off to look at all the fish.

Colin and Tony would spend their time at the aquarium looking at all the fish. Tony wanted to speed through because he was hungry but Colin was taking his time, looking at all the fish. The places where he stood the longest were the jellyfish and, of course, the sharks. Colin just watched as the sharks swam over their head with wide eyes as their tail wagged quickly. After they were done, Tony took Colin to the gift shop and bought him a few things. Colin was willing to pay but insisted he would buy Colin anything he wanted. Last year for Valentines, Colin was the one to run it. Since Tony was more of a simple one on special days, they just went out to a fancy restaurant, and Colin paid the bill. So, Tony was just returning the favor. Afterwards, they went to a restaurant across the way.

After eating, they went back to the aquarium at the time the activity was. Colin was just ecstatic for this, flapping his hands up and down as his tail wagged back and forth. Tony smiled softly at Colin as he was going through the process of getting the reservation and stuff done. Tony took hold of Colin's hand and led him to get ready for the night. Colin and Tony both change into their night outfits and they lay in the walkway. Colin stares at the ceiling, watching all the sharks swim by, even looking to the side a few times and seeing the turtle go by.

“Happy Valentine's Day, Colin.” Tony says to him, petting his hair and giving him a soft smile.

“I love you..” Colin says sleepily, yawning as he takes off his glasses.

“I love you too..”

They both then fall asleep, happy that they love each other and are able to do stuff together.

[FINAL WORD COUNT: 1,007!!!]

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