Imperiya high: An empires smp...

By Socially-_-Awkward

782 20 87

"What I have isn't a curse. It's a result of my own actions, and I accepted something in my heart and... it c... More

A/n, back again!!
Homophobes and flower men
Oreos, Coffee and The Gays
Timothee Chalemet and the Primary school
Supply closets and sweaty people
First game of the season
The corruption of life
Home (a place where I can go)
The plot and the skulk
Bad grades lead to late nights grounded in your room
The job interview
hiatus lol

The hatmaker and the witch

74 2 19
By Socially-_-Awkward


The Mythical J. Sausage barged his way through the crowd to see Timmy trying to fight yet another person. He sighed and dragged him away, pulling his collar as he handed him to Grian, who beat his parrot wings and flew him away to their form room. Timmy was kicking and screaming all whilst the crowd was booing because these kids were practically starved of entertainment and were also violent dumbasses. Sausage coughed and shouted 'SHUT UP!' all whilst imagining strangling these dumb wannabe gangsters in his head.

This did not work because 1. He wasn't as popular as Fwhip or Gem and 2. The crowd was literally a bunch of violent roadmen. Sausage looked a little to his left and saw the one and only Whippy running towards him. 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!' He screamed at the crowd and they quickly dispersed. He put his hand on Sausage's shoulder. 'Are you okay?' 

'Yeah, I'm good.' He said. 'Jimmy's not though.' he pointed to a speck in the sky, which was Grian doing loop-the-loops whilst the poor little cod screamed his lungs out. He was either saying 'Put me down Grian.' or 'I like me wheeling.' Whichever it was, he was not happy.

There was a moment of silence as Grain dropped Jimothy through a skylight and they heard a screech.

'Welp.' Fwhip said. 'Tic tac?'

'Of course.'  Sausage replied, holding his hand out. 'Also we're 20 minutes late to form time.



The suns had a meeting after school, but Katherine decided to meet up with Gem in the cafeteria. She opened her hat website and was surprised to see many more people had put in orders for custom hats. She sat and waited for Gem until she saw someone kind of familiar. A moon. Shelby Grace. She was fairly attractive, and Katherine thought that she would would probably date her if she was gay. The words spiraled in her head, making her zone out and leaving a dizziness in her mind.

Am I gay?

Am I a... lesbian?

No, right?

You can find random enemy women attractive but not be ultra-gay.

Yeah. That was it.

She pondered all these thoughts as Shelby slipped into the chair next to her, her head resting on the table.

Katherine's brain instantly wandered to the first thing that came to her mind 'God she is so cute.'

'Uh...What do you need? She asked.

'Oh! A hat!' She smiled, which gave Katherine butterflies.

'Ok... what sort of hat?'

'A witch's hat!' Shelby said enthusiastically, which was the cutest thing she had heard all day. Shelby showed her a reference picture of her great-grandma's hat, who was a swamp witch and later because supreme witch.

'O-ok, I'll give it to you later.' Katherine smiled at her and waved goodbye as she walked into the school library. God, why was she stuttering? Gem came up to her and smirked, seeing the faint layer of pink blush on her cheeks. 'Looks like someone's in lOve.' 

She swatted Gem on the arm and rested her head on the table. 'Nope, I'm not.' She said. 'Anyways, how are the reports on the moon brawls this month?'


Scott was daydreaming about a certain cod boy named Jimmy when Shelby walked into the library. Joel and Lizzie were in the corner, sitting on the same bean bag and reading a book the english teacher had set for an assignment. The fact that Lizzie kept groaning and complaining every three seconds was not helping Scott's patience. He would've told her to shut up, but she was Jimmy's sister.

Scott had the same book for our assignment set out in front of him. He was casually flicking through the pages with zero interest, occasionally exclaiming that this was not accurate to Rivendell, his home nation that was in Alaska (Don't ask).

Shelby sat down opposite him and scoffed at the hardback copy of the trilogy of lord of the rings Scott held in his hand. 'Watch the movie, dum dums.'

Scott sat up in his chair, throwing the book across the room which hit a nearby shelf. 'ARE YOU ACTUALLY KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!'

Shelby giggled as Pix shouted from the other side of the library 'KEEP IT DOWN!'

Joel, who was mega-scared of Pix immediately huddled next to Lizzie and stayed silent. 

'So...' Shelby said, dragging out the o. 'Jimmy huh?'

Lizzie's head shot up. 'What about him? Did he do something? Did someone beat him up?' 

'Probably.' Shelby shrugged. 'But that's besides the point. Scott's in l-'

At that moment, Scott rugby tackled Shelby off her chair and onto the floor, earning a muffled but audible 'oWw...' from the gnome-witch.

'SORRY PIX, JUST SOME FRIENDLY DRAMA GOING ON HERE!' Lizzie shouted as they heard Pix grumble about how "irreponsible" everyone was.

Scott sat back on her seat as Shelby complained how he had 'majorly injured her forever (pun intended).'

Eventually, he got so fed up he kicked her. 'Uh- Shelby was about to say me and Jimmy were in the same French class.'

Lizzie tilted her head in a confused manner. 'You told me that in year seven, idiot.'

Scott froze, possibilities of if anyone but Shelby knew running though his head as he quickly turned around and dragged her and him out of the library.




Gotta love the scoot and shelby sibling dynamic

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