Survival of the Loneliest

By LucileDrakkhen

5.3K 151 96

You, the last human that you know of (gender not stated) , gets rescued by the Camera Faction. This is your s... More

How It Started
What is a Titan's Core?
What the fluff? (Smut Warning on this chapter)
I am human, not a damn Skib (smut warning)
PTSD is a bitch (smut warning)
Out of body, out of fucks to give (tiny smut warning)
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Smut warning)
Electric Boogaloo (Smut Warning)
Voices In My Head
The Day of Lurve (Smut warning)
Titan... Dance Off? What on earth?
All Things Come In Three's
Titan's Judgements
It's My Life
Stop! Hammer Time.
Disco Weapon
Sexual Healing (Major smut warning)
The Lean Mean Green Machine
Wake Me Up (smut warning)
Die Trying (small smut warning)
Revelations of a Titan's Core (smut warning)
Brute Force Always Wins (smut warning)
Supersonic Jetstreams
Whispers In The Dark (small smut warning)

That's how robot babies are made? (small non-con smut warning)

179 2 2
By LucileDrakkhen

Lads, you three ready for Activation Day next week? You'll probably need to stay in Titan form for just over 24 hours for it as well. We can't risk anything going wrong if you're not in your frames, we don't know what will happen and I don't want to experiment as with how the war's going right now, we need all the activations we can get. Bayer was at the workstation in your quarters making some notes. The three Titan's were in individual core forms today.

It's that soon? We'll be ready. Came the calm voice of Blue.

Anyone told Vex yet? Roth wondered aloud.

"Told Vex what?" You say as you walk into the room.

It's the trimonthly Activation Day next week. It's going to be pretty manic round here for a day or two.

"Activation Day? You guys have never told me anything about it or what it even is. And if this is every 3 months, you've hidden it well from me."

Ah well, You've seen the slightly smaller younger units yes?

"The kids? Yeah, I was wondering about them but I didn't want to ask just in case It was taboo or something."

Well, every quarter we have Activation Day. Older non-combat units spend the time between Activation Days building the smaller units with their partners and then the Titan's give out some of their core energy to activate them all individually. It's how we create new members of the three race's. It just takes time and energy for the Titan's to do hence having a whole day dedicated to it rather than just at random points.

"So each new unit has parents? Oh, that's hella sweet. Did not expect that one. Somehow I guess I kinda figured you guys just rolled off a conveyor somewhere and I didn't want to offend by asking."

You should've seen Polycephaly as a new unit. He was a pretty sweet little thing till he started picking up the attitude and bad language. He loved how the small Soundkind would bounce around him until he would let them climb up and hang off his sub screens. Roth giggled.

"Seriously? Poly? Sweet? I don't believe you. Though mind you, he WAS being nice when we had that party the other week. I guess it could happen."

Darq wasn't as serious either, he used to love pranking everybody. If I remember right, didn't he detach and hide one of Poly's sub screens one time which made Poly cry till Darq got too embarrassed and gave it back? Came from Big Red.

Oh yeah, I remember that. And Anzio nearly killed Piston cause he somehow found an old Skib shell and hid in it to scare her. She kept shooting the shell thinking it was alive. Blue reminisced.

"God I wish I'd met you guys a lot sooner. I would've loved to have seen all that happen. What about you Bayer? Any fun stories?"

Too many to count. But I need to get this done before I can start telling any of them. Got a lot of sorting out to do, find out who's bringing what etc etc. One thing I will say though, ask after Activation Day, remind me and I will tell you as many stories as you'd like to hear.

"Huh, sure. I've got some stuff to do today myself and I need to steal Big Red away for a bit if I can?"

Don't you want all of us Vex?

"No Blue, your turn will come later on, Roth and I have already had a discussion about what I need to talk to both you and Red here about. But I need to talk to you all individually to make sure you don't corrupt the one I'm focusing on first. Ok? It's nothing bad, I just want to confirm something. Think of it as another first time Core Expulsion like I had to do with all three of you guys."

Oh, right. So me later?

"Yup, long as Red here doesn't take too long. If not, it will be tomorrow ok? Plus you guys can come snuggle tonight alright?"

Snuggle time yes!

"Come give me a cuddle now. Then me and Red can go off and get on with things, make things a bit quicker for everyone eh?"

With that Blue and Roth wrap themselves up in your arms getting a fierce hug with a quick kiss then they dropped to let Red go off with you, in your arms. Giving Bayer a slight hip nudge on your way out. Taking Red to your quarters you lie down on the bed with him lying on your chest purring.

"Red, I have something rather important to ask you. And I need you to be one hundred percent truthful with me now. Roth has already told me the truth and shown me, but I need to know your version."

What is it? You know we'd never lie to you, none of us would.

"I need to hear the voice."

No, no you don't. It's horrid and needs to go away for all time. You make it go away so we can't hear it.

"Red, please. I've heard it in Roth but I need to hear yours now. I need to check something."

Nothing to check, we all hear a voice that tells us to kill and fight. That's all there is to it.

"Red, you don't understand. Please, I need to see if it's the same voice in you as it is in Roth. He doesn't even know. If I can hear it I can tell. It doesn't have to be for long, I just need to hear it. Then after you can have all the snuggles and kisses you want right here, promise."

I really don't like this idea of yours.

"Please don't be stubborn Red. It's to try and help you. If I know what's going on, I might be able to figure out a way of getting rid of the voice permanently."

Fine, but I want a LOT of snuggles and kisses after.

Bringing himself up to your face, he gives you a quick kiss then places his forehead on yours. Swirling green and red goes across your vision. And again on the edges of your mind, you hear the same insidious disembodied voice repeating the same phrases over and over that you heard in Roth's mind, though in Red it was slightly louder and more commanding.

Kill, fight, save humanity, KILL, FIGHT, die to SAVE humanity, kill, fight, your life is forfeit, KILL, FIGHT, kill, fight, KILL, FIGHT.

You also see a quick flash of another, different, man, one who looks to be younger than the last one you saw in Roth's mind. This one looked to be a dancer, performer or some form of choreographer . The man had long black hair tied back in a ponytail and had seemed to have a lot of energy. Again it was such a quick flash you weren't sure if you really saw it. But after seeing the grizzled man in Roth... you were starting to get an inkling about what was going on. You just needed to get Blue's version later.

You feel Red pulling away from your mind and as you open your eyes he is just sitting there on your chest looking at you sadly.

I told you it was horrid.

"I know hon, but I've just learnt something new. Just need to do the same thing with Blue later but for now, let me give you some of those promised cuddles."

Turning on your side hugging Red to your chest. He expands out a little so he can put his head next to yours and give you some kisses and nuzzles. The lads hadn't quite figured out how to hold a full humanoid form on their own, it seemed they could only do it when in fusion form, but at least they could expand themselves enough individually to get both cuddles and kisses from you if you held them up. The two of you just lying there comforting each other, Red finally feeling at ease as the voice had finally gone, he started to doze off as you pet his head gently with you dozing off shortly after.

A couple of hours later you woke up from the impromptu nap to Red just looking at you.

Blue will be harder to convince I hope you know. You might want to have me and Roth in here with you when you do it, just in case anything happens. I'm not saying Blue will hurt you but the voice is really loud in him and that might cause some problems.

"You feeling up to the task now if I go get them both?"

Not really, not ever, but you seem to think you'll find something out so let's just get it over with and we can all get more cuddles, kisses and pettings after yeah?

"Yup, you want to come with me to go get them or you gonna stay here?"

I'll come with you, I need to keep the voice away as much as I can if we are gonna do this with Blue.

And with that you got up with Red in your arms and you walk off to the hangar to find the other two core forms.

Both were sat in the hangar out of everyone's way, just watching what was being done with Blue's Titan frame. They were adding new improved laser weaponry to his jet pack gear that he could use in conjunction with his core blast and guns on his arms, as long as he had the right amount of power to do so. If he was too drained he wouldn't be able to use them.

There was also work being done to the hangar to expand it to add in a couple more bays for hanging up the frame's. Currently there was 1 full bay and a half bay so the new additions were really very needed. The works had started about a week previously and they seemed to be going well. It helped that the Skibs, after the last attack, w ere beaten back severely by the Alliance.

You whistle to get their attention and use a come here motion to them both. You watch as they drop down and come rolling over, being careful to not bounce and destroy any new prototypes or tools, as well as not getting in anyone's way while they left. After your outburst about needing space a while back and then Bayer and Lumin explaining to them all about their behaviour not being the best for anybody, they'd all calmed down and made adjustments. Though they did still have their moments at times.

"Come on you two, need all three of you in our quarters for a bit."

Walking back to your quarters, you had scooped up Blue as Red dropped down to quickly tell Roth what the plan was. You see Roth looking up at you and nodding so you knew he'd agreed to the plan.

As you get into your quarters, you lock the door and bring Blue onto your chest as you lie down on the bed. Red and Roth taking up positions at the bottom of the bed on either corner, just watching.

"Right you, it's your turn."

But the other two are here? I thought you wanted us on our own?

"Yeah I did but unfortunately with what I found out from Red, these two might need to help me with you. Now, if Red and Roth were anything to go by, you are not going to like what I'm about to ask you but I am only asking because I need to know and I care about all of you. If I get this information I might be able to piece something together so I need you to tell me the truth."

Blue twitches at this. What do you want to know?

"The voice, I need to hear it."

Not happening, you two haven't let Vex hear it have you?! I thought we were keeping that a secret from everyone! Blue started getting angry at the other two Titan's

Blue, Vex needs to hear it. We've both let them hear it and it actually helped us for a while too, the voice went away for longer than usual for me. Roth was being pragmatic as usual

I still can't hear it and it's been a few hours since I let Vex hear mine. It might help you if you do it too. Big Red was trying to be positive for Blue's sake.

"And after I will give you as many cuddles, kisses, pettings, whatever you want for as long as you want ok? I just need to hear it, please."

I do NOT like this idea. But if the two idiots here let you hear it, so be it. Ready?

"Do it. Let me hear it."

With that, Blue puts his forehead on yours, this time you see swirling blue and green. And yet again on the edges of your mind, you hear that damned same insidious disembodied voice repeating the same phrases over and over only this time it was in a very loud, commanding shout.


Yet another quick flash of a man, one that looked like a young soldier, not high in rank but loyal to his squad or platoon. This man had a buzz cut but you could see some brown hair. He looked kind as well and the soldier in the flash looked to be singing somewhere.

Well, fuck. You had quite the theory now. As you feel Blue pulling away you could feel him shuddering violently. Swiftly opening your eyes you pull him to you and just hold him as he starts shrieking for the voice to go away, there was only one human left and he was doing his best to keep that human safe, he didn't need to die for that! Roth and Red instantly coming up the bed and touching him to let him know they were there if he wanted them. He instantly pulled them both into him to merge and you loosened your hold to let them expand out if they needed to. When you felt them cuddle into you you tightened your arms again.

"I'm so sorry, all of you but I did really need to know. Now I do, anytime it gets too much you just need to let me know and I will do what I can to make it go away ok? Just tell me what you want and I will do my best. I do love all of you and I really didn't want to cause you any pain. What can I do now?"

Blue... don't. That won't be good for any of us. You hear Roth warn faintly inside the fusion. Then suddenly the fusion grew and expanded into the humanoid figure they'd used a couple of times previously, though instead of it being the usual equal mix of their colours it was dominated by Blue, the other two not being as present in the fusion like normal.

Blue, stop, you'll hurt Vex! You heard Red faintly in the fusion

Don't care, need voice gone. With that he started pulling at your clothes, tearing them away when he got frustrated at the length of time it was taking.

"Blue, hon..."

Shut up, you caused this, voice too loud now, needs to go.

When he finally got you stripped off he pushed your legs apart and very roughly entered you with your legs hooked on his shoulders so you couldn't stop him doing what he wanted. Luckily you knew this wasn't really Blue himself doing this and you knew as soon as that damned voice buggered off he'd stop so you just tried to let your body relax and go limp , closed your eyes and let him do what he needed to do. Feeling his hands roughly gripping your thighs and wildly thrusting all the while muttering about that damn voice. After a time of this you finally felt him grunt and push himself deeper inside you holding it there for a time. Yet again a triple coloured spot appeared briefly on your upper thigh that went unnoticed.

Then he collapsed on his side and the fusion dissolved into the three separate core forms. Blue just lay there sobbing while Red and Roth rushed up to your head to check on you.

We couldn't stop him. He was too strong because of that damned voice.

We're sorry Vex, so sorry!

"Hey, it's ok. I'm ok, it's fine."

No it's not, he HURT you.

We always promised never to hurt you and he DID!

"It wasn't him, it was the voice. Blame that if you want to blame anything. Whatever that was, it wasn't Blue. Now let me get to him" Moving the two, you sit up in pain but you ignore that as you scoop up Blue into your arms and cuddle him to you. Calming down the lads was your first priority, you could break down about this later on your own.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

"Hush, that wasn't you now, was it? That voice is just a little bit stronger in you than I understood it to be. It's not your fault at all." Lying back down still holding him to your chest you feel the other two huddle up against your head so they didn't hurt you any more than you already are. Still petting Blue's head you feel him pass out still crying. "Now you two, you do not mention any of this to Lumin or Bayer alright? Nothing. That wasn't Blue's fault and nor was it yours. But now I have a working theory and I'm hoping if I can figure out some other things out, I may just be able to get rid of that damned voice for you all. Just trust me alright?"

You always like to take risks don't you? We seriously do not want to lose you Vex, we also don't want to turn back into whatever that was just then.

And we don't want to see you hurting like this either. I wish we'd been able to stop that from happening.

"I know, but like your song goes, Help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever. Stop worrying, I'm fine."

Later on after the lads all eventually fell asleep, you got up and hopped in the shower to clean up, to dress any wounds you may have gotten and have a slight break down. There was a couple of nasty nail marks in one of your thighs and obviously you were hurting where he'd been rough entering you but on the whole all you had was a few bruises from his vice like grip which would fade eventually. You'd been lucky. Getting out, drying yourself off and dressing in some comfy clothing you decide to sit at your desk, on something soft, and do some research as deep as you could on the Alliance's Mainframe in the base while you had some soft music playing on some headphones.

Hours later, Lumin had come in, given you a quick head nuzzle then plugged himself into the wall port to charge without saying anything. You could tell he was really low on power as his little head light was faint as hell so you didn't keep him from shutting down for the night. Then a while after that Bayer came in. He looked at the three lads, seeing Roth and Big Red huddled together but Blue on his own away from the other two which was not normal for them. Looked at how you were sitting and concluded very correctly that something had happened. Walking over to you and pulling off your headphones, being as quiet as he could be to not wake the lads.

What happened? And don't tell me nothing because them sleeping like THAT is not usual and you aren't sitting normally either .

"It's noth...."

I just said don't tell me it's nothing because I know that's not true now is it?

"Just a little incident, nothing to worry about. It'll blow over for those three and I'm fine."

Yeah, no I'm not believing that. Come on, walk with me. We'll go elsewhere because it's obvious you won't talk in front of the lads even if they are asleep.

With that he gently hauled you up from your chair and out of the room. As he's leading you down the halls he notices that you're limping slightly with a pained expression on your face so he stops, scoops you up in a princess hold and starts walking quickly to his old quarters where he still had some things stashed, one thing being human pain killers. Depositing you on the workbench and giving you the pills, all he does after that is tilt his head and waits for you to speak.

"It's something I promised I wouldn't mention to anyone other than them."

If whatever it is has hurt you, I need to know what the fuck is going on Vex. If it hampers the war efforts or heaven forbid gets you or one of the lads seriously hurt or even killed....

"No, no. What happened to me was a one off. Wasn't the lads, it was my own fault and won't happen again. But something I do need to do now urgently is search back, way back in the Alliance's Mainframes. Right to the early days when humans were still around. But I don't seem to have enough access and I don't know who would."

That would be me. But I would need to know exactly what you were hoping to find before I could even think about granting you full access like that .

"I might have gotten a theory on the origins of the lads, what they really are. But I need to do some cross referencing and checking. And if your Mainframes were built by humans, you might not realise how we store top secret data like that, usually it's hidden with only parts of the whole in different places."

And I'm guessing you don't want to expand on what you think the lads are just yet?

"Right now? I'd rather not but if you really want me to tell you, you can't tell them, Lumin, or anyone till I can confirm it. It has to stay just between you and me for now."

Look, we're all bound to you now. Let me bloody help you. Two heads are better than one right? If you ask me not to say anything to anyone, including the rest of our group, I won't. But if you tell me, I can give you as much access as you need to get whatever you need to done, and I can get you all purpose access, possibly full access to the other two Mainframes too.

"Right, ok. So my theory is this...." And with that you start sketching out to Bayer all about your theories with the lads and your personal belief. With every detail you give, the more shocked Bayer becomes and has to sit down.

Seriously? For even just half of that I would've given you full access to everything. He pulls out a tablet from his pocket and taps a few keys on it. That should do it, you now have full access here and pending full access at the other two Mainframes. The other two Chief Engineers need to confirm it for each of their Mainframes but I have put in the request as non-negotiable so they do it as soon as they see it, alright?

"Thank you so much love, I'll try not to abuse the privilege."

You abuse it as much as you want if it means finding out about the lads. Now, how did you get hurt?

"Like I said, it was a one off, won't happen again. Please don't press me for more than that, I really would rather not."

Fine, but do know you can always talk to me about anything. I do worry about you, just as much as the rest, I hope you realise that.

You get up and walk over to where Bayer is sitting and lean down to hug him. He pulls you into his lap gently and just holds you close so you start nuzzling the side of his head casing. Opening up that little panel there with one hand, you start slowly stroking some of the wires at the back of his scope with the other. Nuzzling into the wires revealed by the removal of the panel you start licking and nibbling them, making him groan as you feel the static shocks. You then dropped the panel casing in your lap. You stop him reaching his hand down and moved it back up to wrap his arms around you again. You didn't want anything yourself as you were still very sore even with the pills, you just needed to wash away the bad from earlier with something good and that currently meant making Bayer happy. You'd found in previous encounters that he liked it a little bit harder than Lumin did so you started coiling wires around your fingers pulling a bit harder while also still playing with the scope, doing different motions and still licking and biting on his internal wiring. After some time he started shaking and holding onto you tighter as he moaned loudly. You had to pull away as the static shocks started getting too much, which was usually an indication you'd done just the right amount of pulling and touching to make him overload on you.

Every damn time, fuck. For an organic you seem to know what us Techfolk like.

"Only because you guys let me experiment love. Wish I could do the full on in your chest thing but after being electrocuted inside Roth, I'd rather not risk it with you guys, as much as I'd love to. I do enjoy watching you and Lumi going all feral on each other though, it's hot. You two need to do tha t more in front of me."

I only do it as much as he wants me to. Remember he hadn't had anybody before either of us.

"You need to seduce him then, get him all riled up... Maybe I should rile him up for you actually. Might be fun if I did that someday."

You and your ideas heh. Now you need sleep so mind putting that cover back on and I'll carry you back so you can get into bed? And with that, you replace the casing on the side of his head and Bayer then carries you back to your shared quarters. As he places you in bed, you pull him in with you as well as pulling the three lads up and in front of you so you could curl around them all as Bayer is up against your back holding you close. You just wish Lumi had shut down in bed too rather than the wall socket but you weren't about to disturb him.

You woke early the next morning but Bayer had already gone and Lumin had unplugged and was working at the workstation you'd been working at the night before. The three lads still asleep in your arms though it seemed Blue was still having nightmares. Stroking all three briefly you have to get up for a piss so you do so and when you walk back into the room Lumin was stood waiting for you.

Everything ok? Bayer gave me these to give to you when you woke up. He needed to go because of the Activation Day preparations, apparently you know about those now.

He hands you a packet of the pain killers you'd forgotten to nab from Bayer's old quarters the night before.

"Yeah, I just had a little accident yesterday and having these helps. You know I'd tell you if anything serious were to happen. It was nothing and I'm just sore today, that's all." You get a couple of the pills out and swallow them with some water. Then you smell it, coffee. Lumin hands you a cupful of that sweet dark nectar and you drain the cup, not noticing how hot the liquid was.

You REALLY need to be more careful drinking that stuff you know, that has only just come off the boil . There's a full pot waiting in the kitchen area if you want more but I need to head off to the lab for my own preparations if you really are alright?

"Go, go, I'm fine and bless you for making the coffee, I've got a lot of work to do today on the computer."

Make sure you have something to eat too alright? I'll come back at lunch time and check on you.

"Thanks Lumi love. See you later." Hugging him while giving him a quick tug on the wiring at the back of his head just to tease him. He just shakes his head as he leaves.

You sit down at the computer after grabbing the soft pillow to sit on again. Bayer had come in clutch. You started finding little pieces of information deep deep in the system, like you thought you would, all hidden and in pieces so it was like a puzzle. Opening up a drawer you find a pad of paper and a pencil and you start writing things down. Things were starting to piece together already, although you really did need the information from the other two Mainframes as well. But this one will keep you occupied for now. There was still a lot of information to sift through.

A couple of hours later and with no coffee left in the pot, the lads finally start wak ing up. Blue instantly curling in on himself away from the other two in shame. You'd spotted this and immediately got up and scooped him up from the bed.

"Nope, none of that. Uncurl yourself now and look at me."

I hurt you, you didn't deserve that, yet I did it. Blue stubbornly stayed curled up.

"The voice drove you mad, I don't blame you for any of it, it was that voice. Now, can you still hear it or has it gone away for now? P lease, just look at me Blue." Blue finally uncurls and looks at you with shame all over his face. "The only one's who know what happened are us four in this room. I haven't told Bayer or Lumin and they don't need to know. All I told them was I had a little accident and they've left it well enough alone. Bayer has given me some access to the Mainframe here though after I asked him nicely without telling him anything about that voice and I'm already making some headway into what I need to find out to try and make it go away permanently."

I'm so sorry Vex, I really couldn't stop myself. But you're right, the voice went away and I can't hear it back yet.

"Shush now then, no more talk of it. It happened and it's in the past. Let's just have some nice things today right? And you two, same goes for you. Let's just all be nice to each other and have some cuddles yeah?" And with those words you scoop up Roth and Big Red and the three merge together into the fusion. This time their colours all seemed equal thankfully. You knew they were all talking together as you could see the colours dancing across the surface, you just sit down on the bed, still holding and petting them while they sorted things out between themselves.

Just one last thing before we stop talking about this. We are all so sorry Vex. When you feel up to it, we'd like to do something to try to erase what happened from all our memories and make nicer ones if that's at all possible. This came from the fusion with all three lads voices coming through.

"Of course, but it will have to wait for a few days, maybe after Activation Day eh? Now, do you guys want to stay with me today or are you needed in the hangar?"

We'd like to stay but we are needed in the hangar this afternoon. Something to do with moving the frames around again. When they finish the hangar upgrades things will be a lot easier for everyone.

"Right so stay with me till you have to go and while you guys are off doing your thing, I can do some more research. You can give me some kisses now if you'd like to." You push yourself further onto the bed and lie down on your side facing the fusion ball, watching and waiting to see what they decide to do. They reach their hand to your face and start giving you tiny little kisses, like they used to before they figured out the deep ones were nicer. As you wrap your arms round them and hold them closer, you could feel them purring. You all continue like that for a time until Lumin popped in at lunch time.

A few days later it was Activation Day. You'd been asked to stay out of the way if at all possible, you weren't banned from watching however. All three lads were in their Titan frames and their cores seemed to be very over charged. Big Red for instance was glowing all over and being slightly bouncy on his feet with how much energy he was currently holding. As you look outside you could see rows and rows of the new young ones lying on the ground. Split into three groups, TV Units, Soundkind and the Cam Men. There was a lot of them out there. You'd been told it was best to watch from up high rather than on ground level so you'd grabbed a jet pack and shot up to the roof of the hangar and sat on the edge looking down with your legs swinging in the air.

The three lads came out and stood by their respective groups, waiting for the signal. A klaxon sounds and they opened their cores as wide as they could and let energy rain down on the inactive young ones. This carried on for a couple of hours then movement started happening. Some of them were activating. You could see the older units standing off to one side, waiting for the young ones to become active then they whisked them away to start their lives as new members of the Alliance. After six hours, most of the new units had a woken, there was just a handful left now so the Titan's kept raining down their energy. After 12 hours, all the young ones had been activated apart from three, one from each faction. A klaxon sounded and the Titan's stopped the energy transfers, then gathered the three that didn't activate together in one place.

You jet down to the three that hadn't activated and looked up at the lads.

Sometimes they don't activate, we don't know why. Roth explained.

You put you hand on the closest one, which was the TV unit and felt a jolt come from you to it. Looking down your hand had started glowing with the four colours of you and the lads. You quickly touch the other two youngsters and got resulting jolts from those two as well then the glow from your hands fade. Then those three youngsters started to move.

Vex what in hell did you do this time?! Bayer had been walking over to see what was going on.

"Nothing, I just touched them!"

Their hands glowed with our colours when they touched them, then the units activated. Came from Big Red as he'd been watching every move you'd been making.

Well, that's new. We'll need to keep an eye on these three then. Waving over some of the older units to whisk the three youngsters away after making notes o f their serial numbers.

"So, this went well yes? I didn't do anything wrong just then?"

I don't even know WHAT you did so no, you did nothing wrong. We'll just keep an eye on those three and see what they're like as they mature more. But yes this has been the first time we've ever had a full one hundred percent activation in less than 24 hours, it was just over 12 hours. Lads, you need to go off and get rid of some of that excess energy you still have. I hear there's some Skibs in Sector 18 if you want to gear up properly and go for some target practise.

And with that, the lads do gear up and go off hunting for Skibs. You go back to your quarters to start looking into the Mainframe a bit more while also wondering what on earth that was that had come out of you to activate those 3 units, it's not like you were one of the Titan's.

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Before The Speakermen and Televisionmen Joined The Cameramen, There Was A Secret Alliance Since The Beginning. This is a Skibidi Toilet Fan Fiction...
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This is an AU of my AU fic Survivial Of The Loneliest where Vex gets turned into a Titan thanks to the FourthState Protocol that was unearthed in tha...
453 23 12
The final instalment in the Fall Of The Alliance trilogy. Read the first 2 books, if you havent. You might be confused. 24/5/2024 - 1# on Speakerman
2.3K 93 7
Behold a different universe in which our beloved soldier, Brown Cameraman, has perished and reincarnated into a potent entity. A God. A massive camer...