On My Mind | Miniminter X Fem...

By knittedcardigan7

172 5 0

Jade Edwards is an Australian YouTuber whose dream is to become a singer. Simon Minter is a YouTuber, and a m... More

Chapter 1: Germany
Chapter 2: Big Changes
Chapter 4: Game On!
Chapter 5: Distractions
Chapter 6: Rekindle
Chapter 7: Burning Desire
Chapter 8: Exclusive
Chapter 9: Company

Chapter 3: Titanic

20 1 0
By knittedcardigan7

March 9th, 2016 - Simon's pov

"Dude why are we even going to this thing?", I complain while pacing back and forth in JJ's room.

He yells at me from his bathroom, "It's a YouTube event! It would be weird if we weren't there!".

"He's right, we're like the biggest British YouTubers", Josh pokes his head into the doorway to say his opinion.

"But we can't even film anything! Ugh!", I groan, sitting down and slouching on JJ's computer chair.
"It's supposed to be fun, no cameras. It's an event for us to mingle and I believe it's celebrating the creators of YouTube... meaning us", JJ waffles for a while.

He walks out of his master bedroom ensuite and stands in front of me. "You actually look good Simon", he says.

"Says you, who took around three hours to do your hair", I joke. He laughs.

I get up and we head downstairs to meet up with the others so we can leave. I drive my car with JJ, Tobi and Ethan went in Tobi's car, and Ethan drove Josh, Vik, and Harry. The drive there wasn't bad, we parked and walked towards the docks.

Jade's pov

I take in a deep breath, attempting to delay my arrival to this shitty fancy person boat party. I open my eyes and judge myself.

My dress is too short, my makeup is too cakey, my tits are too exposed. I sigh, shutting my eyes again to calm myself.

When I open my eyes for the second time I feel confident, sexy, and have a 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. I pull out my phone and take a few full body shots in my floor length mirror.

I post my favourite on my story and grab my bag before leaving my apartment. I slowly step down the stairs, trying not the trip on my stiletto white heels. I shut the door to my apartment block and walks towards my little cream car.

I get in, put on some Beyoncé and drive to the docks. I find a park next to a simple black car, and quickly check to time as I walk towards the ocean. I have about 15 minutes till the boat leaves.

I get to the boats, finding the yacht, full of people and security everywhere.

"Hi", I begin the interaction.

"Name?", the lady with the check list asks.

"Jade Edwards?", I say, praying I'mon the list. If not my anxiety is gonna go through the roof, which would be super embarrassing for me.

"Yep, just in time Miss Edwards", she smiles, opening the gate for me to step onto the boat.

"Thank you", I say as I walk into the boat. I get ushered up some stairs and get immersed into the party. People are talking, drinking, dancing, and talking photos with the 'YouTube's 11 Years Anniversary' display.

I strut over to the bar, my hips moving from side to side. I feel people's eyes on me, just for a second, and then they get too intimidated and look away.

"Vodka red bull please?", I ask, noticing the sign saying it's an open bar. This night might be fun after all.

"Coming up!", the edgy male bartender says as he begins making my simple yet hard hitting drink. I turn around to lean my ass against the bar.

I look around to see anyone I know. I spot my girls- Amy and Lizzie. I also see a few male YouTubers- KSI, Joe Weller, and a few recognisable Minecraft YouTubers that I will attempt to stay away from tonight.

"One Vodka red bull!", the bartender places on the bar top next to me. I turn around, "thanks". I take the drink, as well as a small plastic straw, as head towards my girls.

"OH MY FUCKING- AHHH!", Lizzie screams. She immediately brings me into a hug and kisses my cheeks as I do to her.

"I missed you so much!", I exclaimed.

"Don't forget about me!", Amy joins in the group hug. We all pull away.

"I could never!", I say sarcastically. We all laugh and someone suggests photos, so obviously the next 10-15 minutes will be about getting the best angle.

We get one of their friends to take photos of our little trio in front of the YouTube display, as well as at the side of the boat with the city view in the background.

At this point we realise that the boat has left and this is officially a yacht party. Amy also takes some solo pics of me and favourites the ones she thinks I should post.

"Definitely that one!", she points, "your tits look fire!".

I laugh at her comment, "ahah maybe".

Us three decide to go to up another level to the top level of the yacht. We get up and it's just a lounge area and a gorgeous view.

We take some more photos and then all decide to put our phones down and enjoy the moment. I finish my drink, the other girls do as well.

"I'm happy to go get us all some champagne", Lizzie suggests.

"Are you sure about that? Or did you see someone you like downstairs?", I tease her.

"No! I just wanna help out my girls!", she defends herself, badly.

"I'll go with her, just to make sure she doesn't flirt with any by passers", Amy says to me before they walk away.

Yet again I'm left alone in a party full of people I barely know. I lean onto the side of the boat, looking into the city lights and breathing in the fresh air. It's so crazy how far we are from the city, but how I can still see almost every detail.

Simon's pov

It's been about 30 minutes and finally the boat is leaving the dock. I do not wish to be here any longer than necessary.

I spend the first ten minutes with the group until JJ finds his more famous 'friends', Vik finds his Minecraft friends, and the others split up.

I'm standing at a table with Tobi, Ethan, and Harry, with a beer in my hand and looking through the photos we took on my phone.

I put my phone away so I look more 'social', although us side-boys live with each other so there isn't much to talk about.

My eyes wander around the entire boat, trying to find something to save this party. Until they find something I was never expecting. What? There's no fucking way.

My expression must've changed since all three of the boys are looking at me funny. I get snapped back into reality, believing that what I just saw was a dream or something.

"What?", I say confused.

"What did you just see?", Tobi asks.

"Nothing", I defend myself.

"You looked like you saw a ghost or something", Harry puts in his input.

"Oh, well it was just-", I loose track of what I was saying when I see her. This time I believe it. It's that girl who bet me in a FIFA match last year in Germany. Jade.

I watched her videos for a while at the time, but recently she's been completely out of my head.

"Dude?", Ethan clicks his fingers in front of my face.

"I'll talk to you guys later", I say, still focused on her, walking towards the stairs to the upper level.

I get up there and she's alone, holding a glass of champagne and leaning against the side of the boat.

Her hair is shiny, blonde, and super long.
She's wearing a silky navy blue dress. I notice how short it is as I walking towards her, and my thoughts of her a few moths again are coming back to me.

Jade's pov
It's been about five minutes since Amy and Lizzie left. I assume that they won't be coming back for a while.

Lizzie always wants to find the cutest boy in the crowd and flirt him into a three week relationship. I'm the opposite.

I want a man confident enough to walk up to me and start a conversation with me. After living here for a few months, I've been told by many that I'm quite intimidating. Maybe it's a Aussie girl thing.

A waiter walks by with glasses of champagne, I politely take one and thank him. I return to the view of the city.

"Hey stranger", a very British male voice emerges from behind me. I've barely talked to many of the British boys of London but this is by far the sexiest British accent I've heard.

I turn to see if the face is a sexy as the voice. "Oh my god, it's you!". If I wasn't shitting myself nervous before, I definitely am now.

Simon Minter, the boy I dedicated every one of my YouTube sessions to, and every Sunday to his group. Somehow he's standing in front of me and even taller than I remembered.

And to make it even worse, I'm tipsy. Not as in vomit, or overtly laughing, and no way in hell would I stumble or trip over in these heels. I'm sexy and flirtatious tipsy. Fuck.

"What are you doing here?", he says and smiles as he puts his hands in the pockets of his dress pants.

"Uh, I live here", I say, stroking the condensation of the glass as I try not to get distracted by his attractive demeanour.

"What? I swear you were Australian?", he looks confused. I breathe for a quick second.

"Yeah, I moved here in January", I say, calming myself.

"Oh, so you just moved to London?", he asks.

"Yes", say, stoping that conversation. I move the cross charm of my necklace back and forth on the chain.

"Shit, I can't believe we haven't bumped into each other before this", he smiles and tilts his head to the side. He's so cute.

"Yeah, well it's good to see a familiar face at this stupid party", I joke.

"Oh, don't get me started", he widens his eyes.

"What, you're not into the whole self absorbed influencer thing?", I say sarcastically.

Simon's pov
I laugh, "Oh, yeah, that's totally my thing!". She giggles at my joke. Jesus Christ. She is so fucking adorable, but god I wanna spread her legs and hear her scream.

Her body is perfection, especially in that dress. Her hips wide, her legs long and smooth, and her tits. Jesus Christ! I'm having the hardest time restraining myself from staring.

"So... are the rest of the Sidemen here?", she asks, interrupting my vivid and very inappropriate thoughts.

"Why? Am I not your favourite?", I smirk, looking her up and down. She gets a little flustered but easily brushes it off.

"No, I just wondered why you're standing here talking to me, rather then your mates", she explains herself. I laugh a little bit.

"What?", she laughs as well.

"Sorry, it's just- I live with my boys, so I don't necessarily feel the need to hang with them at every event we go to. Especially when there's a more interesting girl who I can talk to", I flirt, very unexpectedly on my part.

She blushes and tucks her hair behind her ear. She places her empty glass on a tray a waiter was carrying around.

"Are you enjoying it here?", I ask as I walk towards a seat. She follows me. My ego goes off the charts when I think of how obedient she was to me just then.

We sit down on two chairs facing out towards the water. "Yeah, I guess I am. Although... I feel like I haven't done much. Like I haven't gone out much besides tonight", she say, getting more comfortable in my presence.

I can't help but look at her gorgeous body. I swear she wasn't this sexy when I last met her. "Really?", I say, sort of distracted, but shaking it off and focusing back onto the conversation.

"Yeah, like I wanted to go see a premiere league game the second I got here and then I just got so distracted with my apartment and work", she explains.

Jades pov

"Aren't you a Chelsea fan?", he says as a question but more in a sense that he already knew.

"Yeah, and don't you support Leeds?", I give back the same energy but with a bit more flirt. Fuck I'm too tipsy for this.

We laugh a bit, realising we both know a lot more about each other than we expected. "Yeah, I do", he smiles, "Well in case you didn't know... there is a Chelsea v Leeds game this Monday, you could go, it would be a great first Prem match experience".

Shit, is this his way of asking me out? "Hmm I'll have to think about it", I play hard to get.

We chat for about an hour, talking, laughing, and subtle glances. I get a buzz on my phone. "Oh, sorry. Shit, I should probably go...", I mumble while checking the time as well as my Instagram notifications.

"Is everything alright?", he asks, concerned.

I look up from my phone to lock eyes with his glowing blue ones. I examine his features, bright blue eyes, dyed bleach blond ends, and cleanly shaven face.

"Uh, yeah, I just have heaps to do tomorrow and shouldn't stay out too late", I say, standing up.

He follows, "I should probably go as well. I have about three videos to film and record tomorrow, so...".

I smile, just smile and walk away. He follows like a dog on a lead. We get off the boat and to the dock. He walks beside me to our cars.

"What is it like living with four other guys?", I ask, locking eyes with the ground.

"Urm, I mean it's chill, it's like the dream to play video games and have fun with your mates for a living", he chuckles, "but sometimes it can be a pain. All of our sleep schedules are off and never in time with others. It also gets very noisy and difficult to have some peace and quiet".

We get to my car and I lean up against it. He leans up against the black car I was parked next to. We both smiles to ourselves, fate.

"Well maybe I will take you up for that offer, just to help you get out of the house", I smile.

"Cool, cool, well I guess I'll be in contact with you soon then?", he asks, pulling out his car keys. I do the same, opening my car door.

"Yeah, I guess so", I smirk.

He smirks to himself, "Goodnight Jade".

"Goodnight Simon", I say right before breaking eye contact and getting into my car and shutting the door. Fuck.

My music immediately plays and I turn it down a little. I want to sit in my feelings for a while but I know he's watching me. I drive away while singing Crazy In Love by Beyoncé.

I arrive at my little apartment, unlocking my door and locking it behind me. I flop down on my bed, sighing.

I never in a million years could've expected to see that man and have that conversation tonight. Fuck.

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