How to be a secretary

By NisargaKalal

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Violet is a sweat, small girl. Small not by her age but by heart and height. Lazy, very very lazy, and yet wi... More

1- A good secretary always listens to her boss
2- A good secretary always brings the boss's coffee
3- A good secretary always avoids phone calls
4- A good secretary never messes things up.
5- A good secretary helps out her boss
6- A good secretary enjoys her weekend
7- A good secretary never bitches behind boss's back
8- A good secretary never shares her true feelings
9- A good secretary never messes with the boss.
10- A good secretary never hides things from her boss
11- A good secretary never fools around.
12- A good secretary never forgets.
13- A good secretory never skips work.
14- A good secretary never thinks of making her boss jealous
15- A good secretary never ever makes her boss jealous.
16- A boss never kiss's his secretary
17- A good boss never lies
18- a good boss never gets angry
19- A good boss shouldn't keep secrets
20- a good boss never gets jealous
21 A good boss never shouts or fights.
22- a good secretary never takes leaves
23- A good secretary always apologizes for her mistake
24- A good secretary is never afraid.
26- A boss and a secretary should never get too close
27- A good secretary never seduces her boss
28- A good secretary never gets angry
29- a good secretary should remain calm
30- a good secretary shouldn't go on date with boss
31- A good secretary should live happily

25- A good boss should maintain personal space

491 16 4
By NisargaKalal

This whole chapter is Alvin's POV. Enjoy :D


"She is not your Lilliput! She is my darling and my best friend! " Lilly retorted to my question and I just started. I wasn't in the mood to play around at the moment.

"Richy, you better get your girlfriend's hand off my Lilliput or I won't be responsible for what happens next," I warned her boyfriend instead, and that ticked her off. That was exactly what I wanted. Huh, sucker!

"Why you, you little, little.. you Magot!" she swore at me making Violet laugh her seat breathy laugh. The laugh made things hard for me. Alright, everything about her made me crazy. I shifted in my seat.

"I hope in that case, you will be delighted to have nephews or nieces from this magot in the future," I commented off-handedly, which earned me another angry squeal.

"I have no relation to you!" she shouted and Richard held her back. He was her straitjacket. This was gold. I loved riling her up.

"Yeah, you don't but -" I left off intentionally.

"But?" she gritted grinding her teeth and I wanted to laugh at that but maintained my composure.

"But Violet's kids will be related to you right? Aunt Lilly," I teased smugly and she blew her top off completely and started swearing at me in her colorful language. Even a small thing could tick her off.

"I will not let Violet have kids with YOU SON OF A-" and her threats faded away as Richy had to drag her out of the room because a) Violet was not still fully recovered and b) she didn't like people shouting.

Well, mission accomplished. Two gone one more to go.

My Lilliput now was quiet next to her brother, and I couldn't see her face. She was trying to hide herself from me.

"Well, nicely done," Ricardo complimented clapping his hands and laughing. Staring at me knowingly he continued. " I for one don't object to you having kids with my sister, though the thought makes me vomit internally," he shivered, fake gagging.

"Ricardo!" Violet gasped hitting his chest. He was intentionally embarrassing her. Well, almost none had objected to the idea of me and Violet together, apart from Lilly that is, but who cared about her opinion?

"I care," Lilliput raised her hands, catching my attention. What?

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked clearing my throat.

"Yes!" the brother and sister duo exclaimed at the same time amused.

"oops! my bad,"

"And there are things we need to do before we can have kids!" she whispered making me chuckle. I was sitting on the bed now.

"Now, now, Lilliput, I didn't know you were so eager to do-" she cut me off blushing profusely.

"No! you silly tall man! I wasn't talking about that!" she exclaimed embarrassed. I knew what she was talking about. "You haven't asked me," she said pointing a finger to herself.

"I could," I said slowly, seductively, "but I know you don't want your brother to hear what I want to do-"

"I'll go get something for you to eat Pikachu!" squeaked Ricardo jumped up from his chair and ran away before I could complete my sentence.

I laughed out loud at that. He fell for it too. as if I was going to say anything in front of him. Sucker.

"You did that on purpose!" Violet accused amused, now crawling towards me. The laughter ended right then and there caught in my throat.

She has no freaking idea what I want to do to her right now but I had to refrain. It wasn't intentional plus she didn't know how enticing she was.

"That was fun!" I laughed trying to divert my attention. She chuckled softly shaking at her little head.

"Come here, baby!" I called softly and she obliged climbing in my lap. We weren't always this paschal previously you know but things had changed in the past few days.

"How are you feeling?" I Asked inhalling her strawberry scent deeply which calmed me down and drove me crazy at the same time.

"Pretty good." She whispered, snuggling closer to my chest, rubbing her face like a cat. I smiled at that behavior.

"Umm," I didn't know how to ask her.

"I am fine Butter. The Kidnappers weren't scary types and they didn't even mishandle me. They were the nicest kidnapper I could have ever met," she said optimistically and chuckled. I had to laugh at that too,

"Those bunch of noobs," I commented stroking her bare arms absentmindedly

 "They were there to kidnap Khloe you know, but just because we were wearing the same clothes they picked me," she continued and I hummed. I knew that. I already knew a lot of things but Violet doesn't need to know that.

"And then their boss was shouting at him for kidnapping me instead of her. They even planned to ask Ransome for me!" she exclaimed, his eyes wide and I nodded replicating her actions.

"Say something!" she pressed.

"I would if you let me baby, but even if you did I wouldn't know what to say exactly. From the way you are describing it seems to me that, you had gone on a trip, instead of getting kidnapped." I said, smiling down at her. 

She was so close, lying in my arms. I always wished for this, for her to just stay next to me.

She giggled instead, snuggling even closer if that was even possible. I sighed happily. I was a happy man.

"I love you," I said softly as soft as my gruff voice could allow.

"I love you too butter!" she replied almost instantly but it wasn't the reaction I was looking for.

"No!" I almost whined.

"No?" she frowned her eyes drooping.

"I mean I love, LOVE you," I repeated this time but again, it was a waste of cause.

"Yes, I know, I love you too!" she exclaimed back cutely confused at my behavior.

"Ugg! You," I growled amused yet frustrated. Why is this hard?

Grabbing the nape of her neck I hauled her towards me. She gasped, but my lips landed on her for a quick kiss. But then she was quick to respond, making me forget my intention behind this.

This kiss by no means was a short one now.

Her arms wound around my neck. Her small fingers tickled down the nape of my neck, causing me to groan with pleasure. I jerked her even closer to me. Her eyes went wide and she gasped in surprise, giving me an opening.

I didn't wait and my tongue met hers, playing with it for a few seconds and then I touched the roof of her mouth with the tip of my tongue. She moaned in my mouth and my body reacted to that sound.

If I was not hard earlier I was now definitely.

And then I lost it. Pushing her onto the bed, I straddled her, engaging her in my arms and our kisses turned brutal. Our teeth clashed in the moment of passion, while we bit each other lips causing pain. I was getting hotter by the second and I did not know my Lilliput had it in her to be this wild. It was a huge turn-on.

After a minute or so, when I was sucking on her soft lower lip, she patted on my back to catch my attention. But I was busy with something else right now. 

She again tried by pushing me this time and I stopped. I looked up at her confused, breathing hard.

Her breathing was labored, her face a bright shade of red, her lips swollen from our kiss and she took deep breaths, "can't breathe!" she wheezed and punched me lightly. I chuckled. She wasn't breathless. I could tell.

"You can't do this every time we kiss baby," I reprimanded her only teasing.

"Shut up!" she turned shy averting her eyes.

I took her chin between my fingers turning her face towards me, "You understand now, that I LOVE you right?"

She smiled softly, and she touched the side of my face with her knuckles. " I do, and I LOVE you," she said and sealed it with a short kiss on my lips.

I fell beside her on the bed, taking her in my arms, squeezing her to me, and sighing contentedly. Her head settled on my chest. Her heart was beating loudly just like mine was. In synch. I was such a sappy fool.

"I don't know when, how, but I have dreamt a life with you," I whispered in the dark and she held her breath. That silly idiot. "Breathe baby, breathe," I instructed softly.

She exhaled, "And I was scared that you just considered me as an annoying little sister," she whispered making me laugh.

"Sister? No baby," I assured her. "Maybe I did when you were small but it hasn't been the same case for a few years now."

"Hmm, good."  she hummed softly, as played with her hair and then continued.

"You are the most precious thing in my life Lilliput, mark my words, I have imagined a life with you and I will live that life. There is no way I am leaving or forgetting you. You can not get rid of me." I shift changing our position. We were face to face now.

"You were mine from the moment you came into my life like the little angel you are. You are mine right now and you will be mine, forever." I finished strongly staring into her eyes beautiful violet colored eyes.

"I hope you don't go back on your words," she sniffled as her voice quivered.

"You will never be alone." I promised, "Except when you need privacy in the bathroom," I joked chuckling.

She chuckled softly, "Promise?"

"Always," and I sealed the deal with a kiss on her forehead. And then she snuggles back.

We fell silent for a while but the silence did not last long. There were still other people in the apartment you knew, besides us. Probably listening right now.

"Can you hear anything? Move, let me hear, you good for nothing Duffus," Lilly whispered arguing. Did I say nosy people? if not then you should remember that 3 other nosey people were listening to us here.

"The door is not locked babe, you will fall right- " Richy's warning was futile because Lilly landed straight inside the room flat on her face. I hoped at least but nothing of that sort happened she just landed on her knees. Not every dream can come true in a single day you know.

Ricardo and Richy came inside with their hands on their eyes.

"I hope you guys are decent or else I will throw you out, Alvin," Richy, the ever-funny guy warned and I raised my hands in surrender.

"We are all covered and decent. Just the way you guys left us." I stated, sitting up with Violet in my arms still.

"Then what is wrong with your face?" Ricardo asked pointing at me. I moved my hands to touch my face and at the same time, Violet checked my face.

"There is nothing wrong with his face," Violet mumbled still looking at me.

"There is a creepy smile on his face! The one which you get after, you know- doing that!" Ricardo commented trying to be descriptive and telling me to understand.

"You Morons, I am just happy." I laughed at their genius deduction.

"And I know what that is," Violet informed her brother air quoting "that". I laughed even louder.

"Shh! No, you don't you are still young!" Richy reminded her.

"Oh, you big old man! Your sister knows what we do-mhmophph," And Richy covered his loud-mouthed girlfriend's mouth again.

"Don't say things in front of my sister!" he hissed comically, and Lilly nodded behind his hand but her own hands were waving in the air, asking for Violet's help.

 Violet being Violet couldn't un-see her best friend's struggle and went to help her.

"My darling! my love! I knew you would come for me." Lilly exclaimed dramatically. Such a drama queen.

Richy just smacked his head and Ricardo stood there legs crossed, leaning on the wall smirking.  Days with these siblings were never boring.

After 15 long tortures minutes later the Oven timer dinged in the kitchen and Ricardo straightened up.

"Come Pikachu I whipped something up for you, you need to eat," he called her out of Lilly's grubby arms and led her to the kitchen.

"Alvin!" she called out my name on the way out, "right behind you baby!' I called out getting up from the bed.

She didn't know but getting her out of my sight made me uneasy, like something was itching at my heart. And without a doubt, It went the same for her brothers as well. They couldn't leave or let her out of their sight.


During the week things were strange of some sort. Violet's brothers had not told anything about the kidnapping incident to their father. He was quite sensitive toward Violet.

And then they had practically moved in with her, occupying the two empty rooms in her apartment.

Khloe had moved out and into my apartment. Currently, I am living in Violet's apartment as well. I only went to mine to change or take a shower.

Also Violet had started to doubt me. It wasn't as if I was doing something behind her back. Maybe I was hiding something but that was for her good.

And today we have finally decided to move back into the human world and go back to office.

"Lilliput, we are going to get late! What's taking you so much time?" I grumbled complaining and went in to check on her. And there she was in a red jumpsuit, squinting in the mirror applying eyeliner and then a bold red lipstick. She looked cute kinda hot. I make no sense I know!

"Who are you getting dolled up for?" I asked standing outside tugging on my shirt collar. This was me trying to control my urges.

"For you!" she shouted back. That was her one reply bringing a goofy grin onto my face.

Have I mentioned that she is the love of my life? just her words were enough to melt me on the spot.

Well, we should leave before I end up doing something. I thought to myself.

"What?" Violet mumbled confused, her head tilted to the side with a cute smile on her face.

"Nothing baby, nothing. I am just talking to myself," I corrected. I was either thinking out loud these days or she was good at reading me. Not good. Not good at all.

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