Battle For The Persian Kingdom

By Saliqwq

352 22 0

Two modern girls, in a modern world. Seperated by continents, yet united under the same sky, created by the s... More

Chapter 2, The adventure begins.
Chapter 3, Dancing fire flames.
Chapter 4, Between life and death.
Chapter 5, Floating dreams and the rescue mission.
Chapter 6, The horror in front of me.
Chapter 7, Glimmer of hope in the dark.
Chapter 8, Finding a cure.

~Teaser~ Chapter 1, The beginning of a new era, or is it?

67 4 0
By Saliqwq


Two girls, one soul. Seperated by continents, united under one sky.

Is darkness not the inner contradiction of one's heart?
And is light not the ability to smile in hard times?
And are tears not the sign of strength?
And is not a smile the veil of what is deep within one's hearts?
And are wounds not a chapter within one's life?
And is failure not a sign we tried?
And is victory not a sign that we never gave up, despite failure?

(It is a rainy cold day. The rain pours down from the sky. The coldness reaches through the bones. Footsteps radiate late at night. The moonlight and the rain dance together in harmony along with the wind, which carries endless thoughts of a young girl, torn by the worries of this mortal world. Like the depth of a ocean, filled with melancholy and pity.)

???: ("Great, I am all wet. Hopefully my documents in my bag didn't become wet. I should have listened to mom when she told me to take the umbrella with me. Typical german weather...")

She sighes quietly and continues to walk, while the rain continues to fall, drop by drop. A beautiful rainy night, isn't it?

Meanwhile in another continent, thousands of miles away, yet under the same sky, created by the same creator...

As the sun shines bright, while its heat radiates unto the atmosphere, a young girl tries to cool down under a fig tree. A very hot day. Completely exhausted from afternoon classes, the young lady closes her eyes, and calms her body down.

She stares at the sky. The sun looks bright and shiny, yet the heat that radiates unto the land is unbearable. It is beautiful, yet hard to look at.

"The sun is like patience. It is hard to look at, but at the same time, it is beautiful." The girl thought.

(Both girls return home. One is warming herself up from the cold and harsh weather, while the other, is cooling herself down from the intense heat.)

Seperated in length, united in strength.

How did it all began? The legendary beginning of an epic friendship and unity in faith.

Coming soon...

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