CROSS ROADS (Kinnporsche X Ho...

By Bluephoenix52

4K 190 66

Kinn is the oldest son of the Theerapanyakun family and the CEO of Theerapanyakun empire. He is a ruthless bu... More

game of Surviving


140 6 3
By Bluephoenix52


Porsche stepped out from the bathroom, the former bartender now son-in-law of the Theerapanyakun family emerged  dripping wet from head to toe clad in only a towel.

"Today is the first day." He tried to sound optimistic today he was going to start working at Theerapanyakun industries. He was going to start from the bottom.

Khun Korn had asked him to also keep an eye on Kinn too being his unnoticed  bodyguard while working at the company. He couldn't believe how his life had changed in the last couple of months  not long ago he was just a bartender ,  boxer in shady underground rings ,  then he started working as a bodyguard/ P. A for Khun Korn and now he was to work at Theerapanyakun industries . 

Though he would prefer still be his father-in-law's PA and body guard instead. The image of being Kinn's bodyguard did not settle well with him.

"Keeping an eye on that asshole" Porsche scoffed . Kinn already had Big and others to protect him so he didn't know why exactly Khun Korn wanted him to watch our for Kinn. 

For the past days since Maki and Kim returned from hospital , he and Kinn hadn't argued as much as before but they still didn't see eye to eye.

Kinn was getting dressed  for the office when he noticed  his husband coming out of the shower and on instinct couldn't take his eyes off Porsche 's body.  Sure Porsche was an attractive man but he didn't think he was that hot.


Porsche felt eyes on him , he turned around seeing Kinn looking caught like a deer in headlights. "Oi , why are you staring at me ?"

Kinn cleared his throat , "I wasn't staring at you."

One thing he had noticed among the Kittisawasd siblings was that Porsche and Biu were more attractive than Maki and Porchay.

Porsche eyes him strangely , "you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Why are you moody?"

   "What bed? You always take it." Kinn retorted.

The two didn't share the same bed - their unspoken rule since the wedding night was the first person who called dibs on the bed first meant yre korwr had to sleep elsewhere  and unfortunately even though it was his own darn room he kept losing to  Porsche all the time meaning he had to sleep on the couch instead.

       The two husband's arrived at the breakfast table where their respective siblings , Biu and Maki excluded , were already there .

"How are you doing Maki?" Korn asked

"I'm fine , my shoulder is still sore but I'm ok Khun Korn." Maki said with a smile on her face  , "Chay and I'll go back home soon."

         "You don't have to leave ," Tibet said way too quickly before clearing his throat , "I mean why the rush. The doctor suggested four weeks. You've only been here  for a few dsts..just rest."

    Maki was about to decline but Porsche spoke , "Khun Korn is right. Wait untill four weeks elaspe and you bam go back."

"Exactly. What's the hurry to go back."

Maki narrowed her eyes on Kim knowing he just wanted to spend more time around Porchay. The youngest Theerapanyakun brother looked at her with pleading eyes. In the time she had been staying over and after the kidnapping , Maki would say she somehow found Kim tolerable but he was a long way from earning her approval of winning Porchay's heart.

  She ignored him and looked at the Patriarch ,"I...I just don't want to seem Chay and I are intruding. You are Porsche's in-laws."

            Korn shook his head , "it's not a bother at all. You're Porsche's older sister and Porchay is his younger brother that makes us family. You're permitted to stay here as long as you wish."

      Kinn , Tibet and Kim did a double take , the three brothers exchanged incredulous looks - their father wasn't exactly the most accommodating even with his own brother . It took them by surprise how fond he was of the Kittisawasd Siblings.

"Thank you Khun Korn ." Porchay said and Maki nodded.

     "You're welcome."Korn smiled and turned to Porsche , "are you ready for your first day at the office."

  The two husbands stared at each other like hawks before Porsche spoke up "I'm nervous."

   "Don't be. You were already my personal assistant so you have an idea and if you don't understand Kinn will guide you."

         Kinn looked between his father and Porsche and grumbled to himself incoherently.

   "Tibet. When is Jean coming back ?" Korn asked his second eldest . If there was anyone Jean trusted the Patriarch knew it was Tibet.

     "Not sure. He said once the deal with the client ." He lied through his teeth. Honestly Tibet had no idea at this point.

Korn nodded wondering where Jean was that he didn't call during Kim's kidnapping.  He wondered if he was that horrid of a father if a son of his could hate his half brothers.

"Well I need to leave." Porsche said while getting up , "take care Maki."


    "Good luck Hia."

      "All the best Porsche ."

   "Thank you Chay and Maki." Porsche got up from the tdvkr. He couldn't help but wonder where Biu was. Just like Maki and Chay were closer , he and Biu were just as bonded. If she was present , she would have gone all superstitious on him and talking about positive energy radiating . No matter the blunder she had committed , she was still his sister.

     Porsche saw Kinn getting into his car and decided to tag along with him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kinn asked with a skeptical brow.

Porsche rolled his eyes ,"I'm running late and you're going to the company aren't you. "

"Get another vehicle ."

  "I'm your husband," Porsche stated , "and I'm going to the same destination as you."

     Kinn looked at him smugly , "well dear husband I'm afraid you have to arrange your own transportation. Just because you're the CEO'S husband doesn't give you any privileges."

        Porsche scoffed , "I just need a ride so  make way Kinn."

      Kinn's smirk grew wide , a part of him actually enjoyed riling Porsche up , "no."

   "Fine. If you won't make way. I'll force you to!"

"Get out of my car Porsche!"

"Make way!"

"Get another car!"

Porsche forcibly made his way into the car  scooting Kinn away  with his butt since the latter didn't want him in (😂😂)

Pete watched the two from the front seat with a amused smile trying his best to not laugh at their childish antics.

Porsche panted , "Pete start the car."


Kinn glared at Porsche who looked at him so smugly , he had never met someone who was just as stubborn as him.

Maki looked around the music room seeing the various instruments in Kim's music room. The youngest Theerapanyakun had introduced her to this room a few days back when she got out of the room .

Porchay was more of the instrument expert between them but she too did appreciate the sounds of music that came from the instruments.

  "They are really rich ," Maki Whistled as she got inside the recording room. A part of her wondered why Kim even had this specific part inside his music room

"Sing "


Tibet chuckled , "I mean you're in a recording booth.

Maki placed the headphones on her head. She closed her eyes and it was easy to imdhibe she was in a producer's recording booth to launch her first record.

   "What should I sing?" She asked.

  He smirked , "the first song when we met."

        Maki ignored how handsome he looked when he smirked without flirting. She thought back to the night she first met Tibet and concentrated before finally singing.

Tibet lovingly stared at her without even knowing it. Most girls were just play items for him. But hearing Maki's beautiful voice and how she looked so happy in her little works made him want to keep her happy. (He be falling in love without realizing )

Korn saw the two and a smile found its way on his lips , seeing Maki and Tibet getting along it brought back memories of Nampheung.

Korn walked in , "you have a very lovely voice Maki."

Tibet grinned at her , "she's a very good singer. I've heard her."

   Maki could hear the sincerity in his voice , usually when he praised her talent it was attached with a fliartious statement in it. Maybe he was really trying to be her friend. He did donate his blood to her.

    "I heard Chay is in the music program at his university. I guess the both of you are the musicians of your family,  na?"

Maki smiled and nodded proudly  , "chaai , you can put it that way "."

         Maki then noticed Korn's ring something about it felt very familar to her but she couldn't Pierce out what exactly it was nor rub the feeling where she had seen it

Meanwhile , Kim and Porchay were in the former's room as the youngest Theerapanyakun studied the lyrics of the song Porchay had written

  "What do you think?" Porchay asked eagerly.

  Kim stared into the those lovely eyes or the younger , "Your love song is good...but it doesn't feel... authentic." He said the word in English , "you have to write and sing your songs from the heart otherwise it doesn't feel real."

"Pi sau Maki says the same . That the song has to come from the heart."

Kim heard this and hummed , he couldn't say if Maki still didn't approve of him or not despite their kidnapping and her taking a bullet for him it seemed she still didn't like him much.  To win Chay's heart he had to get along with his big sister since it was her opinion that seemed to matter more than Porsche's.

"So do you want to be famous one day ?" Kim asked his favorite Kittisawasd and favorite person. One thing he had observed was that his Angel was dedicated to music with a strong passion .

Porchay smiled , "I just ...want to sing to the whole world. "

Again Kim couldn't understand how someone could be so pure and good hearted . He had seen Maki and Porchay were the musicians of the family .

"Phi Kim."

   "Yes angel."

   Porchay's heart seemed to do something when he heard that endearing petname Kim had given him. "Can I ask a question. It's not about mentorship though ."

    Kim merely smiled , "of course. You can be free with me you know that."

Porchay contemplated on whether or not to ask before finally deciding , "why do you have a recording room in your music room . Do you perhaps compose songs?"  When the phi became his mentor Porchay intially had the assumption that Kim knew nothing about music but the phi was very skilled and their sessions made Porchay happy.

Kim didn't know how to respond. He hadn't sang as WIK in long and very few knew his other identify. Before he could reply he was interupted .



Porchay stared at the new guy who came into Kim's room. The new comer was very handsome and seemed older than him but younger than Kim.

    Macau smiled enjoying getting on Kim's nerves , " Tibet told me you were here." His only favorite from Uncle Korn's  sons was Tibet.

       "Of course. " Kim rolled his eyes , Tibet knew how much he didn't like Macau but his hia was always trying to get them to bond which was never going to work yet Tibet didn't seem to get that memo  .

Just like Jean got along with Vegas , his elder brother Tibet got swimmingly well with Macau. For some odd reason , he and Kinn didn't get along with their cousins yet his half brothers managed to

Macau's attention then went to the other presence in the room. He took off his sun glasses  and smirked at the very  cute boy , "hey Bambi."

   Porchay who had just been awkardly sitting on Kim's bed pretending to read the lyrics looked at the other Theerapanyakun weirdly.  "Me?"

"Of course I'm talking to you Bambi. " Macau was smittened with how cute the other boy was. He extended his hand to him , "I'm Macau , the fun cousin and uncle Korn's favorite nephew."

    "Vegas' brother ?" Porchay asked but it was obvious ,Vegas , Macau , why were these brothers named after places.

  Macau grinned , "chaai. You're fast Bambi." Nudging the other's shoulder playfully

    Porchay wondered what it was with the younger Theerapanyakuns  addressing him by names; Kim called him Angel and Macau was calling him Bambi . He saw Macau's obvious flirty smile and for some reason  Chay felt like blushing especially when the former winked at him with a smirk.

Kim saw this and glared at Macu. Just like Vegas , Macau was very open when it came to flirting . He wasn't going to let Macau use Porchay as a play toy .

At Theerapanyakun industries , Porsche was moving up and down being piled  with work load after work load by his brute of a husband and CEO. He knew Kinn has purposely given so much work on his first day just to spite him.

"Don't lose those files Porsche. They are very important." Kinn exclaimed

Porsche drew a sharp intake of breath , tongue ready to curse at him unfortunately Kinn had a client with him as of present. So he plastered a fake smile  , "chaai"

"This must be your wife." The man , the client said. 

  Porsche felt immediately offended , "excuse me what?"

   "You're Kinn's wife. Aren't you."

   Porsche scoffed and let out a humorless laugh , "I'm a man. I don't have a vagina or breasts. I've ," he gestured down to his pants , "a dick." He eunicated clearly much to the client's shock , "so what makes you think I'm the wife. I'm Kinn's husband not his wife. "

Just because some men went by the label of being the wife and he respected gay  men who went by such but that  did not mean that apply to him. Even if this marriage was a sham he preferred to be addressed as a husband.

Kinn was between baffled and amused by Porsche's reaction. Honestly it was why Porsche wasn't his ideal type ; the men he dated were feminie like in nature - a clear bonafide bottom  but Porsche , his husband was too masculine and there was nothing soft or delicate about him - yet when he heard Porsche assert himself as HIS HUSBAND a part of Kinn couldn't help feeling a sense of pride.

"Mr Theerapanyakun your wife is very rude."

     Kinn looked between the client his father's old friend and Porsche who was fuming.  "I don't think Porsche is in the wrong Mr Jumakort."


   "Porsche just stated the truth he's my husband and I would prefer you also address him as that."

  Porsche did a double take - did Kinn take his side ?

     "Excuse me Anakinn -"

      "It's Mr Theerapanyakun." Kinn stated in a cool ,"you're my father's friend but let us be professional."

The client fumed and stormed out of the office leaving the two husbands alone.

Porsche blinked twice at Kinn dumbly , "Shia. Did you take my side?"

       "I didn't. However, I know you're straight so I know being addressed as my wife ticks you off. Besides ," Kinn smirkee at him mischeviously , "only I can call my dear husband my wife " he couldn't help just spiting Porsche.

   Porsche just flipped him both the middle fingers. Kinn just looked at him with a amused smile.

     Jean had just got out of the shower finding several missed calls and text messages from his brother Tibet.

    "It's being a while now." He murmured he had to go back home which wasn't the problem. The problem was with how he would explain to Biu not to come with him and keep her away otherwise he would be screwed if Kinn found out that he had seduced and elope with his bride. And he needed to somehow convince Biu to stay hidden untill he ended things with her.

He felt alarmed when arms wrapped around him but quickly realized they were Biu's  .

    "Morning ." She smiled at her prince charming.

     "What are you doing behind me."
   "Ting tong. I'm hugging you."

     Jean's breath hitched when he felt Biu's lips on his - he had never being kisses in his life before . Alot of things were going on in his head .

Biu pulled back from the kiss when she felt him stiffen ."Jean. I feel you're so closed off ," she grabbed his hand , "I'm your girlfriend na? If something is bothering you you can tell me. You love me right. So why don't you tell me what goes on his with you."

"Why do you care how I feel?" His voice was cold and distant.

Biu frowned , "I love you Jean. I ran away from my wedding to be with you , I miss my siblings but I'm here with you. I don't want to sound like those girlfriends who are clingy. But ," she cupped hhs face , "I want us to be honest with one another. We don't talk very much. Communication is important in a relationship and I want us to communicate. If something bothers you , don't keep it to yourself."


   Jean didn't know what to say - why did she sound like she genuinely wanted to know what was going on inside him. Did she care for him that much?

But even if he opened up , he knew it was pointless ; the Theerapanyakun men were cursed , any one  who fell in love with his family suffered and although he didn't like Biu(as far as he tells himself) it was best to be distant even so more now than ever  . His and Tibet's mother had been a vicitm of falling for a Theerapanyakun.

"Jean . Won't you tell me what's going on. Why do you seem bothered?"

She enjoyed how Jean kept her busy by shopping and going to the latest malls but as grand as that was her prince did. Kinn would spoil her too with gifts and dates but he would shower her with emotion by merely saying simple things.  The third Kittisawasd sibling and second sister noticed while Kinn was a romantic , Jean on the other hand did not seem open to emotion .

Biu watched him leave and it upset her , when she and Kinn were together he didn't have any problem communicating even if she didn't understand what he said most of the time Kinn talked to her - because that's what people in relationships did. But Jean , as much as she adored her prince charming it felt he was so closed off like he had a wall and intended to keep everyone out.

Meanwhile , the two husbands werein their bedroom having their own discussion after q long day at the office .

Porsche looked at Kinn weirdly , "what is this?"

   Kinn took off his shirt and suit facing his husband. "You can read can't you.".


    "Did you say something?"

Porsche just looked at him with a cheeky yet mischevious smile , "Mai chaai."

Kinn had heard the remark , usually he would lash at anyone who thought they could call him that upfront but he was too tired otherwise he would have punched Porsche.

        "Just read " he ordered.

Porsche looked at the paper in his laps , "contract agreement."

     "Chaai. As you know our marriage was a mistake and out of convenience imposed by Dad. Unfortunately , we got married in front of many witnesses and we even registered our ' union' .  This agreement states that the both of us will only be married for a year after that we'll be divorced."

   Kinn always believed in finding his soulmate , he never cared if it was a man or woman he knew he had a red thread tied to him and that he would meet the person he was destined for.

Although his parents did not have the best relationship Kinn in the institution that was marriage.   He had full faith  in  marriage unfortunately he couldn't call what he had with Porsche a marriage. He didn't believe in divorrce either but he couldn't spend the rest of his life with him and it wasn't like Porsche also wanted to be married to him either. So this contract was beneficial to both of them.

    Porsche wasn't really a business person so he barely understood most of the content in the contract. "What about Khun Korn? He won't like it if he finds out."

         "Let me worry about that ," Kinn said knowing his father was not going to ever let Porsche exit his life easily.

Porsche laughed at a particular section , "after divorcing you , I have no right to demand anything from your property or claim a stake in your company. Why would you put that in?"

  Kinn didn't understand what Porsche found so funny , "I'm just insuring my family's assets." Especially now that Porsche was starting at the Theerapanyakun industries , he couldn't risk it.

          "I know we don't like each other Kinn. But do I look greedy to you."

           Kinn didn't say anything , Porsche didn't seem offended , he seemed to find hilarious that he would put that in. Maybe Porsche wasn't exactly a greedy person.

"It just needs your signature."

Porsche took the pen from Kinn without any hesitation and signed the document. What neither realized was that the contract was deemed null and void with Fate's plans.

  Kinn finally took off his shirt ready to change into his sleeping attire unaware his husband was checking him out without realizing.

Porsche tilted his head , he had never seen Kinn in anything besides a suit , their wedding attire didn't count. He didn't think Kinn was ripped.

To distract himself from looking at Kinn , He decided to set  the bed when he noticed his usual brute of a  husband  looking exhausted .

"You know you can share the bed with me right?"

Kinn just looked at him suscipiously , "why?"

"Oi. Can you not look at me suscipious. I'm just trying to be nice. Sleep on the couch if you're comfortable there."

Kinn stretched his shoulder , he was too darn tired and he missed his bed.

The two placed the pillows in between them to act as a barrier . Although neither dared to look at each other , they were unaware they were stealing glimpses when the other wasn't looking.  Both Kinn and Porsche felt odd , this was the first time since their wedding that they were actually sharing a bed and it wouldn't be the last


Bad Buddy was my first BL where this issue of why can't both the guys be the husband or the wife. I really liked that they pointed that out . I don't mind couples where one man is refered to as the woman my issue is that most people tend to impose that image because both can be the husbands in the relationship .

Kinnporsche slowly growing and getting there .  Kim and Macau setting their eyes on baby Porchay. Damn barcode is so cute 🥰

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