MISMATCHED ( milklove & joong...

By paperclip3600

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milk " he is in my team" love " no he is in my team" dunk " are you guys talking about me" milk & love " YES"... More

First Look
1st Conversation
Ex friend
The New Guy
Christmas Party
Christmas Party pt.2


609 14 4
By paperclip3600

5 minutes after Ashton and ren entered it was the time for another pair to go so jake asked,

Jake: so who is going now

Seeing nobody is making the first move milk said: me, I mean we

Dunk: we? 

Milk: hmm we, why

Dunk: no nothing hehe let's - let's go

And that pair also went inside, by that one by one everyone goes in: joong x love and atlast engfa and lewis


Ashton and ren's pov:

Ashton is already scared, the palace is huge and dark without their flashlight it's pitch black, but he have to show his bravery as he was the first one to propose this idea

Seeing him scared ren said: hey ash we could go back now it's actually being risky at this point plus we don't have our phones too and it's huge

Ashton: no way we can't, atleast we should explore this place enough to show the pictures as proof

Ren: ok but if you wanna go back then just tell me

Ashton: ok..... Aghhhhhh aghhhh what's that

Ren got shocked: ahhhhhhh what

Ashton: i-is th-that a s-sk-skeleton

Ren went towards where he points : umm Ash it is but it's not a real one it's just a prop which is used to study

Ash: oh okay

Ren: actually it's not okay ash

Ash: why?

Ren: cause why there will be a prop skeleton and.......

Ash: so it would have been normal if it was a actual one

Ren: no but think why there will be a prop skeleton, and that to be so old, that only less than the half is left

Ash: how will I know you are the medical student or me, now let's explore

Ren: hmm ( but still something doesn't felt right to him)

And they started to explore. After few minutes again ren asked: ash btw do you know anything in more detail about this mansion

Ash: no but, Just that it was a old mansion and long time ago and by that I mean early 20th century, that time this place is known as kingdom of siamora, and the royals used to live in this mansion / castle, during that time It was all good and prosperous for everyone but suddenly the castle catches fire, and most probably everybody died and not only that, the city of this kingdom also ended after that night, that's why people from other kingdoms speculated that the queen of this kingdom was a witch and can do black magic and this disaster was her doings. Although it's just one of the many made-up stories about this mansion.

Ren: hmm and it's surely made-up cause the prop we saw earlier is not hundreds of years old max it would 60 to 70 year old 

Ash: maybe who knows


Engfa & lewis pov:

Engfa: (sarcastically) Wow, Lewis, your bravery is truly inspiring. I'm sure everyone will be talking about it for years to come.

Lewis:(smirking) Just doing what comes naturally. Someone's gotta be the hero in this duo.

Engfa: (rolling eyes) Right, because pretending to be brave while belittling your partner is the epitome of heroism.

Lewis: (snapping) Look, I didn't ask for your opinion. Just follow my lead, and maybe we'll get out of here in one piece.

Engfa: (gritting teeth) Fine then lead the way

A sudden voice of someone's footsteps interrupted their quarell

Lewis:(voice trembling) Uh, I think I heard something... Maybe we should... uh...

Engfa:(raised eyebrow) Oh, what happened to all that brveness, Lewis? Scared of a little bump in the night?

Lewis:(defensively) Shut up! I'm not scared. I just... need a moment to... gather my thoughts.

Engfa:(sighing) Fine, take your moment. But shut up with all your nonsense because I will not take moment to leave you here alone, I'm not love

Lewis: *was going to say something but stopped* ( it's better for me shut  up otherwise she really gonna leave me here)


Jake & olivia's pov:

Both walking through a long corridor while jake felt olivia slightly trembling beside him.

Jake: Hey Olivia, don't worry, I've got your back. We'll get through this together.

Olivia: Thanks, Jake. I'm just really freaked out by all this spooky stuff.

Jake: It's understandable. But look, I promise I won't let anything happen to you. We'll stick together and make it out of here in no time.

Olivia: Thanks Jake. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Jake: Aw, shucks, Olivia. You'd probably find a way to charm all the ghosts with your sweet smile.

Olivia:  You always know how to make people feel better, even in the scariest situations.

Jake: That's what friends are for, right? Now, let's explore this haunted house and see if we can't find the exit before anything too spooky jumps out at us.

Olivia: Okay, but promise you'll not leave me?

Jake: You got it. I'll never.

Olivia: Thanks. Your bravery really gives me courage.

Jake: Anytime, . Just remember, it's not about being fearless, it's about facing our fears together.

Olivia: I'm glad you're here with me. I don't think I could do this alone.

Jake: You're never alone with me around. Now, let's take this one step at a time and keep moving forward.

Olivia: Right. We can do this. Together.

Jake: That's the spirit! Now, let's go show this ghost house who's boss!

Olivia: Um, maybe let's not push our luck too much, Jake.

Jake: Alright, alright. Baby steps it is. But we've got this. We've definitely got this.

Jake: Did you hear that ? It sounded like footsteps coming from the hallway.

Olivia: Oh no, it's really scary 

Jake: It's okay,. Let's just stay calm and stick together.

Olivia: (unconsciously clinging onto Jake's arm) I-I don't know if I can do this, Jake. What if there's something really scary in here?

Jake: We'll face it together. Just remember, we're stronger when we're together.

Olivia: O-Okay, Jake. I trust you.

Jake: Alright, let's try to find a way out of here. But stay close, okay?

Olivia: hmm . I'm right behind you.


Milk and dunk's pov

They were in the corridor of the second floor, although it's dark and filled with cob web's and dirt but still it's way better than the place they were before, probably it was a store room.

Milk: damn it's actually scary

Dunk: scary? Have you seen the heads of dolls in that room, feels like it was made from real human

Milk: yeah but we have to praise the maker for their realistic art

Dunk: more like spooky

They both laughed at that, tbh they are the most chillest pair till now

Milk: so it means we are going to win this challenge afterall nothing is going to be more spooky than that

Dunk: offcourse, so where we are gonna go now

Milk: umm let's go upstairs

Dunk: okey


But when they were going to go there they heard a loud noise from down stairs and a loud scream, which make them change their direction.

Joong amd love's pov

And here comes our last pair with the littlest progress cause they are still now walking in the hall although which is no doubt is huge like two team could play football and basketball seperately but still they are walking like tortoises but whatever atleast they are not dead.

Love: Joong, are you sure about this? This mansion gives me the creeps

Joong: Ha! Me, scared? Don't be ridiculous, Love. I'm as fearless as iron.

Love: (raising an eyebrow) huh, since when iron starts being fearless? And your shaky hands and pale face suggest otherwise.

Joong: Nonsense! It's just the, uh, atmosphere. Adds to the thrill, you know?

Love: Mmm-hmm, sure. Let's just stick together, okay?

Joong: Of course, I'm the protector here, after all.

They cautiously make their way through the dark corridors, Joong trying to act brave while Love follows him closely 

Love: Did you hear that?

Joong: (forcing a laugh) Hear what? Probably just the wind.

Suddenly, a door creaks open on its own, and Joong lets out a high-pitched squeal, jumping on Love's back

Joong: I-I just wanted to, um, check if you're alert!

Love: (trying not to laugh) Right, sure. But I think we should, uh, stick together for real now.

They continue through the mansion, with both of them clinging onto eachother.


But a loud noise made them shook to the core but still they went towards the noise to see what happened.

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