Wrong-An Ethan Morales FanFic...

By iblamewritting

7.6K 227 17

Greedy but extremely hot, Ethan Morales never found a girl he couldn't have. He could just give them a look a... More

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161 3 0
By iblamewritting


Tᴏᴅᴀʏ I ʜᴀᴅ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴋɪᴘ sᴄʜᴏᴏʟ. I ᴡᴀs ʙᴏʀɪɴɢ ᴅᴀʏ, ᴀɢᴀɪɴ.I xᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ Sʜʀɪᴍᴘ to follow me around but to my surprise, he didn't. He said his mom found out that he had been skipping a lot of classes, so she told his dad, his dad got angry and said that if he skipped more classes that he would cancel his credit card.
Of course, like everyone else, Shrimp depends on money. We all do. So he was going to stop skipping classes for a bit now so he could let his parents forget about it. Then maybe he would try again. He had a test today anyway, so score plus one for that.
I was walking down the streets, joint between two fingers and tucked between my lips as I took a puff and exhaled it.
Knowing now that is was not the best period of days to be outside since I still hadn't given Hernandez his precious money, so I was sure Francisco and Terrance would be up my ass for as long as I didn't get what their boss wanted so much.
But I was going to get the guy his money, because I don't my mom to know about this by them basically going to kidnap her. They're capable of anything and them doing something to my mom was sickening just thinking about it.
I kept walking and walking, until a black and really familiar Range Rover pulled up beside me and slowly started to follow beside me.
Talking about the devil.
Francisco rolled his window down, Terrance sitting on the passenger side, "Morales, hop in." He said, his tone both calm and filled with demanding behavior.
"Look man, I don't want to fucking fight again. I'll get Hernandez his fucking money." I said, still holding my cigarette between two fingers.
"We're not going to fight, shithole. Hernandez wants to talk with you. Hop in the fucking car." Terrance said on the other side, reaching back and opening the door to the backseat from the inside, giving it a light push so I would catch it.
So I took the handle and hoped inside the car, closing the door and watching as they drove off to the middle of the woods, where Hernandez's warehouse was. Where he kept all of his drugs and where he had all of his employees.
Driving a fucking Range Rover that probably costed a whole lifetime between the tall pines was sick, but Francisco managed. I just can't guarantee there are no scratches or dirt on the sides of the car.
The massive garage door opened, revealing shelves and shelves of packed cocaine and dark grey walls. I got out of the car at the same time as Terrance and Francisco, both leading me to Hernandez's office, a lot of his employees looking at me while some other minded their own business.
The two tall men lead me to his office, and when they opened the door, I was greeted with a man standing in front of his desk, graying hair and glasses on, sleeves of his button up shirt rolled up to his elbows, showing the straining veins of his forearms.
I had some pretty good veins on my arms, but damn this man's daily routine was going to the gym whenever he was not selling.
He finally looked up at me and gave me a smile, leaning back against his chair and gesturing to the chair a few feet away from me.
"Ethan Morales. Sit down, if you may." He said, his tone so fucking arrogant my only desire being to rip out his tongue.
But I followed his orders and sat down in front of his desk, waiting for him to drop the bomb on whatever he wants to talk about.
"You promised me, 15 000$ by the end of this month. We're almost in December, Ethan. You've only paid me 150$ dollars. Not in the best way either. Do you know how much that represents?" He asked, closing his laptop and resting his elbows on it, tangling his fingers together.
"No, I don't. Never been the best in math class." I retorted, hearing Terrance clear his throat to hide a potential laugh.
"It represents 1% of what I asked you for. I don't have any other choice but to go after something that is really precious to you, I suppose, if you don't get me the money ASAP."
"I know, I know, you're gonna go after my mom and—"
"Change of plans." He said, giving a random sign to Francisco behind me and the TV in the middle of the wall turning on, a picture of Isabel appearing on the TV.
She was in the parking lot of the school, walking towards her car with her phone in one hand and the other one clutching the strap of her bag.
Oh fuck no.
"Touch her and I'll rip your fucking genitals out with my fucking bare hands." I menaced, clenching my jaw tight and my hands clutching the armrests of the chair as I heard the guys behind me start to move closer, but Hernandez gestured them to back away.
"You're seventeen years old, kid. You won't do shit."
"Now that's what you think, asshole. But trust me. Touch her. Hurt her. Fucking even think about letting someone rape her, and I'll ruin you into pieces and feed you to the pigs in the farm a bit far away from Sherman Oaks." I said through gritted teeth as an amused look filled his face.
"Get me the money and I won't think of any of that. Plus, with her innocent face and hell of a body, I'm sure some of my employees will love seeing her tied up here. Waiting for her little hero to come save her from the Devil in the flesh." He chuckled, cracking his knuckles.
Fuck him. If I ever found out that he touched one single hair of hers I will fucking kill him with my two bare hands. I'm not scared of getting blood on them.
Hernandez waved goodbye at me and I stormed away, getting through Terrance and Francisco when they tried to hold me back. Terrance had a strange look to his face, like he was about to throw up or something.
And while the two guys brought me back to their car, Terrance stopped in the middle of the way and walked over one of the plants, throwing up on it. Francisco rolled his eyes and kept walking away, but him too, he looked grossed out about something. Was it about what their psycho boss insinuated he would do to Isabel if I didn't get the rest of the money? Or because of something else? That remained a question I would never get the answer to.
Yet, on the drive to back where they had picked me up from, the weight of their suffocating energy wrapped all around me and made me feel pity. Working for a drug dealer isn't the easiest thing ever, and these two guys can just confirm it.
I meant what I had said about Isabel. If anyone touched her. Hurt her. Did the unthinkable to her. I would kill Hernandez with my own hands. Even if it meant I went to prison. I don't want anyone touching her.
They dropped me off in front of my house, not even looking at me as I hopped out. I didn't want them to look anyway. Right when I was about to say thank you, Francisco drove away. The car disappearing from my sight.
I looked back at my house and mom's car was already there. Weird.
I walked over and opened the door, closing it behind me to see my mom storm over to me, an angry look in her eyes.
"Are you doing drugs, Ethan?" She asked, the smell of cigarette flowing out of her mouth and filling my nose as I looked at her. She rarely smoked. Mom only smoked whenever she was nervous or angry or too much was going through her mind.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, acting clueless as I walked around her and kicked my shoes off, watching as she approached the counter I was leaning against.
"Really? Then what the fuck is this?" She asked, dropping a brick of cocaine, the fucking 15 000$ I had to give the other fucker.
My eyes widened at the sight. My mom had found it. It was under the dark wood planks of my floor, so how the fuck would she find out?
"Shrimp's mom told me, Ethan. Stop denying."
Was today made to fuck up with my head?
"What the fuck did you expect, mom? That I live a fucking normal life with a fucking smile on my face when all I've wanted was to be like others? You love me, I know that. But you never gave a single shit about what I did whenever I skipped school. Did you think I was playing cards with Shrimp? Talking with girls? No. I get stoned. Because I need it to find relief." I snapped, turning around to face her as tears dropped down her cheeks and even went to her neck, red nose.
"Relief of what, mijo? I've given you all the freedom you wanted!" She sobbed.
"Relief of all of this, mom. Ever since I've been a kid you're always at work. I don't remember the last time we ever went out together, or the last time we spent together. Yes, we talk. But it is either about work or school. I grew up without a fucking dad, the least I could have is a fucking connection with my own mom." I explained, holding back tears that threatened to come out of my eyes, my face straining with the effort of holding it all back.
"Then you should have told me! I love you, mijo! You're my only son and the only motivation I've ever had to come home every day from work ever since your dad left," She started, her hands cupping my cheeks, my face straining harder, "I don't want you to destroy yourself with drugs, much less cocaine! I'll do anything you want for you to stop, please. I can't stand or even breathe knowing that you're taking all this shit."
"It's too late mom, the guy who sold me that is after me. He wants the money and I don't fucking have it—"
"I'll get it, mijo. I don't care. You know money is not a problem for us. And I don't want anyone after you." She said, caressing my cheeks, making my eyes water further more.
Technically, they weren't after me. They were going after Isabel. The reason to why I needed the fucking money if I didn't want anyone to touch her. But that meant that my mom would have to work day and night. And I couldn't bear to watch her do that. As much as I couldn't stand the idea of someone touching a single one of Isabel's precious locks of hair.
"I don't want you to be working day and night. I'll get the money on my own, mom." I finally said, wiping the tears that threatened to come out with the back of my hand.
"And I don't want to see on the news that a seventeen year old was stabbed to death for not paying a drug dealer back. Tell me how much this was."
"It was 15 000$." I finally said.
Her eyes widened slightly before she finally started talking, "I don't care. I have it. I don't want you to be in danger. Take the money. It's all in my purse."
I nodded and slowly walked over to her purse, that was resting on the couch. I took her wallet with shaking hands, unzipping the compartiment where she had her dollar bills and multiple 500$ bills coming into sight. I looked at her as confusion filled all the pits of my face.
"You might think that those nights that I spend at the hotel I spend them with someone, but I don't, mijo. I work." She sniffed, looking at me as I started back at the dollar bills.
"Sorry about that, mom." I whispered, taking the thirty 500$ bills that I needed and sliding them into the pocket of my sweater. That's when the tears started flowing down my face and I ran towards her, wrapping my arms tight around her body as she did the same, crying into her shoulder and her against my chest.
I fell to the floor in her arms, now resting my forehead against her shoulder as she ran her fingers through my hair and sobbed over and over with me.
And we stayed there.

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