𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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"Hᴇʏ, ɪsɴ' ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ғʀᴏᴍ ʟᴀs ᴡᴇᴇᴋ?" Shrimp asked as we all saw the same girl that had walked by my house last week.
"Pretty sure it is." I said, narrowing my eyes and crossing my arms as the girl walked around with Principal Grubbs by her side.
I couldn't think about that right now, because all the girls were drooling over me and that's a first. Before summer, junior year, I never really had the attention of anyone on me. I was hidden in the shadows while some of my friends had hookups here and there. Whenever I would get a crush on a girl and try to get a bit closer to them, I would be put in the friendzone. I know, that's heavy, but I managed. As for school, I never really was much of a great student. Not the role-model. I would cause some trouble here and there, but not constantly. Like, sometimes. But it was just to try and get myself a girlfriend, as embarrassing as it is for me to admit, but it's true.
Things took a turn during this summer break, I grew a least a foot taller, also let my hair grow out, gained some muscle and apparently that made girls start drooling over me. It's crazy how just a few gains can make you gain all the attention you ever desired in the world, and it's ridiculous. But I got greedy once a girl during summer kind of was getting a bit too desperate for me to have sex with her so I said "fuck it" and did it. And the feeling was of pure ecstasy, coming from a person who tried ecstasy himself. The greediness kicked in and I couldn't wait until I had another girl in my arms, because it was totally useless for me now to chase them. They chased me instead. So whenever I wanted, I would pick them up from my feet where they all fell, but when I didn't want anything to do with any of them I would just leave them there. I'm pretty sure the friends from my group that always got the girls that they wanted were a bit jealous since now I had any of them that I wanted.
The new girl would be no different. The way she looked at me when she walked by my house last week, and when I asked her if she wanted to join the party and she said "no", I'm pretty sure she did hesitate before she left. The wind had blown her air to the side so perfectly I'm pretty sure if the sun shone on it instead it would freaking reflect golden.
Principal Grubbs left her side and right when I was about to jump into the conversation, Devi Vishwakumar came into town with her two other friends. I had nothing against the girl, but stopping me from going near the school's probably new beauty standard for the girls crushed my ego by two percent.
"What? You just got cockblocked by the dork?" I heard Brody's voice approach before he dropped an arm around my shoulders. Bold of him to think that someone like Devi would cockblock me.
"Nah, I would never let her. I'm not thinking about doing anything with the new girl, though. Bold of you to assume I would." A lie. Already like ten million thoughts of all I could do to her went through my mind.
"Sure. Now move, we have to get to class unless you want to get suspended and yelled at by your mom. Again." He said, having a point for once.
My mom hated the idea of having a failure of a son, but hey, she had to accept me for who I was and not care about anything else. Truth is, I absolutely hated being bossed around and yelled at, so I attended my classes, sometimes made some deals with some cool teachers that just wanted to get high with either their friends or partners, and that was my daily life. But math, history and spanish I had to attend, because I do not vision Mr. Shapiro getting high on a Friday night with his partner, or Señora Diaz. Or the math teacher. The vision of that woman just getting high is extremely impossible to me.
As said, we headed to spanish class, coincidently. I hope she's just not a bitch like last year or else I will throw hands at her car. Like that she won't be able to ever come back again. She needs a car upgrade anyways, so I would be doing her a huge favor. It would take her a long time to buy herself a new car since teachers in our school are not paid enough, so we wouldn't have to see her face for a very long time. So maybe, I would do a big favor to all my classmates who also thought she was a bitch because I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who got all cranky and would rage at their exam paper when their grade would be below a D-.
I took a seat at my usual table from last year and my friends did too, and new girl went to find herself a seat, right next to Devi. I was behind the Indian dork, while shiny hair was on her right and Eleanor was on her left. I just had to look to the front, then to the right, then I would have the shiny hair in vision, a sight I would never get tired of because, who ever had shiny hair like this? Not me, that's for sure.
"Hola, everyone! New Year, huh..." Señora Diaz started, but I didn't even listen to the rest and just spazzed out, like always.
I'm fluent in Spanish, my mom is latina. Dad is out of the way, never met him and I don't think I want to unless it's to kick his ass for leaving me when I was a baby.
Grades are just low here because I don't even try to write something on the paper. Sometimes I feel lazy, or tired. Other times, I'm just really high and can't think of anything else but probably more drugs, sex, more drugs, and alcohol. Oh, and skating. Number two passion on the list.
I've skated ever since I was a pre-teen learning what the fuck sex was. Fell a few times, hit my head, met the friends that I have today, they teached me some tricks and I went with it. Cakewalk. Also the start of when I started to take some shit.
Some people would call me an addict, but trust me, I am not. If I wanted to quit right now, I am capable of doing it. I can stay sober if someone asks me to, no cap. I've never had an addiction to something, and it was not going to start now.
"...Isabel Belmonte. I moved here from Vegas and I'm turning seventeen in not too long." Shiny hair said—I mean, Isabel. Pronounced with a really heavy spanish accent. Latina?
No, definitely.
She has a bit of a spanish accent and a body that every girl in this school most desires. Yes, shamelessly I will say that I looked. I can't see what's underneath her clothes. Not yet, though. She seems like the type of girl that would be a real introvert, but I could change her real quick, I'd make her fall at my feet in a few seconds and not regret it at all. Then I'd probably shatter her and leave her behind but I do that to all the girls that cross my way anyways. I know, asshole attitude but I don't want anything serious, never wanted anything serious anyway. I will probably want something serious in a few years when I'm an adult and I can think more clearly about what I want but not right now.
During lunch, me and my friends held court in the parking lot, skating and doing some skating tricks while the girls drooled and squealed and hyperventilated each time I held the hem of my shirt with my teeth, letting them watch me flexing my abs to basically half of the school. No shame. My friends cheer and laugh about it, and what do I do other than also laugh about it? I just think I'm living the life that I've always needed.
When I got home, mom was still at work. So I just decided to invite my friends over and sit on the poarch and smoke some weed and do some other stuff. And while we were there, I saw a very familiar face drive by in a black car. Smile on her face, a girl that I would say was between the ages of ten and fourteen. They looked pretty similar, so I would say it was her sister.
"So, how's spanish class with the new girl?" Shrimp asked as he took a puff of cigar and exhaled the smoke.
"Name is Isabel Belmonte. She gives off latina vibes and has a bit of a spanish accent. Not too audible though, only if you like, really listen to her." I made clear, and he laughed in return. Confused, I narrowed my eyes and grinned, mouthing a "what?".
"So you're already checking out the new girl, Morales?" He chuckled again, taking a sip of vodka and before he did he smoked a bit and inhaled it all. I know, weird combo, but the first time I did it, I got really high I had to call my mom to come get me from the party I was in.
"I'm not checking her out. The girls are the ones who check me out, not me. I wait for them to fall at my feet then ask for sex and I'll it to them if I want to. If I don't, I politely strangerzone them and just live my life and act like it never happened." I said, taking a hit from my own cigar, exhaling the smoke and then taking a sip of some vodka mixed with orange juice while I'm at it.
I don't drink straight up vodka, I hate the taste. So I mix it with other stuff. Sometimes it's juice, other times it's beer or RedBull.
"Alright. If you say so, man." He said with another chuckle.
Our other friends were focused on sniffing cocaïne or just smoking more weed or taking some pills. They mostly didn't talk when our afternoons were like this. Mostly when mom still wasn't home and stuff. She has no idea I invite them over for this, she just knows that I do invite them. I could never watch my mom break in tears knowing her son is doing drugs, so I keep it a secret from her. It's best for her and me anyways.
My friends eventually left and I cleaned up everything and sprayed some of my perfume in the porch, so that it would seem like guys had been here. The first time I did it, my mom was suspicious so I just opted for saying that me and my buddies all agreed to wear the same perfume so everyone would smell the same. She believed it and gave me a kiss on the cheek. And I would keep doing that till the day I left this house. Maybe one day when I'm a father and am married to a good wife I'll finally have the courage of telling everyone that I sold and took drugs as a teenager, now I just had to make the most of it.
Mom's car parked in the driveway and I was in the kitchen, washing some dishes because no matter what image I gave off since I was a skater and took drugs and also sold some to some teachers that were my favorite and I was their favorite student for obvious reasons, I still was used to cleaning up after myself. Not my room, though. My room was a total mess.
The door opened and mom walked inside, purse in hand and taking off her shoes, along with her jacket and hanging it up.
"Hi, mijo. How was first day?" She asked, letting out a tired sigh as she dropped her purse on the kitchen counter and smiled softly at me.
"It was great, ma. Saw my friends, talked with some girls, you know, the usual stuff?" I resumed quickly, not talking about the drug part because I just can't.
"I suppose I do know. Work was as tiring as always. I'm sorry I came home late, mijo." Mom said as she walked towards me, took ahold of my head with both her hands and kissed my temple. I mouthed a "it's fine" and she caressed my hair, that same soft smile on her lips and eye-bags under her eyes.
She walked up the stairs before she reached the top, she looked through the rails and back down at me as I dried my hands.
"I love you." She said, her lips pulling into a tight line but the same soft look in her eyes.
"I love you too, ma." I answered, grabbing the edges of the counter top and returning the smile at her.
She eventually went to her room, so did I. And went to sleep.

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