River of Styx

By canadianlady705

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Being the owner of a roadside dive bar isn't exactly what she expected when the lawyer said her bio dad had l... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

201 19 2
By canadianlady705

" Awe Crap!" Finn murmured as he entered Mulligan's Pub and eyes turned. Aye it was nothing new to catch attention entering. Why Cian had nudged him forward, was because who those gazes belonged too.

" Which chapter?" Aidan quietly questioned as he followed them into a very crowded bar. Crowded with bikers and a fair number of his fathers men.

" Does it blood matter?" Cian put out there more like a statement than a question.

They'd gotten the call that they were needed home for a couple days for family business. A little birdie had also reported that a certain biker Queen was currently occupying the guest bedroom.  He wasn't sure what Demon had done but it was enough to piss Sara off. Finn wasn't even sure why he'd been called home.

     " I'm pretty sure I just caught site of  Sin"a brother Smoke and Liz"a brother Kit is here too." Aidan offered as they moved through way too much leather to the bar where Finn had seen his mum and Aunt Greer sitting.  But they didn't make it. Stepping out of the crowd and into their path came Sun and South Carolina's Queen Brinn. A development that had him thinking this had more to do with Kenny than Sara. Or both, fuck he was confused.

" Where's little red?" Cian questioned and gave Finn a moment to clear the mess in his head. He could only guess he was talking about Liz, Demon and Sara's daughter and the V.P of their chapters old lady.

" Back home on hormone therapy. Little to risky to have her come along." Sin offered smirking offering his cousins hugs and him a bump on the shoulder. Yep it felt awkward for him too.

" The guys are upstairs. Church slash family meeting is going to be a dinning table thing. Go on up." Brinn directed at him then told his cousins to go find their mum.

He'd left them with a nod but headed for his mother first before heading up. A man didn't come home and not hug his mum before getting dragged into business. Also he knew that she'd fill him in before sending him up. Unlike his father who'd let him come without a heads up.

" The club V.P Hoss made a call to South Caroline. Wanted to feel out the patch over and what it would look like. Ripper, Boomer, Reaper and Magnus are up there with Demon, your father and uncles.  It's a full house." His mum whispered in his ear before pulling back and reaching up to rub his cheek.  " It looks bad but half of them were here with Demon before the call.  Smoke showed up just a couple hours ago" she added before the man himself stepped up to them smirking. 

    " I'm here to represent my chapter and see my sister.   Figured we could head up together" Smoke offered pointing towards the hall that lead to the family quarters access.  Following Finn actually felt bad for Hugo being left behind.  Then again Uncle Declan would probably be filling him in soon enough.  Some fathers were good like that he though a little pissed at his own. 

    After he'd been shot and recovered he'd figured his parents needed time so he'd moved out.  There had also been the situation with his sisters so it had been a bit since he'd been home.  He'd taken over Lia's place and it had allowed him a freedom he'd rarely gotten living above the pub.  It had also allowed him the chance to grieve for a brother who'd betrayed them.  He must have hesitated on the last landing because Smoke stoped and turned to look down at him.  

     " After all this you should come home and spend some time.  Don't let one member taint the whole family." He offered his eyes seeing too much and sounding like he understood too well.  And it took a moment before Finn recalled the reasons that was probably true. 

     " maybe" was all he was willing to offer to that before Smoke continued up the last set of stairs and they entered his childhood home.  A place that felt both familiar and foreign to him now. 

      Seated at his fathers left Finn listened as everyone talked about the situation.  It seemed almost funny that no one asked him his thoughts as he'd been the one on site not an hour ago.  And as it continued it really began to piss him off.   Until his father said otherwise he was heir to the Irish Mob of Boston. 

     " Excuse me please!" He said loud enough for everyone to hear over the talking before he stood to leave.  When his father called his name Finn didn't even look back but headed back down stairs.  But he didn't go back to the bar, instead heading for the offices.  Only once closed within his own did he use the phone to dial Hugo's cell.

     "  What the hell is going on? I just got calls from two of my cousins on the Shay side telling me you walked into a house full of bikers!  Oh and heads up cause no one told grandda and he's on the way" Hugo ground out which made Finn feel a little better.  Obviously Duncan hadn't given him a heads up yet.  Also keeping Grandda Mulligan out of the look had been a huge error on his fathers part.

Knowing their grandfather was on route had Finn quickly explaining what he'd walked into and the meeting in progress. It made his anger cool a little when Hugo vocally seemed pissed on his behalf.

" This bullshit with the older generation had got to stop. I'll fucking say this now loud and clear between us. I will never take your rightful place as heir. I have enough just keeping up my fathers businesses and the family shit. But I'll stand at your right hand and slay fucking demons. I'm that guy Finn. So March your ass back in there and demand to be heard. Because you can't keep to the back ground on this. The future connection to the club is too good an alliance." Hugo then ordered leaving him a little speechless.

" Anything else you care to add while ordering me about?" He questioned honestly hoping he did because Finn didn't have a fucking clue.

" Ya, take Magnus in with you. He's the best option as Pres to replace the shithead here" he offered then hung up on Finn. And fuck it he was right which for once had him smiling.

Going back to the bar he scanned the crowd until he found Magnus then waded in to haul him back out. Zero explanation offered as they met his grandfather at the bottom of the stairs.

" Good lad, let's go kick some sense into my son and your Da!" He ground out then stormed up the stairs as if he was a man in his 40's and not about to top his eighties. 

       Magnus followed but was completely clueless to what the hell was going on.  How the heck had he gotten pulled into this family shit.  Well he wasn't completely sure it was just family shit but the old man and Finn looked pretty pissed.  Only thing he was certain of was that someone had a plan, it just wasn't him. 

      The second Allister Mulligan stepped in the room things got pretty quiet. Well except for Uncle Sean asking what was going on. Magnus entered just as Allister answered. His voice that of a sweet old man. Fuck Sean was about to get a spanking.

" it's almost unheard of for most of my family to be in one place. I also found my grandson not in a meeting he should be attending. So who wants to tell me what's going on" Allister questioned but instead of Sean answering it was Finn who filled the old man in.

" I've met this Kennedy Cole lass. Fine lass though we had to make her Irish. She earned it after straightening Quincy out. I expect you dragged Magnus up here for a reason" Allister questioned when he'd been given the full of it. And it was an answer he really wanted as well.

" Magnus would be a great choice to place in as president. The enforcers strong enough but doesn't have the temperament. The current V.P's balls haven't dropped enough yet either. Placing Magnus in makes sense and takes care of a current issue for both the club and our family." Finn outlined his voice daring anyone to argue it.

"Do I get any say in this?" He questioned because it pretty much sounded like he was about to get domesticated with a club house full of man children. Gut twisting he waited, watching as Ripper shared a look with both other presidents before looking to Sean Mulligan and nodding. It was so clear how fucked he was that even Reaper began to laugh from his place at the far side of the room.

" I'm guessing that's a no" Reaper added

" Do you want me dead?" He questioned because it was unheard of to place a president when you patched over a club. Why?! Because no one in that club holds any loyalties to someone they didn't vote in. That's why.

      " Chester and I have your back. Crow is also here in Boston and a couple clubs can throw guys this way once there's space for them." Reaper offered up the solution first putting it on the table.

As it didn't look like he had much of a choice it was a pretty decent solution. Well at least until Smoke and Ripper agreed to send him Holiday. Fuck his life!

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