Us Against The World

By Uniquelywritten86

113K 5.5K 5.1K

With all the madness surrounding the couple they finally agree to focus on bettering their relationship. Whic... More

This Is Our Relationship
Blue Light 2.0
No More Disrespect!
Therapy Saved Us
Creating Memories I Never Had
The Truth Will Reveal Itself
Checkmate Bitch!
So Called Friends
Almost To The Finish Line
Therapy Won't Fix This
Things Ain't What It Seems
The Day Has Come
A Weight Has Been Lifted
We All Have Choices
No New Friends
New Beginnings
It Could Have Been Worse
It's Always Something
No More Talking
One Step At A Time
We All Have A Past
Eviction Day Came Early
Everyone Can't Be Trusted
You Gone Learn Today
Growing and Glowing
Let Me Cater To You
Our Family Is Crazy
Doing Better Than Ever
People Stay Testing Us
New Neighbors New Problems
Fatima's Big Heart
It's Not Easy Letting Go
I'm Gone Protect Mines!
Old Run Ins & New Relationships
She's Gone
Mending Bridges
Baby Girl 💜♥️ ❤️
There's Always Some Truth
They Stay Fucking With Me
Now Run And Tell That
Close Call
Who Are You
Our New Home
One Step At A Time
House Party
Caught Cheating
It's Time
Zaya Marie Taylor 💜
Our Family Is Complete
A Big Help
Stepping Out on Faith
Us Against The World Still....
A Lot Has Happened
Daddy's Home
2nd Run In
Pay Attention To The Signs
New Distractions
Someone From Our Past
Nasty Ass
Time Is Up
Playing Nice
Bitches Playing Dirty
It Must Be Done
Bye Bitches
You Got The Right One
Double Dose Of Stalking
Who Are These Bitches
You've Met Your Match
Game Plan
Too Busy For Home
What Are We Doing?
Still Got Work To Do
Lets Get Away
He's Back
Vacation Over
You're To Blame


1.1K 71 48
By Uniquelywritten86

Zac: Hey Babe sorry to wake you I need to head into the office early I am meeting Bryce in a few can you take Zaya to school 

Fatima barely awake what time is it

Zac: 6:30am 

Fatima: Why are you going in so early 

Zac: I need to get some things straightened up I haven't been in the office since I been in town

Fatima: Okay be careful and let me know how things go with Bryce. I am about to get up anyway I don't want Zaya to be late for school 

Zac: Okay I will call once it's done love you 

Fatima: Love you more 

Giving Fatima a couple kisses on the lips 

Fatima laid there for minute and decided she needed to get up before she fell back asleep and she would have definitely been late

She turned on the shower to let the water heat up while she made up the bed and straightened up the room 

When she stepped in the shower the hot water felt amazing on her body. She started cleaning her body and felt herself getting turned on thinking about Zac . She woke up in a horny mood. She thought about Zac as she started to please herself as the hot water pierced her clit.

Her sessions was interrupted by a little voice

Zaya: Mommy why are you making that noise 

Fatima: Mommy is just humming a song go make up your bed I will be out in a second 

Zaya: Okay mommy 

Humming really Fatima she couldn't even finish her session 

Fatima got out and got herself together then headed to get Zaya together 

Zaya: Mommy can I wear pants today because we have gym and I want to run and play and not have to worry about running in a dress

Fatima: Of course sweetheart 

Zaya was dressed and ate breakfast they made it out the door with enough time to spare without rushing 

Fatima dropped Zaya off at the curb and watched her run her little legs into the school 

Thinking to herself my baby is growing up 

She headed into the office 

Ebony: Good Morning I am loving this natural curly look 

Fatima: I got it wet this morning in the showers so I said what the heck natural curls it is

Ebony: Well I love it I put some files on your desk and looks like Kyle requested a final meeting about the case you two are working on 

Fatima: Okay for what time 

Ebony: 10am 

Fatima: Okay perfect I want to go have lunch with Zac today. And remind me to tell you how that fake ass dinner went with Angela and Bryce 

Ebony: Ugh her ass I still can't stand that bitch 

Fatima: We know, I will fill you in after lunch 

Ebony: Okay I need to go file these documents away downstairs if you need anything hit me on my cell 

Fatima: Okay 

Fatima made a couple calls and browsed through her email by the time she finished handling all her unread emails it was time to meet Kyle 

She was the first one in the conference one 

Fatima had her head down in her laptop and didn't notice that Kyle had walked in 

Kyle: Oh my we must have a new lawyer in the building I like your hair 

Fatima looked up and started combing her hands through her curls to make sure it didn't turn into a full blown afro. 

Fatima: Thank you

Fatima got straight to it no small talk 

Fatima: Did your client finally decide to settle 

Kyle: They did, they agreed to the terms that were originally given 

Fatima: Okay great I will have my assistant Ebony draw up the paper work  and we can have your client sign it today

Kyle: Great 

Fatima: You know this could have been said in an email or over the phone verses a face to face meeting 

Kyle: I wanted to see your face when I tell you my client settled 

Fatima: I already knew it was going to happen no extra excitement this way but thank you I have another meeting to get to 

Kyle: No thank you 

Kyle had a little smirk on his face 

Fatima grabbed her things then headed back to her office Ebony came walking in behind her 

Ebony: Well that was quick 

Fatima: Exactly he could have sent that shit in an email it's something off about him. Where did you say he came form 

Ebony: Hell if I know he just showed up one day I thought you knew him 

Fatima: Hell no but see what you can find out about him I don't know what it is but my radar going off when ever he is in my presence 

Ebony: Good or bad radar 

Fatima: I don't get good vibes from him 

Ebony: I can see what I can find and let you know 

Fatima Okay thank you girl 

Ebony: Of Course 

Fatima: I am about to head to Zac's office I will be back in a few 

Bryce & Angela Home

Bryce: Hey baby I am about to go meet Zac I will be back shortly 

Angela: Okay you need to be careful don't be going over there running your mouth 

Bryce: What are you talking about me and Zac are boys we cool again 

Angela: You can believe that shit if you want to all I am saying is be careful 

Bryce: Alright I thought you would be happy to reconnect back with Fatima

Angela: It didn't feel genuine I don't know I just didn't get a good vibe 

Bryce: You are over thinking it just go with the flow 

Angela: Maybe you are right 

Zac's Office

Bryce: Yo man this office is nice where my office gone be at 

Zac: Slow ya roll man you going to fast we need to talk business first 

Bryce: Okay cool 

Zac: So what have you been doing business wise lately 

Bryce: Just small clients here and there 

Zac: You ain't still on that fraud shit are you 

Bryce took a minute to answer that question 

Bryce: I wouldn't say fraud 

Zac: Nigga embezzling money is fraud 

Bryce: Don't look at it like that man I am just moving the money around 

Zac: And how many accounts have you done this too 

Bryce: Ten in the last month 

Zac: Wow Bryce you gone have to stop that shit 

Bryce: I know maybe since we teaming back up I will have some good luck. I really been down bad since you stopped doing business with me but I promise I will steer right this time 

Zac: You better or I will kick yo ass 

Bryce: No need for that you already punched me in the nose before I don't want those problems again 

Fatima came walking in the building 

Zac: Babe what are you doing here 

Fatima: I wanted to surprise you with lunch holding up the bag of food 

Za: Awe that's sweet Bryce and I were just finishing up 

Bryce was looking like no we wasn't 

Bryce: Hey Fatima I'll let you two have lunch Zac I will call you later 

Zac: Alright bet 

They waited until Bryce walked out the front door Zac closed his office door just a little along with the blinds

Zac: You know I love it when you wear your natural hair you look sexy 

Fatima: Thank you Zaddy 

Zac smacked Fatima on her ass as he stood behind her while she took the food out the bag 

Zac: Fuck that food I want you 

He unzipped Fatima dress and removed it he pulled her panties to the side and bent her over the desk and entered her slowly 

Fatima: Awe yes this is what I wanted to feel this morning I had to please myself 

Zac: Damn I missed it let me get you right now 

Zac was busy pounding the shit out of Fatima he didn't hear that Bryce had came back to ask him a question before Bryce got to the door he heard the sounds of Fatima moaning

Instead of turning back around and leaving Bryce stayed and watched he started getting aroused he pulled out his phone and tried to record through the open blinds 

Once he got his rocks off he hurried up and snuck back out the door 

Zac: This shit feels so good 

Zac knew Fatima was about to cum he hurried up and pulled out and got down on his knees and ate her from the back. Fatima's pussy was already throbbing Zac's pulling and sucking caused her to squirt and cum all over him.

After Zac was done Fatima was still shaking as if Zac was still eating her out 

Fatima: Oh my fucking gosh I can't stop shaking I needed that 

Zac: Me too glad you stopped by lucky I got the building to myself don't have to worry about any peeping toms or keeping the noise down 

Fatima went into the bathroom and fleshed up and slipped on a new pair of panties out of her purse

Zac: You are well prepared

Fatima: I always carry around an extra pair of panties you never know when you may need them

Fatima: Well let me get back to work I will see you when you get home

Zac: okay

Fatima: Oh how did it go with Bryce

Zac: I see why the FBI is after his ass now he done embezzled money from 10 different companies in one month 

Fatima: What the fuck now his ass getting greedy 

Zac: Greedy for sure but I got all that shit on record 

Fatima: Good we can get this shit over with 

Fatima Office 

Ebony: How was lunch 

Fatima: It was great much needed 

Ebony: Y'all got a little quickie in 

Fatima: And did, I definitely needed it after Zaya busted in on me this morning in the shower pleasing my self 

Ebony: You gotta get it in when you got alone time hell being a mother that's hard as hell 

Fatima: Facts 

So let me tell you about last night Bryce was happy as hell to being back in Zac's good graces

Angela did lose some weight 

Ebony: What! Good for her 

Fatima: You know I don't like being fake so it was hard to sit at that damn table making small talk 

But Bryce ass is still up to no good his ass is about to do some damn time behind the shit he doing. I am glad Zac walked away years ago 

Ebony: Yeah or else his ass would be wrapped up in the shit too 

Fatima: He ended up confessing to everything 

Ebony: Good least you don't have to fake it for to much longer 

So I did a little digging on Kyle and I think he got let go from his other law firm of course there were no details as to why but I can call and try to work my magic and get more information 

Fatima: I am going to do some digging myself I am going to finish up this last file then I am going to get out of here so I can pick up Zaya 

Ebony: Okay I am heading out I promise Aiden we can go to the movies for his good behavior 

Fatima: Okay tell the family I said hello

Ebony: Will do 

Fatima finished up her work and headed out she seen that soon has she packed up to leave so did Kyle. She hurried up and walked out so she wouldn't have to do any small talk with his weird ass 

She seen him motioning for her but she kept walking 

Fatima made it to pick up Zaya 

Zaya: Mommy did daddy leave again 

Fatima: No daddy just had to work this morning he will be home later you gone help mommy make dinner 

Zaya: yes 

Fatima: Okay lets go to the store first 

They pulled up to the store 

Zaya: Mommy can I push the cart

Fatima: Yes as long as you don't run over my ankles 

Zaya: I won't 

They grabbed a couple things to make dinner 

They went down the cereal aisle Zaya seen her friend from school and ran after him 

Zaya: Amir 

Amir looked up and ran 

Fatima was about to tell Zaya get back over here but she watched as Zaya gave the little boy a hug. Fatima looked at the mother she seen a familiar face 

Fatima: Deja 

Deja: Fatima 

How do our kids know each other 

Zaya: Amir is in my class 

Deja: Wow small world 

Fatima: Crazy right, long time no see and you have a handsome young man 

Deja: It's definitely been a minute and your daughter is adorable 

Since our kids are best friends do you want to do a playdate 

Fatima: Sure we can do that is your number the same 

Deja: Actually it isn't I had to change a lot and the old me had to go right along with the old number. I am actually married now and we stay in this area.

Fatima: Me too so we practically neighbors again 

Deja: Yeah, this time I won't be a pain in the ass.

Okay well I will definitely be reaching out tell Zac I said hi 

Fatima: Will do 

Zaya gave Amir another hug before leaving 

Fatima: So that is your best friend 

Zaya: Yes because daddy said I can't have any boyfriends until I turn 30 

Fatima: That sounds about right, lets get home so we can cook dinner 

When they got home Zac was already at home 

Of course Zaya ran onto her daddy's arms 

Zac: Hey princess sorry daddy couldn't take you to school today 

Zaya: It's okay daddy 

Fatima: Zaya go put your stuff up and get out of your school clothes 

Zaya: Yes ma'am 

She went running to her room

Zac: Sexy 

Fatima: Hey Zaddy can we get round two tonight 

Zac: Fuck yeah 

Fatima: Oh guess who I ran into today at the store and our daughter is best friends with her son 


Zac: Deja Deja 

Messy Dejah 

Our old neighbor Deja

Fatima: Yes that Deja 

She is married now and she actually lives somewhere close. She really looked good and her son is so handsome 

She wants to do a playdate 

Zac: You don't think she on any bullshit do you 

Fatima: No I think she really turned her life around 

Zac: Well I am cool with it if you are 

Fatima: Okay great 

They ate dinner and put Zaya to bed 

Zac came in the room and Fatima had the red light dimmed

Zac: It's about to get freaky you got the red light special going on in here 

Fatima stood in the bathroom doorway with a sexy lingerie piece on

Fatima: Do you like what you see zaddy 

Zac: Of course drop it low for me 

Fatima turned around and dropped it down slowly so Zac could take in all her ass 

She walked over to seductively and tongued him down 

To Be Continued.......

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