Everything Mylie Cross

By _heartless_narrator_

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Mylie Cross is many things. She's caring. She's bold. She's intriguing. She's strong. And she's stunning when... More

Chapter 1 - What is Love?
Chapter 2 - Murder
Chapter 3 - The Buried
Chapter 4 - The Dead
Chapter 5 - Crime
Chapter 6 - Criminal
Chapter 7 - The Funeral
Chapter 8 - Breaking
Chapter 9 - Pain
Chapter 10 - Hurting
Chapter 11 - Fight
Chapter 12 - Consequences
Epilogue - The Truth
Author's Note

Chapter 13 - Blood

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By _heartless_narrator_

June 16th - 2018

I just got in the car without thinking.

Mylie is driving, but the smooth and controlled driver that I'm used to is boarding on erratic. I think she's breaking the speed limit. There's a random playlist playing from when her phone connected to the Bluetooth. It sounds like dubstep.

Dewey is beside her in the passenger seat, looking equally as freaked out as I am.

"What do you mean Valery is in danger?" He asks again, his voice harsher, begging for an answer.

Mylie glances in the rear view mirror again, locking eyes with me. The staring doesn't last long before she's glancing at her phone pinned to the dash. She's tracking Valery's location. She's still not answering Dewey, putting us both on edge. Straight to the point.

She's not being straight to the point.

Dewey let's out a frustrated groan and grabs Mylie's arm. "Answer me!" He shouts, clear desperation in his tone.

Mylie looks to him, and I do too. He looks like he's begging her.

She looks back to the road just as quickly, her lips pursing then letting out a sigh. "Thea took her. I think she's going to hurt her."

Matter-a-fact. Finally straight to the point.

What the fuck.

What the fuck.

I want to yell at her, scream that she's wrong, that Thea would never hurt Valery. She would never hurt anyone.

She wouldn't.

All that leaves my lips though is a strangled gasp. Because why would she say that. Why the fuck would Mylie say that.

"What do you mean, she's gonna hurt her?" Dewey stammers, him having stared dumbfounded at Mylie when she had said that. I'm still staring, equally dumbfounded.

And once again, I see the pained look sweep across Mylie's features. But this time it doesn't go away as quickly. "I found evidence that Thea was the one who attacked Jordan two weeks ago as well as evidence of her possessing illicit drugs."


There is no way.

Mylie had to be lying. She had to be lying, right? Thea wouldn't attack me. She couldn't of. It was Mylie that did it, or someone else, or anyone but Thea. And drugs? I've never seen Thea do drugs. She doesn't do drugs.

"They did a sweep of her school locker this morning after I gave them the tip and they found enough to charge her." Mylie adds. "They're searching her house the second they get the warrant."

My mouth feels dry.


Oh my god no.

Dewey doesn't looked shocked enough. My entire body is shaking with disbelief and he's just staring with wide eyes.

Then the horrifying though hits me. If she's telling the truth about this, then that means she's telling the truth about my assault. That Thea assaulted me. She hurt me.

She hurt me.

Tears fill my eyes. My mouth opens and closes like a fish, trying to form words. Instead my lips just shake. "What." I finally croak out, tears clogging my throat.

Mylie swallows and looks into the rear view. I meet her eyes, mine begging for her to be lying to me.

I'm begging you Mylie.


Please be lying to me.

"I'm sorry." Mylie says softly, before she turns her eyes back to the road.

I sink back in my seat, my tears clouding my vision. They spill over and trail down my cheeks.

I don't believe it.

Fuck. I don't want to believe it.

October 14th - 2017

I told Jordan I was going to the bathroom.

I'm in Haider's bedroom, shifting through his draws. They are all half empty. He had dumped any clothes he had tried on on the floor until he found an outfit he liked. He never got the chance to clean it up.

I used this to my advantage though, hiding what I have amongst the mess of his bedroom. No one would ever look close enough to see anything, and there's barely anyone that comes in here. I've only seen Kayla and Mylie enter the quiet room. Jordan's parents refuse to come upstairs.

I pull out a bag nestled between a ratty t-shirt and a pair of jeans, quickly sticking it into my pocket. I move to leave the room, I know I've been here too long.

The blue book at the end of Haider's bed makes me come to a stop. The Fault in Our Stars. I notice the bookmark is a Pokémon card. I reach out and pull it from its place. It's Charizard. I put it in my other pocket.

June 16th - 2018

Mylie's out of the car before we even realised she parked. She rounds the front of the vehicle and sprints towards the rundown sports stadium, quickly throwing open the front doors and disappearing inside.

I glance at Dewey in the front seat, noting his shocked look at how erratically Mylie is acting. Barely a second after she disappears, Dewey quickly gets out of the car as well, following after Mylie.

And then I'm left alone in the car, the engine still running with a low rumble shaking it. Another shocking thing for Mylie to do.

It's all so shocking.

I could leave if I wanted to. She even left the keys in the ignition. I reach forward, over the centre console and pull them out, the car instantly spluttering out.

I sit back and turn the keys over in my hands. I could leave if I wanted to.

The key falls into my pocket as I step out of the car, slamming the door behind me before I go running towards the building. The door swings shut behind me as I enter and I immediately feel my stomach drop.

I hear crying. Trembling sobs that make my chest tighten and my stomach churn.

My steps are tentative now, unsure. I don't want to go any further but my feet keep carrying me towards the crying. Now I can hear begging.

"Please! Thea please! You don't need to do this!" Dewey. He sounds like he's crying.

"She didn't need to give that evidence to the police!" Came the harsh reply. Thea. My chest aches.

"I'll say I planted it." Mylie. Not sounding as calm as usual, but still enough to sound assuring.

I step further into the building, turning into the large conference room, empty of any furniture. And then there they all are. My stomach twists more.

I'm gonna be sick.

Valery is laying on her side nursing her arm to her chest as she sobs loudly. Blood stains her long blonde hair from where it gushes from her forehead.

Dewey and Mylie stand side by side, Dewey trembling as tears roll down his cheeks. He keeps looking to Valery, like he wants to take her away from this place.

Mylie stands strong, though her hands tremble in tight fists by her sides. There's a pleading look on her face. She looks like she wants to end this.

Then standing over Valery with a long, shiny blade in her hand is Thea. Her eyes look blood shot, her pupils blown wide open. She looks dangerous. She doesn't look like my girlfriend. I can barely recognise her.

"I don't believe you." Thea seethes, stabbing the blade in Mylie's direction. It's like all she can see is her. She's doesn't even realise I've entered the room.

Mylie's shoulders square. "I'll also confess to the murder." She says, her words sounding a little rushed. "I haven't had time to get them evidence against you for it." She admits.

It's right then that it slaps me square in the face, the gravity of it all. Thea's behaviour during Kayla's funeral. Her not seeing me as much after. Her ghosting me for weeks after my assault. I can even see the yellowing bruise on her nose from here.

"You killed Kayla?" I ask timidly as I step further into the room.

All eyes snap to me. Thea freezes in place as Mylie simply stares at me, lips pressed together.

"Did you kill Kayla, Thea?" I ask louder this time. Thea's reaction making me tremble with shock.

Thea's face crumbles and I'm left staring at her as horror fills me. This whole time, I had been beside my sisters killer. I had tried to condemn a woman who was only trying to find out what happened, who was just as broken by it as I was, and the killer was someone close to me the whole time.


The woman I love.

You psycho.

Disgust fills me and my face contorts with it.

The second Thea sees my reaction, her face changes too. A primal rage fills her eyes and her mouth opens as she screams. Armed with the blade she suddenly rushes towards me.

I can barely scream before I feel someone shove me back, a tall figure obscuring my view.

Then I realise and I'm horrified.

Mylie shoves Thea away, the blade still embedded into her stomach. Blood immediately pools around it, staining her shirt and the hand she has resting beside it.

Before Thea can move again, she's tackled to the ground. Dewey wrestles with her hands, pinning them behind her back as he shoves her face into the carpeted floor.

The second she's down, Mylie's knees give out and she hits the floor, flopping onto her side before her body sinks onto its back. Valery curls out of her ball and crawls on one hand over to Mylie. More tears choke her as she runs her uninjured hand over Mylie's cheek.

Mylie's breathing heavily and the blood is starting to pool into the carpet below her.

Dewey glances over, tears in his eyes as his shoulders shake. Specks drop onto Thea as he starts sobbing. Valery starts crying too, hand fluttering around Mylie's face.

Mylie's eyes start closing, her fighting to keep them open. Her hand is limp on her chest.

It all happened so fast.

I take my phone from my pocket and dial triple zero.

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