His Justice

By l1lcharliel1l

597 65 11

After witnessing the destruction of Uzushio himself, Naruto vows to take revenge on the three great villages... More

The Academy
The Training
The Incident
The Times Spent
The Graduation
The True Strength of Shinobi
The Genin Days Pt.1
The C-rank
The Revelations
The Mismatched Jewels
The Mismatched Jewels pt.II


86 3 0
By l1lcharliel1l


I OWN ALL THE OCs in this story.

This work is my own work and cannot be published by someone else without my consent.  

                                                                                    CHAPTER 1

                                                                                   The Beginning


Fear was the only thing young Naruto was feeling as he was sprinting across the streets, randomly dodging jutsu thrown around by enemy shinobi and jumping across the corpses of the enemies and the shinobi of his village.

Never before had he ever experienced anything as horrifying as it was. It was as if his worst nightmare had come true. A small part of him still desperately hoped that it was all a nightmare and he would wake up soon. But another part of him was starting to realize the reality of the situation.

He was afraid..... afraid for his clan, for his village, and for his friends, but the most of all, he was afraid for the nice lady who had all but adopted him.

After a few minutes of running, dodging, and hiding, with each second feeling as if he was getting closer and closer to his demise, he finally reached the place he was aiming to go to...

Shiroi oba-san's home... 

No! Shiroi Ka-chan's home...

He stealthily made his way to her home...... well, as stealthy a nine-year old can get. As soon as he entered her house, the redhead froze, with the sight in front of his eyes being permanently engraved to his memory. It was as if the entire world as he knew it had just fallen apart.

He would never be the same again...

Inside, Shiroi ka-chan laid motionless, blood covered all of her body as she laid there taking her last breaths, content of having defended her homeland to her last breath, the only thing she missed was her son in all but blood, her Naruto.

Needless to say, the almost-dead woman was surprised out of her mind when she saw him, his body still as a statue, and mind unable to contemplate what was going on.

cough cough  "Naruto... my boy...."...

That broke Naruto out of his stupor, "K-kaa-chan?", he said, tears streaming down his face as he rushed to the most important person in his life, still unable to believe that she was dying.

"Sochi, come here", she weakly called out as she hugged Naruto tightly. "I know you must be scared, but must promise me that you will stay strong, my little boy..."

"K-ka-chan, what are you saying, you will be alright, right? Please, don't go." The young Uzumaki was now full on sobbing.... His mind still too immature to understand the true meaning of loss.

"I-its alright, son. I have defended my homeland to my death, my only regret is that I won't be able to see you grow and have the opportunity to nurture you, my little maelstrom."

Naruto was unable to form words as he kept hugging his mother, basking in the last of her warmth, which was slowly fading away.

"Now listen, you must escape from here, the exits are completely blocked, so you must pick a boat from the western coast and escape to the Land of Fire."

"but, but I cannot leave my home, our village will survive, right?"

"Our village is strong, but against the might of three great villages, we are overwhelmed, now promise me this, that you will live a long life befitting of an Uzumaki, and after you die, you can tell me of all the adventures you had."

"I-i promise ka-chan, i-i love you mom."

She smiled hearing those words from his mouth as she weakly spluttered, "I love you too, my beautiful child.", she said as she closed her eyes, only to never open them again...

To Naruto, those were the sweetest words he had ever heard, but seeing her close her eyes, he finally snapped.

He was definitely not going to let his beloved mother rot here, he thought as he quickly pulled out a sealing scroll which he had created himself. The scroll can preserve anything for an indefinite amount of time, it was this scroll that got him recognition and praise from even the Uzukage.

He quickly sealed her body and set his emotions aside for the moment as a determined look made its way to Naruto's face. His clan will not die out today, he will save all the people he could, after all, he was regarded as the most blessed Uzumaki child in the ninja arts.

He had mastered fuinjutsu to the point of being able to create his own seals by the age of nine. His taijutsu was monstrous, with even fresh academy genin being reluctant to spar with him in taijutsu. In the ninjutsu section, he only knew the basic academy replacement jutsu, but had mastered it to the point of being able to perform it without seals or smoke. His kenjutsu was regarded as one of the best in the generation, although with his short body he couldn't do much.

But nothing mattered for now, nothing except saving all the Uzumaki he could.


He ran outside, tears still fresh on his face as he started making his way to the western coast, and searching for any survivors on the way.

Half an hour went by, but the redhead found nothing. It was as if the place had been suddenly deserted by everyone but him. The noises of the battle field had gradually reduced to an eerie silence, with only an occasional scream or blast sounding through the entire island.

After half an hour of frustrating searches, he finally found what he was looking for, having no idea the experience would scar him for life.

There she was, standing in a pitiful stance, a mother with her infant child in her arms surrounded by a group of Kumo ninja.

"Please, I beg you, let my daughter live, she is just a mere baby, kill me, but let her live."

The leader of the Kumo shinobi almost felt bad for the mother as he had a family of his own, but alas, orders were orders, and they had to kill every last Uzumaki in the damned village.

"I apologize, but there is no choice, you people are too dangerous to be kept alive." He sighed as he prepared to give them a quick death, preparing a lightning jutsu and rushing towards the mother.

Naruto knew this was do or die. He had always dreamt of being a shinobi and protecting his family. No matter what, he would either save them or die trying...

He quickly jumped to intercept the attack, standing just in its trajectory, seemingly just waiting to be killed, but in reality, he was just waiting for the perfect opportunity. 2 seconds...

The Jonin was flabbergasted but did not stop, 

' Well, at least another one will be dealt with' were his thoughts as he continued speeding towards the young redhead. 1 second..

Naruto was not unnerved, he remained calm and waited for the attack to come. When the Jonin was on him, he quickly flared his chakra. now!

The Jonin smoothly pierced the chest of his opponent as blood splattered on his face. He momentarily closed his eyes, praying for the brave young boy who had just foolishly but courageously given up his life.

His thoughts were not the same when he opened his eyes...

His expression turned into that of horror when he saw that he had instead killed his own comrade...

'How!? What in the world?'.

He then realized that the brat had pulled a fast one on him. substitution!.

But unfortunately, he realized the fact a second too late and it was that second that cost him his life. He swiftly turned around, looking for the boy and was instead met with the sight of that boy slashing a katana towards his neck.

He knew no more...

To the other 3 remaining ninjas, it all just happened in a moments notice, one second, they were getting rid of the Uzumaki scum, and suddenly another one of those pests come in front of them, and immediately kills 2 of them, both Jonin nonetheless!

On the other hand, within Naruto's perspective, time seemed to freeze as he realized that he has just taken a life. He gradually started shaking as he watched the decapacitated head of the jonin he had just killed. He then turned his gaze to the mother, who was crying silent tears while gently rocking her baby.

Naruto, now overwhelmed with guilt, couldn't bring himself to move.

Then he suddenly found himself impaled through his stomach by a longsword.

He was caught in a silent scream as blood started gushing out of his guts as he shakingly looked up to see a Kumo Chunin, grinning as he twisted the sword in his body.

This seemed to shake Naruto out of his stupor, as he screamed the most sick and blood-curling scream of the night.

"You like it brat? You Uzumaki scum deserve it after all. No matter, today's the day you all are gonna die" he chuckled as he pulled out his sword, causing Naruto to fall over.

Naruto realized that if he didn't act soon, the mother and her daughter would be killed, somehow he managed to find his voice despite all the pain.

"N-noo, please no, don't kill them, take me, but spare them" he called out in a pathetic attempt to save them.

"haaaa-hahah, look at this boys, this BASTARD has the guts to attack us and now he is begging us to spare them" He said as the others were laughing, laughing at his misery, laughing at the massacre of his family.

Another one stood out as he said, "Well, no thank you. You want to save them huh, too bad for you, weak and pathetic bugs like you should just stay still till we exterminate you." he proclaimed as he suddenly appeared behind the mother and snatched the baby from her arms.

"NO!! I beg you, let my child and the boy live, please, I will do anything, please, I beg of you!"

"Well, you can do something, that is, SHUT THE FUCK UP", he said as he stabbed a kunai in the baby's heart.

The mother burst into tears seeing this, too absorbed in her self agony to hear the sound of whizzing kunai approaching her as her heart was pierced and she knew no more...

"Well boys, that's two more for me, but where are Ikaru and his squad, I swear I haven't seen any shinobi, neither from our alliance nor of these Uzumakis, heh, probably must have wiped them all out and must be celebrating right now heh?" He joked as he laughed out loud with his team.

But they couldn't have been further wrong as the 3 kumo shinobi and Naruto were the last living beings on the entire island...


Meanwhile, Naruto stared helplessly watching the enemy ninja take the baby from her mother. But when he saw a baby, A GODDAMNED BABY, get killed by the ninja, who then had the gall to LAUGH AT THAT, something snapped inside of him, something that felt ancient but so powerful as he felt the power rivaling that of the Uzukage, a power that was feeding on the pure HATRED and MALICE radiating from the child. He welcomed the power, forcefully extracting more and more of it from his hatred. 'MORE' he thought 'I WANT MORE', and more he got as the power he felt within him increased tenfold and started concentrating in his eyes.

The 3 kumo chunin suddenly felt a massive influx of chakra turned towards the power they felt radiating from behind them.

'What power' they thought, none of them were sensor-nin but they could clearly the immense power that just screamed DANGEROUS.

They turned to the boy, wide-eyed and stunned that a mere boy was the source of this deathly aura.

They then witnessed the most strange sight they had even seen, as the boy's golden eyes seemingly retreated into the pupil as his sclera turned a pale purple colour, with concentric rings surrounding the pupil.

"W-what is that?" one of them asked in fear.

"It doesn't matter, these fucking Uzumakis are all like that, kill that bastard. Its why the baby was killed, they are too fucking shitty to be kept around", the other said.

Naruto's anger and rage reached new heights on hearing the baby being mentioned as he let out another blood curling scream.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, I-i-I'll KILL ALL OF YOU" he screamed as he raised his arms in the air and a massive chakra outburst was released, producing a burst of gravity so great, that he found himself losing consciousness, but quickly stilled himself, 'NO! I must end them first'....

He then looked around...

He found himself in the middle of a 10 meter long crater with the bodies of the 3 ninjas splattered like mosquitoes with their blood pooling in the center at his feet.

It all proved too much for young Naruto has he fell to his knees and threw up.


1 day later...

Naruto was currently on a boat to the Land of Fire. He just woke up after going to sleep on the boat when he recalled all that had happened...

Uzushiogakure no sato was no more...

The Uzumaki clan was no more...

In the combined effort of Kumo, Iwa and Kiri, Uzu was invaded and destroyed, every buidling set ablaze, every Uzumaki killed to the last infant, well all except one.

The Uzukage was in a 3 on one deathmatch with Nidaime Tsuchikage, Nidaime Raikge and Nidaime Mizukage. Despite all odds, he managed to drag all three of them to their graves with him, how, Naruto could not tell from the corpses of the Kages which he of course had sealed with him.

But the feeling of emptiness was now gone within Naruto, now filled with an ambition and goal.

He was going to exterminate all THREE GREAT HIDDEN VILLAGES to their last shinobi and to their last infant, just like his mother and the baby were killed.

He will get his justice.

But for now, he will need power...

'The Rinnegan, the legendary dojutsu of the Sage of Six Paths' he thought gazing at his reflection in the water as he activated and deactivated his dojutsu.

'It will be useful, but not enough... I need more power. But there is still some hope... Last I heard, an Uzumaki was sent to Konoha for being a Biju vessel. Mother wanted me to go to the Land of Fire, perhaps I she knew I had some family left' he thought.

"It is decided, I am heading to Konoha, I will join the village and protect my family, who knows how she's being treated there, I will make sure she is happy and safe."

It was decided and set in stone, he will be heading to Konoha, he will protect his family, get stronger, and then...


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