' Broken Image ' (boyXboy)

By Fangkun6

778 31 5

(This is targeted for people 16+) "Same with hurting you. Or marking you.." He slid his arm gently down to hi... More

Prologue: - Whitedail -
- evil v.s good -
- brutal acquaintance-
- crazy urge -
- close addiction -
- cold and alone -
- a sip of caffeine -
- over the phone -
- losing focus -
- return the favor -
- wanting more -
- addictive poison -
- the hero is selfish -
- very unpredictable -
- instant regret -
- get out -
- flames that destroy -
- a burning memory -
⚠️ - fighting for no end - ⚠️
- breaking with every breath -
⚠️ - holding evil back - ⚠️
- love intensifies -
- taking the burden -
⚠️ - forget hope - ⚠️
- outrunning problems -
- letting rage control -
- deep rooted killer -
- love hits like a truck -
- the hero & the villain -
⚠️ Epilogue - Away - ⚠️

- who is the villain -

11 1 0
By Fangkun6

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
Oxzy was gone. Pierce had to stop himself from running after him, he watched him run away. The sound of his bare feet hitting the ground in a frenzy rush made the villain's blood boil.

He hated it.

He didn't know why. He just wanted Oxzy to stay with him, to never leave him. The hero had nothing left, so why not just stay with him?

Pierce wanted to blast fire everywhere. He wanted to destroy his own home in a fury. He had to distract his mind, to distract himself from the rising rage in his blood. He seethed, dropping on his bed that was now cold. He flopped around, searching for the warmth that was once there.

His hand landed on something, flipping his body around as he pulled it from the sheets. To his surprise, it was his phone. "Huh," he huffed out, turning it on. "So it did charge.."

He hadn't been focused on his device since Oxzy was here, he was fully focused on the man that he forgot about his phone. It was fully charged, the villain looked at the messages. He got a few from Mercy which he ignored, one thing caught him off guard.

A video was sent to him by his younger brother. It stood out to him since he had told Felix not to message him if he wanted his number. The little brother obliged, that is until now. A video was put on the screen as Pierce pressed play.

It started as a rustling sound, then Felix's voice started to speak.

"Watch and enjoy Pierce."

His voice was clattered between a bunch of laughter and snickers. Suddenly, the sound of Oxzy's distress came to Pierces ears. The villain felt his body freeze, he watched on the small screen as the hero was put into view. A group of men surrounded him, pulling and ripping his clothes off.

Pierce stood from the bed, eyes, mind completely captured on the screen.

"Yeah, like that's gonna help you." A gruff man voiced out, shooing away the hero's desperate hands.

"B-Bastard-! Aah!" Oxzy cried in pain, his hair pulled in all different directions.

Pierce wanted to look away, he didn't want to watch this. It didn't bring him any amount of joy. If anything, he felt his blood boil. His skin was hot and red, steam running through his shoulders and to the air it became apparent.

The hero was repeatedly assaulted on the camera. The laughs and mocking of the other men who would assault him in all different ways were haunting. All Pierce could focus on was the hero, the hero's face was on the screen. He was already crying, fear plastered in his eyes.

His voice was muffled, still, the cries echoed from the small device. They felt like small knives. It hurt to hear it, Pierce found his body on fire.

He put the phone down. He couldn't finish watching the video.

He was livid.

Anger was always something he felt, he was almost always angry that he couldn't control it. But this felt different. It was much stronger, unlike the other times he was angry, he had a real reason to be. A much stronger reason to be so angry made him even more rageful.

It was his own brother who did it. His own men were pathetic nobodies that did things to the hero.

Worst of what seems to be on Pierce's mind was that Felix thought he would want to see it. That he would want that.

Who does Felix think he is?

Pierce never wanted that out of his revenge on the hero. God he wanted to kill him yes, but take away his powers and humiliate him beyond belief?

The villain stopped his train of thoughts. He suddenly came to the realization of something.

He was the one that was humiliated him like that as well. Not only with words, but his own actions. Even if the hero "wanted" it.

It's still.. was his own doing.

He was a horrible person. He knew that he was a killer.

Only, the actions he took against Oxzy since he had endured that hurt more than most. It almost felt like he had lost Rosamee once again. The woman he loved and adored being gone, nothing to keep him supported.

Only Oxzy there.

The hero who is repeatedly assaulted and treated like shit by the people he helps. He lost literally everything.

-And Pierce decided to mock him. He was so much worse than he thought, he was almost as bad as Felix. As bad as what they did, but he isn't like them. They had no right to do those things to Oxzy.

Pierce had no right.

The villain yelled in rage, throwing his hand around with fire and an electric current hitting everywhere around him. Holes were carved into the walls, bricks and wood falling. Sheets were tossed around, fire spread along his skin and burned his clothes.

Fire all around him, everything that was in his sight was burnt and broken without a second thought. He wanted to make them pay, to kill them all without anything to stop him.

Most of all, he wanted Oxzy to watch. The hero couldn't kill them himself, he wasn't able to do such things. Pierce on the other hand, could. He wanted to.

He knew Oxzy wanted to as well. He will give that to him.

The revenge he is silently craving.

~Formay, police station~
The hero was led into the back office. He felt eyes follow his every move, eyeing his actions as if he had tripped. Oxzy kept his face down, following behind Milo, the sheriff opened the office door for him. Silently, he was led to a chair, the sheriff's coat wrapped around him.

The hero looked outside, it had started to rain, the dark sky swallowing everything outside. Milo had said something to him, he left the office to talk to the other officers. Oxzy didn't care, he tilted his head to the window, watching drops of rain run down the glass. He felt his body chill, the distant sounds of people working outside.

The sound died down, Milo walked back into the office, walking behind the desk before setting up in front of Oxzy. He said nothing.

It was like that for a while. Nothing was being said between the two. It was until Milo decided to speak, the sheriff stood straight while on the chair. "What happened?"

Oxzy said nothing, his eyes trained on the glass window. Milo breathed out a sigh, looking around nervously. "Oxzy.. Your home, I'm sorry about that." He let out a few breaths, his chest feeling cramped. "Where have you been staying? Do you need somewhere to stay?"

The hero couldn't hear him. He looked on, his mind was lost within himself, his eyes were unfocused as he looked onto nothing.

"Oxzy..." A warm touch landed on the hero's cold hand. He flinched away, swiped his head towards Milo. The officer winced, looking around with uncertainty. "Sorry, but I want to know what happened.."

"My home is gone. That is what happened."

The answer was short, it surprised Milo for a second to hear the hero speak. He turned to him, looking into his gray eyes for any emotions.

"I- I heard..." Milo felt guilt hit him in the chest. He wanted to come clean, to tell Oxzy all about what happened, how he followed him, how one of his men caused all of this.

But the bruises and marks on his body made it clear that he had been through enough. It was hard enough to put himself at fault when he still had feelings for the man. Seeing him all bruised and assaulted in such a way that goes far from skin, made him fearful.

So, he kept his lips sealed. Looking to his side, he picked himself up and made his way out the door. He said nothing to Oxzy, leaving the hero in the room with a coat falling off his shoulders. He turned back to the window, he let his thoughts wander.

He was just feeling lost. So confused about everything, he doesn't know what he should do next. He couldn't go back to Pierce, not after what happened. The man was a villain, a horrible being who would do much worse if given the chance. Oxzy would not give him another chance to ruin and fear him.

He couldn't go back home. He had no home, no one to wait for him. His lovable pets were gone, he didn't have anyone who actually needed him.

The only other option was to leave.

There was nothing left for him in Whitedail. The town didn't want him, didn't really need him did they?

The only reason for him to stay was where his mother was buried. She was the last thing keeping him there, keeping him to endure the abuse from the townspeople. But he was so over it, so over the horrible people that haunted his mind and burned the last of his hope.

So why stay?

Milo walked back inside his office, pulling Oxzy out of his thoughts. The hero turned, his face met with a mug from the officer's outstretched hand. Oxzy looked at it, eyes following the steam that protruded out from the top.

"It's uhm.. Coffee.. I didn't know how much cream you wanted, so I put in a normal amount..." Milo gave an awkward smile, handing the hot mug to the silent man.

Oxzy looked down at the mug in his hands, feeling the warmth soak his fingers. He looked up to Milo, the officer was back around his desk, cleaning and shuffling things around.

Silently, he sipped the drink. It was bland, he could barely taste any cream. It was just the caffeine that filled his senses. He doesn't usually drink coffee, or any type of caffeine. He gets his energy up by sleeping it off, so drinking coffee had no type of difference for his rising fatigue.

Milo seemed to finish, turning back to face Oxzy. He laughed lightly, "not the best huh?" He shook his head, sitting across from Oxzy once again with an awkward smile. "The coffee in the station doesn't taste the best. You just gotta put a lot of sugar in it to actually taste anything pleasant."

"It doesn't help." The short response from Oxzy made Milo jump.

"Yeah.. Sorry..." Milo gave a small reply. He turned his head to the side, thinking about what he should say next. He could only look back Oxzy's way, the man had the coat off his shoulders, leaving a few bites on his neck to be shown.

Milo gulped, his body completely stiffened at the marks. It was big, almost swallowing the hero's bright skin. The officer's fingers itched, he just wanted to see more of the hero's body. Obviously, that wasn't the only mark of the man, more would shower his body due to the look in his eyes.

He was broken.

The hero felt the look, Milo was staring at a large mark on his neck. He felt the mark sting in the open air. He covered it, wincing slightly when it was touched. It was bigger than he thought, covering his neck with deep red marks.

It hurt, felt fairly new. It must have been Pierce's, Oxzy didn't even realize when he did it. It was sore, but he felt it healing. He felt his whole body healing, it was just being slow. If he stays in the office for a little while longer, his body will fully recover.

What does he do after that?

The office door was suddenly pushed open. Milo stood up abruptly, dusting his body off and he faced an incoming officer. It was Jamisen, the second in command, who looked at Oxzy, turning back to Milo with a grim expression. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No, no..." Milo looked back to Oxzy, watching as he turned back to the window without a word. "What happened?"

Jamisen sighed before speaking with crossed arms. "Well, we have a few calls coming from people in the grubs. They are speaking about a killer. Well, a few killers."

Milo stepped forward, "you mean the ones that killed Randy and the other men?"

"Yes, the ones on are cases." Jamisen, looked back to Oxzy, stealing a few glances at his red neck. "But they are just anonymous reports Milo. We don't know for sure."

"Well it's the closest we got," Milo turned to grab a spare coat on his seat. "Let's go and see if we can find who made the reports."

Before he could exit the room, Jamisen grabbed his shoulder. "What about Oxzy?" He whispered, eyeing the curly haired male.

Milo turned to face Oxzy as well. Before either officer could speak, Oxzy spoke first. "I can help in the search for the killers."

The sheriff stepped forward. "No, you shouldn't have to Oxzy. Your still hurt, stay here and heal-"

"You will get nowhere without my help." Oxzy stood up, closing the large coat around his shoulders. He walked forward, standing in between Milo and Jamison. "You know that."

Jamisen gulped, nodding to Milo at what the hero had said. Milo still tried to convince Oxzy to stay, only it fell of deaf ears. Oxzy walked forward, ignoring Milo who called after him. Jamisen stopped by Milo shaking his head as he agreed with Oxzy.

"It's the best bet to catch them sir." Jamisen spoke quietly. "Let it happen."

He walked past Milo to catch up with Oxzy, he called out to the surrounding officers to get ready. He then turned to Oxzy, taking all of what was not covered, gulping before speaking, he stepped forward. "Uh, we have some spare clothes for you. You can dress up since it's cold."

Oxzy gave a tight face, running his hand down his chest before nodding. "Of course."

He followed behind Jamisen into the back doors where lockers lay. He was handed spare fitting clothes that were all black, some fitted like police uniforms. Still, it was better than what he was wearing once before.

He didn't know why he agreed. He didn't feel like helping, didn't really want to help if he was being honest. But the thought of getting the shit over with was overpowering.

When this was all over, the town really didn't need him anymore. No more danger for them, nothing else will be worth staying for. Getting rid of the killer during that as well was just the best fitting thing.

Maybe if it is done and over with, he can leave with an open mind.

He just wanted to leave already.

~The Grubs, Pierce's home~
The villain was on his way outside his home when a familiar voice called out from behind him. "Saw the video?"

Pierce turned his head, his eyes clashed with Mercy's. She stood at the bottom of the porch, watching as Pierce closed his door. He didn't have to say anything, instead he gave a long sigh. Mercy caught the hint.

"Guess so... Are you really going to confront him about it?"

"Why? Don't want your main hook up dead?" Pierce gave a sarcastic response, eyeing Mercy.

"What the fuck," Mercy shook her head in shock. "Pierce, he's your younger brother for fucks sake!"

"It won't bother me if it's quick." Pierce replied shortly. He walked his way down the steps until he was in front of Mercy. "The bitches who fucked Oxzy are the ones dying slowly."

Mercy shivered slightly at the deep voice circling her head. She turned her head, watching as Pierce walked past her, she couldn't help but scoff. "Pierce, don't fucking do this man."

"When did I ever listen to you?"

The response made her growl. He kept walking forward with his hands in his pockets, ignoring the semi-desperate calls from Mercy. He didn't focus on that, he let his rage fuel him, he was only out for revenge.

"It's not worth it you fucking bastard!" Mercy yelled out, jogging half way behind him. "You're not listening! He has his whole gang there, so much people will be ready for you, it's suicidal." Pierce continued to ignore her. Mercy began to seethe, feeling desperate, "I know you think you can take on the whole world but you can't. Too many people will overwhelm you. Please- it's not worth it!"

"It is," Pierce shook his head.

"No! I saw what they could do. They are fucking monsters! Worse than you would think, they are murderers and rapists!" Nothing was of response, Pierce's feet only quickened. Mercy had to run to catch up with him, "the drug is powerful! It will take away your powers, they will do horrible things to you just like they did to the fucking hero!"

"How would you know?" Pierce finally stopped walking, having Mercy bump into him. She looked up, watching the villain's eyes glare at her. "You were there weren't you? You watched them do it..."

"I-I didn't want to.."

"Huh, Mercy. The damn play you did, all squeamish to pain and 'gross' stuff watched as a bunch of men forced themselves on a defenseless person." Pierce found himself laughing, shaking his head.

"I didn't watch it! I couldn't have!" Mercy defended herself. Her eyes began to water, her feelings and emotions about learning everything was about to burst. She looked up at the villain's dark glaring eyes, they looked pissed.

She didn't understand it. "I don't get it." The woman shook her head, looking at the floor. "The fucking hero. You want him dead, you want to do the same thing those guys did.." Her eyes watered, tears almost ready to slip out.

Pierce was silent. Mercy wanted to look up and see what he was doing, but fear of crying in front of him held her back. Soon, a hand landed on her shoulder, it burned her covered skin with a silent sizzle. She didn't flinch, but she did look up.

Her eyes met with the villain's dark brown gaze. It was crazed, his pupils dilated as a smile made its way on his face.

"Because I am the only one allowed to do that to him."

Mercy hiccuped, lips shaking in shock. "Don't-"

"When did you start thinking you had something over me?" The villain's hand shot to the woman's neck. Squeezing tightly when the woman found herself stuck in the situation. She was on her toes, holding onto the villain's hand desperately. "Friends mean nothing anymore Mercy. Get over yourself."

His hand tightened, his vision was all red. A small figure clung to his hand, eyes red as tears fell.

Mercy looked back at the ragged man, he held onto her, burns were starting to itch its way on her exposed neck. Still, Mercy couldn't help but feel sorry for Pierce. She was never afraid of him, not even now when her life was threatened.

She wouldn't start being afraid now.

"You're still my friend.." Her voice was silent, her firm grip that held Pierce hand tightened, eyes fell with silent tears. "Get over yourself shit face.."

Pierce saw back to reality. A small sense of broken reality hit him in the head, he realized what he was doing. He didn't mean to do it, suffocating his friend like this..

But she wasn't much of a friend of his anymore.

Pierce gave a low sigh, shaking his head, and he released the woman. Mercy coughed out loud, holding onto her burned neck, tears stained her cheeks. She looked back up at the man, confusion rolling off her face as Pierce looked back at her.

"We're not really friends anymore." The villain shook his head, turning back to the road to continue walking. He didn't feel like giving more of a response to Mercy, she didn't matter to him anymore. Only one thing seemed to matter to him.

Mercy watched as Pierce walked away. She stood, mouth wide open in shock.

No.. No...

She began to weep silently, falling onto the floor in a broken mess. Her hand rubbed her arms, tears came with silent sobs. She didn't want to believe what had just happened. It couldn't have been true.

Pierce walked out on her. He gave no mind to the woman who spent years with him.

Mercy never really thought that Pierce was the big great villain that killed innocents without so much guilt. She didn't believe it since he was there for her. He was just a normal everyday person to her, he seemed that way when only around her or Rosamee.

So the thought never crossed her mind about Pierce really being a villain.

Yet this feeling. The actions he took on her shocked her. It really did feel like he was the villain. He was a horrible person, leaving the best friend he had for years like that...

Not only had she lost Rosamee.. but she lost Pierce as well.

He was lost, controlled by vengeance. He was controlled by the hero, the hero who didn't even realize he was pulling the strings.

Pierce was no longer the same man that stole with Mercy or kissed Rosamee on the cheek after dropping her home. He was different, he had changed beyond her or anyone's control.

Mercy knew where he was going. What he was doing.

-And she could do nothing to stop it.

Short chapter, but double update.
Do you forgive Mercy?

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